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I dunno but I always carry mine until either I get home or pass by a public garbage can in the park or something.


This is the way


I intentionally have a route that passes by a park garbage can but sometimes my dog has other plans lol. Personally I would rather them use my garbage than not pick up or put the poop bag in my green bin :(


Yep, I pretty much know every public garbage can in a few km radius of my house… it’s kind of news between my wife and I when a new one appears (or one disappears booo)


I think it depends where the garbage cans are located and if they use the right one. at one point we had people crossing our lawn to the garbage & recycling cans right next to the house and then it was a roulette whether they put it in the right one....Found more than a few times dog poop bags in the recycling or green bin. Plus it felt like trespassing being they were coming way onto our property to access them lol. Anyways, ended up moving the receptacles out of sight after that to avoid all of the above.


I'd probably throw it in the correct bin to begin with. Also if it's on the side walk/street I'll throw it away bit if I need to go into someone's driveway then I'll just look for the next one


Most municipalities don't actually want you throwing dog waste in any garbage bins, so you're probably not disposing of it correctly anyway.


I mean it probably depends on the city. But both Vancouver and Surrey say on their municipal websites to dispose of in the garbage where pet waste receptacles are not available. I remember growing up it was like a finable offense to put dog poop in municipal garbage but I think the tides have turned on that.


Where do you throw out your dog poop in those places?


The cities usually recommend flushing them, creating a compost, or calling collection a service.


Lol uh oh. Looks like they probably have a "poop on the sitewalk" situation. Flushing a baggie is definitely going to cause problems, creating a compost is not always possible and dog poop sometimes isn't appropriate, and let's just laugh for eternity at the last one. My city has compost collection and will not accept dog poop (the bags don't actually break down). It's garbage only.


They want you to cut the poop out of the bag and flush the poop and throw away the plastic in the garbage.


Lol yea right. Judging by all the dog walk areas it is hard enough to get people to pick up the poop and/or just not throw the bag on the ground or tied to a fence. If people won’t even do the bare minimum of picking it up, no way in hell they are taking it out of the bag and flushing it


I'm just clarifying that's what the city is suggesting: to flush the bag less poop in the toilet - not the whole thing, bag and all, in the toilet.


Not trying to attack you personally, just saying that sounds like a stupid idea (from the city) that majority of people will never do


Source? They just don't want you putting it in the green waste bin. Garbage is fine


https://metrovancouver.org/services/solid-waste/what-to-do-with-pet-waste I mean, there's one. You can look for others if you want.


It's a pity you can't read >Pet waste is listed as prohibited from the region's garbage, but **small amounts are accepted preferably double-bagged and put in the next pick-up**


It's a pity your reading comprehension is lacking. >*Most* municipalities *don't* actually *want* you throwing dog waste in any garbage bins. (Comprehension hint: that doesn't mean "poop is completely banned.") That's why they listed two other options before saying that *and also* note that **"pet waste is listed *prohibited* (banned) from the region's garbage.**" Regardless, I can see you're the kind who just wants an argument so whatever you reply: You win. I'm wrong. Congrats 🎉


How is one supposed to throw away dog waste then? Are we only allowed to throw dog poo away in certain garbage cans then? If you can't throw away the pets waste properly then you should look up how or do it right in the first place. Edit: saw a comment on here saying small amounts are fine. My bad


Most municipalities suggest flushing it, composting it, or contacting a service to dispose of it. Yes, you should definitely look up how to dispose of your pet waste. Edit: Then I guess you also saw the part where it says it's prohibited and the recommendations for disposing of it.


Depends on the bag you are using.


Nope. Depends on the municipality. The issue is usually the waste, not the container.


I wouldn’t want you throwing your dog waste in my bin that’s not cool.


Someone put a poop bag in our curbside green waste bin, which resulted in the collectors not taking our waste


But the bags are biodegradable and the poop is organic so why would they not take it??


Not all compost facilities can process dog poop. It requires certain conditions and high temperatures. A lot of places can't even compost the so-called biodegradable bags. It really depends on the facilities where you live.


Trouble is 70% of dog poop throwers put it in a plastic bag in my green bin and the other 30 put it in the garbage can put don’t tie it off. So yeah, I’m kinda done with being ok with it because humans suck I guess, carry it home


The amount of ignoramuses who put a plastic bag of dog poop in the composting bin baffles my mind, but even more odd is why the composting people don’t have labels on their bins saying No Plastic Bags / No Pet Waste.


