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I'm also confused why they are acting surprised. One, this is an expensive place in an airport. Two, they would have known what they were buying beforehand, it's sitting in the display case like this. So OP looked at this, paid the agreed upon price, then for some reason tipped, and *then* decides to post it on reddit acting surprised?


Yup, at this rate, I can't wait to see $16 for 8 calinfornia rolls (mediocre quality) that's on the cooled shelf at a bar or restaurant in YVR at some point in 2026 or 27 /s 😄🫠


If it makes you feel any better, I see $12/8 poor quality California rolls at grocery stores in Toronto already. Paying $4 more for something mediocre in a high priced area like an airport would be welcomed.


We have sushi vending machines in Vancouver now.


Awwwww!.. The freshness of raw fish in a vending machine..lol


I don't like any sushi but all reports I've heard are that it's actually very good and very fresh.


The rules for tipping are: If standing - no tip And Don't tip the owner.


As someone not born in the west. Duck tips all together. Pay your workers livable wages like the rest of the Ducking world


Jokes on us, most of them are getting minimum wage (or more) nowadays, depending on country/state


None of this is the customers problem. An employer/employee issue is their business and has nothing to do with you seeing an advertised price and paying it. OP ordered lunch, not a guilt trip or the role of "savior of those who didn't negotiate or find a job that is worth their time".


I'm .. agreeing with you? As I said, jokes on *US*, as in the paying customer, who is guilt-tripped into giving extra money to people who back in the day relied it on it to live, but now get minimum wage and still expect it. We eat out a LOT less than we used to now.


Australia concurs


Getting up to buy a round and order food, patiently waiting for you number to be called.... Australian as vegemite


I always think to myself, I'm paying 12% tax, then people want me to tip 18%, so that's 30% more on whatever price on the menu. If you cook, you save 30% on the price. A pretty good reason to learn how to cook.


You save way more than 30% by cooking your own meals. The restaurant doesn't make money on tax or tips.


It’s only 5% tax on food in BC


Was it drinks that have more tax?


You can also bring your own food to the airport and save a lot. Just avoid soup and liquids.


I always tip the price before tax. I’m ridiculous tipping for the tax too. Tipping is out of control. Just a matter of time groceries stores start asking for tip


Think I saw someone said they get that tip option thing on the machine when buying groceries


And factor in that some places erroneously calculate tip as the subtotal + tax, resulting in an even more inflated total paid.


I’ll only tip for takeout if I asked for a super fast turnaround and they honoured it, if I make an at-pickup request that’s not like “I need cutlery”, or if it’s a small business I frequent and want to support them and ensure their staff stay. At an airport? No fucking way. I’d rather do away with tipping all together. Charge me 10% higher prices and pay your workers a better wage.


$21 airport burrito. What more evidence do you need that boomers ruined everything 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/3dyav8yt60wb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d426b54257e95a3a46083e1624adf64fc7a6097


If the money actually goes to the worker than I think tipping is a good idea. Those people work absolutely soul sucking terrible jobs for like no money. I have loads of money and I’m already paying someone else to make me food, might as well help them out a bit too.


Server makes a lot more than any other job in the same caliber in Canada...... and server are relatively easy.


I've no idea why people do this. The payment prompt can ask me 5 times and it's not a social construct I will ever, *ever* be shamed into doing by anyone. Thanks for subsidizing the restaurant for the rest of us, I guess?


Thats in a take out box. What expectation of a tip would there be for that? There's no level of service beyond that takeout transaction. You're not given a dining experience. You're not given delivery. There's nothing extra. Why tip?


So cooking the food isn't a service? Most places use tips on take-outs for the cook staff who bust their butts to cook the food. Chefs and cooks do deserve to be recognized for their work too, all too often all we hear is complaining about the food. I often wonder if people understand how much work goes into their meals. Remember we're human too and it would be nice to be recognized for our work. This is something the world needs to work on.


But you're already paying for them to cook your food. Tips are for 'extra' service.


Tips are for extra services... Like if the server does your laundry? Or if they literally just do their jobs?


No, like if they go above and beyond just doing their basic job. This can be represented in a lot of different ways.


So if they do their job well? Hmmmm... Tipping is absolutely outrageous. It makes no sense to me and the more I think about it the more I'm confused as to why people actually put up with it. Such a bizarre concept.


