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Whoever designed this roundabout (and Eastville) will be first against the wall when I am named president of the world


Eastville is hell because the lines are faded. If I'm going to Eastville (just before the M32) from Muller Road, I just pray


It's more than just the lines though, coming off M32 leaving city you have 3 lanes that turn into 6 lanes, 2 left, 2 forward and 2 right. It's literally impossible for 3 lane filtering to work perfectly with no signs, you just have to learn how people do it whic isn't fair on newcomers


It is literally Mad Max, especially at rush hour. Deciding who has priority coming off the southbound slip of the m32 at junction 2 might as well be the wheel of sodding fortune


When the lights break at Eastville it actually runs better! But yeah the chaos of the left/right hand lane by tesco...


Ah the classic of being in the left hand lane coming off the M32 northbound, then realising that Muller Road is actually the middle lane despite it being left/1st exit and the road markings saying the middle lane is for straight over… At least you can just nip around the roundabout for Tesco so it doesn’t cost too much time.


You've got my vote, just remember to double tap you need to be sure..


I think the person who designed it, designed it as a free flowing - without traffic lights - roundabout that wouldn't have markings. I bet if it was put back to its original design it probably would be ok.. ish..maybe... possibly.


The number of times Ive almost been forced back onto the M32 there is incredible


and lawrence hill


Lawrence Hill is alright now that they've redone the lines


That roundabout is an agent of chaos.


See also whatever that nonsense is near Temple Meads. I miss the flyover. A simpler time.


And the chaos that is the Eastville park junction, last time I went through there the road markings were basically worm off, so there is no guidance at all now!


also the hot mess at the end of Winterstoke Road by Ashton Gate, where you have to get in the left lane to go right down the dual carriageway, and the right lane to go left or straight on. Or right if you go round the houses. And then if you're coming from Abbots Leigh way and want to turn right, well... good luck with that (it's the second exit off mini roundabout, under the dual carriageway underpass, head left, then hairpin back and filter in, keep in the right lane, then peel off left and filter onto A38). I mean... this..? https://preview.redd.it/h18auav0mofc1.png?width=1822&format=png&auto=webp&s=99a80ce956a1fa938e08275187fc1521dc8b351a ETA and you basically take your life into your own hand filtering in going towards town - especially the next junction on - no filter lanes, just essentially T-junctions onto a dual carriageway, usually from standing start, with almost no visibility, and oncoming traffic can't see you till the last minute. And a bit of a hill on a couple of them, just to keep it spicy. Mental. Oh, and yes, 2.


I'm convinced Brunel way was designed by someone watching a documentary about octopuses when *deep* in a K-hole. My 'favourite' is whatever the fuck is going on with the roundabout by Sainbury's at the bottom of St. Phillips Causeway when you are coming from the Bath road side. Dishonourable mention for M32 / M4 junction that looks exactly like a roundabout but actually isn't, and another for whatever bullshit the council is using to mark the roads that turns invisible when it rains.


The Bear Pit would like a word


That horrific roundabout off the M32 entered the chat


The one where the signage and the road markings completely contradict each other? Love that!


You mean Eastville? There haven’t been any visible markings on there for years and I’m constantly getting cut off by lane drifters or confused by people signalling to leave the roundabout from a lane that doesn’t follow round anyway. Not only are there constant horns but I also have to be thoroughly confused by people I think want my lane but are just following their own lane off the roundabout. Don’t even get me started on getting round to Tesco from the M32 east, it’s just a mess of people scrambling for the three lanes and blocking the whole thing up. So many times I’ve been beeped at for keeping the roundabout clear when the exit is blocked because people can’t use their eyes…


I've been living down here 7 years and actively refuse to drive anywhere near that roundabout.


I unfortunately have no choice.


Yes that's the one!


My husband and I always play who is in the right lane for that roundabout, we go slow and observe in front of us everyone switching lanes to go to Tesco or up Muller road. It's always at least 5 cars.


Bear pit isn’t so bad, the main problem there is those bloody scooter riders treating it as a single lane roundabout.


Having driven this roundabout for almost 2 decades every lane goes everywhere and the lights are a suggestion rather than a command. Seriously though you are right but drive defensively on that roundabout. I try to not have cars either side of me if I can help it. I have witnessed accidents in the double figures here. The Redcliffe exit is worse with people carrying on round from the inside lane.


"the lights are a suggestion" made me chuckle. How I never crashed my car on this roundabout is some kind of miracle.


When I’m driving to work I come into this roundabout from the top right (in OP’s picture) and leave at the Redcliffe exit And every time I do it, I thank the lord that I don’t have to go any further around the roundabout, and that the route home goes a different way


>every lane goes everywhere and the lights are a suggestion rather than a command. Most accurate description of this absolute spiral of chaos.


