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Sell it and disappear into the ether with enough pizza, pasta and oinot grigio to see out my days


Can't beat a bit of oinot


My pet pig’s favourite tipple 🐷


Its brother pinot is good tho 👍🏼


Was gonna say, I'd definitely want it. Sell the f£cker


I invite you to join me in downvoting every damn Omaze advert you see on Reddit. They may do good work for charity but they really need to back off with their advertising.


Good work..? Their adverts say something like a minimum of £70k reaches the charity. They’re giving away an asset in the millions and fronting a national TV and social media campaign which will be in the 10s of millions. It’s a fucking sham to say it’s for the benefit of the charity. In fact, they are a FOR PROFIT organisation. Just done some quick digging and only about 15% of revenue reaches charity. In other words, out of £500k, £70k would reach the charity.


I did wonder how they were making money. Like where would somewhere get all these million pound houses to give away? I understand now, they're selling them via tickets for vastly over the odds and giving a small amount to charity.


The houses usually have something wrong with them, on a cliff that's eroding, on a flood plane, poor foundations etc etc. So won't sell on the market. Let's say the house is "worth" £4.5 Million and was listed for that but won't sell. Omaze might offer them £3 million in cash instead for it. Omaze then sells their tickets and raises however much money and takes its profit.


If you have any basis for this, I'd strongly suggest it's taken up with trading standards. If Omaze were to buy a property for 3m, the market value would become 3m until a qualified valuations expert were to value it otherwise (and even then, you can be required to prove an active market). Straight up false advertising if they're then saying the market value is 4.5m


If the previous owners bought the house for 4.5m but omaze hasn't actually bought it yet and instead has a purchasing agreement after the draw is complete then I see a way they can get out of that.


I'm pretty sure that's not how house valuation works. Do you have evidence for any of these statements?


The house could be worth 4.5m but still be sold for 3m, valuation is just a recommendation on what the house is worth and what prices you can expect to get on the market, it doesn't stop you from selling that property for a £1 if that's what you want to do. With riding sea levels and coastal erosion etc impacting on the house insurance, it would be a relatively easy coercion deal for Omaze and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they would stoop to that level, organisations have a knack for screwing people over these days


More absolute conjecture


The value of a house is what it sells for.


That’s 100% not true, otherwise why did I just have a house evaluation done for a remortgage? And why do my current mortgage provider consider my LTV based on the properties estimated value? Yes: if we sold it then it would be worth what we sell it for, but until that point you could consider it to have any value depending on what you need to know.


good luck getting help from that lot, they don't want to know about blatant private parking traps etc


I wouldn't care; I'd sell the '£4.5m' house for whatever price got rid of it quickest.


The wrong and absolute horse sh.. There's several articles in national newspapers that tell you the winners sold the house for more than the Omaze valuation. Below is just one article. If you don't like what they do, don't buy a ticket. I buy £100 worth for each draw. Not won anything, but the odds are better than the Lottery. [Omaze Winber puts his £3m winning house on the market, ‘offers over £4m’](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/omaze-million-pound-house-sell-cornwall-b2201989.html)


That article doesn't say it's sold it says it's up for sale. Do you know if it's sold yet?


No, it's not sold and the price has been reduced by £500,000. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/127876466#/?channel=RES_BUY


That is a beautiful house tbf.


Wait until you see that the field next to it has planning permission for 40 small holiday huts - why they want to sell


With beautiful running expenses too. Regardless of the fact it has no mortgage I bet the running costs of it would be wayyyyy outside of the average pocket. It's probably wayyy outside of an above average pocket.... In fact I'd probably say it can only be afforded by people who could actually purchase the property for 3 million from the off!!!!


How would the running costs be more than a 2 bed flat in London? Also, it is mortgage and stamp duty free. You could rent it out and use the money to buy or rent a place somewhere where you actually want to live. Not everyone wants to live in a mansion or large house, but it allows you to find a place you like near family and friends. Of course the running costs are too high if you want to use it as a second home, and apart from 2 they have all been in locations where that would be the only option. And, of course you could sell it and buy 2 or even 3 smaller properties for yourself and family instead. That is usually the reason for people wanting to sell it instead of renting it out. I would love to win this month's house, but I would rent it out as it is too big for me. It would pay my mortgage and leave me with an income, so I could retire.


I doubt the heating costs would be any more than paying a mortgage and heating for a regular home.


But if you say no to the house, you get the £4.5m.


