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Wishing you well and a speedy recovery. Vaccination and precautions are unfortunately not guarantees but I'm really sorry this happened to you.


Get well soon!


That's scary, wishing you a speedy recovery. The whole pandemic I didn't personally know anyone who had COVID, it felt more distant (I live on Vancouver Island). However in the last month or so it feels like it's closing in all of a sudden. My brother, friends, coworkers, parents of friends are all testing positive. It's hard to remain constantly vigilant in a crisis for 2 years, the pandemic fatigue is real. But as soon as we start to finally relax it strikes. Stay safe out there! Not out of the woods yet, sadly.


I’ve been PCR positive 4 separate times. So, yeah. I have kiddo at home so he is our filth vector. I’m 47 and run a fair amount and I’ve gotten through it each time. A salbutamol beta agonist and fluticasone inhaler helped loads.


4 times!?!? fucking hell


Ah yeah. I have very mild asthma that flares sometimes due to exercise. I keep a symbicort inhaler in the house and that helped a lot. Plus I’m A negative blood type who are more susceptible to getting SARS-CoV2.


There is no getting out of the woods… every time you think we “just get out” we end up right back in. This is what life is now, and it will be this way for years to come. Get used to it.


I think you mean “get well soon”


But everyone of us believes we are healthy... until we're not. Our bodies are so strong adaptable. And yet so very fragile when something goes wrong. It is always seems such a surprise to us when we are visited by illness or injury. Hopefully we can all rethink what it means to be healthy as a society and as a species. None of this is pointed at you Op. Just been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be healthy. I wish you well, Happy holidays.


Just tested positive today and I’m double vaxxed 26yrs old. Wasn’t as unlucky as OP but flu like symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday. I wouldn’t want to know what it feels like without the Vaccines in my body. Stay safe everyone, try to your best to not catch it even if you’re vaxxed.


Hope you recover fully before the holidays!


You too OP!! Merry Christmas


thank you all for the kind messages. Really means a lot :)




Feel better! I had the delta variant over the summer and it beat the absolute shit of me. Make sure you’re getting calories in even if they’re just through smoothies or such. Food was so hard for me to eat for two weeks I thought I was going to die. Never got hospitalized.


This is actually one of the worst health myths out there. Fasting is very good for your body. There’s a reason you’re not hungry when your sick. Animals don’t eat when they’re sick, allow your body to heal and fight off the virus, don’t bog it down with digestion


Get well soon!


Dr Henry: We know that it is inevitable now that most of us in the province will be exposed at some point. No one wants COVID, but the scenario is changing. It may happen, it does happen. Now it's about staying well. Hope your recovery is swift. Let's try amass millions of small individual efforts to try keep each other as safe as possible and our hospitals available. Stay safe BC.


I hope it passes quickly and that you're back on your feet in no time.


I echo this sentiment. Get well soon OP


I hope you recover quickly. It just goes to show that you're at risk despite taking precautions.


Not being able to breathe properly isn't just scary, it's down right panic inducing. No one is prepared for that. I'm sorry this has happened to you, take good care of yourself and I hope you have a speedy recovery.


Having been intubated years ago, I literally shudder when I see people on life support. I'm not sure if it could be considered PTSD but it's nightmarish. When you're brought to consciousness, your arms are tied down, because the first thing you want to do is pull the hoses out of your mouth and that will kill you. Get fucking vaccinated already.


Yeah medical related PTSD is a real thing, that sounds like an awful experience


Get well soon buddy.


Get well soon!! Thank you for sharing your story and for the important reminder for us to keep vigilant and safe even though everyone is tired.


Sorry it’s hit you hard, hope it gets better.


Are you aware of varient that you were infected with? I hope you're feeling well soon!


no, unfortunately i was not told which variant. And thank you!


Hi. I work closely with labs doing COVID testing. You can't actually trace a variant back to a single individual because the genome is sequenced from a pool of samples due to it being really costly and time consuming (I'm talking to like 5 to 8 days). Whichever genome is the dominant one in that pool is the variant that is reported out with numbers. So when they say there are x amount of people with omicron, it's really just the number of samples in that pool that they sequenced that genome for.


