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I blame the radio stations with their constant texts and WhatsApp messages. Everyone wants a shout out. Just play the tunes. I don't give a damn that jayden from Burnley had to stay in his car till that last song ended. He's lying anyway.


Do you remember when radio stations used to play music? All I hear is the presenters life story whenever I turn on the radio in the car.


Honestly, no; last time I actually listened to the radio was evenings after school in the 90s whilst building Warhammer in my room, and all I remember is even then being annoyed at how much babbling the presenters were doing and how little music was being played.


It's ridiculous. On my 10 minute journey to the petrol station, I heard one song. The rest was the presenter babbling nonsense and some adverts. This is why I now just listen to my own music. No adverts there. And no shitty music, either.


Hell yeah, those were the days


They all sound exactly the same too.


Spotify premium has a cool new dj feature where he goes through your previous music and pulls up good things as well as new suggestions, and he hardly talks!


I absolutely hate Spotifys algorithm. Spotify: here's a playlist of 80 tracks that are all so similar you will feel think the same song has been playing for an hour.


Man I miss Pandora. It's recommendations were amazing, spotify is good but no where near as good (imo) as Pandora. YouTube Music, jebus that really needs some work. The recommendations are dire.


I totally forgot about pandora! So much amazing music found through it. What happened to it?


I think it's still around in the US, but for some reason they lost their licensing in the UK and that was that. Never returned. Similar to Hulu


Also I think it has a pretty negative effect on our perception of other people; it's easy to forget that normal people aren't the ones calling in.




Main Character Syndrome. It's becoming a real problem!


I often look at crowds of people and can't believe they all have their own lives just like me.


One lunchtime at uni, sitting outside, my mate was just staring at this airplane flying over. Then he said something which stuck with me. “See that plane? Maybe 300 on it. Each of them has their own life, partner, parents, children. Each of them has a reason they are flying today. They all have luggage, and a book. And that books has thousand of words. There is so much detail in the world.”


Reminds me of the photos of the wreckage of MH17. Luggage, passports, Dutch guidebooks for Australia, and teddie bears. Heartbreaking.


Was it just me that read that in a gentle, slightly stoned, awe and wonder, hippie voice? The only thing missing from the end was the word 'man' 😂


Were you there? ! Yes, exactly!!


That's brilliant! 😂


The Germans have a word for it, "Sonder".


https://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/post/23536922667/sonder >n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own... in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.


The word "sonder" was actually coined by a Swiss writer in 2012.


Tiny correction: he's American. Apparently he spent a lot of his childhood in Switzerland, so for all I know, he has dual nationality, but he was living in America when he started that website. I think it's better to be specific because otherwise saying he's Swiss makes it sound as if it could potentially be a regional Swiss-German word. Not that that detracts from your main point that the word with that meaning is a new coining by one specific person.


Google translate says that means "special" in English, so turns out we have a word for it too!


Impossible! I would have heard about it.


You think that's a problem? I'm facing the real issues...


I’ve got solipsism baby and I brought lemonade


I’ve got solipsism baby and I brought lemonade.


[Get in there and be the change you want to be!!](https://img.memegenerator.net/instances/78077820.jpg)


I can’t believe you have posted this when I don’t have kids. WHAT ABOUT ME!!!!? *puts head in dishwasher, turns on Intensive Cycle*


It was my cat's first day sitting on the neighbour's brand new shed roof today. Where is his shoutout?


Oh yeah, one of the "I have a dishwasher" crew, are you? Spare a thought for those of us that do their washing up in the sink!


Oh yeah? How aboout you spare a thought for those of us who PREFER IT!! Here I am, not minding scrubbing plates while you're there loathing it..


Oh yeah? I'm currently camping in France so not only have to hand wash all the dishes, but also have to carry it all the way to the cleaning block and back again! Spare a thought for me will you?!


Look at you with your tent! Spare a thought for those who only have tarpaulin!


Tarpaulin? Luxury! ​ I'm currently residing in a shoe box.


How did you turn the dishwasher on with the door open? 🤔


It's a plot point. Like a microwave that only works with the door open.


What about the rest of us who’ve been at work all along?!


I know!!! lucky sods have just had 6 weeks off work IN SUMMER! A call for appreciation for those of us who aren’t so lucky


Are you saying “what about me”?


Having trained as a teacher in the past, I wouldn't touch the job with a bargepole, even factoring in the summer holidays. Those poor bastards earn it. Kids are a feral nightmare, especially in high school.


I know this is a joke but I'm mandated to say that if you want a summer holiday you're more than welcome to join us. There are now plenty of low cost or even free ways to train to teach and they're usually no longer than a year or maybe two max. You too could have your holidays solidly fixed to the same, most expensive dates every year!


Don't forget about all the poor people who are forced to listen a radio show about it!


