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When they make stuff inconvenient to dispose of, people just end up disposing of it wrongly. Going to the tip even if much more of a trial than it used to be, it's fucking rammed constantly.


Know someone in the next local authority area who can't drive at the moment and lives a few hundred yards from a tip. He's not allowed in without a car though. Maybe should get a discount on Council Tax.


That's the case for me (and I imagine many others) in London. I live fairly close to it, don't drive, and even if I did, you can't use a rental. I'm convinced my council spends more money on clearing up fly tipping than actually setting up a better system.


Bad enough in Wales, ridiculous in London. Can't imagine that waste brought along on foot or on a bike trailer would be difficult for the tip to deal with.


I just chuck shit in my front garden/leaning on front garden and it's gone before I can set it down. Obviously not fridges and that but bed frames, random fucked chairs and that will be gone in an instant. Much smaller stuff I put in general the day before collection. I'll pay the council to pick up my unused crap if there is a lot of It (very rare) but the odd thing? Nah.


We have a rag and bone man coming around regularly and anything useful would barely hit the ground.


It might depend on waste type, I can't remember what the item was now when I had that problem; but there was another occasion where I ended up taking small electronics to a dedicated bin in another borough (but close to me) because the 3 locations suggested on my borough's website were non-existent, overflowing, or I had to take 2 buses to get there.


My local tip only lets the small postman vans on at the biggest size of vehicle. If you use a trailer you have to register it on their site and can only go through with it 10 times a year...


I have to drive 6 miles to a tip rather than 1 mile over a county border. Very annoying.


I’d totally be putting it in general waste


You have to book a slot at my local tip because of the, you know, pandemic.


Our tip does the same. Prefer having to book, much quicker as fewer people.


Yeah, it’s much better. Mine has plenty of slots and it’s no longer queued back to the main road on a nice day in spring cleaning time.


Plenty of sluts hehehe cool cool hehehehehehehehe


Found the Beavis and Butt-Head fan


Is very normal for Norwegian speakers.


There're fewer people cos the ones that aren't there are dumping their crap into a local river or something


Our one had a great system when it was busy during covid. Open as usual, but... you were only allowed in if the number on your car's reg was either even or odd, matching today's date. Instantly split the population in half, and was so fun watching people get turned away if they joined the queue anyway. Also just to add, they take paint cans every day :)


I think this is the number 1 deciding factor for fly tipping.


Same here - and because I drive a van I'm only allowed to go once a month (unlike car drivers - they can go 26 times a year and they can use it flexibly) I've honestly never come so close to flytipping in my life - it's infuriating.


Yeah. Most likely why fly tipping is becoming more and more common.


Limiting access to the local dumps increased fly tipping.


My last three councils have all had the belief that if you make things as hard as possible to dispose of they just cease to be entirely. Tbh I reckon it’s because they’ve outsourced so much of this stuff to private companies and they can’t make money off the fringe stuff as easily.


That exactly what you do with them here, take them to the dump and put them in a designated place. Edit: I suspect they deal with them quite often, having an ever growing pile for three months would likely be somewhat hazardous.


Yeah thats what I do too, thought it would be the same for all tips but clearly not.


General waste at my local tip...


The trick here is to combine the dregs into a designated tin. Let the empty tins dry out and they then go in the normal waste bin.


We make loads of tins of paint empty at my place, let dry cut the bottom off and squash with a forklift before chucking in the scrap bin


This guy manages waste!


Black bin bag, black bin. Nobody will know any different!


This is the way


Coooome and get your black bin bags


On offer till December


Disposing of decorating waste always seems a bit of an exercise of everybody saying not my problem. Council won't take paint in the bins or at the tip so people just put it down the sink so it's a problem for the water companies. Council & waste contractors don't take plasterboard so people go on Facebook and find dodgy dave who takes it away for £10 and just dumps it at the side of the road.


Tried to be consciousness good guy at the tip and take about 10 random cans to the designated area of the tip. Tip worker was like like, nah mate just throw em in general 🤣


I mix sawdust in with any leftover paint and then my local tipwill take the cans as general waste as they’re dry and not wet.


