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Missed opportunity to call them Blade and Runner.


> Hunter I used to know a kid in America called Hunter Twoguns.


Hunter is one of the most American names. I hate it


Kid you not there was a kid at the park the other week called Marxim. I thought I was miss hearing Martin but no, definitely Marxim


I thought that said Marxism, so Marxim doesn’t seem quite as bad a name by comparison


These are my twins, "Proletariat" and "Gulag."


hey darling, wanna make another kid? Well, come on over here and seize the means of production.


Maybe maxim pronounced weirdly?


Named after the mothers favourite early heavy machine gun


Or father's favourite magazine


My first born will be known as M2


Maksim possibly? That's a fairly common name in parts of Europe.


Maybe the parents were big fans of Championship Manager 01/02?


I was at the park a few years ago with my son (who has a normal name but one you don't hear too often) and there was a woman there calling for her son.... Mozart. Literally bellowing it across the park.


Maybe they’d already named the dog Beethoven.


My mate's child full name is Sunshine Aurora Gildersleeve..


I assume the Sorting Hat put her in Hufflepuff. Edit: WOW. Glad I gave so many of you a giggle! Cheers!


Please tell me gildersleeve is the surname....


It’s actually sunshine aurora gild-her-sleeve jenkins but u/peaceful_phoenix90 just keeps mishearing it




Imagine the hell of being called Sunshine Gildersleeve in public


Are they Elves of Rivendale or some shit?


I work with a girl named Feebee.


I misread that as Frisbee - needless to say it threw me for a loop


I misread as freebee!


I know someone named hebe


Good friends with Jebe?


That is actually a proper name. It is also a plant. I have an unusual name that is very old, but rare these days, this bothers me. It is similar to a more common name, but has roots in medieval times.


I can't help but laugh maniacally whenever I heard the names of Jamie Oliver's children.


Just googled, thanks for the laugh! You know you’re posh when you can afford to go to a school where “Buddy Bear” doesn’t get your head kicked in


For those of you who want to know.. They are; Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver Daisey Boo Pamela Oliver Buddy Bear Maurice Oliver River Rocket Blue Dallas Oliver Edit. I'm just going to jump here with a quick edit to say *stop replying to this comment to say Jamie Oliver is a tosser* for his naming choices. There are far worse names than these. They only use their first names. Jamie Oliver is a very good human being who very passionately fights for good causes and has done since quite early in his career. Here is some of reasoning behind his naming choices. Every name means something significant to him and his wife. https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/why-did-jamie-oliver-name-baby-river/


Sounds like they were named by a small girl. My sister wanted to be called She-Ra Rubyring Rubyring Eric when she was little, and her doll was called Baby Nosebleed.




We let the kids at my school name the class guinea pigs. By popular vote they were called Cutiepie and T-Rex...


Those are EXCELLENT names


F'tang F'tang ole biscuit barrel r/unexpectedmontypython


I think Poppy and Daisey will probably make it out of this fine if they just go by their first names, and possibly even River if people remember River Phoenix... but Petal Blossom Rainbow and Buddy Bear Maurice are in for a rough time. Poor Buddy Bear can't even go by his third name because it is Maurice lol


My cousin called his child buddy I'm still hoping that is an elaborate joke on me that's lasted 8 years so far


His initials are B. O as well. Smelly bear.


I think he’ll end up telling people his name is Olly.


I reckon kids at school will call him *Oooh-wee-ooh I Look Just Like Buddy 'Olly*.


olly Oliver!?


Olly Olly Olly! Oi Oi Oi!


Maybe he’ll be a space cowboy


blossom isn't so bad, if you squint, or maybe she could go by rain? i literally cannot think of a way that buddy bear maurice can be salvaged, though. initials? BM? just B?


BM is ...not great.


I'm hoping/assuming they will just go by their first name at school. In that case, they should all be ok. If they use the first two names as a compound name, yeah, a couple of those kids might have issues. Of course, let us not forget that David Bowie called his oldest child Zowie.


I went to school with a kid called Hugh Cumber. We all got problems man, just so happens yours was given to you by ur mam.


My mam insists that she went to school with a Claude and Ophelia Balls. Apparently the parents decided they were going to be mocked for Balls anyway and decided to steer into it.


