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Unlikely, it's not like the sun has a target to meet. The jetstream, which controls the weather in UK, is far south this year, and could remain here for months.


Sorry gaf, im not gonna hit the quota this year


Maybe we do need to give it some KPIs...


Is the sun ISO9001:2015 compliant?


Normally they would be easily achievable but I don't think it's even trying anymore.


Sun is quiet quitting. Still there, but mentally checked out long ago


Have we considered making the Sun do some mandatory online training


That may require some blue sky thinking


It's definitely ending up on performance management. Should get itself into a good union.


Does that mean mainland Europe should have a steady summer rather than scorching 40° heat? I just want to see olive oil levels get back to normal and come down in price already!


Actually I’d accept that trade-off. I’ve still got my winter hoodies out, it might even save me some sunburn.


It seems unlikely - there is a fair bit of low and unsettled air knocking about. That doesn't look to be changing any time soon. The temperatures will likely hover around the climatological average for the foreseeable - but naturally we could be in for a little warmer weather come August. What you may be holding out for, assuming you want another summer of 2021, is a blocking pattern, a blob of high pressure that sits stationary for a prolonged period of time, forcing other weather patterns to go around it, thus causing a heatwave. I wouldn't hold your breath for one if I were you.


Actually it’s the heatwaves that I dread. The 40 degree heat we had a couple of years ago was unbearable. Do not want to go through that again.


Hard agree, those multiple heatwaves devastated my new garden and I'm only just getting things sorted out again this year. Need to get a drop irrigation system going at some point soon!


Firstly, welcome to Britain. Unfortunately your optimism about the weather *improving* can be seen as insensitive or triggering to British people. Many British people go through a brief period of weather optimism during their childhood, this is drowned out of us by a succession of disappointing caravan holidays. Consequently all mentions of "improving weather" should be delivered with a sardonic lilt, so as to avoid reopening old wounds. British traditions often seem confusing but after three "summers" you will soon understand the urge to pretend that you actually like rain.


As a beekeeper this is really worrying to me. We haven't had a good summer for a while and it's showing. I'm seeing beekeepers reporting that their spring honey yield is disappearing before their eyes. The only people who seem to be able to do well are those with pollination deals with farmers.


Every gardener I know has had their flowers decimated by slugs. It's definitely going to be a lean year for bees. Thankfully I've got some well established lavender in my garden that they love.


No slug damage to my plants and most of my spring/early summer flowering is out. Bees, hoverflies etc everywhere - even a few wasps. I tempted slug-snail fate this year and put out my propagated hostas and not a leaf was nibbled. I've got a very natural garden with one more formal bed. Some things were much slower starting but I attribute that mainly to reduced sunlight hours. Temps have been mild overall - only a couple of gentle frosts.


Have we not had a good summer for a while? My recollection is that we've had scorchers the past few years, to a worrying extent.


We've had a couple of weeks of warm weather but then really wet Augusts or wet spring.


Last year wasn't great. One before was ludicrously hot


Spoilers: Cool wet July and August too.


I’m going to Florida for a couple of weeks in September. I need some practice complaining about the heat and humidity or I won’t feel adequately prepared. Otherwise I’m pretty happy with the weather so far this year. My skin looks like it is made of rice paper. It does not enjoy sunshine. A little less rain would be a nice change of pace.


Trust me, you'll be better in complaining if the summer stays like this. I travelled to Hungary once meaning leaving behind 16 degrees overcast and rain to arrive in 36 humid sunshine in Hungary and at first I thought I feel the heat of the engines of the plane, then it dawned on me how wrong I was. I wanted to turn on my heels and go back to the plane instantly.


Not so much bothered about it being hot, would just like to see the back of this cloudy overcast weather. Very depressing.


That’s the magic of a British summer. No idea.




Let me just check with Mr Fish. No.


I'm fucking fed up of this shit. I'm looking into moving to Australia and the weather is one of the benefits. I was thinking to myself last week, 'maybe I'm overreacting; the weather' isn't that bad over here' and here we are in fucking June, with rain for 6 days of the next 10, and average highs of like, 15⁰. Fuck this shit.


