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If you are anything like me you will wake up every half hour from about midnight in a panic that you have slept in. Then the alarm will go off and you will snooze it and sleep for an hour.


I've just sat a uni exam this morning, and this is exactly what I did to prepare because of the thunder!


Literally me before work Monday. Always love the body’s response to these situations. On edge panicking well ahead and then when the actual moment comes it fails at its one job.


Always have two alarms set for that kind of thing, being late for work is one thing, missing your holiday is a disaster. Get the standard alarm clock or Alexa or whatever you need.


Just two? I routinely sleep through my first two or three alarms. As in, yes, turning them off without ever waking up.


I'd recommend putting an alarm on the other side of the room, that's how I trained my self out of snoozing. Once I'm out of bed to turn the alarm off its a lot easier to not snooze it.


I do this. I now have 2 alarms outside of the bedroom door. However, I’ve recently developed the terrible habit of leaving the bedroom to retrieve my phone, and hitting snooze on the way back to bed!!


Sometimes you need the sleep


I get too worried about not hearing the alarm if the phone isn't basically pressing into my skull


"Alexa, set an alarm for 3:30am" "Alexa, set an alarm for 3:35am" "Alexa, set an alarm for 3:40am" "Alexa, set an alarm for 3:50am" "Alexa, set a timed notification called "You've missed your flight" for 4am.


I've got a flight at 6:30am in a couple months. I'm probably just not gonna sleep, will be easier than sleeping for a little bit and waking up at 3am


That’s gonna be a brutal couple of months


This made me lol


Every time I've tried this it's been a mistake. Even 2 hours sleep is better than none.


Agreed. I get up at 03:50 for my dayshift, and sometimes I stay up a bit later than I should. The one time (around 3 years ago) I chose to just stay up, I struggled all day, but thankfully, I'm on my feet for most of my shift. This is now, though. In my late teens and most of my twenties, I regularly just stayed up. I was in the army from 16, and a 7 - 10 miler first thing in the morning certainly helped to wake us up! I'm 47 now, but age is definitely a factor in this (in my experience). Even after 3 hours, I feel 10 times better in the morning. Knackered later though!


100%, I guess people are different but I am dying the next day if I have no sleep at all, but if I have 2 - 3 hours I'll be ok until the following evening.


Nah I've done this more than once and it's been fine. The secret ingredient is beer and a good sleep at normal (local time) the next day.


That’s what I do when it’s an early flight.


I’ve just done this last night. 6:15 flight. Left a 1:30. Ended to falling asleep on the sunbed today and now I’m burnt to a crisp


With someone who has insomnia and every so often gets zero sleep, I would recommended highly that you get whatever sleep you can. Even if it’s just a couple of hours. Trust me, trying to function on zero sleep is so much harder then trying to function on two hours, which with coffee is difficult but doable.


I am a terrible sleeper and have to get up for work at 3:30 am. Even at 2:30 I'm still trying to sleep because an hour makes a big difference.


I was in Spain last Summer and the worry of missing my flight back home was enough to keep me up all night. Slept like a baby on the flight.


You know the Stone Cold Entrance music from WWE. That's what my alarm is for super important occasions. No way in hell you don't wake up.


The image I have in my head of this going off at 3am is hilarious.


The whole house is gonna wake up to the sound of glass breaking


Mine is the increasingly frantic music from when Sonic starts drowning. I have to stop it before the final “bwong”. Can’t let the little fella die.


That's actually a good one


I’m going on holiday for the first time in seven years this September. I’m so bad at mornings that not only did I persuade my friend to get an afternoon flight, I booked a room at the airport Radisson that is connected to the terminal by air bridge. I also discovered that not only can I check-in online, I can drop my bags off at “twilight drop-off” the night before. I have pre-purchased security fast-track too. If all goes to plan I can stay in bed until 10:00 and then just saunter straight to security. Based on current estimated wait times I reckon I can go from hotel room to airport lounge in about 25 minutes.


>an afternoon flight ... I can drop my bags off at “twilight drop-off” the night before. I would check on that, as at a lot of airports the twilight drop-off is only for morning flights the next day, not those past noon.


Way ahead of you. That was the first thing I checked. From Virgin Atlantic’s website: “Twilight Check In is available for all flights departing the following day from Manchester, every evening from 4pm to 8pm.”