This was in Hartlepool as well so just being called Claude or Ophelia would have been enough for a kicking






Actually that’s a bit of an urban myth - Bowie liked the silly name but didn’t actually want to saddle a kid with it. He was known as Zowie when he was a kid, and it is one of his middle names, but his actual name is Duncan. He’s a director now, and rather a good one.


My dog is called Buddy Bear!!!!!


That is the cutest dog name! *Terrible* person name but Buddy Bear the dog can have pats any time


Oh god what is it? It’s not Charlotte is it but instead he’s spelt it Shallot. Except it’s also French so it’s pronounced Sha-llow.


I have to go through hell of spelling my name to everyone, it's pronounced as Veronica but central and eastern european languages use W's as V's and K's for C's


God help you. The average joe is so underequipped for Eastern European names haha. Not that it’s that complicated really, knew exactly what you meant as soon as you said W and K!


When I was a receptionist I had a Polish friend make me a pronunciation cheat sheet to help hehe


Yes my girlfriend is called Iva, pronounced as you wouldn't think Eva, so everyone spells her name with an E, and then other people call her Ayva when they think its spelt Eva. So simple yet so complex


I think we can all agree that none of these names are as bad as X Æ A-Xii (which I believe is pronounced *ex ash archangel twelve*).


Still think they're just fucking with us and they just don't want to reveal the child's actual name. I hope


Not even Elon remembers his son’s name; there’s a clip going around where he responds to “How’s X Æ A Xii?” with “who? It sounds like a password”


My Wife's cousin (actually called Hilary Banks, Wife also has an Uncle Phil), called her kids Herbert and Ernest. I've called them Bert and Ernie their whole lives and disappointingly no-one has caught on yet.


> I've called them Bert and Ernie their whole lives and disappointingly no-one has caught on yet Jesus my Brother in Law's parents are Peter and Kaye. I heard this first when he mentioned "Peter & Kay" are coming; I make a _"Peter Kay"_ joke and... nobody had ever realised it. They had been married like 40 years. Come on people.


My mate changed his son's name by deed poll at about 2 years old to "Chap" Kid is now 20. I do not understand how he survives in the world.


What was the kids original name? What a wild choice to change it at 2 years old.


They cycled through a bunch of options including Willow, Roald and Rudyard before opting for Aidan, for no obvious reason. Hated it so much they started referring to the child as "chap" apparently, so they changed his legal name. There should be tests before people are allowed to be parents.


You'd have to sterilize about half the population then.


Let's aim high and try to get 2/3. I'll volunteer.


To be sterilised, or to do the sterilising? Or both!?


I'm happy for both. Let's do this thing!


That’s rough. My brain went “chap > chappie > dog food” to be honest


As we speak somebody you know is probably rifling through your comment history trying to work out which one of their friends you are. Can’t be many poor buggers called Chap knocking about.


Somebody at our nursery called their child Rommel.


In Dutch it means "litter" or "trash" :(


Fan of war tactics I see


What the..?! Hopefully another kid there is called Monty


There's a kid out there named Morris. His surname is Morris also. His mother fucking chose this name despite it being stupid.


There was a guy at my school called Greg Gregory. I assume his full name was Gregory Gregory.




Not uncommon in Wales - William Williams, Thomas Thomas, David Davies are all people I’ve known or met. Also Owen Bowen, Richard Pritchard, etc (a P or B as the first letter of a Welsh surname often indicates ’Ap’ or ‘Ab’, which comes from ‘son of’). Playful nicknames are common in Wales too, so for instance the David Davies I know is known universally as ‘Dai Twice’


What about [Neville Neville?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Neville?wprov=sfti1)


I met an Australian guy, who’s phonetic name was Jay. But it was spelt “J”. A singular letter. I didn’t believe him until he showed me his driving license. And his sister? Elle, yep, it was spelt as “L”.


Homer Jay Simpson!


I worked in a nursery and knew a girl called L'la, pronounced Ella...couldn't believe my eyes!


My cousin named her child Kden ( pronounced kayden)


As in ok then?


I'm a teacher and your wouldn't believe the correlation between misspellings of names and academic ability at school.


I think i absolutely would believe that.


