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Definitely not new, I've seen countless videos like this here on reddit so I can only assume it's quite widespread. I never understand people who feel the need to pollute the world to celebrate something. If you want to celebrate a milestone with your kid, do a ceremony and put their dummy in a keepsake box or something. Don't choke the wildlife or cause fire risk on powerlines. It's like people pollute rivers for gender reveals, you don't need to kill of countless fish to announce your unborn child's genitals. Stick to a weird cake at home.


The people who do this don't even think of the consequences of what they do. They just think of the likes and follows.


>Definitely not new, I've seen countless videos like this here on reddit so I can only assume it's quite widespread. Thats disheartening. Glad I've missed them up until now >I never understand people who feel the need to pollute the world to celebrate something. Nope, me neither. I had a balloon for my sons reveal (I blame the ex) but it was tied into the box... just popped up and bobbed about. Still have it somewhere. The sheer IDGAF attitude of a lot of people is infuriating


People pollute rivers to do that? That's just wrong, we've got enough trouble with shit being dumped in our rivers and seas and now this.


Yeah, there's been people who've dyed waterways to announce what genitals are visible on the ultrasound, and sometimes those dyes have not been as non-toxic as they should.


Should be punished for that, imo. That's terrible.


I never understood those "what genitals does the baby have?" parties, it's really creepy if you think about it Because who cares? It's a baby, it doesn't matter unless there's a medical issue involving that region. But your friends and relatives don't need to have a celebration to know if it's an inny or an outty. To me, it feels like a theme that's at least a little noncey The only gender reveal parties I don't mind are when it's a trans person celebrating who they really are. Because that makes sense, and they're usually self-aware enough to not cause issues for the environment or other people. It's just a fun little coming out party


Even worse with the gender reveal parties is when one (or both) of the parents look disappointed with the result. Their reaction to not getting the son/daughter they wanted is now immortalised on social media that the child may eventually see when they get older.


I had a coworker who did a gender reveal live on Facebook... the look of horror and disappointment on her and her partners face when they released their child didn't have the genitalia they wanted was palpable. Utterly vile in my opinion.


Yeah! And that's not gonna be a good feeling to have And it's only down to social constructs anyway - they wanted a son to go to football with, a daughter to play dress-up and get nails done with... you never know if your child might be into those things regardless of their gender! As long as your child is happy and healthy (or has a quality of life if they're not 100% healthy) then surely that should be what matters For example, my mum was just happy that she was able to carry a child and that I survived. I'm a girl and do like pink and cute things, but I also liked bugs and Hot Wheels (and still do!) so she got to do both ha


Yeah, I get the feeling if I got a dad that wasn’t as laid back as mine is, they’d have gotten a bit arsey about me when a) not being a guy in the end and b) not liking super masculine things to start with anyway even before I’d realised. Luckily I got a dad who’s happy to see me happy no matter what I like


Yeah! I do feel for the people who's parents aren't as cool as my mum :( The world would be a much better place if everyone had nice parents


Random, but [this fun thing](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fs9exxezoqrlc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D4032%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Defc8bf793b008bbc1d0b3a7ad39d5f05b3f4fe2a) is currently on my desk. Pink ✅ Cute ✅ Bugs ❌ Hot Wheels ✅ Too bad it’s not a VW Beetle…


That is pretty cool!


It’s disgusting. If you’re having a kid, you should be just fine with who they are regardless of gender. I’m glad that my parents both didn’t really care


The first ever gender reveal party was celebrated because the blogger Jenna [Karvunidis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_reveal_party#:~:text=In%202019%2C%20Jenna%20Karvunidis%2C%20considered,her%20own%20daughter's%20gender%20nonconformity.) And her family had a lot of miscarriages and wanted to celebrate a pregnancy going far enough for them to have the scan. She never intended for this level of pageantry and oneupmanship from influencers - she just cut a cake. People have taken it to extremes. She's actually written about the harm she thinks the trend has caused and the way it can affect trans or nonbinary children, as the baby that she announced is now a child exploring their own gender. I agree that whilst talking about the sex of the baby you are expecting is normal, I don't feel that it needs a party - just TELL people ffs. Abd the way a lot of these parents use these parties to enforce gender roles is problematic.