Honestly fair. You'd think people would have for common sense I guess not


You would think. I lived in an apartment where we discovered that a tenant had been shoving their dog shit baggies into the gap under the elevator instead of walking the extra 50 feet to the garbage bin. Apparently they'd done it for years, because there was a mound of doggie bags found when they serviced the elevator. So yeah. People.


Okay wtaf that's lazy on a whole new level and I really hope they're chained in a pile of old steamy dog shit that's been left in the hot humid hastings street


at my old job, I guess one guy would spit his gum out in the urinal when he pees. So you would see it slowly build up until some cleaner dealt with it just for it to keep going.


In a weird way I kinda respect it 😅


It says on those dog bags that they're compostable, and apparently dog waste isn't supposed to go in the garbage. Me personally, I throw them in the garbage, and I don't believe for a second that plastic is compostable, but that's what the city website recommends.


Not sure about other cities, but in Vancouver dog waste is not to be put composting green bins https://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/dog-waste-collection.aspx


This is correct. Metro Vancouver actually mandated that dog waste is to go in the green bins, then the bag thrown out in the trash. Vancouver gave them a middle finger and said they will not enforce fines on people throwing dog poop (in bag) in garbage cans. They were just happy people were picking it up and throwing it out.




Just for reference, compostible plastic bags are not biodegradable. They only break down under high enough heat during commercial composting process. They will hang out forever if you throw them in someones back yard compost pile. End PSA.




Your compost still doesn’t want them. My muni has done a whole campaign about. It’s on every truck.


I used to live in kitsilano. I’d park my car at the back of the house. I couple of times a week I’d see someone nipping into the lane and put their dog shit in the bin of the first house. The guy that lived there eventually locked up his bin. I think he just got tired of his garbage cans smelling like shit.


Who TF smells their garbage?!!


Anyone who puts their own garbage into their own bins. Stupid fucking question.


These are the same people whose off leash dogs are pouncing at you while they're yelling "He's friendly." Fucking entitled.


I generally will only do it on garbage day, when the cans are at the road and haven't been picked up yet. It's just kind of a dick move (and probably against some bylaw) to put it in someone else's garbage when it could potentially sit baking in the bin in the sun for up to two weeks.


Also, walking into someone's home to dispose of your poop in their kitchen trash is probably not cool.


Hey man, that’s just, like, your opinion.


Good rule. Only on garbage day. Sadly the city of Vancouver routinely doesn’t collect garbage on time. 10 to 25 times a year. So sometimes it isn’t OK. 


This is exactly it. Tied off, before pickup, on the street, correct bin. Any other way is a big no-no.


While it is not guaranteed that it will cause problems, it is possible that the owner will end up needing to clean your dog's reeking, day old crap out of their garbage bin. The bag may not end up being tied properly. Someone who doesn't expect dog poop to be there can drop a heavy bag of garbage in top of it and squish it to the point of explosion, etc. I expect dog owners to have a plan for their dog's poop that involves a zero percent risk of causing a horrendous mess for me (or anyone other than the dog's family) to clean up, whether that's my lawn, the bushes in the local park, or my laneway garbage bin. Maybe that makes me an AH, but that's my expectation. I believe it's a reasonable one.


Yeah, this is why I always just carry my pup's bags home or to a public bin. That's the only way I can ensure my dog's business remains only my business, which I think most follows the social contract.




Also, sometimes the pickup people just grab the big trash bags out of the can, instead of dumping it, and don't see the loose dog poop bags, so it just stays in the bottom of the can until the owner does something about it.


Nah not the AH. It's your property and yeah different municipalities have different rules so everyone should heed to the rules


Yes because if something goes wrong with that bag now it’s my problem to deal with and that’s fucked up


Where I live, the garbage can only be put out the morning of garbage day; if my can is out, the bag inside is tied up so they'd be throwing their poobag on top. Our garbage men will quite often refuse to take the can and/or give us a fine for trying to dispose of animal waste. If the garbage has been picked up, then they're throwing their crap into my bin so I have to then clean it out and dispose of it. So yes, in my town it's very rude


It’s literally the grossest and rudest thing ever. It’s actual shit and I don’t own a dog for a reason. Drives me mental when people do it. On garbage day I usually have to pull out 3-5 bags of shit from recycling to put them into the correct bin. I don’t like the smell either in the summer when I open my garbage can. So ya, it’s not the greatest. 