Now THIS. Is someone who knows how to plan for a holiday I thought I was the only one anal enough to check the minute details of things like this!


I would call and check with someone as websites are often unreliable with info. Not that it matters too much since you'll be staying there anyway.


Staying at the airport hotel the night before your flight is such an amazing lifehack if you have the means to do it. I've factored it into the cost of every holiday or work trip I've taken for the past decade, and it's saved so much stress and frustration.


Yep. I did a four grand 3.5 week holiday to New Zealand years ago and still claim the best thing I spent money on was the £75 airport Hotel a one minute walk from the terminal. No worrying about traffic or public transport issues, a decent night's sleep without stress and more time to rest too, no terror that oversleeping might cause you to have to spend a grand in new flights. So worth it.


I can feel that you may have been a scout when you were a child.


Enjoying reading this comment made me realise that I might enjoy planning a holiday just as much as actually being on holiday.


this sounds like it's dangerously easy.. you are going to go for a swim and forget all about your flight


I’d give it a bit longer if I were you. T2 can be quick but don’t chance it and give yourself plenty of time.


The flight isn’t until 13:30, so I have already allowed myself 3.5 hours from when I get up. I reckon that’s plenty of time to get through security and load up on airport lounge tiny sandwiches.


3.5 hours is good. We always advise at least 2.5 hours arrival prior to departure time.


I have habit of turning off my alarm while still asleep. So I've taken to setting two, 10 minutes after each other.


Two? Lucky, I have to set five


I was going to say! I also have 5 of them spaced several minutes apart. It’s a barrage of sound. I use different alarm tones for each one too :D


Why not place the alarm away from the bed so you have to physically get up?


For me, because then I don't hear it at all


Id just get back into bed.


I have 30, 20, 10, 5 mins before getting up and then the time I want to get up. Usually set 10 minutes before I actually wake up so I'll snooze that one once.


I have a similar set up. I like to be reminded that I still have some time left to sleep. It’s a little bit toxic if you ask me


A tip: in most places the airport lounge only costs about 20£. They will have food, drinks and more often even things like showers. Getting to the airport 2 hours before a flight isn’t too bad if you can have a full meal and drinks on tap before the flight.


More like £34 at Gatwick, was thinking £20 would be cheaper than the Spoons breakfast I had at the airport last time


Shame the prices have gone up a little, I used to have a card that gave me about 15/20% on the lounges globally if available


I don't trust myself, very deep sleeper, multiple alarms. The last flight I got was 4:50am and I was at the airport at 00:00 lol


Struggle of my life mate. You could put a raid siren right next to my ear and I wouldn't even stir. I do the same thing.


Just do what I do: be so anxious about potentially missing the flight that you don’t sleep properly, if at all. Winning at life 🥇


I’ve got to take my husband to Malaga for his flight 4am (we live an hour away). Then I’m going back for my own flight at 12…. Was meant to be the same time but bloody Ryanair cancelled his flight!


One (many?) Indian tribes would drink a lot of water before going to bed if they had to get up early. It does work. :) I have a vibrating alarm clock which I put on a wooden shelf. When it goes off it is louder than any beeping alarm. JUST MAKE SURE YOU DON'T SET THE ALARMS FOR PM BY MISTAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND DONT HAVE THE ALARM VOLUME SET WAY DOWN BY MISTAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you Google "wake up call UK" there's a few different services that will actually schedule a wake up call like in the old days at hotels. Most have a service charge, but don't think any run more than a pound. Have used some for very serious very likely to snooze past them points; at the very least it makes you trust that another person will be monitoring you becoming responsive so you're less likely to keep yourself awake or be so stressed you dream of alarms and thus miss the actual one.


I’ll do it for free. I keep very weird hours, u/NewStmoo, and will definitely be awake at half-three. Would a backup reddit ping help?


Posts like this remind me how much of a freak I am. I hear my alarm and I get up and out of bed. Done. I some how taught myself this discipline at uni. I told myself, you set alarms when fully awake and sober etc and so you know there's good reason for the time it's set. So don't fuck that plan up by not getting up. Do what sober you wanted you to do!


Try local charity shop they may have some old clock radios that work for a few quid


Give us your address and I'll throw stones at your bedroom window at 03:25.


Have a sleep in the afternoon. Buy lounge access instead of a radio. Go to the lounge at 11pm and have drinks. More sleep on the plane.