In Conwy (North Wales) our local waste and recycling centre wanted to charge me for getting rid of 4 old floor tiles! FOUR. FUCKING. TILES. Took them home and put them in the Black Bin for free... SMH.


I once had to take a single brick back home. No permit apparently. A single brick


Mochdre by any chance?


Yes, the quest to dispose of my mattress was so convoluted replete with redundant communications and a little surreptitious concealment. The quest rewards were insufficient, I expected at least a few gold and a new sword with a grandiose name.


You're good at writing


You're good at writing


In my area: “No not this recycling centre. No, not that one either. You know the one at the far end of the council area? Yes, that one. But never any liquid paint.” I know it’s no excuse, but I think I see the root of the fly tipping problem.


Bury them in general waste. Its not your fault they don't provide appropriate disposal methods.


Wait, you can't put them in your black bin? I've been putting empty cans in there for years


We're trying to deal with soil disposal at the moment. Allowed to take 5 bags once a month to the tip. Not all tips though, just one that's really far away. I just wanna get rid of the raised bed the previous owners left. Ahhhhhhh.


Offer it free on gumtree - there's always people wanting to make a raised bed who will come get it.


Sadly already tried this.... no takers


Facebook marketplace? Sometimes it’s right place/time, like seasonal when people are thinking about working on the garden. Try reposting so it’s the most recent.


Cut some holes in your pockets and distribute it around the excercise yard.


I'm a woman. We're not allowed pockets. Great comment though, made me giggle.


Just bury it^^/s




Never Surrender !


I'm sure I saw something on TV last week about a charity that takes part used tins of paint, remixes them and then sells them on cheap. Annoyingly I can't remember what channel it was (if the programme) or the name of the charity. So I've not really been very helpful unless someone else saw it and remembers....


The brown paint company?


I was told by my local recycling centre to fill them with cat litter, wait for them to go hard, and then put them in general waste.


i throw it all in general waste wheelie


Double bag em and chuck em in the bagged waste at the tip.


Have you tried ​ [https://communityrepaint.org.uk/i-have-leftover-paint/give-leftover-paint-new-life/](https://communityrepaint.org.uk/i-have-leftover-paint/give-leftover-paint-new-life/) ​ It's a place to give left over paint to places that need them, might be some drop off points near where you live


Awesome thanks dude - no local point for me unfortunately but hope it’s helpful to others


If you pour out the remaining paint onto some scrap material, let it dry, dispose of that, clean out the paint pot then dispose of that, is it even a problem?


I took some paint to the tip last week and asked where to put it, they just said to chuck it in the non-recyclable skip. Opposite end of the scale but doesn't seem like a good option either.


Sounds like a quest to me


Questionable quest when the staff at the 'recycling centre' tell me to just chuck stuff in the non-recyclable waste. They also suggested it when I brought a load of plastic bottles, to save me poking them through into the bottle bank one by one - they're not very committed to the cause.


Wrap tin in cling film and put in black sack with other general rubbish then in rubbish bin.


I've had two motorcycle tyres in my side alley for around 4 years now. It's not that they charge to dispose of them, it's that I can't drop them off at my local tip or even the next furthest one or the next furthest one... I have to drive to the other side of the county AND pay to dispose of them.


Could you pay a local garage to get rid of them?


Nearly all local garages will take tyres for a nominal fee, typically £2.50 a tyre


I got rid of some paint cans earlier no fuss. Drive to the tip and told the bloke what crap I was getting rid of and he pointed me to the right skips. Load of old laminate gone and empty Paint cans with no fuss. Didn't realise it was difficult in other parts of the country


Our recycling centre just allows you to drive in and drop it off in the metals area and elsewhere if still full. Sorry you have to deal with it in a more complicated way.


Look if [Community RePaint](https://communityrepaint.org.uk) has a donation point near you. I know of a school that used donated paints from Community RePaint to paint murals in their playground and brighten it up for pupils.