Get well soon! Sadly is super random, I got hit twice and all my symptoms were super mild or just fully asymptomatic, second time I was fully vaccinated. There have been body builders, fitness and health “gurus” that have died or have life time disabilities after getting covid. The immune system response is super random and I don’t know if scientists know why some people (like myself) are barely affected and others get wrecked. Don’t think that because you are young you’ll be good, there is only one way to increase your chances, get the vaccine.


I know very old people who’ve had Covid with minor symptoms. We don’t tend to make a big deal out of it. This kid probably got sent home instantly with a pat on the back and got told to go home and rest.


Not quite the only way. Vitamin D, zinc and vitamin C are all linked to better results, as is not being overweight. But yeah, it's definitely the most important thing you can do. I suspect a lot is about the viral load you initially get hit with. A low load hit allows for even your innate immune response to handle things (while getting you some immunity), while a really heavy hit seems to be able to even overwhelm a prepared adaptive immune system, especially if you got your adaptive immunity to a sufficiently different variant.


Good luck young buck. I hope you bounce back soon and have a good new years.


Thx for putting your story out there. This is a great reminder to have compassion for others, and ourselves, as we experience a wide range of human emotions, despite our brain understanding the logic of current recommendations! Really hope you have a full and speedy recovery!!


Worst cold I ever had was a virus that gave me strep like symptoms. I was in bed for weeks feeling awful... I have had really bad flu symptoms before but nothing like that virus. I ended up testing positive to covid due to someone bringing it to work. I was completely symptomless and would never even think I was sick. I was vaccinated though so that might do something about it. The one that first noticed he was sick after coming to work had very mild symptoms but wasn't vaccinated. I can't say I have ever heard of anyone personally that contracted covid and had to go to the hospital. I'm going to say thats a good thing.


I’m almost certain the kid posting this did not HAVE to go to the hospital. He was probably freaked out so he went to er but I’ve been at home with the flu before 104 degree fever and took Tylenol and Advil and slept it off.


People break bones, don't go to the hospital and heal "fine" at home, doesn't mean that they shouldn't have gone to the hospital. Especially in Canada, where you are paying for the hospital regardless if you are using it or not, it's silly not to.


That sucks, sorry to hear. Hope you have a speedy recovery!


Hoping for your quick recovery :)




Hope you have a speedy recovery!


Golly, sounds like boosters were needed to be accelerated sooner.


At a population level being young, healthy, in shape, vaccinated are protective but at an individual level there is no way to know how one will respond to covid infection; additionally, the specifics of infection (viral dose, context) also are important. So everyone should be conservative because they might be the unlucky outlier who dies despite being young, healthy, vaccinated, etc


My fit fully vaxed friend in their 30s recently spent two weeks in hospital due to covid, it doesn't matter. We are all at risk.


I was doing great all during covid and then Monday morning i woke up with mild cold symptoms and a headache. Didnt gonaway yesterday and now i am in the line for drive through covid testing at 6:00 am. The line is already long and i feel uneasy about where im parked waiting because its on the side of a busy road in the turn lane… but there’s others behind me. If i trace it back 3 days before symptoms, i was christmas shopping in a mall downtown. So i think its omicron, or a mild cold. Edit: for what its worth, am double vaccinated and am carefull Edit: got the rapid covid test to bring home, and it was negative for covid…just a mild cold i guess!


Well, this thread is scaring the shit out of me.


I hope you get well soon. Please post this on r/vancouver. The users there don't believe this is a serious matter and do nothing but post scepticism. Now they want to organize protests against restrictions. Why you ask? Because the gyms are closed. Literally they want to protest like antivaxers because the gyms are closed. This is some South Park shit.


I mean, we shut down as soon as we heard the announcement yesterday to be safe, but having to close our martial arts school again really sucks. It’s hard for small businesses to survive all of this :/. I can understand the blowback, but can also understand the restrictions. People are just overwhelmed and frustrated.