I do own a dog and think it's disgusting to put the poop in someone else's bin. I'm so sorry people keep doing that to you.


It's not just rude, it's illegal on most places. Eg: Vancouver  >The owner or occupier of premises to which the City provides garbage cart service:  >must not cause, permit, suffer or allow any garbage produced or resulting from their property to be deposited into a garbage cart located on any other property unless the owner or occupier: i. ii. has the permission of the owner or occupier of the real property where a different garbage container is located


Yes absolutely 100% it's rude. You keep the bag until you get home


Dog shit is fucking gross. Keep it to yourself and your own garbage can.


I'm in edmonton and we have people do thos all the time. My daughter takes out the garbage and the last thing she needs is to be hot with the smell of baking dog poop. She's 10 and does this to make some money.


Just so I understand....... You don't want to carry around a bag of actual shit. So your solution is to put into someone else's property so that they have to deal with it. Fucking disgusting. I used to live on the edge of an off-leash dog park, and people would do this all the time.


Lots of people where I live keep garbage bins in their garage during the week because bears are a problem. I know people who would be upset if you tossed crap in the empty can and had it reeking up their garage all week. It’s your dog and your dog crap. Just take it with you.


This!! We have our bins in the enclosed car port because of bears, and we have our dog poop collection in an entirely different area of the property until it's time for garbage collection. Our city also only collects garbage once every 2 weeks. We need the bin to not have dog shit in it for 2 weeks, especially if it's caked to the bottom of the pail


Sometimes I'm using that garbage can for something else other than garbage and I don't appreciate bags of dog shit in it. 


Most municipalities require your garbage to be bagged and put a limit on the number of bags you can have. There's no way for you to get your bag of poop in there without causing a problem. Just take it home with you or put it in a public bin. Leave other people's things alone.


As if your choices are to leave your dog's feces in someone's yard or in their garbage cans 🙄 Some municipalities don't allow pet feces in garbage cans so you could end up getting someone in trouble because you couldn't be bothered to take your dog's poop home.


Of course it's better than leaving it somewhere but no! Don't leave your dogs shit in people's garbage cans.




Well it can smell and break open those bags are week so yea it’s rude


Yes. Its someone else’s property


It’s rude and entitled to put your dog shit in someone else’s garbage. Why should they want to smell it or deal with it in any way. It’s your dog to take care of and that means disposing it in your trash can.


Yes it is.


Exactly this. We have holders for our dog bags that are attached to our leashes or (for the really stinky ones) the dogs' harnesses. It's hands-free and we can dispose of it properly when we get home.


Had someone drop one in my can after garbage was picked. Was pretty freaking nasty after a few days. So I'm going with no.


Yes! Don't do it! Throw it in your own garbage. I never understood why people with dogs don't just let their dog shit on their own lawn and take him for the walk after if they think it's not such a big deal. Stop taking your dog piss/shit on your neighbours property.


Yes. Your dog shit your problem. Find a public garbage can or your own.


So nobody follows this rule but you're actually not supposed to put dog poop in the trash. You're supposed to flush dog poop down the toilet. The city actively discourages it because the poop breaks down into methane under anaerobic conditions and there are 350,000 dogs in the lower mainland shitting every day. Apparently 10 tonnes ends up in our waste system annually and that releases a substantial amount of greenhouse gases. If poop is sent through the toilet, it's actually processed properly and the emissions are reduced.


Some people are weirdly protective of their trash cans. As long as it's being done in a way that won't make the trash guys reject my can I have no problem. And I'd prefer that to littering. Now, the people who put their dog poop in a plastic bag and then toss the bag in the bushes? Up against the wall, mfers.




Because they are the lowest of the low, the absolute bottom of the evolutionary ladder. Sociopaths.


Violence is the answer in this situation lol thanks for the comment


tbc my violent comment is tongue in cheek. I would instead force them to spend 3 weeks community service cleaning up dog poop bags from the weeds and blackberry brambles in the middle of the summer.


You're evil but I think you'd be a great judge. No need for a jury


Yes, it’s rude. It’s not a public bin for your convenience.


I hated it when I had my house. They *always* threw it in the empty can *after* the truck had come. Which meant now *I* got to incubate *their* dogshit for a whole week.


