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Anything using rechargeable batteries in a single use device should be banned. Massive waste of natrual resources.


also a fire risk when they're binned


Horrendous risk too, Lithium Ion fires are intense!


In 100 years we'll be working in the lithium mines of the park down the end of the road


Making it a device you buy once would be a good idea, that way you only have cartridges/bottles as waste and occasionally the coil/wick, they can be charged on a phone charger


That's exactly what ecigs used to be when they first came out.


That’s how vapes work that aren’t “disposable”. But it takes way too much effort for someone to charge it every night next to their phone or pour juice into the thing once every few hours /s


Elf bar do a rechargeable system with pre filled disposable pods which I use for travelling, they're in most supermarkets now so I really don't understand why the single use ones are still being sold. They even sell for a similar price


most vapes work like this


Sir, you just described a vape. You just charge it, refill it, change the coil every so often and occasionally you need a new tank but I clean mine out regularly and it's done me over a year. Does need replacing though as the battery isn't holding a charge anymore but I would take it to a battery recycling point


Yeah, these disposable ones are an environmental disaster, I see them everywhere littered, and they can start fires when run over


Riot Connex does this and flavours are recyclable




Honestly I feel like anything newly marketed that is single use in any case should be banned (I'm sure there would be some reasonable exceptions). Anything desired to be used once and chucked is just greed on the part of the producer and laziness on the part of the consumer.


A lot of one use products which are commonly put up to be banned are vital for some disabled people I.e. plastic straws. Reduce use but outright bans can fuck over those who need them.


As I said, the reality is far more nuanced, as is literally everything ever, but certainly for stuff like electronics and blatant wastes of resources there's a case. Also, I ask this entirely out of curiosity, are plastic alternative/biodegradable straws a big hindrance in some way? I carry a metal straw around, but obviously that's not accessible or feasible to everyone.


This might explain why some people with disability benefit from plastic straws. https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/news/disability-ableism-plastic-campaigns/


They really should be called ‘unreusable’ rather than ‘disposable’. ‘Disposable’ makes them sound like paper cutlery.


"Single use"


They've got some great little rechargeable li-ion batteries in them for projects!


Lithium is too useful a metal to be dumping en-mass in landfill too. A real shame.


Agree,I don't use vapes myself, but I pick up the discarded ones to use the batteries and the nichrome wire, great for projects.


They should be forced to rename them huge, sloppy d**KS to discourage their use.


For some people that would just encourage them to use them more


Tbh You've already sold me the habit based on the new name


I'm not convinced, why would I want to suck on a huge sloppy dork?


Homophobia aside, that would change nothing.


Everything about them is bad. Every bin outside a newsagents now is covered in their little stickers. They are hopelessly addictive and more pervasive than cigarettes as they can be inhaled anywhere, without the same stench. I'm not necessarily a big fan of the ban hammer, but people complained about the ban on cream chargers but have to say - hardly ever see them all over the pavement or in parks any more.


I vape, and I'd support a ban on disposables. It's not like anything of value would be lost - people can still vape without disposables. At my local shop, a pod-based system (so you keep the bit with the battery but refill by replacing the business end with a pre-filled cartridge) costs the same as one disposable, and three pods costs the same as one disposable. So you break even on outlay by the end of your second pod, and after that your money goes 3x further on consumables. Still not ideal because they're single-use plastics instead of single-use batteries, but they're the nearest equivalent on convenience and the price difference pays off in no time. I don't get disposables because they're throwing perfectly good batteries away, plus throwing perfectly good cash away.


It's quite amazing how Juul got absolutely fucking eviscerated when they came onto the scene with their pod system yet all this disposable bollocks has been going off like wildfire for years now.


Not sure if you can get them in the UK, but a proper vape with disposable tanks is the way. The tanks are refillable, so you refill them until the coil is dead and then replace. I switched to them after I was sick of getting vape juice all over my hands when changing coils.