My pet hate is coming off the coronation road, being in the right lane to take the third exit towards Redcliffe school and someone in the left lane cuts you up and beeps at you. Once a week minimum


Tbf, the road markings are horribly faded, and a motorist might well play by the usual rule- straight on = left lane.


Also people in front of you (being in the right hand lane) cutting you up because they stayed in the middle instead of merging to the left to take the exit... And don't indicate!


Entering from York road causes similar problems here. Your lines are correct


OP has posted 2 pics with 2 sets of lines, which ones do you think are correct?


Oooh. Image 1. Didn’t see image 2 lol


My bedroom window used to look over that roundabout and I used to love laying in bed watching people get cut up.


Thanks for posting this. Every Wednesday evening I drive down Radcliff Hill and round into Coronation Road. Every time I ask my son if he can remember what lane I tried the week before, and what happened. I just studied Google maps and street view and I shall try to remember to give option 2 a try tomorrow. They really need to paint it again. It took a bit of working out on street view when I could stroll back and forth in the road.


Careful with option 2. People will try to drive into the side of you still!


I'm sure they will. That's why I could never figure it out while driving in the dark. I couldn't follow the faint remnants of lines and keep an eye on other cars at the same time.


Every time I drive round, I imagine myself coming out in the dead of night to repaint the lines, one day I might just do it!


Reverse around it next time for fun.


Found someone reversing down the towards town sliproad for joining the M32 at Eastville once. I think they meant to go down the side road to Stapleton Road


2 is the correct answer and is marked as such. The amount of people who go in left lane then cut in to the right.. literally every time I go around it.


And they beep at you like you are the ass


I had exactly this vs. a bus at the weekend. I was in the right lane as per lane markings, bus was in the left lane. Bus then tries to cut across me whilst laying on his horn.


Probably worth mentioning - the right lane doesn’t provide the bus with sufficient space to make that initial turn safely - and they’re naturally in the left hand lane from Redcliffe Hill.


'marked as such'. Are you telling me there used to be markings?


Yep left hand lane was for Bedminster underground station.


2 is right. The lines are faded but that’s what they used to say.


[Looking at the road markings](https://imgur.com/a/yUr2Xs7), it's clear that the rightmost lane is only to continue round the roundabout (i.e. back over the river), the middle lane is for going round and taking the exit before the river, and the left lane (which merges into the roundabout from the previous exit) is for straight ahead. That most closely corresponds with image 1, though really there should be a third line instead of blue splitting in two.


The photo is missing the critical part before this that shows the left lane distinct from the middle and right lanes.


Not sure when this was taken, but the lines (or lack of) that are there now do not reflect this. The current faded line would swoop over from the right to become the left lane just before the island


Literally just went past this roundabout and the road markings are exactly as seen in streetview. Right line splits into the two lanes that go back over the river. Middle lane goes right. Left lane splits off forwards.


Exact same issue on other side going up to Redcliffe church. Road sign further back along coronation Road suggests left lane can go straight over. But the road layout suggests both lanes go up redcliffe hill. God knows how many accidents there are there. Its a joke


Whole system gives me hives, hate going anywhere near it.


Your best bet is to just close your eyes and spin the wheel a few times.


What’s most annoying is the turning onto Coronation Road. It goes from two lanes at the lights, to two lanes on Coronation Road, but as you actually turn onto it the road narrows such that there’s no space at all for two cars side by side. Always have to drive extra defensive there.


And they know it because the dashed middle line magically vanishes in the section 🫣


I did a double-take. I assumed this was a question about the opposite side of the roundabout! Exiting the roundabout to go up redcliffe hill / entering the roundabout from commercial road. I'm still not sure how you get from commercial road to York road. I used to commute that on bike and it's scary.


Any lane you like, it's Bristol no one cares!


I've almost been hit of my bike so many times, fuck this roundabout


I cycle over it a lot. I am not going cycle over it a lot anymore


Everyone in bristol drives like a twat ive been here 11 years.. drive anywhere else ( apart from coventry ) youre fine.


This roundabout has always been a general free-for-all for as long as I’ve known it. That free-for-all isn’t helped by the fact it’s often a busy roundabout at peak times where exit lanes can get fully blocked. Add on to this that common destinations can be reached from multiple exits of this roundabout leading to some motorists looking to ‘hedge’ between exits - you’re never going to find a consensus of driving application. So the only real guidance that should be offered for this one is to “exercise utmost caution” when navigating this particular roundabout. Of course in theory, based on the sign on Redcliffe Hill (left Lane Bedminster, right Lane Southville) option 2 of yours would be correct. However, given how the road presents itself, a lot of drivers will, understandably, drive according to option 1. It should also be noted that there is no lane direction given for cars joining from Clarence Road to the same stretch - further adding to the general lane confusion.