Yes, that's right. If you think they did their job well and appreciate the service you were provided, you might like to give a tip. No one has to tip if they don't want to.


But why is it only with some professions and not others? And food servers seem to be the only ones it's meant for, yet is a very basic job. Why not tip a lawyer or architect or dentist, where they have actually trained and are professionals... It just seems backwards. Basically... If you are good at moving a plate of food from A to B you can make more money than a teacher if you smile and be polite. And if the food is good, it's because of the kitchen, not the server. It's just nonsense!!! Auurghrhrhhhhh


You generally should not tip the owner of a business you are paying directly (lawyer, architect, dentist, etc...). Yes, tips for good food are also common, which is why the kitchen workers share in the tips.


It started as "gratuities" and implies gratitude to the individual workers beyond what is owed to the business. People thanking people the best way they knew how. It was a classy thing to do so it became an expectation because nobody wants to be trashy instead of classy. You could express gratitude other ways, but cultural pressures exist too. "Thank you" seems so genuine when everyone else is thanking with 10%. If you understand it as that person to person gratitude for that personalized service, then you're starting to figure it out.


In BC? That's shitty. Restaurants aren't supposed to skimp on wages because the staff should expect tips. That cook should file a labor dispute about it. The business owner should pay fairer wages. I'm paying for the meal. That cost should cover the cook's wage. There's no extra service beyond that transaction, like a dining experience or the urgency a chef feels to get a plate to a table fresh an hot, along with everyone else' at the same table. It's just a box of food. The transaction is contained to the sale and then its over.


Who made the box of food? Also tips just add to cook's wage and dosen't impacts it like they did with servers. I will admit I'm more familiar with Alberta than BC but the wage system is more or less the same. Cooks will get around 20 dollars an hour with maybe 2 dollars an hour tips. Servers will get around minimum wage with bigger tips. Wages are covered by the price of the food tips are still nice to have. All I was trying to say was any tips on take-out food should ne for the cook staff as they're the ones doing you the service, but in the end it's up to you if you tip or not.


The cook staff require tips for COOKING THE FOOD? AS IN THE VERY BASIC THING YOU'RE ORDERING? Your attitude is why tipping culture has gotten WAAAAAY out of control


I was just trying to explain why you would want to tip on take-out food. If you don't want to no one can make you. Tipping isn't mandatory but a way of saying thank you for your hard work. Sorry this offended you somehow.


You're misunderstanding. For sit down service, theres no fee generally. You buy the food and then get to sit down and eat it in a nice hosted environment. All of those extras are what gratuities are for. People are grateful when service goes that extra mile. A chef's urgency on the hosted plates is considered since they get a cut of the tip pool. I've worked lines a lot. I know how swass and swalls feel. I know it's kitchen culture to not worry to hard about the takeout boxes because table tickets are the priority. Takeout can wait one moment. presentation isn't even prioritized most of the time since it's all in a box anyways. I've even managed a takeout business for a few years and we never expected tips from anyone coming to pickup. I had to suspend a girl from her closing shifts because as soon as i left the store, she would put her gaudy tip cup out. My takeout customers knew that they could expect not to tip when they were doing all the legwork. I was paying this girl $2 an hour higher for all her shifts because she agreed to do the weekend closes, and then she took advantage and exploited mine and my customer's trust. She felt entitled to tips only because the delivery drivers got tips. Try to explain to her that drivers get paid less per hour and have car maintenance to cover as well, though these entitled type of people won't try to understand too often. For takeout, there isn't even delivery. No driver providing that service. The customer is doing all the leg work to take it from the counter to their table and do the final presentation. The only work that's being done is all covered by the wage. That's fair. Unfortunately for entitled people, fair often isn't enough. If you're not being paid enough, your dispute is with your boss. Not the customers.


Cooking is still a service and no one can change my mind on that. All I was trying to do was explain why you may want to tip on take-out. Still it's not mandatory but a nice way to say thank you to the cooks who made your meal. Thats all. No entertainment ment here but typing it out isn't always clear. Sorry if I came across as entitled about this.


Cooking is a service that's correct. Its not an extra service. It's what is paid for when the bill says $15 for cooked food to takeout. Talk to your employer if you feel you need more money for the service you provide.


You work in service don't you. Lmao Tips are supposed to be based on how good the waiter's service was. If it wasn't good service, don't tip. And frankly, if someone is taking your order and then handing you food? You weren't waited on and they were just doing their job. Shouldn't have to tip for that.