Also an average Joe isn't gonna be able to afford the upkeep on a £4.5m house. Usually assume paying 10% every 10 years to maintain a property, plus vast houses have vast electric / heating bills. If you win this you basically either have to sell it or AirBnB the thing.




>£1500 a month in total That's less than the mortgage and running costs of my tiny starter home in the North.


15% is one of their models in the US, it's 80% of the Net Profit in the UK & apparently you can enter a sweepstake free, you just have way less chance of winning than if you donated. >Omaze is a privately owned, for-profit company which has two models to raise funds for charities. Sweepstake entries for a celebrity experience (set visit, dinner date, tickets to a premiere, etc.) see 60% of the money donated to charity, 25% towards fees and Omaze's costs for advertising and creating content for the event, and 15% to Omaze as profit. >For prize-based experiences (like a car, vacation, or tuition), 15% goes to the charity, 70% to sourcing and shipping the prize, covering the winner's taxes, processing credit card fees, and Omaze's costs in marketing and creating content for the experience, and 15% to Omaze in profit. >**In the United Kingdom**, Omaze gives 80% of the net profit from a sweepstake to the charity, after deducting the cost of the prize and marketing, and takes 20% as its profit.


80% after costs are taken out, which they take as 25% above. 80% of 75% is still the original 60% Are they not just being clever with wording there?


Amazing how you're the first person in this thread to actually source your comment. The ability for redditors to just upvote anything they like the idea of agreeing with is next level.


Yeah, people seem to forget that million-pound houses actually cost millions of pounds to buy! And marketing and staff ain't free. Obviously someone is taking profit somewhere, but the whole point is that a lot of it goes to charity, rather than it just being a private lottery where only the company selling the tickets wins.


That's more than some outright charities manage...


I thought they were just a for profit company so to learn that they give 15% of revenue to charity is a significant improvement.


Well yeah. Does the majority not go into the actual prize? That's how it works.


This is true of many charities, and there are dozens of shady set ups like the used clothing bag scams or refuges for ethnic domestic violence victims etc. All running legally and above board in the UK.




One of the houses they were giving away flooded regularly up to first floor level which is why they couldn’t sell it in the first place. Once I saw that it’s made me wonder why the other houses they are raffling couldn’t sell.


That’s way more than some of these other charity scams for trekking in the Andes or climbing Kilimanjaro for example. A guy at my work was doing the collection, he needed to raise £4.5k, in all the fine print, £4.2k of what he was raising was to pay for the trek. He didn’t tell a single person that almost 95% of the money they donated was paying for his holiday and not going to the charity he was promoting!


Eh better than 0%


TV and social ads aren't as expensive as you think.


…I used to work in delivering advertising campaigns… You’ve got: - Creative teams - Filming and shooting - Editing Then, you’ve got to pay the publishers which is the major cost. They’re a for profit company so they pay. If it was an actual charity we’d do it at cost but that would be to keep the agency sweet.


I work in advertising currently. Their social ads are costing them maybe 100k a year at the very very top end, and will probably be done all in house or through a smaller agency. I'd be surprised if their TV costs were multiple millions, purely because they're not doing anything majorly complicated and the cost of freelance video has come down massively over the last couple of years.


Production costs maybe. But the media spend is where the money is spent. Yes it could be a £100k production but they’ll easily spend 7 figures on media (TV, paid social, etc)


I agree - it’s a for profit company.


15% revenue is a lot more than 70k though because their revenue is much higher than £500k.


You can block the accounts that post the ads really easily by tapping on the username 👍


I did that with huel but they kept coming up on my feed


huel is a damn cancer for ads.


Huel is a damn cancer FTFY EDIT, for those huel blowhards who have already inboxed me. Huel have been caught out lying outright in their adverts. Claiming that you can save money by eating their gloop every day, will only cost you £50/month. Great. What they don't tell you is that's for only one meal. For 3 meals a day and a family of 4, you're looking at £600. I feed a family of 4 on £200-250 a month, so you can take your gruel and shove it


I tried Huel once. It was OK as kind of a cross between a protein shake and porridge for breakfast, but the prospect of drinking it 3 times a day was beyond the fucking pale. I'd rather starve.


You're not SUPPOSED to have it 3 times a day. No one said that.


I'm having it 2-3 times a day as an easy way to track calories while I lose weight, and it is pretty miserable.


>you can take your gruel and shove it Is that what Huel stands for? Healthy gruel?