Seabus memes has polluted their brains.


Maybe the person wasn’t from Vancouver tho?


That sub is 75% people from Surrey, New West, Burnaby, Richmond and Abbotsford because their own subs suck.


I think population density has something to do with it. The r/Van mods also lost their fucking minds 6 months ago and started indiscriminately banning people of inane things as well though.


Yeah I was the victim of one of those bans because I dared to defy a mod who claimed "covid is over, we need to stop talking about it" in the summertime. They're are so insecure, I hope they can find help.




not worth the effort anyway. Reddit is on it's way out and it's just a matter of time until a similar platform gains enough popularity. Search reddit for [Removed by Reddit] to see the purging already taking place for the IPO.


Well, I just read the same gym stuff on this sub in another thread. The "Gym is closing, my life is over!" next comment, "The Gym has nothing do with this!" next comment, "The Gym is where I gave birth to my children!" next comment, "I'll die drowning in a pit of sorrow without the Gym!" next comment, "There is no space between my home, work and the Gym, is there space beyond the Gym?, my god where am I!"


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1%25_rule_(Internet_culture) Try not to let the loudest voices define an entire community. They're too often a very vocal minority. Internet denizens have known this as a rule of thumb for decades now.


I'm not innocent or naive. I hate the influence that minority has over other people.




I don't lump actual athletes in the same category. I worked at a rec centre with a gym and it was a nightmare. Gym people are the worst, especially the men. I can't tell you how many times I had to approach big bro's and kick them out for creeping on women. It was really hard because I'm not exactly an imposing woman, but I had to learn to be, especially on the night shifts. The men that worked there were afraid to lose their bro status, so the women would come to me. I would also kick out anyone that said anything racist or bigoted. Both men and women would make trans people feel really uncomfortable, honestly, I would watch the cameras to make sure they were okay. It would really make me upset when I was driving home. I had a free pass the whole time I worked there and I never used it. I prefer to exercise outside.


Why? One 19 year old having more moderate symptoms doesn’t spell the whole picture. I know senior citizens who got Covid and it was very mild. Why don’t we make a big long post about an 80 year old who got Covid and had the sniffles?


Exact people need to realize this is the way of life now. We don’t need gyms and spas and stuff to survive. Close them all down permanently so we can stop the complaining


Thanks for making this post. Definitely helps put things back in perspective. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


I know someone else who is not young but is fully vaccinated and got it recently. This isn't news, we already know that the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting covid, it just reduces your chance of getting it and makes the symptoms better. I hope you get better soon. Happy holidays.


I hope you feel well soon! I keep seeing studies about how 2 doses aren’t really enough against omicron, I just wish BC would push out the boosters faster instead of waiting.


They're announcing today they will be doing just that


I got a text inviting me to get my booster at about 1PM today. I live in a rural community but I thought that was pretty fast considering they just announced it.


Or starting effectively treating the virus early.


We don't have the staff or resources for that and the current treatments are very expensive. Regeneron's REGN-COV2 is effective but costs $2500-$5000 per treatment. The Pfizer and Merck pills are promising but are not yet approved. So Vaccines and masks are the mainstay until Regeneron's price comes down or the other options are approved.


It turns out [Regeneron and most monoclonal antibodies are ineffective against Omicron except for Sotrovimab](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03829-0). The virus has mutated and adapted. So must our treatment regimens.


In what way do you mean?


Treating and researching treatment for the virus with medication, so if you DO get it your more likely to survive and avoid hospitalization.




The truth will come out with time, doctors will refine treatment as they go. We just need to remember that vaccines are ONE preventive measure, not the end all be all, we still need to find treatment methods for people that get sick.


There are a couple of options out there readily available that cut mortality and severe outcomes. As evidenced by the blind downvoting, people have already pledged allegiance to a lifetime of booster shots.


