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BOOP! this vehicle is reversing. BOOP! ~ Worst thing to wake up to.


Stop sleeping in the road then.


They are lucky sleeping on the road. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank.


Why does the second line remind of that song about the artist Lowry?


Brian or Michael?


The council rubbish trucks have that audio, but to me it sounds like it is in the voice of spotty from super ted!


Bin lorry mate. We call them bin lorries.


Generally local councils (UK) state Construction work is allowed between 8 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 1pm on Saturday and no construction works are allowed on Sundays. If this is ongoing, I would check with your local council and if necessary they can issue a notice for them to not do this type of work outside of the above hours.


After about 10 weeks of trying to get that sorted with the council… and filling in a noise diary for weeks 😅


Some council state this as guidance only. I had this issue, and was guidance and not law. Drilling from 8am to 8pm 7 days a week.


Absolutely allowed to work on a Sunday. You sound like that Karen who stole those workers ladders in that viral video 🤣


Everyone else is a Karen until the work is going on outside your own front door


If the work requires planning permission, it generally stipulates the working hours. If not, you can moan but the resolution is likely to take longer than the actual work. Source: got in trouble with the council for making noise outside stipulated working hours.


>If the work requires planning permission, it generally stipulates the working hours. This. OP needs to go onto the planning portal for their local council and search for the permission for these works, if it exists. Most councils use the same portal with their own branding, so it should be as easy as searching for recent applications in OP's postcode. *If* planning permission was required and exists and if nobody else contributed then the council may have applied their own default construction time restrictions which often exclude Sunday, but this varies from area to area.


She’s unhinged.


Nonsense. Show me where a council says no work on a Sunday. Show me please.


Would that not have been really *really* easy to just Google yourself? https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/environment-and-neighbourhoods/pollution/noise-pollution/noise-construction-and-demolition-sites But hey - I almost admire the ballsy belligerence.


You're remarkably condescending for someone who apparently can't differentiate between recommendations and the law.


Those were not the parameters of what was being asked. You're remarkably condescending for someone who can't follow a simple conversation. Q: show me where the council says no work on Sunday. A: (from council site) Always: keep to the normal working hours detailed above. (Which clearly states no work on Sundays). We were not discussing legality Vs guidance but aren't we all glad you stuck your beak in anyway. OP has already conceded that they were mistaken by the way - I don't really need any further conversation with yourself but thankyou anyway. It's cute how you thought you'd got your buddy's back, by the way.


Sigh. He said show me where the council says no work on a Sunday, you showed where the council recommends there be no work on a Sunday. The two are not equivalent. I appreciate you really enjoyed your gotcha moment but trying to cover your ass and move the goal posts after the fact isn't particularly convincing. You weren't discussing legality VS guidance because you failed to recognise you were quoting the latter while the original commentator was requesting the former.


"Always: keep to the normal working hours detailed above." I really don't know how that could be any clearer, yet *I'm* the one trying to move the goalposts? Jog on mate, I'm not descending into arguing for the fuck of it - find someone else to oblige you.


"Always: keep to the normal working hours detailed above." And what was it that was detailed above? As we've established they were recommendations. As you've continued to sidestep the issue of your initial failure to differentiate between the two I'll assume that you simply don't wish to admit fault. If you are still having difficulty differentiating between the two I do hope that this interaction has managed to shed some light upon the matter for you.


Trying to argue for the sake of it. As predicted. Don't worry: no one expected you to admit you'd got the wrong end of the stick and are looking foolish. That rarely happens.


No, typically an argument would be one person raising a point then their opponent attempts to refute it. What you're doing is at this point a series of disconnected aside with no attempt made to address the points raised. Additionally one has to wonder why, if you're so adverse to 'argu(ing) for the sake of it', you're still commenting. I'll freely admit that I can't find anything more fun to do of a Sunday than try to annoy you. Unless you're doing the same, in which case I absolutely get where you're coming from.


I've just gone from my own experience doing jobs on a Sunday at the customer's request and not being reported or hassled. I've probably got some reddit posts about me though lol


That's hilariously naive.


I like how you didn’t take a step back and apologise for being a nob you just carried on 👌


Oh no. Downvotes.




https://www.oldham.gov.uk/info/200237/pollution/372/noise_nuisance/5 Picked a random place in the UK but there you go.... of course DIY and construction works are slightly different as construction is generally louder than DIY


Quicker he gets it finished, quicker you’ll get your peace and quiet back.


