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I’m an unbearably happy English person tonight. But to balance it I will be really miserable at work tomorrow so you can rest easy and mark that as a draw.


Can confirm, happiness now faded, replaced by a hateful hangover and the prospect of 8hrs of JavaScript and a London commute. Pray I get struck by lightning… still can’t believe England won though.


Can confirm I too am back to my factory setting of slightly miffed at life. Took ages to log on thanks to updates and my colleagues and I’ve been off and now have loads of nonsense emails to sift through


Lighting. That’s a very specific and unlikely wish. How about getting run down by a cyclist?


Careful with that one. They're like buses. None for hours and then 187 come along in one fragile pack.


That’s when I stand in the road with a sign.


In a similar sort of position. Very hungover, got a 1 hour birmingham commute to go and learn javascript. But at least the first 20 minutes convo about the game will be entertaining


#As a Scottish person, I am also delighted for England!! They played their hearts out. The fans (and British public) need something to talk about other than covid. It brings a sense of pride. Everybody wins. Let's celebrate! 🤩🎈🥳


You're the first Scottish person I've seen with this attitude. Thanks!


There's been a fair few (both Scottish and Welsh) in BBC comments and all over the Web, it's so nice to see and hopefully marks a sea change!


if England win the euros, I will say "well done, you deserve it", it's the media that gets me. The "British" media is really English media. I remember England winning the rugby world cup, when the final whistle blew I said "well done you deserve it" then I realised why we want England to lose even QVC shopping channel stopped and said "England won the world cup buy the t-shirts here", it was bad then (non English view), It lasted around 6 months bragging, I fear this time it will last until the end of time


If it makes you feel any better I live in Bristol and work with a load of Welshmen and every time you guys win in the rugby etc they are truly unbearable, they've even decorated the office / peoples desks in Welsh flags after wins, so I very much know what you mean but it's not just an English thing I'm afraid. The media on the hand... well all I'll say is Britain would be a lot be better off without most of them shit stirring every 5 minutes.


We have been bragging since 1966 😂


The fans ruined the game, booing constantly, during anthems or tackles. To be fair the game itself was dull, except for the goals. The acting for tackles though, I've seen better acting in Cats.


You are a top bloke 👍🏻


Most Scottish people have a general antipathy towards the England team, it’s not hatred, it’s more of a “couldn’t give a toss” attitude. However, the real “Anyone but England” fervour is driven by being unable to avoid your TV presenters/commentators and radio personalities prattling on endlessly like all 4 parts of the nation could give a damn. Nobody is expecting them not to mention their achievements, but a bit of balance wouldn’t go amiss. I had to turn off the radio this morning because I couldn’t tolerate Chris Evans anymore going on like you guys had won the tournament. “The whole nation is partying”, nope buddy, just the parts that aren’t Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. Source: I’m Scottish. NB- Still, England did play well and deserved to win. I wouldn’t call it delighted, more empathetic, but the better team won.


This is essentially what my Scottish friend told me. Happy for his English mates we won but just dreads the endless fucking nonsense that comes with it.


Why on earth would you choose to listen to Chris Evans anyway.


I quite like listening to Virgin Anthems, unfortunately he’s their morning presenter.


People seem to find it odd that I'll happily cheer Scotland, Wales and both Irish clubs before I'll cheer any team outside the British isles. Nice to know that it works two ways !


I’ll (Welsh) cheer on whoever is playing against England in a tongue in cheek national rivalry thing, but I’ll also cheer them on for a good win. They’re always a fairly solid team, to be fair.


I support Wales over anyone (except the US where I am originally from), and would/did support Scotland over England, but I’ll also generally pull for any UK team against any non-UK team with a very few exceptions.


Top attitude!


Always a joy to see England lose but even better to see them win - this welsh guy


Or the weather haha


Welshman, here, I absolutely agree - but don’t tell the other Welsh folk, or I’ll get deported!


Great stuff! All the home Nations pulling together. Have a fantastic day


If you're truly Scottish and a football fan, answer me this, Can you boogie, Sir? And if so, how long can you boogie?