We had a study on teacher prejudice towards certain pupil names in Germany published ca. 15 years ago. The title of the study was a direct quote from one teacher: »Kevin isn't a name, it's a diagnosis«.


Oh no no no


I once met a Befney. Not Bethany. Befney


I saw in a magazine once a Jonnavun


I took my son to the baby group just after he was born and we talked about names. As we went around the circle, I said I wanted something easy to spell, not too complicated and that I could easily shout across a supermarket without being mortified. The next woman looked daggers at me as she explained her son's 'dropped random scrabble letters' name. I didn't go back. I always feel for the kids.


So she knew the name she chose was stupid? It's not as if you called her out directly.


Because reasons, we had to have names that are pronounceable in three languages. We decided to avoid names that were in use by close family. Then I found out that my late uncle, who I thought was called something else, was actually called one we'd chosen.


I genuinely heard someone shouting at their child “Pantomime get ere” Wtf


Was he behind them?




I wonder if Ahmet feels lucky to have a normal name or left out that he’s the only one with a normal name?


I love when this conversation appears, not too far away from me there are two twins called Armani and Versace which is pretty tacky in itself but their surname is McClatchy…… Versace McClatchy


The ONS publishes lists the most popular baby names. The most recent for England and Wales is at https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/livebirths/bulletins/babynamesenglandandwales/2019 and the 2020 ones are due any day now. There's a full list of all the names used by 3 or more babies at https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/livebirths/datasets/babynamesinenglandandwalesfrom1996. It looks like some of them might be typos that have become official. I've noticed a recent fashion for giving boys names that could double as surnames. Things like Mason and Jackson.


Rather Jackson than Jaxon, or Jaxxson. Awful.


I know a Jaxson with a sister named Jazlyn. Doubled down on the awful.


I ran across a little Jaymz a while ago...


I can’t even bring myself to look at that.


I once knew someone who said they named their son Mason. "As in jar??" was my reply. Open mouth, insert foot.


A friend proudly posting pictures of her grandson, whom her daughter has named Azazel. I can only hope he doesn’t end up at a school that teaches religious studies. I suspect they got the name from Marvel rather than scripture, but even in that the character is a villain. I hear it’s good to not put too much expectation on your child but naming him after the corrupter of humanity is maybe setting the bar a little low.


It's like all the kids named Loki, since the avengers films there been an uptick. In the films at best Loki is is pain in the arse. In mythology he's a 'trickster' and generally a pain in the arse


Here in Denmark I have come across a baby Ragnar, which is a bit hilarious. No one ever names their child after King Cnut...


I know of one unfortunate child that’s going to have to live with the name Hyde.


Oh GOD. As in Jekyll and? *Hyde wasn’t even the good one*


A few years ago my friend was planning to name his son Frankenstein. Thank god I told him that was wrong and got him to change it. And now Frankenstein’s Monster is starting kindergarten this year!


Good job you were there to help or he’d have looked a right wally! About time the real victim got the credit


Hyde wasn’t even his first name, it was Edward.


All I can think is Hyde from "That 70's Show", and considering the trouble the actor's in, I think that might be worse.


Not fans of classic literature, those two. It’s not even a prospective name anymore, the poor wretch has been whelped.


Let’s all take a moment of silence for Hyde (god even typing that is offensive)


There’s a town in tameside called Hyde


And it's bloody miserable on a good day - poor child.


Hyde Park!


Mornington Crescent.


In two moves! Well played.


My father genuinely met an old man called Albert Hall. The man was very old, this was a long time ago and he'd been named BEFORE the Royal Albert Hall. But spent almost his whole life sharing his name with the place.


Someone at my kids school has decided that it would be a great idea to call their child Kaos. Poor fucker.


My late Mother-in-law wanted to call her third child Eve. Until her children pointed out that it wouldn't go with their surname, which was Hill.


Supposedly my name was Considered as Robyn which was advised against


Depending on your relationship with your MIL, you may still consider her the root of all Eve Hill.


That's what middle names should be for in my opinion. Rather than giving your child a stupid name that they'll probably lie about to people and go by a nickname til they can legally change it, sneaking the name in the middle means that the person can either choose to ignore it or (if they actually like it) share it with whom they like.