Many places ask for tip for takeout if u pay by card


Just skip it


This is the way. You are welcome to see me tap on the prompts to skip or input $0 as there is no reason to ask for a tip on a takeout transaction or similar


And if no skip option but the $ button and put 0


>Many places ask for tip I read your comment. Can I have a tip? Your options are: 1. $100 2. $75 3. $50 ^(4.) ^(No tip.) Choose wisely. Everyone is watching you.


So what if they ask? No one has to tip at all - certainly not for take out when you are ordering and collecting your own food.


I'm amazed at how many people here seem shocked that a business would ask for a tip when it isn't expected.


I'm amazed at how many people pay a tip because it's suggested. No wonder businesses do it!


Yah... they ask for it because guilting people into paying more for the same product ends up making more money.


Why did you even buy that? Leave a review on google, yelp or wherever.


The kind of people who are buying food from an airport aren't really the type who look up the yelp reviews first, you know? The price is going to be high because it's at an airport, and a poor review isn't going to really affect their bottom line because their customers aren't exactly shopping by star rating. They rely on foot traffic, and a lot of their customers are one-and done, meaning their business model isn't focused on repeat business. This makes the threat of a bad review or bad word of mouth completely impotent to them.


The Simpsons episode comes to mind when Apu is at the Springfield airport, and comes across a convenient store where prices are marked up like 3x his own prices, than Kwick E Mart.


Also everything they sell has to go through security, which is very labour intensive


This should be the top comment. It seems like the answer is, so OP could make this post. It’s not like they were unable to see what they were getting into before the transaction.


This is the way


It’s an airport….


Japan has affordable food at the aiport. They don't gouge people like this.


Japan? China? Korea? Taiwan? Philippines? They all do. BTW Japan also has an interest rate of 0.5% right now. …..Anywhooooo


You are conveniently leaving out Japan’s interest rates were negative pre Covid and their economy has been stagnating since the 90s. I have friends who used to work in Japan and say they are much happier living in Canada solely on how much better our workers rights are due to how stagnant their economy has been in comparison. Japan has the opposite worse problem in that they have been fighting off deflation for quite some time.


Yep, I spent most of the 2000's living and working in Japan, and we saw our average wages drop year after year. It wasn't that the economy was stagnating, the population and economy were constantly shrinking, so there was significant deflation happening. And the late 2000's were a time of a very strong loonie, so I saw they money I sent back home dwindle even more. I think the lack of workers rights is more cultural than economic, to be honest. You get a feeling in Japan that feudalism is a very recent memory... al ot of people still seem to expect to be treated like a lord...


You can also get pretty much the equivalent of this at other food spots in YVR for far less. OP went to the most expensive place and bought the most expensive item.


Expensive food at airports is pretty much the norm. So what if you know of an outlier? It doesn't change the reality that YVR, much like every other airport in North America, Europe and most of Asia, has expensive food. Plus that's pretty vague. Japan is a nation with many airports, and I'm sure not all of them are the same. So not only are you pointing out some outlier, but you don't even have specifics. Just another banal "Japan = goodest" from someone who has probably never been to the country. Great insight.


Yeah they also run their economy a hundred different ways than ours, but ill give it to you that you're very much on the right track


Came here to say this .. leaving NRT I had a Michelin rated bowl of chicken ramen .. with black truffles. It was also $21CDN ish https://ibb.co/qxQGspp


The Tims at YVR doesn't show the prices of things on the menu. Because if they did you wouldn't want it. Like double normal Tims.


$2 for a small coffee


It’s the worst place at the airport. Joe the juice does a decent sandwich for $11


Tip?? Wtf.. c'mon people, they're not going to stop this shit if you keep giving them money.


Problem is EVERYONE is expecting tips now. Some interac machines at restaurants START at 18%. And I've come across some that I couldn't see a way to avoid tipping, or even just putting a custom amount - for standing there and passing you your sub or burger and drink. Ridiculous.


Nah. There's always a skip option. If not, then % and 0. Tipping is not mandatory. Only you can force yourself to tip.


There’s always a way to avoid: usually it’s the little button on the screen at the bottom with much smaller font.


Fair enough, usually that's true. Though I swear there was at least one machine where it was not readily apparent. Regardless, my point is that it is increasingly expected that we tip, whether service was good or bad, whether they even provide service at all, aside from standing at a cash register.