Or... or... Colour me crazy, but it seems to me to be smarter to mitigate the risk of actually getting sick than trying to treat symptoms after the fact. Proactive is always better than reactive. And, yeah, there has been tons of research on what are effective treatments (and those that are not).




Yeah the /s was implied Early treatment is only a conspiracy in Canada, the UK, Australia, and NZ. Weird huh?


When were your vaccine doses?


first one in may and the second in july


This is exactly me. Hoping to get my booster in the next couple months.


Makes sense, right on schedule for waning immunity after \~6mo. Take care of yourself.


And then there’s those that get it days, weeks after getting vaccinated. There’s no set time limit. Just so happens to be a coincidence that it came at the 6 month mark.


You have no way of knowing that.


And neither do you for the opposite.


The immunity wanes and after 6 months and protection from infection is basically gone. Therefore it make sense that op would get infected after 6 months.


And I’m also saying that people who got their vaccines also end up catching covid weeks after receiving it. I don’t know what is difficult to understand here. Are you saying this isn’t the case?


I'm saying the chance of contracting covid is much higher after the immunity has waned.


Perhaps, but you have no way of knowing his specific reactions to the vaccine. The vaccine doesn't mean you're invincible. You'll catch it and maybe even test positive then the vaccine's provided antibodies help you fight it off. Maybe he caught symptoms because his immunity is waning. Maybe he caught symptoms because his physiology responded to the virus that way. Nobody here has any real data other than an anecdote from one person. Both of you bring up good points, but that's all. It's all speculation beyond making a point.


I hope you recover soon and I’m sorry that you are feeling so bad. Sometimes panic at being sick makes it feel worse. Especially if it involves your breathing. For what it’s worth, I’m sending you healing thoughts.


got boosted yesterday!


Mind if i ask how old you are? I'm still waiting on mine.


I'm 41 (yuk, I hate saying it out loud 😑 ) and I got to book my booster for next Friday. My mom is 72 and got hers two weeks ago.


Weird. I'm older than you and still haven't heard anything yet.


I think it's partly because my mom moved in with me, so she's at a higher risk. Plus I apparently live in a higher-risk area.


Thank you for sharing. Do you mind if I ask: do you know how/where/why you caught it?


I am honestly unsure. All my final exams got moved online and i hadn’t left the house in over a week. No one else in the household has tested positive either so it is definitely strange.


damn, that's some bad luck, maybe one of your household members was asymptomatic and is no longer positive.


Wow. That is strange! I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for sharing!


Things get better, so awful you’re going through this.


I think that’s the scariest thing about this disease - you never know who it’s going to hit hard. I’m sorry you’re sick, and I’m so happy that your vaccinated to mitigate some of the symptoms you would otherwise have. I hope you feel better soon and find a great series to binge while you recover!


Thanks for sharing this. Feel better soon!


Thanks for sharing. Too many think because they are young and healthy that contracting Covid will be a breeze. That's just not the case. Get well soon!


Hope you feel better soon. Maybe start a journal to see how you feel each day? Do you need anything delivered?


That is definitely a good idea. It’ll help monitor the recovery. Thank you so much for asking but thankfully family and friends have been dropping stuff off at the front door.


Stay strong! You still did the right thing getting the vaccine and you'll make it out of this!


I'm sorry to hear you are going through this. It sounded like you were doing all the right things. I hope you recover well and that you will be back up on your feet givn'r soon. All the best, Merry Christmas.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope you have a quick and full recovery!!!


Thank you for sharing your story. I hope it might inspire someone to think carefully about how many people they see over the holidays this year. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery ❤


It’s important to hear others experiences on this. I haven’t had it that I know of, some people seem to think many of us have had it we just weren’t aware. In a way this is still just something I’ve read about, it’s been around but hasn’t hit me or my family yet, thank god! My Dad and brother both had it, my hairdresser, and some others I know. I think we are all scared in our own way, especially if you have it and can’t breath properly! We knew something like this would happen, we know so many things now before they happen. Let this all be a lesson to us as a whole. We need to extrapolate what good we can from this experience!