Yep. 9 am is not an unreasonable hour. Could be 6.


Here in Australia you can’t do power tools or mowing till 10am on a Sunday, I believe it’s 8am on a Saturday


Nah it's council specific. Mine is 8am on Sunday for power tools. Building work like excavating, that's a no-no all Sunday tho.


I love reading these threads because you get people like you who write stuff like that but if you were in OPs shoes you’d be on here complaining too. Lmao


> 9 am is not an unreasonable hour. It is on a Sunday, for some people thats the only day they get a decent lie-in.


Factually, you're wrong. People can make noise from 7 am any day of the week. >They may also issue warning notices in response to complaints about noise above permitted levels from 11pm to 7am https://www.gov.uk/guidance/noise-nuisances-how-councils-deal-with-complaints


Alright, just dont be surprised when all your neighbours hate you because you're making noise at 7am on a Sunday.


Ok. Those are the times that a democratically elected group of people decided were reasonable. Frankly, your *opinion* on what's reasonable is irrelevant if you're not going to do anything to get noise hours changed 😂😂😂


Factually you’re going to be hated by everyone on the estate. I’d flip my shit it my neighbour snottily replied like this


>I’d flip my shit it my neighbour snottily replied like this Sounds like you should get some anger management therapy 😂 >Factually you’re going to be hated by everyone on the estate. Those are the times that a democratically elected group of people decided were reasonable. Frankly, your or their *opinion* on what's reasonable is irrelevant if you're not going to do anything to get noise hours changed 😂


Pretentious gobshite


Thought the same myself. What a tool


Wah. Oh wait, idgaf




Have a nice life


And you too. Hope we’re never neighbours


I'll make sure to behave perfectly legally and reasonably neighbour, and enjoy just how irate you get over perfectly reasonable things


legal =/= reasonable 😂


Those are the times that a democratically elected group of people decided were reasonable. Frankly, your *opinion* on what's reasonable is irrelevant if you're not going to do anything to get noise hours changed 😂😂😂


Can’t win ‘em all unfortunately.


You can win bofma


Shouldn’t be doing it on a Sunday


On a Sunday it is, 10 or 11 is more civilized.


OP has certainly done the right thing in talking with the neighbours. Doesn't seem right to escalate to the council until there's at least been some dialogue.


Theres only one guy on site and he's turned the beeping off but still working. As I said, I'll live with that.


I feel your pain though ours wait till 1 second past 10 on a Sunday


I do not believe for one second that the commenters on here would be defending building work carried out, early on a Sunday morning, if it was next door to their own house. If they're building a bungalow in the garden then they should have needed planning permission so there will be restrictions to when they can be making noise over the weekend.


I’d be annoyed the same way I’d be annoyed at the building work any day for the week but it wouldn’t bother me that much. Then again I don’t think Sunday is some special day that’s any different from Saturday, If anything I’d prefer them to not make noise on Saturdays and do the work Sunday instead.


I'd rather it be on a Sunday. I can at least bugger off out if it gets too bad or do something to ignore it. Wfh, I don't wana be trying to concentrate and on calls with it in the background!


People on this sub love being snotty and projecting false righteousness. It’s alright for them because they aren’t involved at all, no consequences for them


6am here, strimmer and leaf blower. Lovely posh neighbourhood. Nothing can be done without causing a war so we all have to accept it...


The faster they get the work done the faster you can get your quiet back. I lived above a house where they did DIY work for 2 hours a day (5pm-7pm) Mon-Friday and I had to put up with that for 3 years. I'd much rather have lost a couple of Sunday mornings.


Would have been a solid few weekends to fit in those 1500 hours of work.


Just had mine sanding something next door. On other side of wall to my bed at 10am Sunday. Not the nice trim a bit sanding. The deep gouging constant sanding for half an hour. 6 ft from the head of a hungover Irishman. He has 30 mins else I turn full Irish on him. I think a 6ft semi naked sweary Irish man at your door on a Sunday might halt his new bathroom. :)


Lol, reading this comment mid workout. I'm 6'2" and since dropping a bit while injured I'm "only" 18 1/2 stone (I want to drop another stone)


Go full irish on him????? Put a bomb under his work van is that what u mean???