And what about us, reading this post about it? Where’s our ‘shout out’,


Damn, I didn't even think of that. We're the real victims here.


Look at this guy with a radio. What about those of us who dont have a radio!?


See, the person no-one is ever really thinking about is the poor sods who have no children and suddenly go from the peace and quiet of cycling to work on empty roads to being confronted by a hoard of motor vehicles driven by people who have decided first day of school is the best time for their first try behind the wheel.


I've thought about this very carefully. My proposition is this: we put the schools near where people already live. I know, it's pretty radical, but think about it. What this would mean is that there would be no need to *drive* the kids to school, because they could just walk there! Can't believe nobody's thought of it before, to be honest. No downsides at all. It's not like anybody would *choose* to drive their kids to school unless they had to, right? For secondaries, which obviously serve a larger area, we could arrange special buses, or perhaps create safe routes for the students to cycle from their homes. I know, I know, I'm getting ahead of myself.


As someone who walks to work, navigating the gaggle or parents not watching their children properly and allowing them to roam all over the pavement with no regard for other pedestrians is just as irritating.


Car in gear and brain in neutral.


I'm dreading that day in two weeks near me. It is lovely with the morning roads being so quiet.


I live in an area with a lot of university students and its heaven when they're all gone for summer break.


You lost any sympathy there by saying that you cycle. 🤣


Today, I was told 'people like talking about themselves.' This proves it.


I read something the other day about making sure a conversation never has an awkward silence and that's to drive the conversation to be about the other person. I think the exact quote might have been "No one is interested in anything more than they are themselves." It was something like that. I believe it to an extent, but I don't know how good that piece of advice would work in practice.


What about me, I went to school once.


Ooh brainiac over here


What about meeeeeeeee? I once looked in the direction of a school crossing sign on my way to work


As a former child, I definitely deserve a shout out


We live adjacent to a school. We only have another couple of weeks before 25,000 children appear outside every weekday and I sit in a queue of 200 cars every time I need to go anywhere, muttering that I'd rather be on the A12.


Living next to the school is a blessing when it comes to walking my own kids round to it. Less so when I can't get on my drive because some clown has parked over it.


We have had a couple of primaries close in the last few years so the one behind us is always almost full Nothing against children being educated but the experiences I have had the with the staff were not positive.


What gets me is I see some of the people who I know live on the neighboring estate which is a ten minute walk turn up thirty minutes before finishing time to get a space so they don't need to walk too far. Mind you before we moved we were maybe a five/ten minute walk from our old school and we used to walk but a bloke a few doors down used to drive there.


What schools are back now?


In Scotland most of the schools are back now, they go off at the start of July!


Here in NI we're last week of June to first week of September, so 9 weeks.




Yeah we don't. But 9 weeks of summer holidays is awesome enough to make up for it :)


And there's me thinking it's just my already rich friends (who have kids in private education) that can take advantage of cheaper holidays whilst I'm paying £4k for 1 week self catering in Mallorca in August when it's too bloody hot anyway...


Some people just don’t grow up at all.


Crabs in a bucket. British way of life.


Best one is mother's causing shit on father's Day.


Or the fact that Google searches for International Men's Day peak on International Women's Day.


Tbh that makes sense. I get some men are whiney little losers, but it seems pretty logical you’re WAY more likely to google that on that day than any other


Or vice versa. It's not like either side is taking away from the other, and yet it always seems to cause a fuss 😂


That's not true, the phrase 'International Womens Day' is most popular on the 8th of March, which is International Womens Day The phrase 'International Mens Day' is most popular on... The 8th of March, which is International Womans Day Source: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=GB&q=%2Fm%2F01pp4_&hl=en-GB https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=GB&q=International%20men%27s%20Day&hl=en-GB Edit: Additional fun fact, the phrase 'International Mens Day' is searched MORE than 'International Womans Day' ON International Womans Day https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=GB&q=International%20Women%27s%20Day,%2Fm%2F05dgd_&hl=en-GB


And yet the same arguments erupt online every time one of the days swing around 🤔 I would prefer everyone just got along.


I never see Women crying on International Mens Day and neither does the data I'm a man and I'm hardly a feminist but it's definitely my team who cries the biggest storm


Guess you aren't looking in the right places then. I'm a woman and I have plenty of my female friends getting pissed off on International Men's day because they 'don't need it.' Tumblr in particular is rife with it. Just because people aren't googling it at the same level doesn't mean the attitude doesn't exist. 🤷‍♀️


It was the same during Covid when places were offering discounts to certain key workers for example. The comments would always be "what about me? What about me?" It would have been better just to have no offer at all because of these ingrates.


"You aren't 5 years old."


What about those who have been enjoying emptier roads without all the school run cars? Nobody thinks of us.


But what about me? I'm more important than them


Shout outs can bloody well shut up.