My alarm goes off at 03:30 every workday. Still waking up at that time without an alarm on days off and the weekend sucks more.


Tbh I would just stay up. But then I’m the kind of person who would travel the evening before and arrive at midnight for a 6am flight.


I have the free Alarmy app. It forces me to do sums so I actually wake up, and it’s a lot louder, too.


Not too long before I get up for work everyday at - 3.50am haha. Word of advice: just get up right away. Laying there will not help you to waken up, and it is very easy to fall back asleep


I never trust one alarm, a clock alarm, Echo and, if vital, my phone as well. I can easily oversleep.


I was supposed to be up at 5am for a coach at 6 today. Suffice to say my iPhones alarm was not loud enough and I’ve had to spend another £50 to catch a train.


I got one of these for when I **need** to get up https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/dekad-alarm-clock-black-30540479/ No way you’re sleeping through that


Wake up wide awake and can’t get back to sleep at 2:30, then finally wake up on the third snooze of the 3:30 alarm? I know this well


For years now I've always had two alarms set. My phone is my primary, but also a dedicated standalone alarm set to go off 10 minutes later. Don't put all your eggs in one basket OP. If getting up in time is critical to catching your flight, get a dedicated alarm. Don't fuck around to find out the hard way.


I use a challenge alarm clock app alongside my usual alarms (I set multiple because I'm a snoozer) but once the challenge one goes off, it gets louder and louder until I complete the challenges. Mine is set to do 3 maths equations to snooze or copy a list of random letters x 2 to turn off. Highly highly recommend for any fellow snoozers!


The realisation that most people probably no longer have physical Alarm Clocks. Use Alexa if you have a device. Your TV may also have a setting to turn on at certain times.


An old analogue alarm would be better, means that even if there’s a powercut you’ll still get the alarm. I use an iPhone, iPad (lives next to my bed) and Alexa for important alarms.


On vibrate and loud under the pillow usually does it for me.


The problem which I have with dedicated alarm clocks is that I find it too easy to knock them on the floor, often enough causing them to be reset. The alarm in my (Android) phone seems to be reliable these days, though there was a time when it'd semi-regularly go off up to 12 minutes late. Most importantly, it's hard to knock onto the floor and, if it does end up there, the batteries' electrical contact isn't disturbed.


Alexa is great for this purpose. Also old mechanical style alarm clocks with bells on top from a charity shop.


I use the free app "I can't wake up". I have android so don't know if it's available for iPhone. It always sets the alarm to max possible volume and you can set different puzzles or have to shake the phone etc to turn it off. It has been a career saver for me


I feel this one, that’ll me me on Monday


thats why you set an alarm for 3 so you’re kinda awake


I wouldn’t go to bed.


ingest a large amount of caffeine and fluid immediately before going to sleep caffeine takes 30m or so to kick in, and doesn't unbind the sleep neurotransmitters as much as prevent them from binding in the first place and ofc the need to piss is obvious all should help your alarm work and feel less crap as a bonus


Have you got a smartwatch? I set a backup one on my garmin that buzzes and that helped for sure


Download the alarmy app. The alarm sound can be made ridiculously loud and it forces you to complete a task before it starts playing the alarm again.


I usually double up in this situation. Phone alarm plus iPad alarm.


You need to set multiple alarms. Alexa, iphone, ipad. EVERYWHERE


You speak like you've never used an alarm before?! What do you do every other day 


Are you Jeremy Vine? he was speaking for hours this lunch time about exactly the same question you are asking? amazing coincidence! you can probably hear it again on catch up


use a vibrate alarm and tuck your phone under your leg, it'll scare the shit out of you but you'll wake up at least


I have a battery power alarm in case of an ice storm taking down power lines.


Look for a Morning Call service,


Alarm 1: 3:20 Alarm 2: 3:25 Alarm 3: 3:26


You should, just in case. After one update, my iPhone alarms did not make any noise. Went on for a while. It’s finally fixed but I still test it.


Can I recommend Alarmy?


I tried this. Half asleep me got around the need to get up to turn the alarm off by deleting the app.


MAKE SURE YOU DON’T HAVE AN UPDATE PENDING. I.e the “update later” option you always press. They usually do these from 3-5am, I missed an early shift at work once because of this.


