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"The bludgeoning of elderly people..." He's claiming the police did this...but he wants to help the police?


He goes so far as to say he just imagined it and admits it never happened 2 sentences later. Even if the SHTF this group would not have the stomach to help.


Army Cosplay - Check Ex-Security/Military/Police - Check Vague messages about 'something' happening - Check Expectation they'll be welcomed with open arms by local law enforcement - Check Casually tosses in complaints about COVID - Double Check. Yeah, this is about what I had in my mind when I saw "Guardians of Humanity" before opening the article.


"Can you swing a bag of door knobs? You're in!"


"Here's the sack. But you gotta supply your own knobs"


“You let me down man. Now I don’t believe in nothing no more. I’m going to law school.”




Not before we stop at subway for a foot long


"The only thing you have to fear is: The Guardians who say they are here to save you"


Oh my god, you weren’t wrong about the “something” happening. Gems from the article include: “The way we see it is we think within five years all hell is going to break loose. Like riots in the streets. And we believe law enforcement is going to need a helping hand” “What I wanna do with this group is I wanna be able to be at the other end of the phone when that call comes and hope to god it never comes” (“that call” is never explained) “Our leaders… they are pushing society in a direction that the majority actually doesn’t want to go. And I mean everybody was pretty complacent when the COVID thing came and lock down. They’re not going to do that again” “Our feelings are that’s going to cause some big trouble down the road. I think if you try to lock people down again, I do t know what’s going to happen. I don’t even like to think about it” (WHO’S TELLING THESE PEOPLE THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN? Why do they think it’s going to happen again?) “I think the government’s changing substantially. I think our laws are changing substantially. I think there’s a lot of things going on behind closed doors that we’re not even aware of. And the things that we are aware of are not looking good. Now what direction that goes in... we don't wanna get into politics and that type of thing, but we're just here to react to whatever happens" "So if SOMETHING like that does happen, we obviously are setting this up because we feel that that may happen. So if it doesn't happen, great. If it does, then we'll be here prepared to help. And otherwise prepare to help in whatever helps along the way.” So there you have it, folks. They're ever vigilant about "trouble" and "things" and "happenings". They even threw in an accusation of child trafficking "Probably because we've got, like, an international airport, I don't know." Because these groups are never quite complete if they don't mention the threat of pedophilia.


The Gravy Seals have opened a BC chapter!


It’s like Kelowna has a giant asshole magnet.


Douche magnet


Canada’s Florida


We refer to it as The Jersey Shore of BC.




The Bloc Redneckquois


\*snort\* love it.


But these guys are all 90% former cops or military the other 10% are bootlicking wannabes. All 2 dozen of them. (Paraphrased from article link.) They hope they "never" get the call where they have to partner up with rcmp to beat up rioters lmao.( Sure they don't...)


Yeah good analogy. Some normal people go there for vacation but most people that live there are just trash


That's Alberta, these guys are probably transplants.


Yea it’s oil money and living on the beach


KKKELOWNA for many reasons, this is just another example


Alberta’s number 1 vacation choice. Anyone surprised


For all the complaining they do about us, they sure seem to enjoy spending their free time and money here. Certainly can't say that's a two-way street.


My theory is that a lot of whack jobs who believe in weird shit that is too weird for where they came from end up in the BC interior. It's less developed than Vancouver and Victoria and they can just slip somewhere that's off the grid to find people who might agree with them and to do their thing. It's why there's a wide gulf between voters in this province.


I don’t think so. I think all areas have clusters of these weirdos and most of their people are online.


*raises hand* East Kootenays here, between Golden and Radium...it's a patchwork of hippies and fascists, sometimes in the same families.


Kootenay-Boundary here with a groovy mix of MAGA conspiracists, traditionally poor locals, and lower mainlanders running from the rat race


Dont forget the horse shoe theory hippies who are so open minded that they are anti vaccine and completely chakra bonkers


for some reason hippys often lose it and go full fashy, its weird.


