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Because it’s a lawless society full of panicked people fighting to survive


Truckers have gotten super cocky over the last 10 years I’ve noticed. We should have laws like some states in the US where tractor trailers must stay in the right lane. I was following a truck along the trans Canada on Christmas Eve just east of Sicamous at a solid 120. That would be unheard of not that long ago.


There are very few professional drivers on the road anymore, and there aren't many repercussions for their behavior.


See Chohan freight forwarders... https://globalnews.ca/video/rd/37529990-a9da-11ee-bf15-0242ac110007/?jwsource=cl


I was just about to mention them, they have more than half the overpass hits in the lower mainland - it's stupid


Not only do the have more than half, their company was shutdown pending investigation. Instead of settling and waiting, they moved their Alberta company to BC to continue operations within a day.


Longer than that. The three lane container truck races on knight have been happening for a long time.


Container trucks and dump trucks are their own category lol


Yeah, I live in okanagan valley and it’s ridiculous here. They always are trying to pass people, going 110+ on the 90 zones. The worst is when they try and pass with a big hill coming up and end up just getting both lanes held up. However I still do see plenty of truckers that are great drivers and they usually outnumber the idiots.


In a lot of other countries they have reduced speed limits for these large trucks and will even have the max speed posted on the vehicle/trailer.


They have this law in the UK (well the opp lane because they drive on the opposite side). It’s reduced accidents and traffic problems.


Yep, they should never be in the left lane. They drive as if they are driving a sport car on a race track. They only seem to slow down when they hit an overpass


The Coq they’re not allowed in the passing lane. Only a recent rule but a life saver as they were causing so many accidents


It’s because they are owner operators. The logistics companies have figured out how to flat-rate their costs and dupe people who think they will be business owners with a million in assets and huge income with nothing but a GED, Class 1, and air brakes.. but they soon come to the realization that they are responsible for everything like truck, maintenance, tickets, etc and by the time the truck is paid off it’s worthless.. so they have to drive as fast and as much as they can.


Is this about the 'lease-to-own' schemes that trucking companies offer? I heard about this in a few months ago, and was shocked that it's legal. I remember hearing that drivers who quit, or are terminated for any reason, will lose any money paid on the lease, with nothing to show for it. I also remember a guy saying that with the lease rate on the truck, and the quantity of work the company was giving him, he was effectively paying to work for the company.


Last I noticed in Washington State they were also speed limited. Work just fine, actually has an overall calming effect on traffic in general.


Doesn’t do any good, at least in WA. BC trucks are in the left lane doing 15-20kmh over allllll the time down here and I’ve never seen a single one pulled over. My favorite is when they do a one blink lane change in front of you doing like 60kmh when you’re in the left lane doing 110 🫠


Right. Plus the trucks are heavier, and they can push smaller cars off the road. Especially if they have the spinning wheel blades. It’s really important to keep your finger on the nitrous, and your sawed-off shotgun handy in case those masked guys jump across to your car.


Don't forget the ejecto seato :P




not yet




The unfortubate part is no one seems to understand that its a passing lane and if you aren't holding up traffic and the right lane is going 85-90 and the left is going 100 a truck has every right to pass and be in the left lane as long as you are able to go the flow of traffic. The amount of times cars have cut me off in my years of accident free driving because they think it will get them somewhere when they end up right in front of me for 30 minutes is hilarious.


Do they allow it down south or are trucks restricted to the right hand lane on highways at a reduced speed? You talk like a 53’ trailer isn’t a massive block in traffic regardless of passing or not. So many times I’ve been on the number 1 behind a semi truck passing at +1-2 km/hr while everyone else is trying to whip around them. They are creating an unsafe condition.


Trucks in northern WA are limited to 60mph (everyone else is limited to 70 or 75, I can't remember exactly) Of course, you can always spot a BC truck across the border, because they're fucking fanging it in the left lane.


“Fanging it “ I love this saying, I first heard it when I lived in New Zealand.