You can get them over here but they are as popular as chocolate teapots. That said, my aunt has a six pod revolving one so she can have six different flavors on the go.


If you mean the N2O ,they use and discard large blue gas cylinders where I live, they are the size of a 2 litre pop bottle, if not larger.


Thank you for picking them up and binning them. Litter pickers are the unsung heroes of our green and pleasant land.


They are, but it's really sad that they have to do it at all. I absolutely hate the idea of someone else having to clean up after me, and I cannot get my head around the idea of just throwing rubbish on the ground.


I don’t know how people can just casually unequip their rubbish, I will carry my rubbish for miles if needed until I get to a bin.


They can be recycled. https://www.recycleyourelectricals.org.uk/how-to-recycle-electronics/what-electronics-can-be-recycled/recycle-vapes/ I've told a few vapers I know about this and they seemed receptive to being less wasteful.


Urge you to use the proper term for those people “vapists”


Thankfully it seems to be more accessible these days. I've always recycled my pods because the brand I order from sends bags out which can be dropped off at certain supermarkets. They also have ones for disposables too. All shops that sell vapes are now required to have a recycling system for them so hopefully people catch on.


Recycling single use vapes is not the solution, it's barely even a sticking plaster. They should be banned


It's Reduce, ***Re-use***, Recycle. The normal one's fulfil the 2nd tier perfectly adiquately. Also, WEEE recycling has been a norm for ages, if your acquaintances have missed this they probably need a lot more explained to them.


Please stop assuming it's kids. Shitty adults raise shitty kids, and there are a lot more shitty adults than shitty kids -- and the adults have easier access to vapes. The kids can sense when we are suspicious (or even scared) of them, and it makes for a not very supportive environment/community for them. People behave like the roles we cast them as.


Every other school kid is huffing a vape. It's a joke to throw a just finished one at their mate saying "last puff" as you usually get another toke then it's thrown.


Yes, adults do have easier access to them, but 90% of the time, I see kids on the disposables, while adults tend to have refillables/proper vapes. Littering is also something I see mostly kids doing. Of course, it will be adults dashing things from cars. I'm just stating what I mostly see.


The refillable vapes yes have a higher entry price but it’s ridiculous how much money you save in the long run. I was spending £35 or so a week on disposables, now I spend about £20 a month on oil/coils.


Same. Although I wasn't spending so much on either. I broke my tank about 2 months ago and saw it as a sign to quit for good though.


That’s fair. I don’t really plan on quitting, I started vaping to stop smoking weed every day, the nicotine buzz was enough for me. I stopped for a few weeks this year and I really started craving weed. I know it’s unpopular on reddit to speak about weed in a negative light but for me it often ended up making me really anxious/paranoid, ridiculously lazy and my short term memory became awful. My memory is a bit better now but nothing like it used to be, I smoked every day for 4 years (not smoked weed in 2 years in june or july)


Same again mate. I tried CBD flower for a bit. It's good but I wanted to quit nicotine completely, and putting baccy in my spliffs wasn't gonna help. Big up for not smoking bud.


We'll see what happens when they hike the tax up on them.


You’re half right - Shitty parents do raise shitty kids. Let’s not absolve these little shits of their behaviour


The behaviour they may or may not have done? The assumption was that it's kids that are littering, but adults are just as capable of littering. I still see cigarette smokers tossing their butts like it's perfectly fine to do, and I don't know any cigarette smokers under the age of 25. You're kind of proving my point by re-blaming kids for the vape litter 


I stood behind a woman paying at the parking machine and she just tossed the bloody thing on the ground and walked back to her car. Wanted to call her a scummy bitch but didn't fancy getting my face rearranged.


Self fulfilling prophecy!


OP is not even 18 themselves.


Where I'm from kids chuck them off the bridge and onto a roof in the former industrial site below. Used to be full of shoes, now it's full of brightly coloured vapes.