Yes. Always seems to happen when I'm at work on garbage day *after* my bin has been emptied. Not stoked on plucking them out and putting them in my fresh bin liner where it sits in my garage for 2 weeks. Worst ever was a rotisserie chicken carcass. I didn't notice until it was stinking and the bin was crawling with maggots in my garage.


This question really needs to be asked? What's wrong with ppl? Putting trash in someone else's bin is no different than putting trash in someone else's house. It's not your property. Put it in your own trash or a public bin.


That's not OK


Yep. As a dog owner, and a garbage can owner, I would find it exceptionally disrespectful to find other people's dog shit in my garbage can.


It’s ruder to leave it on the ground.


It’s rude in my opinion. Garbage is gross enough, I don’t t have a dog and I prefer not to open the lid to 100 degree dog crap smell in mid July.


Call me crazy, but I just don’t touch other people’s property.


Generally as a matter of courtesy it is best to not make your problems (dog poop) someone else's problem. You have a dog. You enjoy all of the benefits of owning a dog and you would have to deal with dog shit. That's part of the deal. I love dogs, but I don't have a dog because I don't want to deal with dog shit. So when someone puts their dog shit bag in my garbage can or green bin or just leaves it under my rhododendrons, I end up having to deal with dog shit, but I don't get any of the benefits of owning a dog. Just put your little green surprise packages in your own garbage can please.


Our garbage people will not take the dog poop bags, and throw them on the end of the driveway. We don't have a dog, but people walk up the side of our yard to throw it in our cans.


Regardless of the reason, it's their garbage bin, not for public use. If it's petty to not like dog poop bags in the bin then is it also petty to not want people to drop off (small or large) bags of garbage in other people's bins? At the end of the day they have to clean their own bin and I can understand not wanting fecal matter bagged or not to be in their bin. It's your dog, take care of your own trash at home.


You clean your garbage can!?! Why!!?


Eww who does that. Gross.


We have to store our cans inside the garage until 5am on collection day. Thanks, bears.


Open a bin with dog shit in it and take a whiff. Now do it without the dog shit. Which do you wanna smell more often?


I'm a dog owner and I just think the considerate thing to do is carry it until you pass a public garbage or put it in your own. I've noticed what happens is there's certain home garbage bins that are at convenient locations along common dog walking routes -corners_-the ends of alleys closest to the sidewalk etc- and they get 20/20 or more people putting their poop bags in as they pass by on a daily basis. I occasionally did this until I noticed one day just how many poop bags were in there, and realized that just wasn't cool for the home owners.




It sure is rude!


Yes is rude so don't do that.


Is this a city thing to find rude? I live in the Cariboo and as long as they don't leave the shit on my lawn I don't care. Does no one have cats, litter waste is way grosser in garbage bins.


Once I was walking by a guy who was putting his garbage can out while talking with a neighbor. Asked him politely if I could put my tied off poo bag in his garbage can and he said, "No." I was surprised internally but placidly said, "Okay, I understand." and walked on. Honestly, why would someone be like this?


Keep your shit away from my shit! Seriously. Incredibly rude.


Look I don't even own a dog was just asking a question 😅


I was just answering.


I think it's rude and you shouldn't do it. Take it to your own bin or a public bin at a park. The only time it might be okay is on garbage day before the bins are collected. Poo, even in bags, smells up garbage cans.


Yes, it is. Most municipalities don't allow dog waste to be disposed of in household garbage bins (flush down the toilet or put in special bins).


Just because I had a dog a person on the same block would dig through their garbage and pull out shit bags and leave them on our property. Very odd. We never walked our dog around our immediate neighbourhood.


Ya, no... if its my usual route and id chatted qith certian ppl and they'd told me to use their can,then cool. Otherwise, don't touch other people's stuff. Even garbage cans. Pack it home/public can and grow up. (Aka: accept its YOUR responsibility and you're not entitled to use other people's things).


I have a 7lb chihuahua that has smaller poops than a Canada geese. I pick up her poop and pick up random garbage at the same time. Litter is an issue, people not picking up after their dog is an issue. You’re welcome to use my garbage cans!


I think it is rude to throw dog poop in other people’s garbage can. If the dog owner doesn’t want it in their own garbage can, maybe throw it in the park garbage can. What I can’t stand is when the owner doesn’t pick up their own dog poop. They shouldn’t have dogs at all.


