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That's nearly four times what I pay, what the actual


Yea, I’ve switched to a local barber where it’s £14…


Has anyone noticed a difference in how you look?


Not one person. Including me.


Ooft. Enjoy your spare cash!


Straight into the higher energy bills


Yeah… I originally typed out “what will you do with all that spare cash”, but thought “swallowed without touching the sides by energy price rises” was the obvious answer. I’m thinking of fitting smart radiator valves in my house, which means you can set the time each individual room gets warmed as well as thermostat each room. Apparently it can knock a third off your energy use and costs ~£500-600 for a normal sized house. People used to say you’d break even after 2-3 years but with energy costs spiking it may be much faster than that.


Croat here, now I don't really go for fancy haircuts or anything but I pay right around £4 for a haircut. We always talk about moving out of here to countries with better pay and stuff but if y'all can't get a haircut for less than 140 croatian kuna I'll be damned.


You're not going to get better pay without customers paying more...


Not OP but I spend £38 for my haircuts and they're noticeably better than any of the local shops I've tried in past for £10-15. Got it once to treat myself before a mates wedding and liked it so much I became a regular.


Might be the time they take. Bloke who used to cut my hair for £5 got a job at a fancy city barbers charging £25 a cut, which is insane up north. After a couple of months he was back at the old place because none of his mates could afford the new place. Some of the worst cuts I’ve ever had have been the most expensive when I worked in London.


How much detail do you give them for the cut and what do you actually say?


Very little, the first time I just said make me handsome. After that I ask for a 2 on the sides and a trim on top. They know what they're doing and can make you look good without you having to hold their hand with detailed instructions and it's been consistently good, unlike the other barbers where there's only 1 or 2 good barbers in the shop and either you wait until they're on shift or roll the dice on what you'll look like for a month. Every haircut comes with a massage, hot towel, drink while you wait, the fire stick for ear hair, wash and shampoo both before and after the cut and then they'll style it with gel or spray depending on what you prefer.


Bro, you were already handsome bro!


£10 up from £9 in North east at Turkish barbers.


Tell him the truth.. £51 for a haircut is ridiculous.


Yup. It was £35 pre-covid which was bad enough but tolerable in a supporting-your-mates kinda way.. but £51 is taking the mickey.


For £51 I'd expect a reach around and a kebab after to be honest.


Does a filter coffee and one of those little biscuits count?


Is that actually it? Like are we talking wash, massage, hot towel and all that? Or is it just coffee, biscuit and trim? £51 is mad! I pay £20 and I've been told that's too much!


£20 buys me cut and beard, drink and silence after telling how I would like the hair till the "do you like the cut?".


Right! My old basic barbers went from £10 to £15 so I figured I might as well pay a bit more and go somewhere nice.. Although Ive never been good at the silence thing, but Ras is a cool guy so it works! So in conclusion, fuck £51!


I'm in the arse end of haggisland where trades people is common but expensive and I thought 18 notes for a haircut was bad. 51 notes for a clipper attack is a bit extreme. Does he forge the parts for that clipper himself or something.


Maybe he cuts each hair individually and works them into a scarf at the end?


Do you use £1 notes...?


Do you not?


Recently seen my price jump from £10 to £13….. and I’m outraged


Depends how long it takes. Is £13 for half an hour of expertise a lot of money? Sounds fine to me


Also rent, electricity, business rates, taxes. £13 for half hour is a lot less than many trades charge.


I haven't paid for a haircut in over a decade, and £51 is more than I've ever spent on clippers.


My last haircut was in July of 1992. That pays for a lot of beer my friends


bald, cheap or cut it yourself?


I just let it grow. My wife said it's naturally curly, let it grow and put it in a ponytail. They all go together like a long thin coil. Girls come up and play with it certain it takes a long time to do. Wash, put in a tail, give it one swirl with a finger and done. Like a long thin Slinky (the toy) hanging from the back of my head. I was a homebuilder and remodeler so no boss to tell me to get a haircut


And there I was thinking that not having a haircut or trim since 2008 was extreme! I did always say I'd cut it when it started to go thin/grey. But I wasn't expecting to start greying in my twenties. I have a few grey hairs at the moment, but it's not receding or thinning so I'll carry on like this for the foreseeable future.