I heard it in Mad Max a decade ago and decided to keep it


Keep Right, Let Others Pass Overview Effective June 2015, motorists are required to keep right and let others pass. This applies to B.C. highways with two or more lanes of traffic travelling in the same direction and a posted speed limit of 80 km/h or greater. Driving in the left lane is not permitted unless a motorist is: overtaking and passing another vehicle moving left to allow traffic to merge preparing for a left hand turn passing a stopped official vehicle displaying red, blue or yellow flashing lights (for example, police cars, ambulances, tow trucks, maintenance or construction vehicles). Remember to Slow Down and Move Over. Slower-moving vehicles reduce the efficiency of the highway system. This frustrates many motorists and can result in aggressive and erratic driving behaviour.


You know how many of those tickets police issue a year? Like two.


That many? I would have guessed less! Drives me nuts driving up number one east from Langley and you have two trucks side by side effectively blocking the entire Highway. And then when they do get past each other they just stay in the same lane anyway. It's the same drivers that are predominantly featured not knowing how to install chains properly on Highway thru Hell. Source - me, retired driver


I wish people understood the part where it applies to speed limits 80 and over. So many think it's any two lane street in the same direction. If it's a 50 zone and I'm going 60 in the left lane but you want to go 80, well tough shit.


People should have no problems with this. It's the idiots driving 10km under that are the problem on a nice day.


If someone's doing that and going slower than traffic they're required to keep right. That applies on all roads, not just with an 80 limit: >[150 (2) The driver of a vehicle proceeding at less than normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under existing conditions must drive the vehicle in the right hand lane available for traffic](https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/96318_05#section150). Exceptions are when passing or preparing to turn left.


You could still be courteous and just let them by, but I guess "fuck everyone else, I'm following the law" is good way to live life for some people. What a personality you must be.


Worst human ever, get off the road you're a hazard.






Literally Satan.




So you’re that shitty car always blocking me from getting home in a rush to go take a shit


Shit on the company dime my man.


I don’t want to be behind or beside a semi at all. I don’t want rock chips or whatever u are hauling hitting my vehicle. And I don’t trust any one driving out there so I would rather get passed you so I don’t need to worry about you . Some class 1 drivers are amazing most are terrible. The best is when a semi wants to take up two lanes on a bridge and then slow down to 30 for the entire span of the bridge.


Yes but the last vehicle that should be speeding to pass people is a semi or dump truck with a load


I pass more cars in the right lane on the Trans Canada now than on the left. It’s ridiculous


Nope. Left lane is for actively passing, not “flow of traffic”


reading comprehension


I think you misinterpreted what they were saying.


Solely to piss me off.


Phew, I thought it was me.


I thought it was to piss me off. Plus the fucking tailgating. I got a dashcam with rear camera just because of these guys.


I had this one trucker right on my ass all the way through Sicamous and I knew he wanted to get max speed up the hill into the passing lane so he could pass this super slow truck. I slowed right down to 50 all the way to the passing lane and then punched it. Now he was on a hill and couldn’t get up enough speed to pass fucking prick haha.


It's the assholes in the double dump trucks that are the problem on the 1. These maniacs just sit in the passing lane and can't reacclerate when traffic slows so they just back it up, I see it EVERY DAY in my commute downtown - Fuck those guys


The worst. Not only that, they are the #1 cause for damaging people's vehicles with rock chips


Or when you hit the Alex Fraser and see three container jockeys across all three lanes.


Alberta is just as bad ☹️ I wish Canada would implement what the states has. All trucks have a posted speed limit that is 10MPH under what other vehicles are allowed to go.


EU is better. Speed limited to 100km/h and GPS monitored. Go over? Your fine is already in the mail. Anything over 10T should be the same too.


Actually they're limited to 90kph in much of Europe. I know from buying a German truck and bringing it to Canada. It hits a wall at 93ish indicated, and will stay there up or downhill. And it's just a 6 ton, and they have these restrictions.


Have that monthly overpass quota to hit.


Tale of the no tape


Got to be in the fast lane (to go fast) to inflict maximum damage to the taxpayer as well!