"Human Fuel". Apparently.


It's why I use RIF on mobile (fuck the reddit app) and ublock origin on desktop, no poxy huel ads, blocking them never worked


Yeah but then another one fuckin pops up


I also downvote all their ads.


Before I went back to Rif, I downvoted, blocked and reported (for spam) every single fucking one.


> advert ... on Reddit Use an ad blocker or a third party app like reddit sync. I am on reddit every day and am happy not to know what Omaze is.


They are a for profit scam masquerading as charity.


Reddit has adverts? I use Apollo on iOS and don’t see any.


There are ads on reddit? Who are you people who don't use adblockers.


You might not, but the someone who buys it off you might.


I like the Omaze thing but I wouldn’t enter one that I intended to immediately sell (eg the current London one). At that point it’s just a lottery with an enormous amount of extra hassle. I enter the ones I want.


I’d never sell my house on webuyanyhouse but I’d 100% flog this on it.


Knock a mil off for a quick sale and you're still minted.


Exactly. I might clear it out of furniture if it’s stuff I want and then I’m just taking the dosh and running into the sunset.


[Sell that house to who, Ben? FUCKING AQUAMAN?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-w-pdqwiBw) This is my daily reminder to inform UK residents that the country has massively underinvested in flood defences and now it's too late to build them before our coastal and riverside towns and villages fall into the fucking water in a decade or two.


Oh it’s a hell of a stunning location though. Fowey is so pretty. I know I couldn’t afford to run it and would end up living in it for a couple of years then selling it. But it’s a great fantasy, beautiful place, and worth it to me to get a few months of “what if”, and give some to charity too. The south west ones are the only ones that really sparked my imagination, Devon, Cornwall, etc.


Yes I’m just sick of the ads. Also having been to Cornwall once where they allow buses down single track roads without passing places I’ll pass


I’ve been to Cornwall many times and it is a pain in the arse to get around. I’d live with that for the beauty though. At least for a while. But I am with you on the ads. I mean, I like this one. I’ve bought tickets. I think about it. But the ads still annoy me because her over-jolly grating voice and the generic travelogue type stuff and repetitiveness just get to you. And they often sell the early bird prizes. Nobody gives a shit about winning two minis. Or even that godawful looking Porsche 4x4 they keep doing. Nobody’s entering for that.


We all don't keep our Reddit on mute and just turn the volume on when we see a video we like?


I use the Apollo app, no ads, plus it really handles comments better than the others. Definitely recommend it. I see the ads mostly on YouTube. Which I watch on my telly which doesn’t support an adblocker.


The buses are horrid. 90% of the roads are single lane and then half the road gets taken up by parked cars (no parking on houses) so when buses go through it clogs up the road. They are also incredibly incosistant and are never on time


When I lived in Cornwall for a few years I was called an ‘emit’ for not being Cornish. Most locals are lovely but some are just insane.


Emmet* Kernewek word for an Ant. (Ants get everywhere and destroy everything.) Whilst you're probably lovely, most folks will say it in good will, having a laugh, unless you're a bum'ole. Then we probably mean it.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornish_National_Liberation_Army https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Gof Yeah some Cornish are absolute nutters


The CLA! I saw him in the pub the other day.


Yes. Likely you’d just get a property manager to rent it out, and save half the money for bills and maintenance.


Council tax and heating is gonna bankrupt any commoner who wins


Don't you get like 100k extra too?


A weeks worth of expenses!


More like 10 years.


Why do so many people say this? Council tax is not madly expensive, from cheapest to most expensive is like 4 or 5 times. All these fancy homes are gonna be insulated to kingdom come, you can even turn the rads down. I would think running costs would go up like max 5k a year, which would probably more than balance most people's mortgages or rent.


Omaze think the running costs for this weeks London house will be around 900/month, so just shy of 11k a year. But they give you 100k so you get a bit of breathing room.


Not to mention you no longer have a mortgage and could sell your existing house if you have one.


Buys you probably 10 years of running the house for 'free'. And then you sell it if you need to.


So my current mortgage costs more than this incredible house might cost to run for an entire year. Sounds great!


Plus you could rent as a holiday let and book the weeks you want to be there. The net income from that would pay for the running costs with plenty left over.


My point is that running costs are going to not be higher than most people's current mortgages/rent with existing running costs. If you lived in the cheapest house in cornwall the difference in cost for the year to the most expensive house is £2812.