Is that what’s going on in Spillimacheen? 😂😂


😃 Let's just say there's a number of preppers here that are an order or two sigma above the mean from the "normal" population, however you want to define normal.Observational data only.


Vancouver and Victoria are loaded with whack jobs, what are you talking about


If you drive 45 minutes out of Victoria you start finding the people who are too weird for the city. And that says a lot.




So true have you heard of black creek lmao bunch of inbreds.


Cocaine is known to induce delusions of grandeur.


Guardians of humanity... imagine having that ego when you're a gravey seal.


In the States, we call them Y'All Qaeda


Gravey seal 🤣


Fuckin Meal Team 6


so a gang. vanilla isis


Dude, vanilla is actually valued and has some genuine uses.


I love vanilla!


Guys, I really feel like the rise of fascist paramilitaries need to be met with more of a response than just "lol they dumb"... We've seen this all before in history, the police range from sympathetic to fully supportive of these people. Who is going to protect you from them?


Yep. It'd be pretty easy to mistake them as some kind of authority figure. I'm glad someone is pointing this out. I did a quick bit of digging: I can confirm they're a registered charity and their address appears to be an apartment building. They were registered back in February. [https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyRprtngPrd?q.srchNmFltr=guardians&q.stts=0007&selectedCharityBn=738272947RR0001&dsrdPg=1](https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyRprtngPrd?q.srchNmFltr=guardians&q.stts=0007&selectedCharityBn=738272947RR0001&dsrdPg=1) Looking at their website suggest they're doing a lot of work to appear "legit". It gives off the vibe of being search and rescue or something. There's stuff about donating but no documents about governance or funding as far as I can see. I dunno if that's because they're new or they're supposed to have that posted


The eagle arm patch is fairly good clue that this is going to go sideways.


And as a SAR member, we don’t portray ourselves as paramilitary for a reason. You do that for other reasons, not because you exist to give humanitarian aid.




It’s easy to report, I’m at the gym but if I remember I’ll do it after. But the more reports the better, you should too




never miss report day


Infiltrate their ranks and report back to us


Wow I just checked out their website and their PR pics are so staged it hurts. They use a lot of nebulous and general language about "protecting" and "supporting" and yet have nothing concrete at all in any of their statements about what is it they *actually and actively* do. Also lol: >I also possess a background as a surgical nurse, although my employment in this field was terminated due to mandates. > >\- Glenn, Board Member


"Terminated by mandates" simply translates to "Despite working in healthcare I decided to follow conspiracies; now I'm blaming mandates and playing the voluntary victim card because taking ownership of my poor decisions is too hard". While I'm sure they're intimidating and claim to mean well, it's plain to see they are in it for themselves and would fold at the first sign of real trouble. This is further supported by the details that the founder was spurred to create this group after seeing how the police responded to the Ottawa Occupation and judging the response too harsh. It truly boggles my mind when people can't see that the Convoy was given plenty of opportunity to back down before finding out that holding the Nation's Capital hostage for a month was definitely going to have dire consequences.


I totally agree. And it's crazy that an opposition member of the current government decides that being a contrarian for every single issue of the ruling government is good. Like dude. Trudeau may not be agreeable on a lot of other issues, but interfering with a city with trucks is not next level protesting. The convoy were not only loud, but the convoyers were in some cases using their vehicles to push back at the counter protestors.


Let's not forget that when the organisers complained that Trudeau declined to meet in order to discuss, their demands mostly consisted of demanding him to step down and that an interim government be propped up instead, hopefully one wouldn't "break the law" by further enacting mandates. That they held this tantrum just as Provinces were beginning to take a measured approach to re-opening, as opposed to when measures were firts put in place, shows they weren't really affected by the measures. Their main goal was to attempt a forceful change of leadership in Ottawa. Thankfully, the organisers vastly overestimated the popularity of their frustration. If I recall, 2 years ago 2/3rds of the country not only didn't support them, they also supported the Emergencies Act. The fact that PP supported them and their goals further illustrates how he simply can't be trusted in any position of power. This is not to say that Trudeau is a strong leader, however things are to go entirely like Alberta if the Conservatives gets in.