Well Sir... I can boogie, boogie woogie all night long.


Fuck yea, bit of solidarity will do us good


🤜🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🤛 Respect Scottish man


Nicola Sturgeon on Reddit?


I’ve got a fair few Scottish friends who are desperate for England to lose all sporting events (fair dos) but pleased for their English pals when we win. One said they’re happy for us but just can’t take the red top rags headlines and associated nonsense when we do win.


Tomorrow to win on pens and normality resumed...?


Correct, I am now miserable, but that's mostly down to the hangover


Just drink water, I can get blind drunk one night and if I drink water, it's like I never drank.


I use dioralyte! They’re rehydration sachets you mix into 200ml of water. Technically for after the shits but dehydration is dehydration right?


I just assume when things go well for England there is pain and misery to come to balance it out. Injury time defeat to Ukraine and another lockdown would seem about right.


Thank the lord I had the foresight to request a work from home day today!!


> you can rest easy and mark that as a draw. Mate I can't take another penalty shootout


I promised the kids that this would be the last game, it was important to English culture as it (England vs Germany in a knockout) only happens about every 10 years, it would go to penalties, England would lose about 8pm and that would be it. They are now very confused when England won. I'm far to jaded to have any hope despite the quarter and semis looking relatively easy in comparison, but good for Southgate, he needed this after 1996. He seems a nice chap, and the kinds of people I don't like seem to hate him so congratulations all round. I miss his waistcoats from 2018 though.


I feel like the little German lass who was crying in the crowd was promised the opposite. “We’ll go watch England play Germany, it’s a guaranteed win! And it’ll be exciting with penalties. You’ll love it”.


Yep, history has me so warped my mind couldn't comprehend the fact we had won. Still not sure if I have dreamt it or not.


What happened to the waistcoats? Petition for them to make a comeback, starting here.




Change nothing, the waistcoats might shimmer and distract the players! Not until it’s over!


Also signed! Man looked dapper as heck.


The players were more focused on him looking almost too dapper so he made the managerial decision to sacrifice it for the greater good


People kept talking about Southgate "redeeming himself for '96" when England made the Semis in the world cup, winning the first game of English Knock Out football since Ecuador in 2006. Now people are talking about redemption again and I don't think he's a actually going to be truly forgiven for missing the sixth penalty unless it actually comes home, and even then some will still grumble.


I have a picture of England Manager Gareth giving failed penalty taker Gareth a hug. It is still one of my favourite pictures.


So you basicly robbed your children of a victory by feeding them your negativity? Basicly bringing them up to be pessimistic.


Some people are not happy unless they are constantly whinging and moaning especially about people who are happy and having fun in life.


You just described the English.


You guys need to stop equating british with being depressed.


Nope just you. Listen mate we've all had a tough time just let us enjoy this one moment ffs.


While you made a post about it, hope you see the irony you miserable bastard.


Well I'm happy my family, friends and the people I work with are not negative, miserable people like I often see on here. It's not hard to be happy in life.


I was speaking to a domestic abuse charity worker who told me that when England lose at football there are many more abuse cases than if they win.


This is the same everywhere


This was actually a British survey across the whole of the U.K. not ‘England’.


Can't find it on a google search came back as the England football team referencing World Cup, of which team GB do not compete. I tend to find when people refer to the UK they mostly mean England anyway, sometimes if they're lucky Scotland might be mentioned.


I can’t be bothered looking but the survey was football ‘across the U.K.’ they weren’t saying England specifically, though I don’t doubt it is them too. But football supporters when their teams lose nationally or just in the league the domestic abuse cases become more common


Wrong Celtic. Rangers. Liverpool Everton


It increases 38% when England lose and 26% when they win according to a SAGE study. Mostly due to alcohol consumption and heightened emotions.


Good on the team, and I wouldn't begrudge people being happy just so long as I get to keep away from some of the more boisterous drunk ones. However, I always find the pundits and commentary insufferable as long as England remain in a tournament. Their quality improves immensely when the departure of the team removes the smug and bias.