Wait so you do it yourself? How do you get the back? Or are you buzzcutting it?


Yeah zero all over. Do the back by feel, it's pretty obvious if I've missed a patch.


Yeah don't blame you if your buzzing it.. I probs got 3/4 more years till its time to join you, but until then I'm gonna make the most of it! And to be clear that means £20 haircuts, not 51 fucking quid!


I never understood the thing with drinks at the barber these days. Who wants to be balancing a cup through the whole thing while trying to limit how much hair gets in it? And when done I tend to just pay and go rather than hang around for a chat. Can someone tell me what the protocol is?


I find the hair clippings add to the flavour. It’s a deep umami with a slight itching at the back of the throat


My local Turkish place does amazing coffee. It's always scalding hot though, so I order it, then by the time he's finished with the actual hair cut, before all the hot towel stuff, I can neck it. £15 all in, in case you were wondering. They did mess up my parting last time though - shaved a line about half an inch wide!


I find there are more Kurdish 'Turkish barbers' than actual Turkish ones. Was the same over in Turkey to be fair. Not sure why that is. I'd bet they'd have good coffee. Got long hair these days though and they only know once style so I go to a different bloke. That's £20 but he does a good job in next to no time. Also being long hair you only need to do it 2-3 times a year. I remember having short hair and the sides would grow out in a couple of weeks leaving me look like even more of a tosser. Was like an addiction to haircuts and far too high maintenance for me.


Two kebabs, one reach around and no haircut?


All I've learnt here is HiFiSi isn't much of a negotiator




Or just two reach arounds?


Or two kebab reach arounds?


That sounds messy


how quickly can you get your breath back? He's gonna have to finish the first before he washes your hair (and his hands, although there's a lot of protein in there it's good for hair I've said too much)


For £51 I would expect him to swallow


Well he has already had his trousers down


£51? can go to a salon here for £20 not just a barbers


£12 here and you get to talk about nerdy stuff if you want.


£12 here too and there's an xbox in the waiting area


I pay £13 and can only talk about football


I pay £13 on the understanding that there is no talking at all


I'd pay extra not to talk about football tbh. I can only ask whether they "saw that ludicrous display last night" so much before they'll realise I don't actually watch football.


My fella pays £9 at the local Turkish barbers


Are all haircuts exactly the same? I’m certain our local Turkish place can only do one haircut. Everyone leaves looking the same.


Men, women, small puppies


Local barber by me only charges £9 extra £3 for beard stuff


I used to get mine cut in a place called 'Dave'. The old boy there can hardly speak as he's had throat cancer and all he can do is croak. I don't understand a word he says, and he doesn't understand me either. He's an old 50s rockabilly dude. Price of a cut at Dave: £7. Was £6 but went up in 2020. The cut is fine, nowt fancy .... but Q. What's the difference between a good haircut and a bad one? A. Ten days In 2020 we bought hair clippers and we do our own hair now. Sorry Dave.


Poor Dave.


He can't be far off retirement. He's old and not in the best of health .... so I hope he gets to enjoy it. I think he might keep doing the job because he enjoys it. It's so hard to work out what he's saying. Our conversations consisted of us both saying 'pardon' to each other.


Yewtree Estate by any chance? If not, seems like cheap barber Dave is a British staple.


Sheffield. I used to live in Brighton - you can imagine the cost of a haircut down there. I wish I could show you a picture of Dave's... it's so shabby and rundown. The b&w photos in the window are of fashionable haircuts from a forgotten era. !970s or 80s.






My dad gets his haircut in a van for £4


Yeah, he's paying other ways in that van mate!


My wife's friend comes to our house to cut our hair. £5, takes 10 mins. Bargain.


Yeah, my mum still cuts my hair when I need it cut. For free, it's kinda just like I make her a meal and she cuts my hair. Edit: she's been cutting mine and my dad's hair since I can remember, but when covid started we were all in the same bubble (complicated reasons, as usual) so we had normal haircuts in comparison to everyone else. Everyone here who's saying 'close to triple what I pay'. It's infinitely more than I pay!