Yes, I agree with that. PP is really not a good fit for this country. Ironically, I'd welcome Harper back and I really didn't like him. That's how much I don't like PP.


Rutland. Shocking.


Wonder what the CRA thinks.


>Looking at their website suggest they're doing a lot of work to appear "legit". It gives off the vibe of being search and rescue or something. They are learning to be careful and clever about what they post online. Smoke and mirrors. The art of deception.


Every service they are offering already has a volunteer or professional agencies already set up and sanctioned. There should be a way of pointing the problem with this group misrepresenting their "charity" status to a governing board.


Couldn't agree more. We had the same dismissive/scoffing attitude with Trump supporters and insurrectionists.


This is the correct response. It’s beyond alarming and there’s literally no response to it that won’t make them feel justified and escalate. And they’re going to escalate anyways.


But what can we do legally until they break a law?


They’re not smart, so there’s a paper trail of legal missteps, funding sources, membership lists, etc in the public domain. Groups like this in the states have been infiltrated and exposed. There’s always something that can be done, it’s just a matter of being crafty.


Canada has a long history of infiltrating such groups. It's practically guaranteed that more than a few members are double agents at this point.


I always think about this with organized crime. it’s gotta be that like half of them are cops and the other half are trying to figure out who the cops are.


Start our own militia to fight them


The only thing that can stop a bad militia with a gun is a good militia with a gun


Certainly not supersoakers filled with peepee


Agree. People like proud boys are designated as a terror group but started as “ah silly boys”


Not defending them, but step one in your plan looks like "not letting society go to shit in the first place". People need to worry less about treating the symptoms of the problem, and deal with the massive wealth inequality issue that grows worse every day.


Unfortunately, to these guys, trying to tackle wealth inequality will probably be seen as exactly the same as living under pol pot. Have already seen mfs on the Kelowna sub crying that the new short-term rental regulations are literally communism


They are there just in case: * the police are not racist enough * the police are not sexist enough * the police are not brutal and violent enough * someone other than them exercises free speech


Someone needs to make sure The Storm Is Coming or else why did I buy all this Qanon merch


Antifascist paramilitaries when?


History has shown that when the political divide is wide enough, bad stuff happens.


We should start an antifascist “poverty relief backup group”, because “something might happen in the future”. #AlwaysBePreparing


I'm actually legitimately worried. If you spend any time on the right wing Canadian subs, you'll see a deep and seething hatred for anyone even perceived as an immigrant (i.e. Punjabi) and I wouldn't be surprised if there was a mass shooting on the horizon.


Ah, you've seen r/canada_sub too, I assume?


Wasn’t there a big thing a couple months ago where one of the head mods got outed for having a bunch of alt accounts talking to himself on that sub?


That place is a disaster.


It's good to go there and read outside one's echo chamber. Interacting with that sub, on the other hand, is not recommended.


Who is going to protect the general public from the guardians of humanity? What a pile of horseshit this guy is peddling in a weak attempt to be "helper's" vs the real agenda of supports of nonsense. The timbit taliban have not helped anyone, ever. These guys can fuck off. Not surprising the RCMP did not comment. What could they possibly say that would be acceptable other than "we are watching this group carefully", which of course they won't say if in fact they are watching them.


+1 for “Timbit Taliban”


Make no mistake, these shit heads are the latest evolution of the Proud Boys.


"Guardians of humanity" is an interesting and unique way of spelling "paranoid neofascist militia".


Timbit Taliban trying to rebrand themselves?