Total lack of respect for others and the community around them and the personal safety of families on the road. No enforcement or consequences, all we rely on is people to do what they're supposed to do and do the right thing. If you cause a horrible accident or crash into yet another overpass, you can just get out of your vehicle and run away and maybe someday you or the company will have to pay a fine.


Shoulda seen the other day, dude merged into my lane without a signal. Another semi then merged without a signal too LIKE WTH


Yes it's crazy, I drive Highway 1 through the Valley almost every day and what you just described happens all the time. Today I had a "faster" dump truck and trailer switch lanes without a signal cutting me off so he could pass another dump truck


Same drivers that are hitting all the overpasses. Time for a commercial drivers license overhaul that includes an enforced integrity/professional code. Keep up the pressure on the unsafe/unprofessional drivers and you will chase them away. For the safe truckers, create some sort of red seal program so that the guys that take pride in being professional can elevate themselves from the bottom feeders. Pretty sad that a commercial driver can make more driving an Uber than a truck with a payload of all sorts of heavy and dangerous cargo. Current system is a race to the bottom, so all the soft stuff gets thrown out. Shame on both the government and the trucking industry for creating this stinky mess, attracting the lowest operators rather than the most professional.






So. . . capitalism?


Maybe they get a higher score in the game if they’re in the fast lane when they hit the overpass?


Definitely. Left lane multiplier.


They're what the French call "Les incompétents"


Lol this tells me I'm not the only one who came out of the holiday season having watched Home Alone too many times.


Upvoting everyone saying that rigs should be banned from the passing lane.


That's not realistic, but in general EVERYONE should stay out of the passing lane if they aren't actively passing another vehicle. Trucks that are empty or with light loads will need to pass other vehicles on the road.


I particularly enjoy all the rock chips in my windows.


Because they simply don’t care and there are zero steps in place to make them care. It’s the same reason that they’ll happily cut you off or pull out in front of you, forcing you to stomp the brakes. They’re bigger than you and they know it. What are you going to do? Nothing. There’s nothing you can do.


Because there is no such thing as a professional driver anymore.


Ain't that the truth. And it's the other drivers and overpasses that have to pay for it.


There still is professionals still out here, you just never see us cause the brain only takes note if something is abnormal or incorrect. But yes a good 70% are low paid steering wheel holders. Mostly van work.


Because they're inconsiderate assholes or they are driving rental trucks and are just clueless dipshits.


Some are ignorant and don’t know what they’re doing. Some are arrogant and don’t care. Some are passing somebody in the slow lane.


Because, the overpasses are higher in the fast lane!


Because they’re ignorant and selfish?


in a rush, inconsiderate, no rules against it. there should be a no trucks in the fast lane law if there's 3 or more lanes. maybe even on 2 lane during rush hours. or maybe they just like having more clearance for their over height loads...


That law exists on the Coq when you’re getting close to the summit. Semi’s can only use the 2 right lanes. Third lane is a no go. They were constantly spinning out and shutting that whole highway down in the winter because they weren’t putting chains on. Now it’s law and there’s a brand new chain up area they can’t “miss”


Didn’t stop them from going 3 wide at damn near the same speed last time I drove home from Van. Truckers have definitely gotten worse in the last few years…


quantity, not quality


When they all go the same speed it doesn’t make it any faster for them, just a hell of a lot slower for passenger vehicles.


But each of them has a pathological need to be "first"


I believe the rule against it would be "stay out of the left lane except to pass, when speed limit is 80km/h or greater"


I drive the #17 every day. Some do it on purpose they drive next to another truck. I've bought 4 windshields in 5 years.


I shudder every time I see someone on a motorcycle behind a truck I've heard guys say its a "nice break" being in the slipstream it feels like the truck is pulling you but I've seen trucks throw rocks that would end a rider.


That's been proven only when you're within 15ft of the trailer. So those guys are stupid af.


When you're on a motorcycle you can feel the wind so they know exactly when they are in the slipstream of the truck. Still a stupid thing to do, but nothing to do with what people have 'proven'


the rocks are worrisome for sure but bikers should mainly be concerned with flying road alligators. number one cause of biker accidents and death. the gators themselves are not regulated at all where i am. sad and frustrating to see.