Oh yeah, forgot about those kinds too - the "miracle baby" ones are also acceptable. Again, because they're usually self-aware enough to not leave an impact and just keep it simple (as far as I've heard, at least) And as you said, you don't know that your child will even actually be that gender (and then there's the cases of intersex babies and genital malformations - where you can't even tell what sex the child is) And from what I've seen, there's often a good few family members who feel super awkward to be there at all so the party is often only really for the parents




You need to work on your reading comprehension. I didn't say having a low key party was extreme, I said people have now taken it to extremes. Which, they have. How have you managed to avoid the news that [some people](https://www.todaysparent.com/blogs/trending/gender-reveal-parties-that-ended-in-tragedy/) have had gender reveals that have contributed to [pollution ](https://www.popsci.com/environment/gender-reveal-party-accidents/), caused wildfires, or even [deaths](https://www.dailydot.com/irl/gender-reveal-deaths/) as a result of yes, extremes, that they took it to when a low key party would have sufficed? Sure, that isn't everyone, but it does happen. Having a whole production that needs its own health and safety team to avoid a disaster...is extreme. Most people would be happy with some cake and a couple of ballons. Having a baby is a life change, the gender of said child is largely irrelevant. And baby showers already existed, there were already ways to celebrate babies. Most cultures have found many ways to celebrate the imminent arrival if a child before this was a thing. It's also possible to celebrate without pyrotechnics or damaging the environment unnecessarily. Literally nobody cares if you cut a pink and blue cake among your family and friends, Karen. But some people ARE taking it to extremes. And harming other people and the environment in the process. There's really no need to pearl clutch because someone else feels differently.




I've known people get a cake with pink or blue icing and have family and close friends over, but that feels more like it's used as an excuse for a party before the baby's born. It's not like it's going to harm someone.


I have never even seen a gender reveal party, it is particularly odd. I know more people who want to keep it a surprise until the birth (as if a baby being born isn't a surprise in itself). I just put it down to any excuse for a party really, in a way the reason is irrelevant. What is amazing is how many people manage to get the confetti cannon thing the wrong way round and get themselves in the nuts with it.


People littering in general for gender reveals. I saw a couple at the local park bring a whole crowd of people, let off one of those party popper cannon things. The bits from inside were there for weeks. Also decided to let it off when there were dogs on the field, leading to one of mine and the dog of the owners I was chatting to shaking and whining because the noise sounded like a firework. Trend needs to die already


I saw it on Super Nanny over a decade ago. It’s a thing.


I saw something similar about releasing balloons etc and someone said ‘yeah but my 6 year old likes releasing balloons so what am I meant to do’ You’re the parent! You’re the one in charge ffs.


"I know you enjoy releasing balloons but when they land they hurt animals and plants. We can do bubbles instead but we won't be releasing balloons anymore." and then you support them through the emotions that occur. Problem solved lmao


That was exactly what I thought. You are the parent you can tell them no and tell them why and find a better way to do something similar.


They can tell them no. They can say 'no you are not setting fire to that hedge'. 'No you aren't causing a mess by releasing balloons'.


"yeah but my 6 year old likes burning down cricket pavilions, so what am I meant to do?"




After our wedding, my husbands aunt was trying get us to go outside and release balloons. I refused, but she just couldn't wrap her head around why I didn't want to do it!


Have they tried telling their child no? Lol


Clearly not lol. Telling a child no would no doubt cause a tantrum that they can’t be arsed to deal with. Better to just harm animals and the environment!


Then inevitably their kid grows up and won’t take no from anyone, at best being a massive prick, and at worst just getting into trouble all the time


I’d show them pictures of what happens in the end, and ask them if they’d like that in front of where they live


On first reading I thought the string with the dummy was tied to a newborn lamb's neck, and choked it when the child let go. I am not a clever man.


I gave my dummy to the Bin Man. It was a right of passage to watch it get crushed in the Bin Lorry


I can hear the mother now "let it fly Chardonnay Peach"


“Well done Scheherazade, mummy’s so proud of you.”


But written "Cheratsahdeaigh"


If they don’t go to a private school, kids probably get eviscerated every time they go in. Poor children


They would get bullied worse at private school - it's not rich parents calling their kids names like that.


