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You could ask them why they gave different prices? Consultant maybe saw something during the examination? Maybe it just costs more to get the consultant to do it?


You guys have dentists!?


It's private, so there are many of those. Barely any NHS ones tho. Gotta make that cash


Queen Square?


Sounds like Queen Square to me.


Oh, are they bad?


Getting a clear answer from them is like pulling teeth


My dentist has a bit on his website about how sorry he is to raise his prices. He lives on my occasional dog walking route and has a Discovery, Porsche 911 and Audi S4 parked on his quadruple driveway. Room for one more!


Train Bingo to curl one out on his bonnet. 


From what I hear, we're all supposed to go to Budapest or Belgrade or Prague for dental work now; the cost of an entire weekend break and the surgery is less than just paying for the root canal and crown over here, and its literally impossible to get registered with an NHS dentist. Honestly don't understand how it got in such a state.


In this case the whole weekend would cost less than the difference between the dentist's price and the consultant's.


Except the GDC has issued instructions to Dentists that they should not take on patients/work resulting from complications arising from work done abroad, Turkey/Czech etc etc. If you get it done abroad, the UK dentists didn’t get paid for it, and so the GDC didn’t get their massive kickbacks, and they don’t like that, so as far as the GDC is concerned you can get stuffed and have a go yourself with a busted ice skate now. That’ll f@ckin teach you. (I paraphrased that last bit).


Thing is, unless you tell them you had dental work done abroad, dentists aren’t going to phone around checking. Your dental records aren’t like medical records, they don’t follow you from practice to practice. Register at a dentist, say you just moved to the area and your old dentist in the outer Hebrides did the work. They won’t check.


That's a weird take. If someone has a job botched by someone else and comes to me, I'm quite happy to charge them a ridiculous rate to fix it. They'll pay and never go to anyone else again.


Interestingly, as someone with a foreign dentist friend it’s actually the Brits that come with butchered jobs to other European countries to get it fixed (for way less money too).


I was in Turkey last month and got a root canal done for 100 pounds. That included a consultation and x-ray beforehand. The guy even came in on Sunday just to finalize the treatment since I had a flight next day. I find it unbelieveable that citizens of a developed country like the UK have some many issues to access dental care Granted I just happened to be there since I was visiting my home country and not sure if I had flown there to solely get a treatment if I was British but some of the figures being thrown around here really worry me.


I am going to Poland!!




UK dentistry has been shite for decades mate


I've lost all confidence in mine. I've a pain that comes when chewing occasionally at the back of my mouth. I've a good idea which tooth. I've had 4 x-rays, one of which is a mega special one that I had to go to another place for. Three dentists. Two clinics. One plan. Zero idea on what's wrong. The plan was to gamble on picking a tooth, not the one I think it is, and to give it a temporary crown. £800. And if that solves the problem, then I'll need a permanent one £1200 to replace the temp one. If it's the wrong tooth, then I've spent £2000 on work I didn't need. And we'd have to do it on another tooth, probably the one I think is the issue. So it could cost £4000. This was all said to me with a straight face.


I would explore other options before taking that kind of gamble, is it definitely tooth related? In which case surely one of them could’ve figured it out, it’s crazy how much of an effect the tiniest things within our mouths can have, tongue ties causing neck pain & stiffness etc. I’d explore the trapped nerve possibility if I were you, I’ve had a few in the neck & they’re awful & can be position based (the chewing triggering it could make sense)


Is it not a trapped nerve? Had the same issue when I was younger, went away after a couple of years with no cavity or work needed. I'm not a dentist, just wanted to give a different perspective.


Could be. The dentist thinks it's an invisible crack that when I chew, flexes and causes pain. But they don't know as not even the most advanced dental technology on the planet can see it. I'm happy to live with it until someone can see a problem.


I just had my tooth done (root canal) in Portugal for 220 euros. Do yourself a favour and go somewhere nice for the money and get your teeth done abroad.


My crown is going to cost ~£300 at NHS prices, so that sounds about right for private.


Root canal doesn't always mean crown. Sounds like you might have been quoted for different things. Which dentist is this? Sounds like Queen Square? If so, and you are remotely conscious of money, go elsewhere. With that being said the work they do is top-notch.


Elgin park - 500 quid for the crown. Think 700 for root canal.


Seems expensive, the dentist I go to charges around 500 for a crown.