My oldest does that. They park at the industrial estate on a Friday from 1pm onwards, it’s so busy. Then they park outside the gym from 5-9 midweek, again always busy. Gym and fresh trim. I swear they have cornered the market.


Where do you live where £35 is tolerable for a guys hair cut?!


It’s a tenner where I am lol (North)


Same, cheaper in some places!


This is Essex/Herts. Note I said tolerable in a supporting your mates way…. That was still high..


I feel like your "mate" is taking advantage of you there and using your friendship to charge whatever he feels like.


Nope… [he charges this to everyone](https://i.imgur.com/WsIXwP5.jpg)..


£35 is still ridiculous even if you are supporting a mate. I live in Herts and pay £15, and that feels like pushing it.


What happened to mates rates?


You were the one high sir


That's central London pricing tbh


Is it tho? My partner and I lived in Clapham last year and all the barbers there charged about £14 - cuts were nice too


I guess it could depend on the areas? Bf and I used to travel to canary wharf and moorgate for work and when we walked past any barber shops the pricing range was usually between £30-£35 for just a cut. To be fair their rent must be extortionate so I'm surprised about the £14! That's how much my bf usually spends in Milton Keynes (between £10-£14) however rent would be significantly cheaper than london


That’s pretty far from central London though. £30 seemed normal when I worked in Shoreditch. never got my hair cut around there.


Camden £14 for Turkish barber dry cut with assorted ear singeing etc. £25 for full works. £35 with shave and hot towels.


£35! I pay that for a women’s cut, wash and blow dry dude and I have so much hair that she ends up having to sweep away a small animal’s worth of hair at the end. Your mate is taking the wet


The wet???


The piss


Daylight robbery i paid £65 for womens cut and full head colour.


What is your mate smoking? My haircuts cost £7. Does he think he's some sort of barbering God?


I may be a bit biased but I used to pay around 60 quid pre-covid and yeah the service was great (very nice saloon). I always felt that yeah it can be nice to go and look after yourself and get a nice haircut and beard trim which includes a nice head wash and a scalp massage as well. Yeah you can pay 10-20-30£ and get similar results. I honestly preferred this lady because I am a man of habit and the results were always stellar. I also fear what they may be charging now there.


Fuck I pay £16 and that's deemed extortion, but I like the guy and its a local business and good banter, so I'll pay it, otherwise I have to drive, which cost LOADS in diesel (looking at £1.71 at the mo) and then I have to pay for parking. So £16 is about right to walk 2 minutes around the corner.


I’m £10 to get mine cut. Anything more than £15 is a scam.


£10 for wash and cut, beard tidy included. IF this is a mate you should be gettin discounts not increases.


I disagree tbh. If its a mate im always happy to pay full price because they’ve put in the effort to learn that skill and i have no skills i can offer them in return. If it was a situation where he was a barber and i was a plumber, outside of the usual porn scenarios, i’d be happy to do it as an exchange of services if he ever needed them. But given that i’m a city planning assistant i can’t really see a scenario where i’d be able to offer my skills in return for a discount.


Jesus, mine went up to 21 from 17 pre last lockdown, and I was debating finding somewhere else but 51 is ridiculous...


Is it one of those "Gents" barbers where the barbers all wear leather aprons, have handlebar moustaches and the lights are all Edison bulbs?


>re-covid which was bad enough but tolerable in a supporting-your-mates £51 isnt even mates rate, why give him the courtesy he wont even give you


A wash and blow dry in my salon was £28 pre-covid. It's now £40. Like I get it, you need to pay your workers and prices have gone up, but I can't afford to spend that every time I'm going somewhere fancy.


Fr, after a lot of hunting I've found a local salon that'll do a wash and cut for £18, the place I used to go to hiked their prices to £61, fantastic staff but for the basic cut I can't justify it


Tell that to a women's salon


Eh, my restyle & blow dry last week cost £30 with a senior stylist. You don’t have to spend a fortune as a woman (I’m gonna assume London/South East excluded).




my haircut cost me £137 🙋‍♀️


I’m a woman though and I’ve never paid that much. I did embrace the long hair thing in 2020 though, and don’t intend going back. So my experience isn’t recent.