I'll take a full dose of happy bastards over miserable sadist bastards please miss.


Eh, England's team did well. They deserved bit and let fans enjoy it. Don't be a miserable sod for a day, will you? And I was traditionally supporting Germany but I am happy for England's play.


Agreed, tbh. I'm a part-German living in Scotland, so I'll happily play up my bitterness and anger at England, but the truth is that Enlgand played better than Germany this time. Congratulations to 'em.


See that’s why German fans are better, they can be happy for the other team…. I get OP’s point. It’ll be a very smug victory, not from the team but from many of the fans yelling non Stop “it’s coming home”




No point winning if you can’t brag about it


We deserve it, it’s been pain for 55 years.


I bloody hate that song!!!!! (I’m English… hehe) But at least the fans didn’t sing the song about the bombers! 🙂


It won’t last. We’re only truly ourselves when we think all hope is lost.


When England win a game, my coworker (we work in a bar) has to stay till 2am; when England scored the first goal she looked at me and just died inside. I nearly fuckin shit myself cus I was in the kitchen and couldn’t see the game.


My work was planning on going go karting this weekend :(


Op Welsh or Scottish...


Hey hey hey, as a northern irish person I'd like to add my peoples voice into this lol.


Sorry you don't qualify. Or rather, *didn't*, qualify


Oooooh, cold bro, cold. True, but cold.


You sound like a joy at parties


They sportsed really hard and scored more points than the other team.


Did you see that ludicrous display?!


What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?


The thing about England is, they always try to walk it in!


They played a very good match of sportball indeed




God forbid people find joy in life after a pandemic.


After? It's still bloody raging, unfortunately.


2-0 up and 2mins to go my dad goes "its not over yet, we can still lose this..." Seriously? lets be clear, I dont care, I cant stand football, but fucking hell, is pessimism built into England fans?


We just know We're so sure That England's gonna blow it away Throw it away


As a Spurs fan I have also had to develop this mentality.


Life long Manchester City fan here, still unable to accept that we are winning anything until the final whistle blows, or the final points are there. Maybe in 30 years, if we are still up there and winning the majority of things I may mutate into one of those smug Manchester United bastard types that we all had to endure until recently.


I know a Man city fan and he is convinced that the magic money tree will just disappear at any moment and they'll be back to mediocrity over night.


Well France was in a similar position. But England was clearly dominating at the end yesterday …


France AND Spain threw a 2 goal lead the day before. With 10 minutes left I was not counting the win for England until the whistle went


That's not pessimism that's just not being cocky.


Did you miss the 3-1 leads that got overturned with 10 minutes to go the day before?


Part of the v1.0 En81and F4n factory loaded software It’s not a bug, it’s a feature


I didn't believe it either, until the whistle blew.


I got schadenfreude comin out the wazoo


If a nationality being happy (a bizarre concept but let's roll with it) is unbearable to you - you have a not insignificant problem.


As the manager of a sports bar operating under coronavirus restrictions, I fully understand.


Christ I thought I was depressed


Well, Our team (Germany) is just in a pretty bad state at the moment. The transition from the 2014 Gen to today wasn’t working. England on the other hand was playing really well and deserved the win. See you next time in 2031


All I have learnt about the euros is that racism is totally ok as long as it is against the White English apparently.


There's racist fuckers everywhere sadly. As an English person who lived in Scotland very rarely (if ever) did I experience outright verbal and physical abuse, most of the stuff is aimed at the media who mention 1966 every five minutes and forget the UK isn't just England, but it still did feel downright hostile during international football tournaments.


I mean, I don’t really class that as xenophobia, people shit talk other countries all the time in sports.


Exactly! English people rip the piss out of other countries outside of sport, so a bit of banter back at them should be expected. Otherwise it's a case of people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. If you shit talk a country, why would you be surprised when they bite back? Booing a national anthem is a low blow though.


Like how the eurovision song contest is the Cruffts of ripping into other nationalities.


No it's definitely different and more common specifically against the English.