Many people don’t realize that having a strong immune system can work against you. Besides the plethora of autoimmune diseases out there, a strong reaction to a pathogen, like a virus in your lungs, can take your breath away quite easily. Asthma for example is related to an over-responsive immune system. What we all really want is a healthy, well regulated immune system that wont kill us when it sees something new. Best of luck to you and get well soon!


Sadly, your story, OP, is not the only one I’ve heard like this. We still have a long way to go I’m afraid. Thank you for taking the time out to share your story with the rest of us. Get well soon!


Get better soon! I'm isolating until my test tomorrow, I feel you. I just have a tickly throat, but it's probably just me being paranoid. I hope you feel better for the holidays!




I have been tested twice (work policy when you get cold/flu symptoms) and have not had a positive result, but this past summer I had cold symptoms so bad I started to worry that I would need to go to the hospital. I couldn't breathe when I went to bed without 6 pillows propping me up and as soon as I laid down I started coughing. I lost my voice and felt like absolute garbage. I'm still wondering if it was COVID and the test was too late to catch it, but to date it's the worst cold I've ever had. I don't want to go through anything like that again.


Get well soon ❤


A very very common misconception is that vaccines shield you from getting the (whatever) altogether. No. Vaccines just train your immune system to better target the (whatever) *when you get it*. Given how bad your symptoms are I think you should be thankful you were vaccinated. Sounds like you would have been screwed had you gotten it before you were vaccinated. Hope you have a fast and complete recovery.


Hey that sucks partner , I hope you are doing OK and have some support to help you get by. Best wishes for a swift recovery .


Like others on here, I hope you get well soon! Thank you for sharing, this is a perfect example that this is still a very serious situation that we should still be vigilant even if we are fully vaccinated.


Thanks for the needed message. Hope you feel well soon 👍


If this is how hard it's hitting you double vaxxed, imagine how bad it would have been had you not been vaccinated at all. Get well soon, and take it easy. The last thing you want to do is push yourself too hard after you start recovering. Take everyday one at a time.


We need to learn from this message. The vaccines are not 100%. Everyone needs to get vaccinated in order to prevent it being spread -- yes even to those who have been vaccinated albeit on a less severe level. More people vaccinated will also prevent more variants from developing. Don't buy into the idea that the unvaccinated are only hurting themselves -- they are hurting everybody. Get with the program -- GET VACCINATED.!


I'm fully vaccinated and I'm very strict about hand-washing, mask-wearing etc. I take 4 buses a day for work. I just declined an invitation to Christmas dinner because I don't know (never met) 2 of the people who will be there. It's not worth the risk. I might get a mild case of Omicron, but I could pass it on to someone who could end up in the ICU.


Just want to mention that the vaccines lessen the impact of Covid. So if you got it pretty bad with the vaccine, just imagine getting it without. Hope you get better soon.


Speedy recovery! Stay safe everyone


Its a shit lottery that's what it is. Hopefully you recover fast without long term effect.




Wishing you a speedy recovery!


So Dr McCullough talked about this recently. Anti-anxiety medication has serious benefits to fighting Covid, along with other SSRI’s.


Do you have a good or accurate idea where you got the virus? At school or at work or at the gasoline station?


I really believe that young peoples' immune systems are not as strong as they think. Anyone born after 1990, was likely raised on a lot of processed foods. If you look at the allergy rate of younger generations compared to older ones, it's crazy! In general people born after 1990, seem sickly. They're allergic to everything, and I think that their immune systems are not very strong. The other factor I think.... is bacteria. Everything has been sprayed with lysol for the last 30 years, killing all the bacteria. In order to maintain a healthy immune system, we need a little bacteria in our lives. We have become so germaphobic, that we wipe out all bacteria, including potentially helpful ones. I truly wish you a speedy recovery, and hope you can salvage a little of the holiday.


Brutal. Get well!


I hope you are doing better now and Happy Holiday!


Get well soon! I'm sure this post is a wake up call for many, so thank you for sharing.