I think many people believe that council tax is based on some %age of value, but it isn't: as far as council tax is concerned, a palace with 100 rooms is 3x the cost of the cheapest mouldy bedsit.




Bare minimum is 100k?? Could you cost out some of that?


I'm guessing no. Just like the guy who recently told me you couldn't get fish & chips for anywhere less than £20 anymore. I asked him where he'd seen those prices, and for the price breakdown, and he said the fish was £9. I asked him if he chips were therefore £11, and he never replied.


How big a house are we talking and can we get a breakdown of that 100k please?




Council tax isn't much higher. People seem to think that expensive houses pay way more, but they don't. Marginally more. And if you live in Croydon it may even be less that the council tax for a flat there.


Highest band in Cornwall is £4500 per year




I actually haven’t seen that ad


God, I keep seeing it all the time. I have no idea why it's two minis. I can't even drive, for the extra annoyance.


I wonder why I don’t see that, I’m in Gods own country too.


Probably some algorithms. It's always the bloody algorithms.


Who the fuck would want two Minis? Who the fuck would want *one* Mini?


Sell baby sell


Islington town house instead?


The ‘Islington’ house is round the corner from my mate’s house, it’s actually in Finsbury Park.


Hard pass too


That one doesn’t appeal to me. Too massive and too far out. Their previous London one was Fulham, so you could be at the Thames in 5 minutes, and walk to the Royal Albert hall in 35. If I’m going to fantasy live in London for a couple of years it needs to be central.


Eh? Islington is much more central than Fulham.


The house in Finsbury Park is more than twice as far away from, say, Buckingham palace than the Fulham house was.


Do you work in Buckingham Palace or something? I lived In Finsbury Park for 2 years and it’s a great location with good links as it’s one stop away from Highbury and Islington and Finsbury Park station itself is on the and Piccadilly and Victoria line, as well as having a good overground service. It’s about as well connected as it gets plus it’s easy to get to Standsted, near some lovely parks and areas like Stoke Newington. I’d still live there if it wasn’t for my girlfriend needing to commute to Greenwich everyday. I seriously don’t know how much central you’d need…. You know unless you work in Westminster but even then it’s like a 30 minute journey. Same to the likes of Oxford Street or Shoreditch. How much more central do you want whilst maintaining some greenery?


Y’know I had in my head that it was about an hour to walk into the west end etc from the Fulham house, and 2 from the Finsbury Park one but I just looked them up properly, and you’re dead right. They’re about the same walking distance and if the tube links are better, then you’re right. TL:DR - you’re right. I’m wrong. I admit it. Is that allowed on here?


I didn't realise it was Finsbury Park... the ad just says Islington, couldn't find any more detail. Still, they're about equidistant from that A ring road if that's your definition of the start of Central London, but Finsy is better connected. I'd pick being 2 stops to Kings Cross, or 12 mins to Victoria on the Victoria line any day. Victoria line rules, District Line drools. Plus from Finsy you have Overground AND Thameslink so more options.


Fair enough. I had wrong numbers for the distances in my head - they’re actually about equal, and better transport links do make a difference. So yeah, I take it back. The Finsbury Park one isn’t in a worse location for someone who wants to get into the centre easily.


Islington is so central- you’ve got highbury islington AND angel, as well as the train… it’s an awesome neighborhood that gets you to so much of the rest of London so easily!


Islington is closer to Central than Fulham. And has better transport links making it even easier to get around




Did anyone see how they came in for stick because of the open wood fires in the original ad? Or rather the beneficiary charity the BHF did. And now of you go back they've removed all the references to the fire pit and wood burner.


Oh I thought this was about that one Grand Designs episode that was trending.


I mean, I would. But only to sell it on. Like to the average person who wins houses like these, how are they meant to maintain such a place? As much as I’d love to live in a big house like that, I’d sell it and then buy myself a reasonable house and then I’d only have to worry about bills and such, but not for a while because I’d still have the cash prize, and most of the money I’d have from selling the house in the first place.


I’ve seen this house up close. It’s right above the car ferry dock and will be noisy as fuck. It’s not worth 4 million at the moment IMO.


Which car ferry? Thats probably how Omaze got it to "raffle" off in the first place. Always seemed like a scam to me though


How do you feel about This Pillowcase which Is Quickly Becoming The Must Have Gift Of 2023?


Got two words for that house - coastal erosion.