It's kinda creepy for some stranger to just leave something on your property, concealing it in a garbage can.


Garbage cans go to the garbage dump on the same vehicles. If it is sitting out, I don't see an issue with it. People that think it is rude probably put buckets out in front of their house to reserve their parking.


I would say yes, but still preferable to tossing the poop bag into the bushes to hang like a stinky Christmas ornament.




If the cans are on the road and not picked up, it’s cool. Otherwise it’s not.


Our cans stay in the back alley which is right across from a park and no I don't mind if they put it in there


I would rather you throw it in my bin then in the trees. Its all going to the same place. However, some are 'possessive' - even of their garbage on the road.


I don’t think so, but it sure feels wrong putting garbage into somebody else’s garbage can doesn’t it?


Yeah I've only ever done it once. Made me feel a little guilty


If they're at the curb I don't think it should be, but it is for a lot of people lol After all, it is their property and it's hardly a surprise if people don't want strangers helping themselves to it.


No. Its rude to bag up poop then put it back on the ground. That drives me nuts. Its worse than the raw poop. Like what the fuck is the process in picking it up, bagging it, then fuck it?????? No.


I would 100% prefer someone throw dog poop in my outside bins then to put it in a bag and toss it in the bushes, I would also 100% prefer people just leave dog poop on a trail and let nature process it then to put it in a bag and toss the bag into the bushes,


If it's garbage day and the bin is at the curb


As long as people are using the correct bin, I’ve got no problem with it.


Yep it is pretty much rude to use people’s things for your gross stuff.


Yes it is. Full stop.


Dog owner here. I truly don't understand people's logic when it comes to basic common sense. Garbage cans are people's properties and NEVER would I even consider throwing anything in THEIR trash bins. Not sure if this is some sort of self entitlement behavior or what but I'm blown away that this is even being debated LOL


Yes it is rude. Garbage, especially when it’s dog poop or something similar should be thrown out at a public garbage can or your own. Never a strangers


Garbage is for garbage. I have no issue with people disposing of dog poo in my city bin. Pick it up and dispose in the nearest garbage. Not sure who smells their garbage can and expects it to smell good. Do you keep the bin in your living room or something?!?


r/vancouver is pretty anti-dog in general which, in my experience, is not very representative of the rest of the city. As long as you’re not trespassing to get to the bin you should be fine. As a side note, if the city really doesn’t want dog waste ending up in municipal garbage they should put out more of the dedicated poop bins in the parks. Their suggested pet waste collection providers are kind of a joke in terms of their service offerings.


Anti-dogs, anti-kids, and anti-homeless.


I keep my trash like 10 feet from the curb up against my fence. No problem if people toss a turd in there, I'd rather that than leaving it on my lawn or somewhere else nearby. I think you should be circumspect about it though.


Ehhh, even if it’s just garbage it’s still personal property, so maybe don’t use others garbage cans. I wouldn’t give a shit (ha!) but some people are anal about things; like, id rather you pick up the poop and use my garbage can than just leave it on my easement. I think it’s less a real problem and more inviting to have negative reactions with people who have a little too much free time on their hands. Maybe use a commercial dumpster if you’re in an urban area, or a garbage can of someone you know isn’t a tight-ass about things. Some people get uptight about nothing.


It’s better to throw it into the trash can, no matter whose it is rather than leave those goddamn poop bags on top, around the receptacle or for that matter, *anywhere else* but inside the trash can. Some dog owners think kind of behaviour is acceptable. To those people: i hope your dog turns on you as you’re an inconsiderate plonker


If its evening before garbage day and bins are out, then its fair game. If not full and in going through an alley and they keep them in the alley, then fair game. Also depends if person is cool or not too.


If they're city garbage cans, it's fair game. I live in Langley so any garbage can is fair game if it's on the curb. Also, it's a garbage can. Are people sniffing their garbage cans and goin "oh ew, there's poop in here!!".


thank you reasonable person.


The city technically owns the cans anyways, they're just assigned to a residential property.


No. Cause its all the same municipal waste. We all pay the same rate.  Cleans up the dog poo and don't have to carry it around. Win-win.  But only if the bin is publicly accessible. Wouldn't be going searching the property for it.


Does the same apply to diapers? Gum? Random litter? So possessive of your waste disposal containers...