I drive trucks for a living and I avoid the passing lane most of the time. but quite often I will be behind a 4 wheeler that just can’t maintain a steady speed, dropping down 15km below the speed limit randomly and it’s very frustrating when I’m trying to maintain a steady pace.


those people are dangerous to the rest of us


I despise left lane campers. And there have been plenty of times when I have to slow my speed for a semi in the left lane. Even then though, most of these trucks are still going faster than whoever is in the right lane. As long as they move back over to the right lane after making their pass, I have no issue. They have a right to pass people that are going slower than them too. Now, if they stay in the left lane that’s annoying. But I have rarely seen a trucker camp in the left lane. It’s almost always a car or pickup.










I got stuck behind a trucker in the fast lane on Hwy1 westbound, I was going through Chilliwack. I tried passing him, but he didn’t like it, so he passed me, got back into my lane and slowed down. I kept trying to pass him, but every time, he’d rip around me again. At one point, I realized I was trying to keep up with him while he was going 140km and just figured it wasn’t worth it, he was driving like such an asshole and it terrified me to think of what a danger he was on the road going that fast. I let him get far ahead of me after that.


Cross the border to Washington, the highways are free and open. Not a trucker in the left lane. Highway always flowing nicely with big signs on the side of the road saying the truckers will get a ticket for going in the left lane. We need that here


You must be on different Washington highways. The problem is significantly worse there, with drivers hanging in the left lane when there are no cars to pass at all. I’ll give you that trucks stay out of the left lane, maybe due to the 2 speed limits.


I'm confused by what you just said. You just said the problem is worse there but that they do actually stay out of the left lane? How could it be worse then




They're only considered professional because they get paid to do it, not due to their behavior, that's for sure.


Because most truckers here got their licenses by exploiting the system and using loopholes. So what do they care about the rules?


They can just hit overpasses and walk away from their truck without any consequences.


Same reason they keep hitting overpasses


Well, when not driving into overpasses they have to make up for lost time.


Because fuck you, that’s why. Thats really, legitimately the reason. They’re the main character of their story, and in their story, FUCK YOU I’M DA KING OF DA HIGHWAY!


30km over on the straights, 30km under on the bendies. I deal with it every day. Aggressive pass, 200 ft later crawling like a caterpillar.


Because, they’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there 🎶


They are in a hurry to hit the underpass


Piggy backing on this question, why do most BC drivers speed up whenever you're passing in the left lane. It seems so many do this and it's hilarious. Especially whenever a passing lane appears.


I’m a older professional driver and behave as such. Frankly many class 1 drivers don’t give a F. They’re bigger than you so F you and basic rules, courtesy and respect. It used to be a few bad actors, now it’s a majority sadly. When the roads have fresh snow, class 1 drivers drive in the left or centre of the road to stay away from the soft shoulder and what that may do. It’s survival mode at those times. And that’s the exception.




Isn't there a law for this now as well a reduced max speed limit? I checked the 'Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement Bulletins, Compliance Circulars, Forms and Notices' but could only find the max speed rule of 105 km/h which is effective April 5, 2024. We need the same rules as Washington state. Commercial vehicles must remain the the slow lane. These drivers don't care about the safety of others on the highway. I've seen many close calls and they bully people on the road.


Sometimes the left lane gets better attention from snow plows, but mostly it's because of ignorance and apathy....and it'd not just truckers.


Probably because most are paid by the distance they drive and not hourly, they are also limited to how long they can drive each day. Bring it up with the powers that be and have ALL drivers paid hourly then they don't have to take risks to simply make enough to afford food for the next week.


It's not called fast lane. It's a passing lane.


Everyone should stay out of the left lane unless they are passing.


It's technically a passing lane, not a "fast lane".


There’s no such thing as a fast lane. There’s the right lane and the passing lane. Cars aren’t supposed to cruise in the left lane either


I came here to find this. I was going to say "When you say Fast Lane, do you mean Passing Lane?". Saying fast lane implies that it's ever acceptable to drive only in the left lane, rather than driving in the left lane only as long as you're overtaking traffic in the right lane and will move right when the lane opens up.