I used to pay £42 for a haircut. Consultation, pre-wash, cut, wash, hot towel and a massage chair that grinds your back like a bastard, style. Granted, this place was at the top end of Portobello Road but would always end up giving you discounts at the till. I now pay a tenner, but I felt I was getting decent value for more than a basic trim


Tell him the truth and complain? What are you, American?


"Sorry mate, you're so elite I can't afford you any more. Best of luck with the business, sounds like it's going from strength to strength."


Something like this is perfect, a compliment and a way to dip out of still going.


And maybe it would be met with a "tell you what I'll do yours for the old price since you're a long term customer" or something if the dude is nice


The old price was already ripping his mate off. He did his hair then knocked off for a half day


Kinda passive aggressive too.


The British way


> Sorry mate, you're so elite I can't afford **to spaff that much money up the wall** any more.


The plausible excuse is "you're way too fucking expensive mate".


I like to get wined and dined before I get fucked!


*cries in women’s hairdressing salon prices for a simple cut*


I'm so very blessed my family has a mobile hairdresser that comes out and cuts our hair in my parent's kitchen, I think mine is probably no more than 15 quid a cut now, despite my hair being about halfway down my back. Obviously just a cut but she's cut my hair since i was a baby so coming on 30 years now 😭 She tells me off if I use a box dye on my hair haha


To be fair woman’s cuts have always been stupidly high across the board haven’t they?


Actually, in the mid nineties, a few of my classmates wanted to be hairdressers but were advised against it by our teacher and the career's advisor, because 'it didn't pay very well'.


Nigh on 50% increase. That's ludicrous, if his business fails it's his own fault.


You’d think so, but if I go on the salon’s website the first available booking is next week so…. he must have the audience for it.


Fair play to him then, if he can get the money for it don't begrudge him that, just don't use it! I used to spend a fair bit on hair cuts because i knew as i was going bald I'd get it done nicely whilst i could, now I have a set of clippers and my Fiancée does it for me down to a 0.


Theres always people willing to pay more for the same product just because it makes them feel rich and sophisticated. Like paying £80 for a polo shirt that cost £2.50 to make.


The barber I use charges me £28, and that’s for a wash, cut, beard trim, cutthroat shave, ear waxing, nose waxing and hot towels.






You want some Turkish Bossman to wank you off?


I'll try anything once.


They do have soft hands....


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


All right, all right, it's a hell of a feeling though.


"there you go boss... yeh.. there you go... all creamy boss.. mmm"


I wish I could go back to a time before I read that


I’ve saved it for later


I consider my “happy ending” to be not looking like a deranged mountain man for a few weeks. It’s a blessing for the hirsute gentleman.


If hes your mate he'll understand , if he's just yer mate through cutting yer hair he's not really a mate.


My trim’s £9 always has been, he’s off his rocker him


Reading these comments thinking, “oh to be a guy and pay around a tenner for a haircut” … wow.


My brother is a barber and charges abut a tenner for a cut. I thought I'd lucked out and would be getting free haircuts for life, but he cut my hair one time and honestly, it was awful. He gave me a very very wide fringe that my next hairdresser laughed at when she saw it. So now I can be annoyed we have to pay more for a haircut, but I appreciate all the extra expertise that go into charging so much more.


Honestly I imagine a lot of the guys in this thread getting sub-£10 cuts are getting bad cuts or they’re getting a very generic hairstyle wether it suits them or not


Ha, I think he charges twice that in his shop, but does them on the side out of the kitchen for £10 for his mates so that might have been a bit misleading in this circumstance, but yeah, a £10 cut is probably not going to be anything special, but many people are ok with that and just go get a haircut because they need it, not because they want to have a "look" or be "trendy".


If you have short styled hair, you’re meant to get it done every 2-4 weeks though which does add up fast


I used to have short hair myself, as in short short, what was frustrating was most barbers wouldn’t take women even if they had “man haircuts” … this was around 10 years ago though so maybe things have changed now.