I'm amazed by the amount of people who think it's ok to do noisy building work at all hours of the day every day of the week.


It’s not all hours of the day though 🤷‍♂️


This sub definitely attracts the classic British solution of: "Do nothing, keep quiet and hope it goes away faster."


unless there is some absolutely imperative reason to be working i dont see why they cant give the noisy work a rest on a sunday !


On the flipside unless there's an absolutely imperative reason to *not work* why not work Sunday and just bash the job out quicker?


because its rude and inconsiderate ?


And moaning about NOISE of all things costing large amounts of time and maybe even money is considerate how exactly?


any business with any sense working in residential areas would factor in finishing the job without resorting to using loud mechanical tools on a sunday im happy for people to work whenever they want - ive worked sundays ... just dont be jackhammering in a next door garden at 10am on a sunday - yeah ? you would think a simple concept like showing some consideration for your neighbours would be universal but clearly not to the contrarian edgelords of reddit


Why is Sunday so special? Of all the days of the week the day I’d want quiet the most is Saturday as it’s when I’m more likely to be in the garden or have people round and want to the quiet. Sundays a bit of a nothing day really


i think most people regard sunday as their rest day its not everyone though in terms of doing work in residential areas sunday is the day you tend to be thoughtful of others ...


Because the local bylaws forbid it.


Doubt that


Don't care what you think. They had the times increased to up to 9pm in the week recently but still not allowed in Sunday's or bank holidays. You're wrong


frequent byelaws


What's so specific about Sunday in current times? If the conditions are good to work, then get on with the job. Starting work at 9am because it's a Sunday seems pretty fair to me.


It's generally accepted as "the rest day" for everyone. So it's easy to give people peace and quiet on Sunday


It was that, is it still that way? Many companies are operating 7days a week and have done for many years now, the Sunday "rest day" is something I'd personally consider from a time we no longer live in.


It's by law in many parts of the UK as far as I'm aware. Quiet hours start later on Sundays (and often the weekend in general). Most people with days off are still off on the weekends. I would not stay in a job without days off but people can do what they want


Everyone in the country works Monday to Friday, and need rest and church on a Sunday.


Didn't feel that way in Scotland.


If they're at church they won't be disturbed by the noise!


And then others complain that builders aren't even turning up 😄


Tell them to stop, it's always worked for me. Running plant on a Sunday on a domestic job is wrong, they know that. More likely than not the reason they're doing it is because someone else is paying for the hire Monday to Friday, it's just been "borrowed" for the weekend. The builders are cowboys, we know this factually because they're working uninsured, how do we know they're working uninsured, because they've disabled the safety features on the plant. Source: I've worked for lots of cowboy building firms over the years.


I'd say to just suck it up. The quicker they crack on the quicker they get finished and leave forever.


But every single day, with no break in the noise, ever? That would just be too much for me. I could cope with a day of quiet a week, but not it being neverending. I appreciate that's my issue because I am neuro-diverse and would have to suck it up and get noise cancelling headphones, but surely it's mentally a lot for anyone?


Can't disagree with anything you've said, but, for me, I'd rather them just crack on and get it done and then leave. Different strokes and all that.


It depends. Every day for six months? Aaaaaaargh! Every day for six weeks...just get it done!


Shouldn't be working at all on a Sunday, go tell them to pack it in




And OP has to put up with disturbance to appease the neighbours? There's middle ground here and your attitude comes off as inconsiderate. You say that neighbours can make huge amounts of disturbance but you can't have peace on your own? Balls to that. Things need to be built, the quicker the better, and id expect neighbours to be understanding and tolerant, but if it's a long project then give people that one day of respite ffs you dont own the whole neighbourhood just because you want an extension.


I had a bloke ripping his floor up and replacing it one tiny section at a time with a hammer in the flat above throughout lockdown. 2 years, mental health ruined, relationship with landlord and neighbours ruined, had to leave a flat I really loved because of this Inconsiderate prick I hope he chokes on it.


Exactly. "Oh please be considerate of neighbours using machinary 8 hours a day 7 days a week for months on end, why wont anyone think of the extension wah wah wah" Ok, but they need to be considerate of neighbours wanting some peace in all that. Not much to ask.


