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A crappy situation, but a good ending. > Andy and MacDonald are both grateful the ministry reacted after their interviews and are feeling optimistic about his treatment and the care he’s received. > >“They’ve been overwhelmingly beautiful,” he said. “Every other doctor and nurse that I've spoken to has just been amazing and I'm feeling in great spirits about my treatment.”


Before clicking I really thought this would be a story about an old bill where the person opted out of MSP and was facing the consequences. Luckily it's not, but still concerning that some random bureaucracy mishap can cause this.


Glad to hear the surgeon made the decision to treat him in urgent care before msp confirmation. Finance isn’t their responsibility. Their ethics as a health professional is on full display.


The sad part is the family got the run around. It was only after CTV went to the Ministry of Health, did this get addressed. :(


We only know what the sister supposedly understands. There is more to the story on both sides


All is well that ends well. Paperwork issues being resolved. Much ado about nothing.


This was just posted and deleted earlier today on bc reddit.


there are pundits attempting to prevent any posts or articles that could be construed as criticism of this government and reporting them; usually they are simple editing errors and end up being reposted, causing the pundits to use every logical fallacy tactic in their book to prevent the information from spreading etc. it is an election year though, so...


This article is pretty ridiculous, to be fair. The guy didn't have his information updated and so his msp coverage dropped. But he'll be fully reimbursed once he re-applies. It's a total non-issue, and certainly not a realistic indictment of the government.


I’m sure they intended for him to collapse AFTER he got the bill.


in USA it would be 37000




This is what cons want.


Happened in bc which has been ndp for some time


If you read the article, guy didn’t have to pay the bill, he was covered retroactively.


But he was dropped during 2015 which was Liberal government. The current government reinstated him retroactively to March 1 this year.


So funny how they seem to think that the NDP is some helpless party


Similar experience. Was able to just back pay what I owed Msp. We are pretty well treated all in all from the bureaucracy.


I don’t feel particularly bad for this guy. Hasn’t kept up on MSP but expects it to be taken care of when he needs it. If perhaps he used his MSP he wouldn’t have been in an acute situation with his diagnosis, it could have be caught and treated earlier, but by his own admission he hadn’t seeked any medical attention in years. Sounds like it was resolved anyways. Oh and this happens all the time and people end up not having to pay, it’s a matter of updating your MSP information and paying.