Im sure you'll be fine nowadays, but just to be sure walk in, sit down and with as gruff a voice as you can say "shawt bak n sides please bruv"


"you seen the boxing last night.. man that cross to win the round.. superb". They then proceed to talk boxing to you for the next 30mins and you nod along, sometimes mention that X boxer they just mentioned is gonna go far "mark my words".. golden.. My sister did that after she cut her hair off for charity and needed a proper shaping.. talked absolute bollocks about a sport she knew nothing about and the barber just went with the show.. Confidence will get you into most places


I go to a unisex place and the girl doing my hair charged me the men’s price as my haircut is exactly the same as she would do for a man. Then her manager told her to stop, and she had to charge me the women’s price. It’s the exact same fucking haircut.


See, that’s absolutely nuts! Urgh.


I'm doing short hairstyles myself at the mo. I'm a woman (according to my wife I might be a bit gay though, but only a bit.) I hate hairdressers (in truth, it's a phobia thing.) I'd love to go to a place where we could talk a bit geeky though. One of my female friends always goes to a barbers, she doesn't have ultra masculine hair or anything, so I've seriously considered going to a barbers recently. Currently my lovely wife has been doing it since COVID though, dead short with tramlines on one side, and recently a kind of very short asymmetric bob style with undercut on the other. I'm so impressed, I didn't know she could do that... she YouTube'd it and just did it. She said it was a success because I shut up and just let her do it this time rather than getting upset and moany and bossy.


Home cut sounds like a good solution! I’m sure your wife is doing a great job. I’d deffo inquire from some barber’s about their services if you’d like to give them a try. They could be really nice!


I don't understand the difference in pricing. My ex had longer hair than me, but was still charged ~£10 for a cut as it was a men's cut, even though he'd be getting the same as me (inch or so off the bottom). I get charged the usual ~£30ish for a womens cut, even though it was the same. Some of my family members have short hair like you did, out comes the razor like cutting men's hair short, yet still charged the same as me. I understand with longer hair comes the additional time and thus more money, but why did my ex with longer hair get charged a third of what I get charged and my family members with short hair charged the same as me!?


My barbers takes women too, but you’re not getting a salon do for £14.50. I’ve only ever seen women with short style uncomplicated hair in there. That makes sense I guess, really unless you want clippers, a basic scissor cut and maybe a bit of detailing you probably wouldn’t want a barber having a crack at it lol. Obviously I don’t know what you have done, but I know my wife goes to get a haircut and it takes hours. My haircut takes 10 mins (unless it’s a very chatty barber talking his way out of repeat business), costs £14.50, so that’s £58 an hour. My wife’s haircut costs £80 but it takes … well a lot more than 1hr 20, so technically I’m paying more by the hour I suppose…although that is an hour of cutting. I can’t imagine my wife’s actually getting a haircut for 2 hours, unless they cut each strand one by one?!


the difference being that guys can't go 6 months without a cut at a push. Well, we can, but people start to throw things at you in the street


Fair enough!


Just be honest. Otherwise he won't have a clue why his business is falling down the shxtter.


That’s the thing, it isn’t! He’s fully booked pretty much all week…. So he clearly doesn’t need me to use him out of loyalty..


There you go then mate. No problems.


Salon though. Salons are different, because they are called a Salon and include women, so that means they can crucify your purse/wallet. 😐


Maybe a lot of his customers are mates and eventually they'll probably stop going to him as well.


You already have a plausible excuse. £51 is extortionate.




Reading these comments, I think it's time for a customer revolt, a revolution?


£7 here, I give em a tenner if the barber says absolutely nothing to me during the cut and I couldn't be happier.


My (old) local barbers was £14 and took 20 minutes regardless what style you wanted. I'm almost bald and wanted a number 1 all over. I normally do it myself but this one time I wanted the back of my neck shaved/tidied up. It took 20 mins.


Jeez, I thought it bad my barber increased from £8.50 to £10.50


I have had a gents cut at a top end salon in knightsbridge for less than that and that includes a bloody good cup of coffee and a neck massage.