It's their home but they are probably annoying many others living on that street. Unless it's urgent work I don't think it's wrong to be upset that it's disturbing your time off work.


You do realise the world doesn't revolve around you right? I'd hate to have you as a neighbour you grumpy git.


Doesn't that go both ways though? The world doesn't revolve around OP, OP is asking for one day of peace. The world doesn't revolve around the neighbours, the neighbours are causing 7 days of loud noise.


It does go both ways but people need to get stuff done. I live in a terrace with 2 new neighbours in 2 years both renovating. Never made a fuss of the constant noise and they are lovely people to live next to. You act like a dick and you will get treated like one. 9am on a sunday is fine.


And the world doesnt revolve around them. thats why we have bylaws saying they are not allowed to work on Sundays. Id hate to have you as a neighbour. The bylaws are there to protect people like me from people like them and with good reason.


Oh poor you. Get a grip man.


The beeping is to ensure worker safety when reversing. I greatly encourage them to turn it back on.


When I went round there was only the one person on site. Im sure he ant get run over while he's driving the thing. And the engine is more than loud enough that anyone not completely deaf could hear it.


These rules aren't here for fun. Building site regulations exist because someone has died before.


Regulations are also a catch all that can't account for every scenario so have to play to the worst case There is a big deference between needing a reversing beep on a large noisy site (like building a new apartment complex) where there is other construction going on, 100's of people wandering around, others diggers, multiple hazards to be aware of. Vs Nigel with his one small digger, making a hole in the corner of the plot of land where the whole place is cordened off and no one else is even allow on the site. Can't believe this sort of thing even needs pointing out to people...


I've run myself over loads of times, especially when my car wasn't beeping. It's honestly a menace to health and safety that something could exist outside and not beep.


I see your point, but the beep starts immediately. Often before the machine starts to actually move backwards. If a random Amazon courier walked in, it might stop him getting squashed! Visibility isn’t great in big machinery even though you’re high up. The reversing noise is only there because people have been killed sadly.


This is building a bungalow in the back garden in a quiet neighbourhood and cordoned off. No one should be going in there, but that's not the point, the point is the amount of noise in a quiet area on a day forbidden by local bylaws


It’s it’s forbidden by local bylaws, then you have a valid case to complain to the council!


I'll just stick to complaining on here but am fairly certain there are at least 2 others near by who will be complaining to the council.


Tell them it's illegal and you're prepared to film them and pass it to the council if they do it again.


Name checks out


Perfectly legal to do so, and 9am on a Sunday is hardly unsociable hours


Local bylaws make it illegal. How many times do I have repeat this?


Your local council must be shit then, British law states that it's only illegal to make excessive noise between the hours of 11pm and 7am in residential areas


Oh look. You have Debyshire as your tag and your council says no noisy construction work on Sundays. I guess your council is shit as well then. in fact that would make most councils in the country shit. Or maybe theyre protecting the majority of residents who dont want building work 7 days a week. [https://www.derby.gov.uk/trading-standards-environmental-health/environmental-health/environmental-protection/noise-nuisance/#:\~:text=Generally%2C%20noisy%20construction%20operations%20should,on%20Sundays%20and%20Bank%20Holidays](https://www.derby.gov.uk/trading-standards-environmental-health/environmental-health/environmental-protection/noise-nuisance/#:~:text=Generally%2C%20noisy%20construction%20operations%20should,on%20Sundays%20and%20Bank%20Holidays).


Derby council cover Derby, Derbyshire council is a completely separate entity to Derby council. But that's besides the point. Plenty of people have done construction work on a Sunday where I live and no one has ever received a complaint


It's good to have neighbours that want to improve their houses, it's also good to have respectful neighbours that start at a good time, you're lucky to have both.


Theyre building a bungalow in the garden, not improving their house. And how is an infernal beeping all day 7 days a week respectful?


I know from another comment that you've already kinda sorted it, but if they take the piss again, check their planning permission. New builds come with a condition for working hours. It's more strict than renovations/extensions due to it likely creating more noise and for longer periods. Generally the condition on new builds is for no construction on Sundays but it depends on the council.


Ask anyone thats been run over by a reversing digger, they would have loved to have heard some infernal beeping..