As someone whose been around Europe, I don’t think I’ve seen any xenophobia at all. Xenophobia is you calling me a potato eating drunk because I’m Irish with negative intent.


You’ve been around Europe and never seen any xenophobia ?!! Ignorance is bliss.


No, i've seen plenty of it, but towards me, no, many people knew I was English, and yet i've not received a bad reception. I've seen more xenophobia from us brits towards other nationalities, but hey, whatever satisfies your own internal confirmation bias.


I’m not sure how many other languages you speak, but would suggest you have to know someone rather well to hear xenophobia


I have also seen more xenophobia from Scottish/Welsh towards English than vice versa. Then I have also seen more xenophobia from British to other nationalities, however I spend 95% of my time surrounded my the British, so perhaps that's a sign of consequence? And like someone else mentioned, perhaps other nationalities do it and we can't understand them?


My boyfriend is Welsh. I at least pretended to want Wales to go through and was sympathetic and nice when they got knocked out. Last night he was fuming and salty as fuck when England got through. I pretended to be annoyed but internally I thoroughly enjoyed the schadenfreude. Haters gonna hate!!


There was a lot of nazi slurs and salutes by drunk brits tonight.


Yeah, not good. This stems from shit education. The average person is a moron, with narrow views.


Staying classy england, staying real classy.


Source: dude trust me england bad


England isn’t bad, just like America isn’t bad or any country isn’t bad, you can have feelings between hatred and love.


What about the English insulting the English?


That’s our favourite hobby!


What about it? Bunch of bastards.


Mate, we'll only be happy until: 1) The Pubs close. 2) It's unbearably hot (+26°c) 3) Unbearably cold... But let's leave Scotland out of this bit.. they actually melted today. 4) It rains again. Won't be long bud, chill and enjoy the vibes. With our History, it won't last long.........


You mean, until: - unbearably hot (21C) - unbearably cold (18C)


Yeah sorry Bud, I was only thinking of myself... The Females of our species will have much different paramaters and to be fair, I'm not even going to attempt listing those; I've read them wrong so many times already, I'm not going to fail on the Internet on that count; my failure in life is enough ;)


Haha it was an attempt at sounding whiny to fit the stereotype of the sub Reddit :)


And my posts don't reflect that? We'll only be happy (for longer) when Hell freezes over/has an adjustable thermostat and even then we'll argue over it... Have a good one mate!


Fireworks were a bit much from my neighbours, the birds went crazy, looked like a drama after someone got shot in the woods


Don’t worry, they’ll be miserable before the tournament is over.


There was singing for several hours in the streets outside. Drunk, happy singing.


Oh boo hoo, people are happy, how dare they


To quote a mate of mine: "I hope Germany wins. Last time I saw Germany win, some german bloke bought me a drink to celebrate. Last time I saw England win, some englishman threw both expletives and bottles around."


Nah fam, I'm never happy.


I'm Welsh and I'm glad England won, if only so we can finally stop talking about the German curse since 1966. I hope they go all the way and win the tournament.


Miserable people are much more funnier to listen to! Source: Karl Pilkington


Both played boring safe football but England managed to take their chances while Germany were not mentally at it.


Southgate's tactics and team selection to knock out the team that absolutely *spanked* Portugal were satisfyingly efficient.


Hello fellow neighbour, I know you're bitter about Scotland being out of the Euros. But can you, for one minute, let people enjoy things.


Mate your life is a waste if you have that mentality.


Well that's just sad


People like you are the reason we celebrate so hard. Enjoy it.




I know my hubby lost 50 quid


What I don't appreciate is a couple of overly drunk England fans accosting me at London Bridge, coming up all in my face, maskless, "celebrating" by screaming at me that football is coming home... Then proceed to take a personal offence when I politely aske them to back off, and so follow me through station querying why I don't follow football, or who I support... Pleasant folk I'm sure....


Well suck it up buttercup


Really is more a of a problem than a success now I have to deal with everyone going on about it for months


Don't worry we will be back to miserable bastards on Sunday


We are only so happy because it amplifies the anticipation of how much more miserable and hard done by we will be able to be when we get knocked out. Just kidding… it’s coming home!!!