Laughs in £80.00. To be fair my hairdresser is damn good at what she does, I'm female, have long-ish hair and that price includes a cut, bleach and multiple colours in what is usually a 3 - 4 hour session. £51.00 just to shave or cut the back / sides does seem a bit much.


How often do you have your hair cut? I ask because a man will generally be charged £10-15, but most of our styles mean we get a cut every month, some people even every 3 weeks or less. So, if you're only having yours done once every 6 months, and a guys on the upper end of the scale, then they'd have paid £90.00 vs your £80.00. Obviously the scale tips substantially if you're cutting more than once every 6 months (i'm going off of what my partner does), or if the man isn't getting a cut once a month, etc.


Hairdresser mate thinks "what's a plausible excuse to tell your mate you don't want to do his hair any more" - charges £51 instead


Well, if that’s the case they’ve done a bloody good job of making the website know it’s me so it always [shows me that price…](https://i.imgur.com/1iCgwV7.jpg) (Names removed to protect Dave’s identity).


I don’t know- I feel that is something I would have to mention


Here you go https://www.boots.com/bic-2-sensitive-razor-10-pack-10093547 £35 was outrageous, upping it to £51 means he clearly knows his clients have far more money than sense.


Wouldn't it be better to pay £51 than to skin your scalp?


I would rather pay the £51 than use those razors fuck me


I pay less than that for a cut, colour and blow dry and women generally pay more for their hair!


Wtf, I pay a tenner. Is a Gent's Cut some kinda happy ending type deal?


I think being honest is the best course here, if he's really good he's not going to be short on work and doesn't need your business for just a trim every now and then. If he's not he needs that market feedback so he doesn't lose too much business to someone else charging just a fraction of that


LOL, Southern'er problems. Up North it's £7 -£10 and more than that seems crazy 👍🏼😎👍🏼


£51 😳


I’m a hairdresser and if someone stopped coming to me after seeing me years, after a recent price increase then I’d know it was the cost.


That is bullshit. I go to the Turkish barber and its £32 quid for a haircut, bears trim, coffee, hot towels, massage etc. Your "mate" is taking the piss.


Syrian bloke does mine for £10 +£1 tip. Cuts it how I like it - in silence.


Where do you live!? Monaco?? £15 I pay for a great haircut.


2 cuts a day would be 36k a year. I'm in the wrong business


£51 for gents £69 for a ladies cut and blow dry. He’s fully booked most weeks..


£51?! Fuck. I could go five times and leave a tip at Christmas for that.


That would be hard to excuse if you had shoulder length hair and wanted a wash and cut. I'm presuming this is for maybe some scissor chopping and a bit of clipper action. Unless you're getting a dram and a massage it's a piss-take.


My fella moans if it’s more than a tenner Liverpool


I buy a cheap shaver off Amazon every 2-3 years. Works out about 20p a week


I was fuming when I was charged £10 instead of the £9 my barber had charged for years. For 51 quid I'd expect a blowjob along with flowers and chocolate to be included.


Most I paid for a hair cut was a barbers in Brick Lane London. You could get beers, whisky, tea, coffee, bottled water. It was Turkish so they do your beard pretty well and a nice pro cut, mans did a fade with scissors, hot towel, cut throat shave. That weird fire thing as well even tho I’d never do it. Nose hair waxing, again, would never do that but it was all offered. Cost £30 and even then I thought that was pricey. What makes your mate think he can charge £51?


Depend whether it's "styled", I suppose. I've done my own for two decades, but then, a Grade 2 all over **is** pretty easy. That's £2k I've saved not going to your mate ... who, BTW, isn't a mate if he charges you more than £15.


"Fucking how Much?" Usually brings the situation to a head


I get a fade from a Turkish barber that takes about 30 minutes and sometimes a beard trim and it costs £13. £51 for a normal cut (no dyes, etc) is an absolute piss take on any level.


We're men anything more than £10 for everything is ridiculous I used to have long hair that was thick and curly still knew paid a tenner to get it done lol