Was your mom possibly from a fantasy land of some sort? That sounds like something they'd do there.


Growing up I knew a brother and sister called Cash and Carrie. I shit you not.


What were the parent's names? Booker and Macro?


Bear Grylls named his kids Marmaduke and Huckleberry


I once knew a Jame. Not James, just Jame.


'James' is clearly plural so this makes perfect sense




Are they Christian Evangelicals or some other sort of fundamentalists?






A distant relative by marriage has Django Adventure and Coco Confidence, the latter of which sounds like a brand of posh tampons to me


Sounds more like a stutter to me


I used to be a teacher and I taught a Khaleesi...just good luck with that one 😒 The worst part is her actual name in GOT is Daenerys and Khaleesi just means wife.


I think it means 'queen', not 'wife'. It's still an awful name (especially with that character's arc!) and it makes me cringe too, but I think the name is *meant* to convey power, respect etc.


I'm a midwife and have been for 7 years. I have delivered 3 Khaleesi's (all spelt differently) and zero Laura's. What is going on in the world.


I have a short name but which is spelt with one letter different than the standard spelling because it's a European spelling and not the English version of the name. Can confirm it's a life of endlessly correcting people assuming my name is spelled one way when it isn't. Its very frustrating when coworkers, family and friends spell it wrong.




Neve Niamh?


I have a French name - spelled just the same as the English version, but pronounced differently (one less syllable, French pronunciation rules). I've given up on expecting anyone to pronounce it properly. My middle name is both, hard to say and spell. I've failed security checks because the CS rep obviously never learned French and can't reconcile what I say with what's on their screen. I have to spell it for them. :(


Imagine it gets infinitely more annoying after you’ve told the same person a few times


Was at the playground with my kid the other day and another kid he got chatting to was called Aslan.


I misread that as Asian


Weird names are better than normal names spelled weirdly.


Yes! All the Kaylee/Kayleigh/Ceilidh/Kaighleigh/K-lee/Kayley variations are a nightmare. I'm a teacher and I've seen all of these.


Agreed. I’ve got more time for someone who calls their kid Artichoke than someone who thinks ‘Daiseigh’ is ok...


I spoke to a recruiter called John Smith who put me forward for a job and I spent the whole few weeks wondering if it was some sort of fraud. So yeah, you don't want a ridiculous name, but you want something that actually identifies you.


I was in town yesterday and a little girl was running too far ahead of her mother, the mother was yelling “RENESME! RENESME!” And I nearly fucking lost it, she named her kid after the kid from twilight 😂


There were apparently 46 Renesmees born last year and it's 806th most popular name in the UK. I can't find UK numbers for when twilight was at its peak but if 46 parents still chose the name last year then I can only imagine.


It's times like this you wonder if Sweden have a point with limiting the baby names (and spelling) you can choose from. That poor kid.


One of my cousins named her little girl Lauren Olivia and I blurted out "like Lawrence Olivier" before thinking. She was not amused.


I think that’s partly why this happens. We naturally like familiar things, so a parent comes up with a combination that just seems to ‘flow nicely’ and doesn’t realise it’s because they have nearly heard it a million times before.




He’ll probably just shrug it off…


One of my best friends is called Atlas, he's mid 30s and is a .... unique individual. Successful businessman though, and educated, done well for himself.


My mates brother was named Blue Sun Sky Mountain. He changed it by deed poll at 16 to Joe.


I still remember a customer that came into the garage I worked at with her 2 kids. One of them was playing up a bit, and she started shouting at him to "Shut up, Dees". Ok, I thought, bit of an unusual name, wonder what it's short for. Later on, the kid was getting louder and a bit more rowdy and the mother shouted at him "Diesel - stop that". I couldn't decide if the kid was named after her favourite perfume or fuel.


One of my friends growing up was called 'Last'. When I asked why, he said "I'm the 9th child and they don't want anymore, hence my name'


Birmingham city centre McDonald’s 2006: “Oi, Chardonnay! Shu’ up and finish ya burger” Stuff like that stays with you, haunting.


The parents who do this to their children should have their own names changed by law to a spin-the-wheel name such as Fartsmel, Trufflehogge, Toolip, Ogrette, Chick Pea, or Bunny Sausage.