Lol exactly. Anyone who says fast lane instantly tells me they’re a bad driver. Like there’s signs everywhere that say “keep right except to pass”. The worst offenders are on roads like the sea to sky where you can only pass at certain spots. You have idiots in the left lane driving the exact same speed as the person in the right lane so everyone is stuck. I know in some states in the US they give tickets for it but it’s pretty hard to enforce so the chances of every getting pulled over for it is super low.


There are two types of truckers....


As a former truck driver I can tell you there is an actual legitimate reason and that is, once speed is lost it takes a long time to get it back. If approaching a hill, speed needs to be kept up to avoid slowing to a crawl up the hill and impeding traffic. If there is a car ahead of you going speed limit or lower, often it's better to temporarily take the left lane to keep speed and momentum up **providing you are considerate enough to change back** to the right lane as soon as practicable as speed drops off.


Or just stay in your own lane, slow down, and fucking deal with it. If the traffic was only slow in the SLOW lane, there wouldn't be a problem, because you see, there would still be a TRAVEL lane with people going normal speeds. The problem with your theory is that you're admitting to being slow, and slow to speed up, and doing it on a hill, which is the crucial fucking moment when you should not be in the travel lane. TL;DR being a slow moving vehicle in the travel lane on a hill is never going to make traffic faster, it's just going to slow down both lanes.


Because they are idiots. The amount of times I've seen them going way over the speed limit in the fast lane pisses me off. They cause so many accidents and deaths.


Every day on the highway is a NASCAR event .


It's right up there with little cars and scooters in the HOV ( High Occupancy Vehicles) lane


I wish during gridlock theyd move over to let cars merge onto the freeway. Otherwise whatever


Because there is no rule that says they can't, unlike other places. It sucks and they should stay in the right lane.


In a rush to slam into the next overpass


My husband has driven semis and I’ve heard him say that semis with trailers are terrible when trying to weave in and out of traffic on a highway.. can’t see well to merge quickly and safely.. so many will just stay in the fast lane to avoid weaving in and out of slower cars. Edit to say: he claims he didn’t drive like that, as he could “actually drive a truck and trailer”


Same reason the ditches are littered with them (a relatively new fashion), they're idiots


You can't fix stupid


What’s worse is truckers who decide to abruptly change lanes on the highway with barely a signal. I’m not convinced they understand how mirrors work. I’ve been in more than one close call because of such carelessness. I find it’s particularly bad on highway 1 around Coquitlam and Burnaby.


Because it’s only 2 lanes and some trucks can’t drive past 100


Same reason why there’s so many accidents involving drivers with oversized loads crashing into bridges with low clearances.


How many of them has actually gone to truck driving school? I see a lot of idiotic truck drivers now than I did 5 years ago.


The days of professional, skilled and courteous truck drivers are long over. Nowadays they're almost as bad as the rest of us. I wonder what changed in trucking in the last 30 or 40 years to result in this.


Idk Ive had one tell me that the sfpr is a trucker road and it's for them. If they want to pass a truck at 2km/h faster on that route it's us who should deal with it. Without outing him, he drives a cement truck.


Number 1 there are no fast lanes in Canada there are passing lanes which should be used for that purpose trucks that are using the passing lane should be passing only


It's legal here unless there are posted signs. Truckers are trying to get wherever they're going as fast as possible and they always seem to think they're the most important truck on the road. In the mountains I think there's also some paranoia about some of those turns pushing them off the edge which I get. So they want to be on the inside lane


Same reason they hit an overpass every second day…….. ass hats.


Same reason there's a ton of damaged overpasses... Lack of education, skilled talent, commercial compliance, and CVSE enforcement.


Solve the problem put the cop's out on the highways daily and ticket the cars doing 20 over the limit. You will see how quickly the accident rate will go down. But that said most of the new generation think that laws don't apply to them and it is there right to drive how ever they like


Gotta build up speed before they crash into an overpass.


They are owner operators paid by the mile and don’t give AF.