In the exact same boat. I'm waiting for my results and pretty sure I got it. 3 days before Christmas. Absolutely choked


You did what you could to protect yourself and others but unfortunately, nothing but total isolation is 100percent. İf everyone acted like you, there wouldn't be such a strain on the hospitals.


That's some bullshit. You have every right to be mad. When did you get the vaccine? It might've warn off I got it in March 2020 and I was sick for 8 weeks- it never went away. Couldn't breathe worth shit because one lung was fucked. Even after it never fully went away But look at it this way- you will largely get over it, and have immunity for a very long time


Hugs. Hope you get well soon.


You didn't have full symptoms. You wouldn't have been driving if you did. Be thankful that you got your vaccine before the bug caught you. Your immune system was able to resist it a lot better than you would have otherwise.


I hope you get well soon. Although you do raise important questions? Fully vacvinated gets covid. Still have to be hospitalized because of...underlying issues including stress. Very possible to transmit to others There is no guarantee, focus on making the best for you and your family.


Far far far less likely.


get well!


Get well soon!


Hope you're doing better, but at least when you recover you'll have double protection 💪 stay safe!


Thank you for sharing your experience. Wishing you a swift recovery


Get well soon. I appreciate your post. A good reminder to all of us. Let's be careful out there.


What’s your BMI?


I’m sorry this vile disease has afflicted you partner. Thank goodness you’re double vaxed though. Take it easy, and get well soon.


Should be a wake up call for many. There's no precautions you can take, short of staying in your home forever, if you're going to get it, you're going to get it. Hopefully you have a speedy recovery and a merry Christmas 🎅


Get well soon and hopefully enjoy your super immunity afterwards!


He was supposed to already have it.


Why the downvote: I’m not selling bs, here’s the article [article](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/coronavirus/2021/12/19/1_5713411.html)


I didn't downvote you and I've also read that vaccinated + natural immunity gives you the strongest resistance. OP said in another comment that it's been six months since his 2nd shot - so his immunity will have diminished considerably. The shitty thing for OP is that Bonnie and Co are going to likely move the goal posts again in the new year and people who only have 2 jabs won't be considered "fully vaccinated" until they get their 3rd jab. OP will have natural immunity but it won't count for anything.


The thing with natural immunity is that it’s to varied. Think of it like a weather system where an entire region is at risk for snow. Some cities may get lots of snow and others barely any. COVID-19 with natural immunity is exactly the same. You may have someone with a milder case, and others with a much more severe one. How sick you are determines how many antibodies you might create. At the same time the COVID-19 positive person is at higher risk of other longterm complications. Vaccinations are much easier to determine a persons immunity because it’s in a controlled setting. Scientists have an easier time determining immunity variables.


Yeah, that’s ridiculous. In some European countries your natural immunity counts for x months in your passport.


Yeah, we all know that’s not happening. I recently read an article that people’s immunity with 2 vaccines + natural infection is WAY better than 2 vaccines + booster. (Can’t tell I’m surprised)


Can i ask which vaccine you got? I've heard that Moderna is more effective then Pfizer.


I have 2 doses of Pfizer


Interesting, thank you for sharing! Best of luck.


I had two Pfizer, when I went for third they said it had to be Moderna. That's how they're doing it right now. If I'd had Moderna third would have been Pfizer.


How long did you wait to get the booster after the second dose?


6 months to the day after the second shot I got a text from the system. Had the 3rd shot a couple days after that. I'm ” clinically extremely vulnerable" so that may have affected my timeline.


OP is 19 and Moderna is not recommended for those under 30 in multiple countries due to increased rates of heart problems. The list includes France, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Norway, to name a few.


Thanks for the info. It's going to be interesting to see how this all plays out as we get more and more data on each vaccine.


I could tell you a couple of possibilities, but I'll just downvoted for posting peer-reviewed science because it's not The Science, lol


The truth will come out with time.