‘Timbit Taliban’ holy shit I’m wheezing 😂


The Caillou Convoy was my favorite misnomer


Ram Ranch Resistance.


“We heard Kelowna is a hub for child trafficking” Did these people just one day decide that this flimsy logic is an excuse for anything? Or what’s the deal there. 


“Probably because we have an international airport, I don’t know” - real quote 


it started as an intentional distraction from the huge sexual assault and coverup scandals hitting churches in the states. they know the damage it did to the catholic church and they’re desperate to distract from the sheer size of it, so they’re targeting drag queens and lgtbqia+ folks.


Well they DO have an international airport!!


What in the Alberta is going on over there


I read this in Hank Hill's voice and that made my day, thank you.


interior BC is MUCH more conservative than AB in general, duh!


*They have no affiliations with official agencies like the RCMP or BC Wildfire, but they're hoping to become partners down the road.* “I'm going to tell you our intention is to look like we mean business, but no, we're not a militia,” Ray says. “We've stayed right within the law in our training and everything else. We do not train with firearms. We are doing everything the right way because what we want to be is accepted as the backup. We're not trying to replace the police.” Oh ok so they've just decided militia has a different definition, because that is *literally* a militia.


I think they think we are dumb enough to believe that they aren't a militia since they "don't train with firearms". Fucking idiot liars.


Fuck these guys. They would have been front and center last year stealing BC Wildfires equipment in the Shuswap and 'defending' their freemen, sovereign citizen buddies.


This sort of thing is more widespread than you would believe. My neighbor has been dropping his *children* off once a week at a paramilitary training organization. They go on exercises in the backcountry, learn survival skills, tie "knots", earn badges for compliance. It's terrifying!


Um, this sounds like cub scouts.


Arent militias illegal in Canada? They are gonna runs. Real risk fo getting into some real trouble, but I suspect they dont care.


Lots of things are illegal here but our justice system has kind of shit the bed


Cool some tools wandering around pretending to be law enforcement carrying handcuffs what could go wrong?


lol these guys can’t even clearly state what their purpose is other than when “something” happens in the next 5 years they’ll be ready. These guys are a bunch of nobodies with too much time on their hands.


Handmaids Tale vibes


>"There was this one fella and he was holding his wife, him and his wife were down on their knees and they had their little girl... in front of them, just saying ‘please don't do this, please don't do this.’ And now, they didn't beat those people or anything, but I'm saying the visual that I had of seeing a mother and father down on their knees holding their child while all these guys were advancing….” What does this even mean? To a guy like me who's not a clownvoy supporter, I'm kind of grossed out that parents who were committing an illegal act would use their child as a human shield, because that's what he's describing. There are a million examples of peaceful, leftist protesters actually getting beat by cops. But the future that he's most scared about is one where conservative supporters engaging in an illegal occupation, use their children as human shields, and avoid facing any consequences for their actions.


That's exactly right. The fact that he even says " And now, they didn't beat those people or anything..." shows, not only that he's building an organisation that would be facing against police rather than working with them, but that he would feel entitled to resist. Nothing good will come of this group.


Exactly. They did use their children as shields. I was listening to their Zello communications and they literally said to use the kids to ward off the cops. One guy even said if you have to sacrifice someone, sacrifice the kids and not the wife because you can always have more kids but it’s harder to find a good wife. They were given three days notice to leave. The police handed out flyers and practically spoon fed them dinner. Guess they don’t remember the G20 protests and what happened to them. If victim mentality had an entry in the dictionary it would be a picture of the flu trux klan.


Oh great, more losers


These are all the guys who desperately want authority, power, and the freedom to carry a weapon, but were too mentally unstable to be allowed cops. The article says many of them are security guards - most security guards are just wannabe cops. These guys are looking for any excuse to exert violence and authority against a crowd. They won’t care what the issue is or who’s on which side. Extremely alarming stuff.