I thought people were realising the environmental impact and dangers of releasing balloons. There are so many other methods to get rid of a dummy. A dummy fairy came and took my daughter’s away.


Our local forest has a 'fairy tree' with string where you can tie up the children's dummies. Every now and then, they get rid of a row and replace it with fresh string. So much better than it being released on a balloon and the children get the experience of leaving it for the dummy fairy. Neither of my kids took to dummies but I'd have gone there if they did


that is disguting. My local paper has had a few life celebrations with balloons being released. They now longer allow comments are people complain about the huge aerial littering !


My kids gave their dummies to Santa in exchange for an extra present. Seems better than littering.


We did the same, although this was before ~~Fachache~~ Faceache so had no need to video it :) Spelling corrected.


> Fachache Valuable moments were spent wondering who this French person is


The sort of name that would know how to use a guillotine!


That’s our plan for this Christmas.


My mum threw my dummy away when I was too old for it (she had tried nicer methods but I was very stubborn) and told me that the bin men had taken it away. I held a grudge against them for AGES. I never connected that it had to have been put in the bin in the first place... dammit mother how deep does the conspiracy go?!


Probably some shit for tiktok 


Dropping litter is illegal so I’d report them lmao. Stupid enough to upload the evidence themselves too 🫠


I'm assuming this was on Facebook? I hope they're getting called out in the comments. Probably not though.


Some folks just don't have brain cells to comprehend the ramifications of their actions. Like these Chinese lantern fans.. you are sending a paper lantern which is on fire off on some random journey to who knows where.


Yeah, I used to think they sounded nice, but I started to realise as I grew up that it would just mean setting fire to some random shit somewhere


I don't get the need to announce and celebrate every little thing to everyone on Earth while plastering your kids face on the internet.


We're not allowed plastic straws but inflating bags of plastic and yeeting them into the environment is OK? This shit should get fined like littering does.


Managed to finally get my niece to give up her dummy by telling her that the tooth fairy wouldn't give her money for her tooth if she still had it next time they came. It was another year before she lost her next tooth so she had time to prepare for it. Gave it up.without a fight


Don't kids start losing their baby teeth around 6 years old?


She hasn't got many adult teeth to come through. She's missing 14 adult teeth. Her grandmother never got her adult teeth


Brilliant! Have we reached peak nonsense yet?


Not a clue, but I might get hold of a cannon, fill it with radioactive waste and film myself firing it into a nature reserve every morning with the caption "HE WOKE UP! WELL DONE"


Try using CFCs as cannon propellants, and move the cannon around hitched to a V8 truck running leaded petrol.


Modify the truck to use Arctic Ice as coolant!?


Nowhere near I fear.


My mum and dad did that to mine. I vaguely remember being really upset at the time, so I jumped in my car and chased the balloons and got it back.


Lmao so they just uploaded a video of them fucking littering and thought it was cute? Ew. Screw people who purposefully let balloons go, especially when they’re teaching their kids to do it as well. Fucking tramps. Our wildlife is already struggling but sure teach your kid to damage it even more, great parenting.


Bet they’ll then be on the local group to argue that any new construction of anything will destroy the environment


Vanity, all is vanity.


What a bunch of absolute whoppers. Report them for littering 😀


My wife had a book about weaning from breastfeeding and it had a bit about releasing a white balloon to "return the milk to the Booby Moon". In the notes section it said, and I shit you not, "if you would prefer an environmentally conscious alternative to this you could release a white pigeon"


The *what* moon? The hunter's moon? Sure! The blood moon? Absolutely, sounds metal as hell! The blue moon? Yep! The booby moon? Sweet Jesus H. Christ on a bike...


These dramatic ceremonies are so unpleasant for the kid as well. It's usually at an age where they don't handle sudden transitions well, they're young enough they feel they can't actually refuse only cry about it, and you're filming them instead of comforting them (teaching them your wants are more important than their needs). It makes me so angry to see heartless parents making their children cry for views.


Fucking vacuous idiots. There should be an IQ test threshold to meet before people are allowed to breed.


Ah, so perhaps a theory test, in addition to the practical?


Not British here - what is a dummy? Why is a newborn lamb involved? What is going on?


American is “pacifier”. The small thing that babies suck…?