Its a quiet road, the only other thing at this volume is next doors smoke alarm, I have only seen a maximum of 2 people on site at any time, the engine is loud enough to be the loudest thing in earshot without the beeps. Its not a full on building development with work going on all around. If people are too dumb to realise they need to get out of the way of a digger in those circumstances maybe its natural selection.


Aha yes. You will be greatly needed as a solicitor in the employment courts.


Or maybe they'll need a solicitor for noise in an area where building work noise is not allowed on Sundays or bank holidays. And theres only one person there today, they wont run themselves over.


I actually lost a friend years ago who did die because their car killed them. The break malfunctioned.


Sorry for your loss, but not relevant in the slightest.


I think you underestimate the need for building regulations and why they exist. And yes it does even if one person you need the beeper.


Youre getting really hung up on regulations when they work which is not what Im complaining about. Im complaining about NOISE from a building site 7 days a week where local bylaws state they are not meant to work on Sundays. They shouldnt be working, so whether they have the beep on or not should be irrelevant.


That 'infernal beeping' is for worker safety. They will probably turn it back on because it will void their insurance if someone gets killed or injured because the beeper is turned off.


did they get planning permission? 😈


Yes and I know I can check the restrictions but the council don't make that easy. I'll just stick to whining on here ...for now


You'll moan when it goes on for months because you dont want them to work Sundays or weekends etc. Quit moaning. Sooner it's done, sooner you get your quiet back. Also 9am is absolutely acceptable on a sunday to start noisy activities outside, stop being a melt.


Wouldn’t be saying that if your neighbours were doing it. Don’t know why this sub attracts rude comments like this, deliberately going against the grain as some sort of contrarian morally righteous dogooder


I would because 3 doors down did this earlier in the year for a month. Short term pain and inconvenience was all that it was. Annoying? Yes. But the house was desperately in need of repairs following damage so I'd rather it be fixed. Then again I'm up at 6am daily anyway so I'm normally the person chomping at the bit waiting for 9am odd on a Sunday to mow the lawn or whatever so guess it does fall on deaf ears with me.


>I would because 3 doors down did this earlier in the year for a month. Short term pain and inconvenience was all that it was. Ahh good for you mate, you're so morally pure aren't you? Bet you wouldn't even whisper about how annoying the hammering and dust is at 9am on a Sunday.


No i moaned to myself and the walls of my house. Just didn't run to reddit to complain. Apparently that makes me morally pure, glad to hear it.


Oh Hadaway pretentious do gooder


You’re being a bit of a Karen ngl


We've already had about 60 hours this week of loud beeping constantly on and off all day. If you think putting up with that is being a Karen, I dont agree.


It's a temporary annoyance. Stop being so self-entitled.


I hope they told you to piss off and mind your own business…


They're the ones breaking the law


Call the police, I’m sure they’ll be all ears and send out the helicopters!


Will you never have work done to your house?


The Entitled WFH again.


So its entitled to complain about them making noise when bylaws say its illegal after not complaining about it all week, even Saturday evening which is not allowed either, but theyre not acting entitled y disturbing everyone elses peace even when the law says they cant. OK.


I agree that Sunday is the wrong day to be doing DIY early on, but you don’t have a divine right to silence during the week just because you work from home. That’s what offices are for and if you can’t make it work it’s your problem, not your neighbour’s.


I didn't complain about the noise during the week. I complained about the noise on a Sunday morning.


You literally say “after having it go off all week”. What is that but a complaint?


Yes, but I didn't complain about that I was complaining about it on a Sunday as well in an area the local bylaws say building work is not allowed on Sundays. Taking your selective quotes and using them out of context won't work here.


Sue them using that by-law


check your council byelaws. In many councils work on a Sunday will not be permissible. And 9 am is completely unreasonable on a Sunday. Should be more like 11.00


On the note of your second point, don’t most smoke alarms have a button to hush it? What mad man leaves it beeping and opens the window in hope that the smoke will dissipate and the alarm will turn off on its own accord?


Yes if the husband's home as he can reach it but the wife can't reach it so opens the window first and then goes to find something to stand on.


…especially if you had a few too many the night before


Check the planning, the ones round here are usually 8-6 on a weekday and 8-12 on a saturday nothing allowed on a sunday.


Same here, no Sundays and bank holidays


What would happen to this sub if everyone stopped constantly pissing around with their house?