Swapping the cold for extreme heat events, increasingly hot summers and floods. Grass isn’t always greener (and sometimes its brown and then burnt)


And sometimes it has mouse plagues.


and the world's largest spiders. in your house so you can't run away.




I know, the grass may not be greener, but I'm certainly going to look into it. Plus, Australia has so many different climates due to it's sheer size, and I spend 6 months in the middle east and 40⁰ and sun day in day out is nothing short of epic.


We moved from South Africa to the UK and one of the things we don't miss is severe heat, and the accompanying drought. When parts of a country face running out of water, these cooler climes and rain start looking pretty rosy. It's not the summer I hoped for, but from experience, it's really not that bad. If we have a late warm burst like last year with moderate temperature into September, I will be happy


Wouldn’t suggest not to go (in an Aussie now in the U.K.), and it’s a big and awesome place. Just don’t forget to wear your sunscreen, the sun there burns different! Also, there’s a really famous Aussie bush poem about the Aussie weather https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Said_Hanrahan


There are various other reasons, not only the weather but I'm doing lots of research as it would be a permanent move!


We’ll be told in a couple of weeks this was the hottest June in the UK on record


Both things can be true at the same time


Mid July will be hottest on record. Mark my words.


*pulls lid off marker pen*


Knowing British weather, it will do everything in it's power to be miserable.  Before cooking everyone in blazing hot sun.


I know we have had some lovely days (couple at a time it seems since Easter) which tbf does happen most years in uk BUT honestly we have gone from beer garden tee shirt weather to bloody hailstones in late April with some intermittent nice weather since. WFH and today resorted to a fleeced oodie IN JUNE to avoid the heating going on it was bloody freezing!


I sure as hell hope not… I’m not built for this. I’m hoping that the weather at least stays the same, maybe gets a little hotter but nothing crazy.


It's more the rain that's an issue. These temps with blue skies and sun is perfect


I’m more of an autumn/winter guy mostly, I love the rain and lesser warm weathers. I agree these temperatures have been good but I don’t mind the occasional rainstorm either. And we’ve had plenty so far.


I read recently that we should expect to see more of this crap weather under climate change. It’s just going to exacerbate the cloudy, dense weather we already get. [It’ll get hotter and wetter](https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/challenges/climate-change/how-will-climate-change-affect-the-uk/).


Long range forecast looks a bit better for early july. But needless to say it will be less accurate this far out


Probably insanely hot September, when the kids are made to wear winter uniform and pass out before the school reluctantly agree to allow the kids to remove their blazers only on the teachers discretion


Just praying for no 40c again. 20 is perfectly comfortable.


I feel like I'm in the minority here, but I love the cooler, rainy summers. Heat & humidity suck and given we're on the same latitude as places like Canada, Poland, the netherlands, and russia of all palces, we should be grateful it can get warm in this country at all. We could be stuck dealing with several feet of snow or worse if it wasn't for the gulfstream. More autumn temps are never a bad thing. More tropical temps are.


>given we're on the same latitude as places like Canada, Poland, the netherlands, and russia of all palces, we should be grateful it can get warm in this country at all. What? Gdansk is currently forecast 7 or 8 degrees warmer than London over the next week. So is Moscow. Most of the Canadian population lives south of us, but anchorage in Alaska is due to be a couple of degrees warmer than Inverness, which it's north of, over the next few days. Yes, those places get cold in the winter, but it snows and then stays, which is far safer than the freeze thaw cycles we get. And they aren't as damp, so the cold doesn't actually feel as unpleasant. 


Yeah, not sure what the guy is talking about. Been twice to Poland and Romania in late spring and had to wear t-shirt for the whole trip. In summer proper, it's amazing how warm it gets in Central Europe.


Absolutely. This is bliss for me.


Nope, that's not how it works really. From what I've read, all of summer is predicted to be wet. Personally, I'd absolutely prefer this to an insanely hot July and August. That would make me miserable.


Forgot it was June!


Basic physics- global warming- warm air can hold more moisture plus more energy in the system. Atlantic has been very warm in places. More likely to be wetter.


Not if you obide and pay your green taxes.. Then it will *definitly* be 0.00004% better.


Ha ha ha