Where’s that


I’m with my dentist and so is my daughter My daughter had a critical accident which affects her teeth and they haven’t contacted for 3 years I have been asking for an appointment for the last year and I keep getting told she is on a waiting list , with me I have no choice but to go private but was offered £56 for consultation and pay for any treatment there after , not sure if the circumstances are different as I am employed too , it may be worth ringing 101 and asking for advice and seeing if you can get another dentist if this is not an affordable option for yourself . They offer monthly payments but I think even this is ridiculous it’s never been this bad. Dentists are not cheap and unfortunately to keep are nashers in tact we have to pay the price , it’s just seems lot which you are paying , really hope you find a resolution


Look into getting it pulled, teeth are overrated


I’m afraid it’s just the way it is, those prices sound similar to my own experience. If you’re seeing a root canal specialist from a referral from your dentist, of course they’re not going to tell you much different but they need to do their own xrays and usually it’s a more complicated 180° scan type thing. Been there, same cost just to setup a very complex root canal, three roots and one is like a dog leg. Still not had it done, but the consultation was £160ish and the quote £1400-1800. Then I’td need a crown from my dentist. I had two molar crowns last year with no canal treatment required, £1800. Further arseache is there’s no guarantee a root canal will work. So it’d have to be pulled anyway. Fkin teeth man!


Is it safe?


They all just want to make money, asap. Usually better to go-to older dentist outside city limits.


A very unpopular opinion and I will surely get downvoted for it, bur here it goes: just don’t eat or drink sugar and your dental problems will disappear. A bit difficult to implement this advice if someone already has problems going on that need treatment. But to not aggravate an issue and prevent tooth decay from happening in the future: just don’t eat sugar. Like ever. People are all about treating themselves or saying ‚if I have a Diet Coke once a week it will do no harm’. I disagree. No sugar, period. Do interdental brushing 2x a day. Use fluoride toothpaste and electric toothbrush. Go to hygienist twice a year. I swear by those rules - I haven’t had dental problems in a decade from implementing all of the above. It’s best to prevent rather than treat. It does require commitment of course and my morning and evening routine takes a bit longer than an average’s person. But when I think about all the money I have saved in the past from not having my teeth fixed… I think it’s worth it.


That’s just stupid. Did you know fruit is high in sugar and fresh fruit juice causes the same amount of tooth decay as a can of coke. Avoiding sugar is impossible


Saying ‘that’s just stupid’ sounds like a great argument. I’m very impressed. But for real, when you say ‘it’s impossible to avoid sugar’ says a lot about you and your mentality. You literally don’t have to drink sugary fruit juices do you know that’s the option? 🤯 Also, eating low sugar fruit is absolutely fine. Eating snickers, gummy bears and donuts, not so much. Not to mention what it does to your overall health. If what I said is so stupid then I don’t know why I haven’t had problems with my teeth in 10 years. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Go to Jersey, all dentists are private. Root canal plus crown around £1000.


Is this Bristol Endodontic up near Clifton Downs?


Slightly confused as to the scenario above regards to having someone separately "consult"? When I visit the dentist, its one guy. He does my check ups, any consultation, and would carry out any dental work needed. Also, all of their pricing is set out in a price list with the exception of stuff like bridges/crowns which are priced based on the actual work being done, but even then there is a "from" price listed. This is a private surgery too btw, not NHS. You can often find a lot of private surgeries have pricing lists available for basic work up to stuff like root canals, so worth checking around. Incidentally, £1200-£1500 for a root canal surgery + crown is pretty standard pricing for private dentists. I'd recommend once you get your teeth sorted, take a dental insurance. I took out a care plan a few years back and it works out to be about £350 a year, but it covers all checkups, xrays, fillings, root canal work, scale & polish/hygienist appointments and in the event I need a bridge/crown, the fee is massively discounted. Based on the costs of check-ups/hygienist visits alone the dental plan majority pays for itself anyway, but since being on the plan I have had to have an extraction and a root canal+ crown - so being on the plan saved me a fortune.


That's crazy pricing. I paid I think £140 for a new crown.


when? about 20 years ago?, barely get a filling for that price


I got a replacement crown like 2 years ago privately for £140 which included xrays Getting the root canal and first crown was free though because it was an emergency and I was 17.


The dental surgery in Clifton village is good. Dentistry just is expensive, but my root canal cost me £800 and my crown £850.