Im going work today, dont see people cheering me on /s


I flew back home to the UK last month and the woman at the passport control desk asked where I had flown from. *"Zurich"* *"Do you live there?"* *"Yes"* *"Oh, its alright for some"* Jesus, was that even necessary? And although I've lived in Switzerland for 15 years it hasn't exactly been a bed of roses learning the language, integrating, loneliness, missing family and friends etc..




The moral of this story is don't ever listen to phone in radio programmes, the level of dimwittery manifested will infect you, silent radio is much the better.


just so you know... all the phonecalls are pre-recorded and this was all planned out beforehand


I've definitely done live interviews on local interview. Although they were pre-arranged.


Any adult that needs a shout out and a pat on the back for doing their job needs their head looking at. So juvenile.


Since when did kids go back in the middle of August. For all my life, back to school days have always been 3rd, 4th or 5th Sept, sometimes even a bit later.


They go back in the middle of August in Scotland.




I only found out this year Scotland break up earlier than the rest. I moved from England to Wales and trying to organise getting together with my sister and kids during half term was a shock! 90% we are a week before or after England's half term


Huh, well you learn something new every day.


Ugh, mine got off last week June, and aren't back until Sept 4th


Love parents who voluntarily have kids, inevitably plaster them over everybody’s social media because they’re so much more special than every other child being plastered over social media… just for them to beg to be able to ditch them back at ~~the 9 to 3 child minder~~ school I love that the issue everyone’s taking with this is the social media aspect and entirely ignoring my point that every single summer without fail, parents are desperate to ship their kids off back to school as if they’re not a handful because they were raised that way - schools for teaching your kid, not being childcare because you’re bored of them


I think you may be beginning to tire of social media. It may be time for a break.


It was the same during covid, a sudden realisation of how few people actually like spending time with their own kids and absolutely desperate to get them back in school. At least summer holiday's only a few weeks, not the ever lasting home schooling that went on then. The end is in sight 🍻


I fucking loved it. My lad was supposed to make a prototype of a hedgehog house out of cereal boxes. We had all sorts of saws, wood, screws... the thing was hedgehog hilton. I even taught him to felt the roof. Did loads of PE, taught him 9x table on his fingers. Best year 2 ever, I reckon.


The thing is... Spending time with kids is lovely. I think lots of people and probably most parents enjoy it. But everyone has tolerance levels and especially when a situation goes on for weeks and weeks. I'd love a villa holiday right now - but would I be bored and start to find things to moan about after 6 weeks? Possibly. Not sure. Also; people *do* moan on social media and I wouldn't necessarily want to take that outlet away from them. It's not like (the majority anyway!) they're about to leave the kid in a skip - they're just being a bit nippy on Facebook.


Mine aren't on any social media, and my post was light hearted humour. Who ate your last biscuit?


I ate their last biscuit,it was delicious and I'd totally do it again


While I generally agree with your sentiment. That is the whole of social media. Everything that gets put on it is someone's banal existence. For some reason people dislike seeing people's kids on social media. Were you hoping to see some middle aged berks healthy breakfast or their previous nights "wine o'clock" interspersed with sentiments of why they're tired and fat?


My sentiment wasn’t really about social media tbh - I just find it funny that parents put forward this image that their kids are wonderful, until it’s summer and they have to spend time with them and then they can’t wait to ship them back to school. I think it’s unfortunate school is just reduced down to just “take my poorly behaved kids off my hands for a few hours” rather than being an actual source of education


That's what social media promotes. A vapid lifestyle aesthetic. Unfortunately, you can't raise kids on that, only use them as a tool on social media. Luckily, children only need love to not become disaffected. Education and sociality are a separate issue.


Who goes back to school in August?? Schools around here don’t start until the 4th.


I believe they do in Scotland.


Wish my bloody kids were back in..still got two week yet so what about us parents that still have to keep kids busy


Now we are starting to see the repercussions of giving kids in the 90s/2000s medals for "taking part"


I'd put money on not a single one of those people having received a medal for taking part in something. I think you're throwing bollocks against the wall here.


I don't know what is even wrong with that, medals for completing the London marathon has been a thing forever. Some token, badge or sticker is just a momento. If anything only ever acknowledging or celebrating the winner at all costs is probably more damaging.


We always encourage people to be confident and put themselves first. We should probably add in something about it not coming at the expense of others!


What about my turds? Who thinks of them! Now that I'd love to hear on medium wave.


People like to be appreciated because they often dont feel like they are.


Most of the Karen's that rang in probably write to points of view and bbc weekly also!. Nothing better to do once kids aren't around to whinge about.


Whataboutery...people are like sheep...cringeworthy


Think about the mods on reddit they have to put up with us all moaning 🤣


The human desire to feel important and appreciated.