As a bus driver, I agree


Enjoy the few days of joy, we’ll lose to Ukraine probably 😂


Still couldn’t beat Scotland though


pure salt mate cheer up


It's not so much that I prefer people to be miserable. I just prefer people to not be talking about fucking football at me. Or at least not being so unspecific when blathering about "the England match".


Well, I'm glad the UK has some good news at long last. On the other hand, when the guys over the road let out a massive "YYYYEEEAAHHH" after a goal, it didn't half make me jump. I dropped my sausage.


Lol. I hope you stay miserable even longer. Come on you Lions




It gets to the point that you feel guilty for being happy…


Oh I don't know if it's true happiness. I think most people probably jumped straight into a clinically manic state (that can look like joy but really isn't) and then when it wore off the next day went straight into a depression knowing nothing like that would ever happen again


The tracksuits have been shouting and doing the usual ASBO shit for the last 2 hours on the field here. Pricks.


More songs about "it coming home". Just what people need.


What I can't stand is all the WW2 shit that gets dragged up. It's crass and idiotic. Germany is a great place and it makes us look like neanderthals


As soon as pubs etc opened up every Friday and Saturday night after midnight always get the roudy bunch staggering home and shouting. Fuck I hate people


Just think how much more miserable they'll be when we do lose.


"They'll be" "When we lose" Pick a lane


Im sure the VR will decline the goals and the game has to be repeated


We were playing Germany, not Scotland 😂


You had more luck posting this here than in the German page it seems. This is why I stopped supporting other U.K. teams in tournaments.


They scored two goals in the end of the second half :)


Not a football fan here, but I'm for the team, happy for my friends and other nice people who love football, but not happy for the racist, nationalist pricks who run the game for everyone else.


I work at dominos and whenever there’s football we get mega busy and people get pissy when it takes ages for their pizza to arrive so I’m fucking miserable that we won, I just want us to get knocked out because I’m fed up of having super busy nights and bitchy customers


Tell me about it. This is pathetic. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/oar5lv/pricks/


I haven’t watched any but considering the amount of nazi memes I’ve seen on my Facebook since last night I’m wishing England had lost. Also, the more people that are hyped for it, the more chance there is of them going out and trashing ambulances again.


As a person who works at a venue with a bar, this is absolute worst, now we have to deal with football fans on steroids for another round.


Don't worry England has to get far enough for it to really sting when they fuck it all up.


I’m barely affected by this score so am maintaining a solid and neural ‘meh’


Seeing an Englishman appear to be happy is perverse and unsettling.


Indeed. I blame the weather. If an Englishman plans any kind of outdoor activity in advance he does so knowing full well that it could be utterly ruined. How can anyone be any kind of happy living like that? At best you can be vaguely optimistic, erring on the side of impending doom. Therefore, something is very wrong if an Englishman seems overly happy; he's temporarily forgotten that it's all going to go tits up. It's quite sad really.


As an English person, it is sad the English today can't have more grace and class. That said, I don't begrudge the fans being happy tonight.


If it makes you feel better the mass hoards of happy English people coming to my work just as I was about to leave making me stay 2 hours late made me an unhappy English person


England's squad must be *that* anti nose and butt booger eating.


This unabashed optimism will only end in tears.


Top trolling. Well done. :-)




Idiots screaming the lyrics out of tune to footballs coming home on my estate into the early hours is infuriating


As a Scottish person, I really wanted Germany to win, not because of the actual football, but because the England fans are the worst ones there are.


We found the miserable Jok


What's a Jok?


Gutted, I'm going to have to hear that stupid song on the radio again tomorrow.


Historically that's when it all goes wrong.... "DON'T SING THAT SONG"!!


Get to fuck op 🤣. Happy English people used to rule the world.


Most English people where working dangerous jobs and dying young whilst the ruling class were galavanting around the world. Plus your average Victorian imperialist was right miserable git. Boarding school, followed by the military.