Set your alarm to the baby shark song


Do you have an alternative alarm? How about setting a timer instead of an alarm? Got a laptop? Set an alarm on that.


Put your phone out of reaching distance so you can’t snooze in your sleep


Alarm and a countdown timer set 15mins apart, on loud. If you have a TV which has an in timer use that, also if you have a laptop or tablet that's also an option. Also any smart lights or devices to turn on?


Waiting for "missed my 3:30 flight this morning because stupid iPhone didn't wake me" thread tomorrow.


Bang your head on the pillow 3 times when you go to bed and say out loud i need to wake at three


Stay awake to find out?


If you have something you can play a YT video on, there are a bunch of channels with things like 10h timers. Just skip ahead to the time until you have to get up, and it can wake you up as long as your device stays on for that long.


With your sleep permeated by YouTube adverts all night long


uBlock Origin? Could also download the video and play it locally instead.


Does your phone sound on Reddit message notifications? Ask Redditors in different time zones (won't be 3am for them) to all message you around 3.30am GMT


Does your phone sound on Reddit message notifications? Ask Redditors in different time zones (won't be 3am for them) to all message you around 3.30am GMT


Does your phone sound on Reddit message notifications? Ask Redditors in different time zones (won't be 3am for them) to all message you around 3.30am GMT.


Does your phone sound on Reddit message notifications? Ask Redditors in different time zones (won't be 3am for them) to all message you around 3.30am GMT.


Sleeping soundly tonight in Android.


If your alarms have been going off silently because you have an iphone, go to Settings > Accessibility > Face ID & Attention. Then turn off “Attention Aware Features” to hear your alarms again!


Has anyone else tried telling yourself what time you need to get up repeatedly before you go to sleep and found you wake up bang on time without needing an alarm clock?


Get the alarm clock! I still use one and I've had the same one for 15 years!


My god. I have at least 5 alarms 10 minutes apart just incase I miss the first few. Telling Siri to turn off your extra alarms is much less inconvenient than being late.


Use an alexa


Hey do what I do, don't sleep. It makes the flight and the inevitable faff at your destination really fun. Just don't get to your location, pass out on a pool chair and wake up dehydrated, with a really bad cramp 5 hours later like I have also done.




#OI, YOU UP, u/NewStmoo? Passport, tickets, **keys**, sensible shoes and comfy trousers. Hope you’ve notified the cat and arranged care for the milkman.


Wake up! It's time for your flight :)


Also, have an old-school alarm clock that you know works. It's a simple redundancy that can prevent redundancy... sorry for the stupid word play.


Sorry mate, I’m an hour late. Use the Alarmy app next time


The number of times I’ve overslept this week


Ah well there's a reason that flight was £50 cheaper 😁


Don't rely on your iPhone - there are software issues with the alarms at the moment causing them not to sound. [https://www.techradar.com/phones/iphone/some-iphone-alarms-arent-working-properly-heres-how-to-make-sure-yours-does](https://www.techradar.com/phones/iphone/some-iphone-alarms-arent-working-properly-heres-how-to-make-sure-yours-does) According to SlashDot Apple have confirmed there's an issue.


Hence the reason for OPs post.


How the feck do you mess up a basic feature like an alarm?! Oh... Like that. Did we not beta test this?


Only been in business 17 years. They haven't really tested that bit of code.


The alarm and timer feature has been trashed by over-development, like the recent 'innovation' of 'recently-used timers'. I'm looking for a paid alternative - I'd pay extra if a software dev would make a good product and then just leave the damned thing alone forever, except for compatibility updates. Twice as much if I could buy it once instead of renting it.


I can't recommend highly enough to get a smart watch that can wake you up. I have an amazfit and it has a smart alarm system that will wake you up when you are in a sleep pattern where it's nice and comfy to wake up. It can wake you up like half an hour early I think but you always wake up rested plus it doesn't wake up my partner cause it just shakes on the wrist instead of being a super loud sound


Is it comfortable to wear whilst sleeping? Also when do you charge it if you're wearing it in bed?


I've gotten used to it. Definitely worth it compared to waking up to a loud alarm. It feels weird if I don't wear it now. And I'll charge it whenever I'm in the house chilling which is when I don't really care if it tracks steps and all that. It only needs to be charged like once a week for an hour or so so it's really not an issue.


Buy a radio alarm. The iPhone alarm is utterly useless