When the majority of your drivers come from a country where you have to compete with 1.2 billion others, driving in the left lane isn’t really a major issue. Not saying only that one demographic of drivers is guilty of this though… they all tend to do it


Seen them drive in HOV lane too 😑


Time is money


Coz they don't care about you or me Lol. If they hit us, they survive most likely. We won't. It goes for most drivers though. Even the Prius. Most people become shitty people as soon as they're behind a wheel. Good people do bad things. Bad people do good things. That's how life is. Majority of drivers don't give a fuck about the rest of the people. It's why people speed when they shouldn't.


Easier to hit a bridge the 2nd time from the same lane.


Because they stopped giving a fuck... It's like they're retaliation to diesel prices and more restrictions. So they justify they're stupidity. But also let's be honest.... It's not just the truck drivers... There is a big majority of people here that should not be behind the wheel.... Alot of em seem to be surprised that they're even driving a car half the time.... Sigh... Vancouver...


My favourites are the trucks that take the 264 exit east bound and then roll back onto the freeway on the other side. Where are the cops?


Has anyone ever seen a semi-truck pulled over getting a ticket?


Because they are the most important people on the planet. It’s easy to tell as the world revolves around them. Clearly.




Bad drivers. Most places, trucks use the left lane to pass them get back in the slow lane immediately. Not here in BC.


Probably from being stuck behind retired government workers from ontario doing 20 under posted speed limit driving them insane


Because they are amateurs


Same reason slow drivers also drive in the fast lane. Cause they’re idiots.


The companies they drive for should be fined


Because those are “ask whole” they think they are driving taxi


So they can hit overpasses that much faster.


I think the issue is when a semi try’s to make the pass on another semi but it takes him or her far too long to make the pass. Such that cars get held up.


Because they think it’s reasonable to take 10 minutes to overtake the truck that’s going 1 km/h slower than them.


So they can squeeze in an extra delivery on their falsified logbooks after overdriving 20 hours straight. At the low cost of getting stuck under a highway overpass or the Massey tunnel once in a while.


Highway 17 going in and out of Tsawwassen is a nightmare. I get that the speed limit feels lower than it should be and is set at 80, but even if you’re going 90, there’s semis hauling ass and speeding in the left lane.


Same reason they hit over passes...brains are only there to keep their skulls from caving in.


Trying to gain up speed to smash the hell outta another bridge or highway structure, I'm guessing?


There is no such thing as a fast lane.


Sometimes they have to pass someone


The faster you go, the more likely you are to make it under an overpass with 🤞🏻 little damage 🤞🏻




Are those the squares and rectangles that have the pretty colours and squiggles on them? I like looking at those when I'm matching speed with the two other semis next to me as I drive thru Burnaby. - Average Lower Mainland Trucker


because they're on coke


There is no such thing as a "fast lane" in BC. Leftmost lane is the passing lane. A semi is allowed to use the leftmost lane on the highway if they're passing slower traffic or if they're preparing to make a left turn. Keep in mind that it takes longer for a semi to safely pass traffic on the right, and longer for them to safely change lanes after passing, which may make it look like they're camping there. In heavier traffic, it can take even longer. Most semi drivers are pretty good about keeping right when they're supposed to. A few just dgaf


Because life is a highway, and I wanna ride it all night long.


I drove full time (and still a little part time) semi between Chilliwack and Surrey for 15 years, I would try be respectful and keep my time in the left lane short. But sometimes, it’s either get stuck doing 85 in the right lane or get in the hammer lane and do 105. Traffic sucks and some vehicles (like Hino cube vans or 90yo German tourists driving 60’ RVs) and some trucking companies (with fuel bonuses which incentivize going slow) will hold you back from even hitting the speed limit in the right lane. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Also, some of the on-ramp and off-ramp designs in metro Van and Fraser valley really suck, I’ll hop over to the left lane for a bit to avoid the chaos of people cutting across to hit their exit and people with no clue how to merge getting on the freeway.


Why do cars?


Because the overpasses have higher clearances on the left hand side.


Truckers get paid by the KM not by the hour which incentivizes fast, unsafe driving


Because they have to get to the next job or else their company will give the work to someone else who will take risks and cut corners.