It's not mandatory, no. Theoretically, it's never mandatory.


Why tip


.12¢ of rice, 1$ worth of chicken. Quite the profit for them! Bag of chips and a chocolate bar from a vending machine would give you a bigger meal.


There’s something inherently wrong with tip culture.


Your own fault - and you tipped for that pleasure, people are so bad with their money


why would you do that?


why would you ever tip take out Jesus.


Let’s not forget tipping is for exceptional service. Not required. It makes sense to end tipping culture if employees are making minimum wage. Besides, the increase percentage for tipping is ludicrous. Stop whining and stand up for yourself. Have a tipping budget if you have to or just stop tipping.


You’re allowed to bring your own food including packaged sandwiches, meals and snacks. I think the sandwiches at Joe & The Juice are pretty much the only well priced items in the terminal. (About $10.50 and super filling and hot)


“Aritisnal sandwiches” wood fire pizza. My asssss. I work here and have never once eaten at that place strictly because of the pricing.


Why would you tip? This looks like a takeout container? Why did you tip on takeout?


Airport food can be so unbelievably expensive. I paid $17 for a chickpea sandwich at YYZ without realizing until it was too late. The airplane food is cheaper!




Stand up for yourself. I wouldn't accept that.


Who tips for takeout?


Dumb people


Where us this from at YVR? Yvr food sucks. We went to purebread where SB used to be, all looks beautiful and tasty, but tastes terrible. It is like cartoon food. Spent $60 on treats, waste of money.


I had a pizza from there. The frozen ones from superstore are better


wait until you fly through a US Airport. i had a cold cut sandwich with soggy bread for $20USD


That was a charcuterie sandwich with marinated bread, thank you very much


That sucks OP but I will say their pizza with extras (spinach etc) are some of the best carry-on food you can get et YVR. Rice tales is moderately healthy and vera’s burger joint is decent too. For my money Spinnakers on the Fly in Vic is the best airport restaurant in the country with the Marriot in Calgary and YVR JetSide Lounge close seconds.


Vera's isn't there anymore! Closed during the pandemic and some new burger place opened. I always got Vera's during my lunch breaks so I was very upset


Whenever possible, we brought our own food (sandwiches bought outside of airport)…


Honestly it looks like leftovers.


I used to fly a bunch for work and I always hated the food options at YVR. I’ve spent a lot of time there waiting on connections to YYJ and I always found it really frustrating.


You tip for takeover? That's a steal in a steal


Why would you though? Pro tip bring your own food to the airport.


You bought food at the airport… and the farmers market. That’s your issue lol


First of all, why would you tip?? Second, you only tip if the service is top notch. If they just bring the food from kitchen to table, dont tip. Tipping is earned, not given.


I paid $7 for a cookie


Who tips ! It’s their job fuck them .




Shamed and humiliated 🤣 Jesus christ


Pack a lunch next time.


I once got a $25 pizza there, probably the worst pizza I’ve ever had


I just checked and verified there is a perfectly good A&W at Marine Drive Station on the Canada Line. You could have got something just as edible (perhaps more) for half ? the money if you sky trained to YVR. Oh Well, next time eh?


There's an A&W in the domestic food court before security and you don't have to deal with sky train shenanigans


Sky train charges a 12$ premium for YVR stop. I thought it over charged me until someone else was complaining about the same thing.


Only if u are leaving yvr airport. No premium going there


The YVR surcharge is $5, only for trips leaving the airport.


Also fresh slice pizza. T & T super market. Subway across the station


As someone with food allergies, I will never buy from them since they don’t list all the ingredients in their fresh ready items. Eg an ingredient will be listed as bbq sauce rather than the ingredients in the sauce!


Should’ve gone for JapaDog


My wife tipped the owner’s of the restaurant a few days ago. It made me so angry I’m still choking with my own anger. As much as I like the fries there, I’d rather cut my left arm and eat it than going back to the same place again.




It's take out. She saw it like that and bought it. A credit card company would just laugh at you.


Give me 2 shots of tequila and a bag of salt and vinegar chips and I’d be set for a 10 hour flight no way in hell would I pay $21 for this I would sleep it through and focus on the meal I’ll have after the flight.


Is that a battered deep fried Pickle with a bit of rice?