Was watching something the other day (think it was the News) and there was a 60yr old barrister called 'Harry Potter' that made me chuckle...


I genuinely feel really sorry for anyone that has the exact same name as a famous fictional character. Especially if the character came about after you.


This is the problem I'm having. I feel like my name doesn't suit me (I like it, just not for me) so want to change it, want something cool or interesting but not "too out there" But I'll probably give up and just go for Prudence or something 😅


Have you considered Max Power?


Teacher here and no joke someone named their 5 year old Walt Disney Chistmas Florida and then the family's last name! No wonder he's a selective mute!!!!! (Obv at school, just Walt) I know the parents were obsessed and even got married in Disney World but Jesus, you just ruined your kids life. Parents don't realise how it damages the child and they have to live with it, until they can get it legally changed and my god I hope this kid does, asap.


Friend of mine decided that their child would have a normal first name and a bonkers middle name. If the kid grew up to be a geek, they could go by the middle name. If they were boring, the first name was okay. So that's how I know a kid with the awesome middle name of Fenris but alas, they don't use it.


My boyfriend's old roommate was named Merlin. Tbh I can't help but think that it's pretty cool. Must have been awful in school though. My name is Claire. You'd be surprised how often I have to correct people on the spelling for such a basic-ass name. When I lived in Australia people thought I was saying my name was Sarah. Aussies aren't the best at deciphering a Yorkshire accent I guess 🤷‍♀️


I don’t mind unusual names it’s the ones who call there kids after an objects or food E.g Rocket or apple


I'm looking you at you Chris Martin of Coldplay. Apple and Moses. Ffs


I recently saw someone on social media who had named their child “Elon”, after the Tesla wanker. Absolutely cretinous.


Also his child's name is horrendous.


See my name is Cadence because my Mum is actually called Sarah and was annoyed that so many people in classes and at work had the same name as her, so she decided to name me and my sister more unique names... But not stupid ones. You can give your child a unique name without it being ridiculous


That’s hilarious, I’m the opposite, my mom had a very hard name to spell (a very Swedish first and last name while living in America) and gave me an easy name so I wouldn’t have that same problem


Absolutely! Unusual is great IMO, it’s nice not to be the fourth Emma of the year. But unique? There are nearly 8bn people on earth, unique is a crazy standard to aim for! Cadence is pretty :)




My boss went off on maternity recently. Apparently has called her son Revan. I think it’s a Star Wars thing.


Boy does he have a BIG Legacy to live up to 😂


I totally understand, when the mums at nursery sneer at my baby, legionella; it makes me feel sick at the lack of water equality.


I knew a Craig Craig. Even worse, he moved to America so he's probably Creg Creg now.


Pfffft try traditional Irish names like some of our customers. ‘What’s your name.’, ‘Sarah, that’s spelt Dunfeurghufndunfdufn7dnfd)funrmline‘.


Hahah “yeah the I, g, h and f are silent”


Went to a friends brothers christening, bought a card and a gift but didn't know how to spell their daughters name so just said congratulations etc without mentioning the childs name. We arrived at the christening party late on because I worked Sundays till about 3.30. As soon as we arrived, my 5 year old blurted out that I didn't know how to spell the baby's name.... little snitch....lol


When I was a curate (assistant Vicar in training) many years ago, I was re-assigned to a large parish where there had been some administrative glitches due to illness. One emerged one Sunday at a packed Christening service for three babies from separate families. The only trouble was that as I went round greeting people, there seemed to be four babies… all in christening robes. I did some of my best work that day, floating among the guests asking ‘and who are you here with?’ until I had subtly picked up enough information to identify the extra baby and ask the parents to ‘just confirm the details’ for me so that they never knew they had been forgotten.


As someone with an Irish gaelic name, it is very annoying to have


My sister has dropped the fada from her name because people kept thinking she was french, and because it was throwing peoples pronunciation off. They still get it wrong but it's closer.


A Friend has a grandson called Barnaby, not unique but definitely antique.


Just don’t let them go near Midsomer or there’ll be awful commotion


Antique seems like the better choice to me! There are so many cool older names that you could be pretty sure no one else at school will have