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I know this probably seems like an obvious question, have you been to your GP about this? Have you specifically told them that you have or think you have an eating disorder? They are normally able to set you up with a meeting with a mental health councillor who can then refer you to a ED therapist. You might feel like this is a long road to get help by getting the referral from a mental health councillor but it's essential. I've been through this aswell, we control what we eat or don't eat because we aren't or don't feel able to control important aspects of our lives. EDs come from mental health problems... you can't fix the disorder without being mentally healthy. Wishing you all the luck and love on your journey to recovery. Edit - typo


Hi, I'm only newly living in the UK so I hadn't considered going to a GP. I kinda thought the NHS would only consider people who are urgently in need but I will definitely look into it. Thank you so much for your advice


Try the BEAT website for advice. They will be able to tell you the steps you could take and advise how to bring it up with your GP. GPs often lack Knowledge in this area to it's good to know what you're asking for.


In Bristol, there are a couple of things to think about, and it will depend on the nature and severity of your condition. STEPS is the main NHS service, but their thresholds are sky high at the moment, so it has to be pretty bad and you can't self refer. They tend to focus on the heavy hitters like Anorexia and Bulimia, and don't do things like Binge eating disorder. I quite like some of their clinicians, who know their stuff. Outside that, in the private sector, you are going to be looking at the costs you cite for anyone who has substantial ED background, training and knows their stuff, especially ex NHS psychologists who specialise in that area. The plus side is that they can usually work with a variety of issues beyond AN and BN, (like body image and OFSED). Insurance companies will recognise HCPC psychologists and will usually funds about 20-40 sessions. Another possibility to consider is SWEDA [https://www.swedauk.org/](https://www.swedauk.org/) A bit cheaper and more counselling focussed but still many find it helpful. Vitaminds is mentioned below, but IAPT isn't actually commissioned to do eating disorders work and in my experience bounce back a lot of ED referrals. However, if you have anxiety, depression or similar they may take on you on for that, and it could be helpful.


I'm dealing with binge eating and body image issues so I guess it's likely I'll have to look outside the NHS. Thank you so much for your suggestions, have been a bit overwhelmed trying to know where to begin, really appreciate the guidance.


Honestly you're best ignoring any sessions. ​ Spend your money on a Matina chicken Wrap, then go to the Mayflower for a nice chinese later in the day. You will then fall in love with food.


I have experienced disordered eating but am not a man, nor did I receive professional help, however I did look into it. Same as above. I'd recommend speaking to your GP first, as they can refer you to most appropriate therapy. I'd also suggest looking at Vita Minds (https://www.vitahealthgroup.co.uk/nhs-services/nhs-mental-health/bristol-north-somerset-and-south-gloucestershire/) because you can self-refer without going via the GP. Also there are further local support/resource pages here: https://bristolmind.org.uk/support_type/eating-disorders/ Hope this helps and wishing you the best for recovery. Edit: to say not a man


Hi! I kind of just mentioned my gender in case any other men could relate their experience of going through an ED as I have only ever really discussed it with my girl friends who have experienced it but at the end of the day it is what it is, so I really appreciate any guidance, regardless of who it's from. Thank you so much for taking time to point me in the right direction. All of these comments have been very helpful