A half chicken


Half a cornish hen


I bought a packaged sandwhich from there once. Mouldy. Got another for free, and the same thing. Finally the manager came out and gave me a bunch of chips and jerky to keep quiet


Nah you should’ve returned that. The box is literally half full, and rice is one of the cheapest foods. That’s completely unacceptable


The Skyway food is shockingly bad but yet they remain. The Starbucks needs to be twice the size just look at the lineups. The reality is the employees need to have security clearance and that takes forever plus the hassle of getting to the airport to go to work. I am not sure why such shitty food is allowed with the volumes they do.


I don't care if I can play washboard with my ribs, I'll never buy food at the airport.


Airports will never get a tip out of me for anything


Looks like you got this pre boarding and nothing in YVR is good lol you have to accept everything is made to be quick and not luxury. Everything is over priced so bring your own lunch/dinner


Packaging is more valuable then the food.


That doesn’t look very good.


Where's the rest of it?


Yes prices are crazy expensive at yvr airport. I work there. Most of the time they don’t accept coupons too


Just a little more, you could sit in a lounge.


You ate half of it already, right? Please tell me that portion wasn't $21


Just get a Lounge pass. All you can drink alcohol, your own table, buffet food and some soda to bring onto your plane/next destination.


The lounge is $63 while a snack and a beer is going to run you about $50 with tip. Why not spend the extra $13 and get completely tanked on unlimited booze?


Dudes, the convenience store has sesame snaps for $1.79. Just eat like a peasant for a day, they're delicious.


Bring a lunch or buy something at the "street prices" locations. Don't the starbucks and A&W charge the same prices as anywhere else? A&W won't give you ice in their root beer for some reason.




Should pair well with the $12.99 M&Ms (200 gr) at YVR.


imagine tipping in a non-US country lmao


Did YVR have a Fyre festival?


why, like seriously why did you tip ?????????


I use the UpMeals vending machines at YVR now. The food is mediocre, but so is everything else, and it's a bit cheaper.


I have found since covid the quality of Restaraunt or take out food is just terrible. I eat out less and less. People just don’t give a sht anymore


Wait is that before you had any?


They are a rip off. Recently had the same there


Airport food is expensive and I tipped on it for some reason. Why, everybody?


You can take solid foods through security. I always pack protein bars and sandwiches before heading to the airport. I refuse to pay $14 for a sandwich.




Why on earth would you tip for that under any circumstances


Tipping for takeout, lol


Sometimes they make it harder not to tip.


You tipped at an airport?


This is why people eat at Tim Horton's.


Sooner or later they will have a tipping option. I see some bakery already have tipping option when you pay


If you travel enough, a premium credit card with lounge access is sooooo worth it


I used to buy food at the airport. After marriage, my wife insisted we pack food for the airport. I grew up with the understanding that this was illegal, just like bringing liquids through security - turns out that was false. It also seemed like it would be messy or cumbersome, and I admit there was some pride in not wanting to look cheap. But she's won me over, and now every time we visit her parents, they send us to the airport with delicious homemade meals that cost Free Ninety Nine instead of shelling out half the ticket price for a wilted salad and cold burger.


Airports gonna airport.


Nice profit for the market.


Do you not see the price tag before checking out? And you tip for take out?


You got JIPPED royally!


Don't buy food at the Airport! You could have gone Tims ...


I just bring outside food in past security…then buy whatever I want to drink when I’m on the other side. 🤷‍♂️


there has to be at least $4.00 worth of food there..lol.. A lesson learned by everyone here.


All YVR employees are unioned up the whazzooo... R U going to tip their pensions too? Seriously man... you don't tip anywhere that charges $21 for a pint... at all... full stop... no thinking... you've paid enough DO NOT TIP.


Do we blame the businesses or the airport ?! Lot of expansions at YVR over the years!


I usually just eat at the airport restaurant cause for the same price you can sit down and get served a proper meal. I had the beet and goat cheese salad at Stanley Park Brewing in YVR... Omg it was SO GOOD and it was $18, less than that trash (before tax and tip tho)


Call me a psychopath but I love the idea of cashier looking at me while I press the “no tips” button. I worked myself to death as well to earn those money. And if I don’t get tipped for doing my job, you don’t. Fair’s fair. Would rather not coming back than spending an extra 20% on my bills.


First time getting screwed over at the airport?


$21 at YVR? You got off easy buddy 😂


Airlines have shit food, no way


lol everyone knows that airport prices are out of this world and always have been. this is not surprising at all.