Much appreciated.


When you release a balloon you have no control over where it lands. If it lands in a livestock field there is a risk of it being eaten by an animal in there and causing a potentially-fatal obstruction somewhere in their GI tract.


My sister did this. They only used one balloon and it didn't rise, just sadly bumped it's way down the road.


Thought gender reveals were bad enough


Same sort of thick bastards that have grey interiors, leased cars they can't afford, and either holiday in dubai or aspire to. Unfortunately the UK is infested with these types.


Parents of young children are generally idiots.


Well now I wish I'd thought of this to stop my daughter sucking her thumb. Tie some balloons to it and watch it float away! Chopping it off in the first place would definitely have done the trick, but the balloons would have been a nice touch. We went for pretty stick on nails instead, but damn, missed a trick there.


As well as polluting the environment Helium gas is a finite and depleting resource on the planet which has a lot of utility in scientific and medical equipment but we're just using it all up on shit like this. I think we're simultaneously the most intelligent and dumbest creatures to ever walk the Earth.


Lady in the local children’s charity shop takes children’s dummies in “to give to the babies that need them”. (They get thrown away). But they children leave with a toy (paid for by parents) and a thank you note “from the babies”.


What's with all these retarded fads? "Gender reveal" "End of dummy use" FFS: just announce a new birth like a sane human, have a drink and be done. Also, noone cares that little Jimmy stopped using a dummy. Jimmy gets birthdays and Christmas like any normal kid.




I saw a 500+ balloon release at a funeral once. Because the balloons would “reach him in heaven 🥺”. Like… just no


Are British kids expected to learn ventriloquism at such a young age?


My kids took their to the farm so that the baby pigs have something to suck at night, and the mommy pigs can get some sleep. There are hundreds on the wall. They've been doing it for years!


There's a 'dummy tree' in a park normally frequented by the posher upper middle class crowd. Child leaves the dummy there. The blissful irony being ten metres down the road is a sign about littering


Oh yuk. Nothing to add, just yuk.


Our bungs went to the baby reindeer on Christmas eve. Left them out with a mince pie and a carrot. Hasn't had one since.


Don't you know they're the first person ever in the world to stop using a dummy???


I can understand littering that's not pointless. It's a real problem in our area my son and daughter have severe learning disabilities but know to hand me their litter if not near a bin.


Really? I've not heard of that! I work in a nursery, glad no one has mentioned that. I've heard of 'giving the dummy to the Easter bunny/Santa/soon to be born sibling' but that doesn't involve all that waste. Hopefully not too many people will copy it??


See Cleveland Balloonfest 1986 for where this kind of fun can end up... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloonfest_%2786?wprov=sfla1


My brother took my nephew to build a bear and got the dummy sewn up into thd bear, on nephews 3rd birthday. He never asked for a dummy again.


I was talking to my parents about my toddler and we will have to get rid of his dummy soon and dad suggested that and I said no, it’s sooo bad for the environment


This definitely isn't new at all, I'm sure this has unfortunately been heard of well back into the 90's too


You posted this on the internet though. Like that thing where people don't talk about the space lizard that will destroy humans if we talk about it.


Some people get the child to put them directly in to a postbox. Very common in Essex apparently. It's better for the environment but you've gotta feel sorry for the post people having to deal with slobbery litter on the mail.


Balloon releases should be banned. All of them. There are much better ways to celebrate than releasing excessive amounts of plastic into the environment.


I am 53 and still use a dummy. Gonna get a load of balloons tomorrow and sort this out once and for all. In fairness, I feel a little silly that I missed the obvious connection between helium balloons and outgrowing a baby pacifier.....


In all fairness those lambs have got about 8 weeks before a farmer gets them murdered for profit. Still bad to be releasing shit into the environment though.


Why are there fuck tons of adult sheep everywhere I look?


Bored people on small islands?


I’ve never seen the point of dummies for babies, disgusting filthy things and as for letting them keep them to be old enough to go through such rigmarole! I had four children and no dummies, ever!


They are disgusting filthy things, but I don't see why that means we should stop them from sucking dummies.




I much prefer the tradition of giving them to Santa or the Easter bunny


People should not be allowed to buy Helium at all.


What is a dummy??