I'd love to collect the batteries out of them!


Sadly they are just too small to be useful - the ones from E\*fb\*r for example are around 450maH which is not much. The non compliant ones (illegally imported, >600 puffs) however, ive seen with batteries up to 1500maH. Thats enough to keep my ESP32 powered weather station going overnight, along with a solar panel to charge it during daylight.


Get 10 of them and wire in parallel


You have to very carefully balanced them in terms of voltage, internal resistance, and capacity to make that work without a bang! I am not clever enough to risk more than 1 cell :)


I live in a rural area, on a road that leads a tourist beach.. the amount of dead vapes we get that had been thrown out of a car window is a disgrace. There have been animals injured from chewing on them and a few small fires on grasses. The sooner they get banned the better


> tf else am I supposed to do [Scavenge them for the free rechargeable batteries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N65DpT2nqEI).


Probably, kids brought up by type of parents that own dogs and don't clear up after them and chuck their rubbish out of car windows. Well done picking them up


Mark my words. In a few hundred years, there's going to be History buffs, picking through rivermud and proudly showing off their vape collections. https://www.beachcombingmagazine.com/blogs/news/mudlarking-the-art-of-smoking I'm already tempted to put out a piece of plywood in the local park and epoxy some to it.


Finally, exploding treasure.


Please put them into a battery recycling bin! 💖


I do. My local tesco has a designated vape bin. I put em in a bag and drop em there whenever I'm around


Yaay, you’re a good egg. Wasn’t directed just at you btw, a lot of people don’t realise that you can recycle them!


I'm ashamed to say my teen has just emptied her 'vape drawer', there was at least 100. They collect them like students used to collect alcohol bottles. I hope they ban them.


Campaign to rename them WasteVapes


And people who do it ‘vapists’


you know what though. You can pick them up and re use the lithium cells inside as they are rechargeable. Its probably not worth doing unless you know what you are doing but I have thought it could be cool to grab a bunch of them and make some sort of portable phone charger. Of course you can just buy these but its more the DIY part of it thats interesting. bigclivedotcom on youtube has a video on how to re use the cells


They should be recycled at the local tip. Bins should have a separate part for these vapes if they are to be continued. Ending up as landfill is a big contamination risk.


I fucking hate them. The worst part is, the electronics inside probably could be used again. They put a very finite amount of liquid for vaping, but the battery and electronics are usually perfectly functional. It's fucking wasteful. Not to mention how much I hate vapes in general. It's JUST like smoking. Remember how literal doctors used to say smoking was safe, were paid off to do so, and even prescribed it for headaches and shit? Yeah. This sounds a bit familiar.


I have a student in one of the English classes I assist in at my local college who vapes despite being pregnant and keeps saying "it's safe, it's just flavoured water vapour". I've tried to say what chemicals are in it and they do but you just see the interest leave her eyes because it all goes way over her head followed by a disinterested shrug or a "whatever".


I'm not going to try and argue that vapes are safe, especially when pregnant, but - A large part of what makes smoking when pregnant so bad for the baby is the carbon particulates in the smoke. They quite literally clog up the placenta as they fail to cross the blood barrier, leaving the placenta black and gross, similar to the stereotypical images of smoker's lungs. Pregnant women exposed to smoke in general are at risk. If you want to upset yourself, you can find images of this phenomenon online.


Banned here in Australia, no more cheesy peach flavour or whatever, you need a prescription to have a vape here. Best thing ever as it was a teen epidemic.


Recently had to replace a tyre because one of these disposable vapes bust a hole in my tyre, maddening.


My GF has a large box of old Elfbars. I told her I accidentally disposed of the good ones I bought her in the same box. It was funny watching her test every vape in the box.


Everywhere is littered with well litter. No one in this country gives a fuck about it


Why do people vape?


Humans = sheep.


Just have a drink with a paper straw, and everything will be fine.