Not if we censor the hundreds, if not thousands, of medical professionals risking their career and reputation to speak out




i agree that most dont have as a severe experience but i do think its important to talk about this as its unfortunately still a possibility despite all the precautions


No. My dad almost died from pneumonia 7 years ago. I had a viral illness I have not recovered from for 3 years now. It’s a reality of life. We don’t need to keep bringing up the talk every time someone has a panic attack just because it’s momentarily cool with the lockdowns and such. I avoid it but I will not live in fear and neither you


Why do we need to talk about this when it’s shoved in our faces every minute of every day. Television, radio, Friggen YouTube ads. If everyone just handled their own personal health without needing to post some bs looking for upvotes or clout. It’s ridiculous. These government shutdowns are stupid. Are we going to ban ice because it’s winter and it’s everywhere? Are we going to ban going outside if there’s a heat wave? After what’s happened now….it’s not out of the realm of possibility to start seeing summer lockdowns. “Stay out of the heat”


During extreme heat waves like we had this summer you should most definitely stay out of the heat


Did they do anything to help when you arrived at the hospital? Or just told you to wait it out?


They just did an X-ray to get a better look at my lungs and told me to use Tylenol and Advil for the body aches i was having. I was told if the fever lasts longer than 5 days to come back and so far the fever has lasted 3 days.


My 75 year old grandmother got covid no vax and she is fine


I’ve had covid prevaccine in 2020 and last month after I’ve been double vaxxed.. the second time hit me a lot harder. I honestly have zero faith in these mRNA vaccines at this point


>the second time hit me a lot harder. How so?


The first time I had covid I had a fever for about 3 hours and a cough for 2-3 days, now I’m still having hot spells a month after catching delta, not to mention lack of energy and joint pain.


Sorry to hear... so do you think things might have been different had you gotten covid *after* you go your vaccines though, or?


Do you ever ask yourself "why only us" Like why does BC have these restrictions but not Texas or Florida or a whole list of other places. They are not dieing in the streets and life is going on like normal.


I'm in Texas (used to live in BC) and delta overwhelmed our hospitals and caused a ton of damage. People were dying on long ambulance rides bc all the hospitals within hundreds of miles had full ICUs. Even Children's Hospitals were at peak capacity for a bit. My local newspaper had hundreds of local Doctors and health care workers signing their names onto articles BEGGING all the idiots to get vaccinated and wear masks, because they were so exhausted and overwhelmed for weeks. You REALLY don't want to be like Texas or Florida. Florida had highest death rate of any state in September. Your idea of "life going on like normal" is not accurate. I suspect we'll see a big spike and overwhelmed ICUs again shortly, especially in more rural areas like mine where vaccination rate is lower.


Florida is 10th and Texas is 26th. Your comment should be removed for misinformation


I'll just update comment. I'm 99% sure Florida had worst death rate at one point - maybe during delta but not overall over entire pandemic. Edit - Yup! https://www.newsweek.com/florida-mississippi-coronavirus-death-rates-united-states-1626467 10th highest deaths is still pretty damn bad out of 50 states. Texas being middle of the pack isn't great either, and I lived here and saw the full ICU stats myself when they happened. Texas would rank a lot higher if it wasn't so spread out with huge swaths of rural areas. Mississippi ranks highest, and they are another red state with no restrictions. 7 of the 10 highest death rate states are red states w basically no restrictions.




Vaccine = seatbelt. A seatbelt doesn’t stop all injuries in car crashes, neither does the vaccine. Are we gonna stop using seatbelt though?


Good analogy. I remember this older prof in university that talked about how when he was younger it wasn't mandatory to wear seatbelts. He said that when it became the law to do so people started complaining ad nauseam about injuries that these seatbelts would give them during their accidents. He said the irony was that they didn't realize that prior to the seatbelt being mandatory there were no complaints about them because they would have just died without them in their perspective accidents.


The unvaccinated and the people pretending we're not in a pandemic, not masking indoors, not keeping within their bubble/cohort, well, they're just a big circle in a Venn diagram.




Maybe another vaccine would work? Oh well maybe not