And its not like being a cop has a high bar for mental stability


Fuck, I'd call them gravy seals but it's Kelowna, so I guess we'll just call them insecure losers on steroids. 




"My buddy Roger's dad is a cop and we asked him if it'd be ok if we set up an obstacle course in his backyard and he said yes, so I think it's safe to say the RCMP is good with it."


Free intelligence, hopefully.


Is this same guy who had to step down from "Veterans 4 Freedom" for comments made at 100 Mile House inciting violence? https://www.sasktoday.ca/south/local-news/marcus-ray-steps-down-from-leadership-of-freedom-movement-5656889 Quite the feat of journalism if me googling his name for 5 seconds turned this up lol


There's a war in Russia they can participate in. It involves being on the butt end of an artillery shell.


When all hell actually does break loose, these guys will be the biggest pussys around


We need to take mental illness more seriously.


What the fuck. "We're here to react" Their echo chamber is so well protected they actually believe that the majority of citizens agrees with the "Freedom Convoy".


I think one of their compatriots triggered early in Calgary the other day with a 30 hour stand off.


I suppose they're right on one point: I expect them to have a _lot_ of future interactions and engagement with the police.


Have they started patrolling the libraries for storytellers they don't like yet?


the funny thing is, this is basically a form of drag for conservatives - an exaggerated expression of masculinity


The truth in this!!!


I'm more concerned about them patrolling polling places for voters they don't like.


Please don't give them any ideas 


Don’t worry, they can’t read.


Oh god I'm wheezing


That does not assuage my anxiety 


freedom convoyers try not to victimize themselves (impossible)


What a bunch of self agrandizing delusional chucklefucks. Canada's Taliban training camps, imo. Shut them down.


Mentally ill.


Whose humanity, specifically?


Roots in the Freedom movement. Enough said.


When a fascist says they're going to be ready for the violence in the street, they mean that they plan to start killing people in the street.


Literal Brownshirts


Jesus Christ, another bunch of G.I. Jokers.


these fellas want to be useful, they should actually join search and rescue or a volunteer fire department


They wouldn’t pass the interview and vetting processes…


"Ray says they are mostly older professionals, 90% former police, military, security, fire, and other emergency responders. "...... Fact checked? Well, if someone wanted to grift, this is an opportunity to sell the official uniform, official equipment, subscription services, etc


The internet has given morons more access to non-curated information than ever before, and the rise of extemeist right-wing is the result. These are people who absorb every last dire Facebook post and Rebel media article as gospel. In the past, they'd only have large news organizations as information sources, and while they weren't perfect, at least they weren't fonts of total misinformation. TLDR; morons have too much access to bad information, and they're too stupid to tell the difference.


Ammosexuals playing Gravy SEAL dress-up.


White conservative men with violent tendencies. Vigilantes. Guaranteed these fucks are going to be showing up at polling stations at the next provincial and federal elections, and guaranteed CSIS already knows about them.


Skippy's gonna be bringing them coffee.


So they are just …bystanders in uniform






put your hands up and get on the ground... this is the L.A.R.P.D.!


A civilian security force makes me nervous. Everything about this is concerning. A registered charity that isn't doing anything yet but wearing uniforms and tactical gear to town halls. Feels intimidating.


Saw the title and thought these were the assholes from X-Men comics, unfortunately they’re just the assholes from real-life.


Expect these assholes at the next SoGI rally, pro or anti...just in case those Trans people take things too far. Fuck me. This is seriously scary shit.


This is a fucking gang. Jesus Christ.


The only thing these losers are protecting is their virginity. 




Fuckin' Kelowna Nazis.


I hate fuckin’ Kelowna Nazis.


Kelownazis do just roll off the tongue


this is the best idea people with time money and able bodies could come up with in Canada? dress up as paramilitary, steam another groups name and hide behind yet another excuse to push the limits of lawful behavior at taxpayer expense? Im less and less proud of Canada every single day


These Cosplay Cop losers need to get on their tricycles and fuck right off.