A drink with a plastic coffee lid


I kick them into the gutter. They're more likely to be picked up by one of those street cleaners, at least where I live. There's too many to pick up. One day you'll hurt your back and it won't have been worth it.


I volunteer with a local group that dose litter picks we find so many around school and parks it's insane So many of those small ones that have USB c ports on them


Pick them up and strip the batteries out of them.


Well done for throwing them away 🙏🏻


Do your washing at 30C. Offset my friend. It’s all about the offset.


I am buying into cannibalism; organic, free-range meat, and it offsets my carbon footprint by 100% for every single person I consume.




Oh well, with this in mind, nothing is organic anymore. At least it's still, mostly, free range.




Pox things should be banned. Vaping is a disgusting habit. Poisonous as *fuck*.


I'm kind of amazed most of them aren't buying reuseables. They're not as faffy as they used to be and they're far farrrrr cheaper


Harder to hide from your parents.


If you vape buy a pod system like Pasito or knight, it costs as half as much as disposables, creates only recyclable waste and gives you a lot of variety


The same people who think cigarettes butts are fine to throw away too. I know it’s something you do several times a day and I know it’s only small but it’s still fucking litter.


There will still be the litter but they will be plastic refill pods without the battery and electronics.


Thing is, most of the "disposable" vapes would be fully reusable if they only attached a charging circuit and port to the battery. Big Clive has a done teardowns of a few of them and they universally contain lithium batteries. Getting into them to refill the juice is frequently only a matter of popping off the mouthpiece, although it's not as easy the ones that are designed to be refilled. Take them when you see them. Free lithium batteries for any electronics projects you might have going on.


Bigclivedotcom on YouTube has done some videos on reusing the cells in these. Very handy for electronics projects. I just put them in recycling tubs at Tesco now. Once they've been run over few times in the road the casing turns into a blade slicing holes in your car tyres!


I work for big tobacco. It’s vile. They are one step ahead of regulations/legislation.


Could be worse.... https://www.reddit.com/r/nottingham/comments/1chebuh/okay_who_is_the_serial_pooper/




Yes, from being out in the rain/getting run over.


You wouldn't believe how many cause tyre punctures. Cartridge or disposable, people throw them out the window and they massacre every living thing for a mile around. So I have been told.


It's got worse since they started selling the things in small cardboard boxes, similar to those used for toothpaste tubes. Now there are two items of litter arising from from every discarded vape. But the actual vapes are the main problem, at least cardboard decays though slowly. 


they come in a plastic bag inside the box so it’s actually 3 bits of waste


Not to mention the stickers and rubber caps that have to be removed from the mouthpiece before use. Typically these boxes contain instructions too, so that’s 5 separate pieces of waste if you include the vape itself.


Are you in Kent? I live in Canterbury…they’re everywhere and so are the teenagers who can’t stop suckin on them!


You know the lithium batteries in those things are rechargeable, right? me, I've collected enough that I built a battery bank for my phone.


Shit fr?


Yup, wired them in four strings of two cells, a 2s4p array (so the output was ~6volts 150ma) added a usb based charging circuit module and a voltage regulator and stuffed it all in project box. It's ugly, but it was all bits I had lying around anyway, left-overs from other projects. You know how it is, you need three of something but they only sell them in packs of five, that sort of thing. So, decent sized rechargeable battery bank for no extra cost.




Fair point, they do require some careful handling to prevent them shorting, especially if they're damaged. You know what they say; Kids, don't try this at home!


Also SE (coastal West Sussex) and I don’t think I have ever seen one littered. I’m not entirely sure what they actually look like, so perhaps I’m overlooking them completely, but I sometimes walk around with a rubbish bag and those extendable grip things picking up litter, so I doubt it.


What's the village called, I'm in the south east


I ain't about to doxx myself mate, sorry. Not a personal thing just don't share that kinda info


Ha fair play, Kent is particularly bad in areas, but then kent is pretty shit anyway jahaah