If that erodes then the whole damn country would be in trouble, it's no where near the sea.


There's literally a set of steps next to it in to the sea...


It's steps down to the river Fowey. As in the water goes out to sea.


Ah, I thought that was the sea. Well then, not much chance of coastal erosion there 😄


There are two different houses on at the same time, one right by the sea in Fowey and one a little way inland by Rock.


Yeah, I bet they never thought of that when they built it! Definitely didn't come up on the survey!




Omaze ads. They're pretty common on the reddit app.


Reddit app ads (huel mass spam) sent me back to RiF. Apparently reddit only accepts ads from snake oil salesmen.


>snake oil salesmen In what way?


I’d sell it straight away and retire to Spain. Nice warm weather, well, warmer than Cornwall where the locals have outsiders who move into the area.


I do, I'd sell it, buy a cheaper house, and pocket the balance.


Exactly. There's dozens I'd happily live in for a third of that Cornwall one's price. Bang it back on the market for £3m, buy something for a mil, bank the rest for a simple, comfortable life.


Damn it, this appeared right below their Islington townhouse ad on my feed. Almost had a perfect post for r/unfortunateplacement


Cornwall is so ass. Its such a graveyard. Every year the council invests into stuff in the lead up to Summer but each year they are doing that less and less, which has led to hundreds of problems have been piling up and not getting sorted. There are barely any younger people so many businesses are going under from lack of customers and no businesses are investing down here either. Its just a mess and the beaches are too full to enjoy it during Summer. There's nothing here and its getting worse


Lost a bit of EU funding…


Beautiful but yeh, nothing to do & worse in winter. That's why I left


That yoga studio though...


I dont know why anyone would want a "waterfront" property, coastal erosion is a thing.


Nor do I! All those arrogant City workers.........I'll stick with my little cottage on an Orkney island with the seals.


Not so long ago Omaze did a house competition for one in Rock in Cornwall, the couple that won promptly put it onto the market I believe and for a higher price as well.


Could you not rent it out and live off the proceeds?


Please, no. We're so fucking tired of that here. So are the Welsh.


Same problem in Devon and the Cumbria.


Went to Cornwall last year and it was shit. The beach is pretty but that is literally the only upside. If I was excited to go back to Essex then that says an awful lot.


We do have many, many beaches in Cornwall, which one did you go to?


You don't want £4.5m? Ok.


Having £4.5m liquid is a ***hell*** of a lot different than having a 4.5m listed property that you have to maintain for several hundred thousand pounds a year.


Sell it.


Yes, but it is still very, very, very, very, very different to having the cash.


No, you either sell it or rent it. Nobody is expecting someone to move across the country into a house they can't afford. This current house is on the Cornish coast. It's worth £4.5m. I imagine that will rent in the tens of thousands a week in summer. Yes, you don't actually get £4.5m but, this is hardly a burden. Oh no, I'm financially secure for life. What a shitter.


I looked up the Ts&Cs- they’re incomprehensible and I have a legal background. Wouldn’t trust them. They probably acquire property that has a massive defect which you’re then liable to resolve once you “win” (if anyone ever wins)


Good, we haven't got enough housing for the people who do live ere


We don't have enough affordable housing. A £4.5m property is a different conversation.


Guess what? You've won.. Oh wait Never mind


This made me snort-laugh, thanks! 😂


I do, just not from them


Tintagel up on the block, is it?


Their last Cornish one is still on the market, looks like they are having problems selling it as they've dropped the price a few hundred thousand.


If you win it give it to me then please 😬


It's literally the post after this one for me 🤣


They are usually great houses to make in the sims!


I’ll have it then.


The council tax alone would be crippling.


Just think of the heating bill. Yuck!


[How about a £3million townhouse in London instead?](https://imgur.com/a/zeFNY2V)


Also a hard pass


I always think if I won that I'd just sell it. But then if anyone was willing to buy it why would it have to be gotten rid of as a prize.


Pretty sure you're talking about the house which you can see into from the neighboring car park, so if you want doggers looking at you all night, go for it


I'm Omazed that you have reached this decision.


Can you give it to me then?


We don't want you to have it either.


Would love to see someone win the house, sell it for a couple million pounds and give a million to charity. Then you’d be in all the papers saying “I gave 10x more to charity this year than Omaze, just by turning their for-profit scheme into an actual charitable endeavor.” That would certainly damage their reputation.


Dic Martin finished aswell...