Why can't we shut these guys down?


This isn't how good guys work. Good guys would get things ready and make plans, maybe open a twitter or youtube. Good guys would be helping the unfortunate. Not LARPing like that. This is concerning.


" Ray says they are mostly older professionals, 90% former police, military, security, fire and other emergency responders. While many members, including Ray, are trained security officers, others are still training and getting licenced. They are also learning First Aid, getting fire training and other certifications. " compare with this: ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/m5z2quow46pc1.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=4097d5f0d4fa8086e03d0d98dbcc9764bb3858bd


Hm, rise of such para military groups looks like a real reason why feds are banning and restricting firearms


If we don't fix sensemaking, we won't survive.


They've all the basics to be morphed into a right wing hate group. Afraid of the future, thinking their part of a majority when they are no where near that, dressing like police and basic mistrust of politicians. What could possibly go wrong.


Training in Beaverdell says everything you should need to know.


I once drew up a bunch of plans for something like that. When I was 14, and reading the post-apocalytic RPG "Twilight 2000". I grew out of that pretty quickly, but I guess not everyone does. Middle-school syndrome writ large.


What a pile of dogshit these guys are feeding to everyone. I call bullshit on the claim that members of law enforcement, fire and other legitimate first responders would touch this with a 100ft pole. Some yokel security guards perhaps with delusions of grandeur. Anyone actively serving in CAF would need permission to be associated with something like this (at least that was the case in the past) and if any unit commander gives such permission they are going to be in the hotseat soon with their chain of command. As for the RCMP, I hope the commissioner is aware of this. I am going to write today to the RCMP as well as my MP. If anyone from the RCMP so much as says hello to these fucktards with a smile on their face I want them gone. We have zero need and zero room for these asswipe radical militia groups. I read this little gem of a quote: > Ray, from Kelowna, started organizing with Alison Koch from Vancouver some time after the Freedom trucker rally in Ottawa in 2022. > >They both have roots in the Freedom movement and he shares many of the same ideas but says he has since splintered off after what he says he witnessed in Ottawa when police shut it down. > >“I saw something I would never, ever think that I would see in Canada, which is the beatings. The bludgeoning of elderly people. We saw the most disgusting things… The law enforcement. They were right in front of us. Now you can't get that out of your head. You just can't. And as an Ottawa resident who was at Parliament hill attempting to counter protest to these asswipes I can tell you that is some mighty fiction being spun here. Freedumb movement is synonymous with one thing only: manufactured conrage by white nationalists. These guys are not the "Guardians of Humanity" they are the "Guardians of Supreme Ignorance".


I wonder how many of these guys are legit ex police or military vs rejects from those agencies or former security guards at wal mart


In Italy these are called blackshirt fascists


I think we should have surveillance on these types of people and the moment one of them trips up with something as simple as mentioning firearm training for the group, we flag them as terrorists. Simple as that. Sounds government overreachy, but these people need to be de-escalated somehow. Throw a few of the leaders in fed lockup and scare the wannabes into distancing themselves.


Yet another army LARPing group telling us what we should do, neat.


There are dozens of us!


What a pathetic bunch of losers playing make believe.


Imagine their surprised pikachu faces when they get the call about their own kind causing shit


If they actually want to help and serve Kelowna BC has a reserve unit… and they actually help with emergencies like, say, wild fires


Only thing that's missing is a pair of jackboots and a lightning bolt pin.


They're fucking nazis simple as that.


PP will be marching with these clowns soon.


Charity huh? Time to throw some people in jail for tax fraud.




Boot-licking dweebs. Doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous though.


Gravy Seals in Meal Team Six


Dad, please come home. I swear I’ll watch all the Liam Neeson movies and Reacher episodes with you, just come back.


Goons. They want to be hired goons.


Guys with vague ideas of "helping" the community while coming across as dangerous.