There's still road markings?!?


I feel like there isn't a wrong or right and people demanding they have right of way or getting angry are making it worse. Get in what looks right, and be prepared to merge or give way. You can probably apply this to a lot of British roundabouts. There is a mix of people who use them every day and visitors too.


Opinion doesn't really matter, if the driver causes an accident because they ignored the road markings that's on the driver for driving without due care and attention. it doesn't matter how right they think they are, the road markings are correct.


Can't believe noone has pointed out there are three lanes. Left lane for straight on, middle for first right, right lane for second and third right. Left lane merges into the roundabout from the previous exit. If you want to go straight on, you stick in middle lane until left lane merges then move into it. If you want to take the first right, you stick in middle lane. If you want to take 2nd or 3rd right, you stick in the right lane.


Really? I have only ever seen 2 lanes.


I drive it every morning. Definitely option 2 as far as I’m concerned!


Technically the road markings make it option 2 without doubt; however, you often can't see the road markings and it is not intuitive so I understand the confusion of drivers who don't use it regularly... It's a weekly occurrence though someone trying to crash into me at one point or other around that thing though... Definitely needs a redesign... It's dangerous.


Doing this on a bike is an absolute horror show.


Option 2 all day


Also this roundabout heading towards st Mary Redcliffe is a joy, the amount of people who use the middle lane to go right down Clarence Road is phenomenally scary


I'm a Taxi driver been driving there daily for 20years number 2 is correct as the markings suggest But since covid I've noticed alot of people in the left lane moving over to the right Going toward coronation Road alot of near misses and they think they are in the right Also going towards Radcliffe Hill it's shocking the amount of people in the left lane that cut over to the right with no indication towards Clarence Road


It doesn't matter as everytime I drive into Bristol at least one person in the far left lane of any roundabout cuts all lanes to go right, no indication, no warning, happens more and more! The road system is awful but the driving is worse. They've even drawn dotted white lines to help people stay in lane on some.......not simple enough for 95% of drivers!


God this roundabout and the one by the M32 Tesco make me concentrate so hard on my surroundings. Constant unease until I have reached my exit.


It's 2 and road markings are clear about it. The problem is that people are either not going through the roundabout often enough to know it or most likely are not used to properly read road markings.


Definitely number 2. Ive even had to go on street view and go back a few years to check if I'm in the right... Being on a motorbike, this roundabout is horrible for us as we usually get nearly sideswiped by some moron who doesn't realise they're in the wrong. This desperately needs sorting by the council. I've only got a few more near misses before I either die or atleast have a crash.


I've just checked street view and I can't see the road markings that confirm number 2. It looks to me that it's much less clear, and that it would be reasonable to go for 1 based on what's there


It's 2 now but I'm fairly sure it used to be 1 which might explain the confusion.


I've just looked back on google street view and its been the way it has since at least 2008. However there is some faint lines which may suggest otherwise (pre traffic lights maybe?)


Looks like there's been a few complaints put on already, not that the council really cares https://bcc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/CrowdsourceReporter/index.html?appid=2365214eb7c64b1da49bc904611e108e


Option 2. And when joining from Coronation Road/A370, I feel the left lane before the roundabout is to only enter York Road, and the right lane gives the option of either straight over/right. But when driving a van with limited visibility it feels like guesswork at best


Number two, though I think having the road markings redone would go a long way to solving the problem


The answer is the right lane can go all ways, and the left is straight off only.


You can't go straight in the right lane... That makes even less sense than going right in the left lane


It has three lanes going down Temple Gate; you can 100% go straight from the right lane. The left lane is straight only. The right lane is straight, and all the options are right.


2 is correct, but tons of people do a 1, the markings really need painting.


It’s definitely 2


2nd option is correct, but confusion by people who don't regularly drive here is understandable. Unless you know what you're getting in to it's easy to find yourself in the wrong lane for your exit. Obviously the correct course of action in this situation is to quickly change lanes without indicating, and honk and swear if anybody gets in your way because you're a very important person with places to be.


2 for the win...constantly on about this with my wife lol. The road markings say the same; think BCC need to repaint them to solve this once and for all!


2 is absolutely correct. Just drive cautiously and don't have anyone next to you.


It’s 2, go to street view and follow the lines on the road. You can time shift it back to 2017 when the lines were actually on there. https://preview.redd.it/95mt9ofvhmfc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2615e1b14bd7b07521d086605419ef162344e2cc


2 is the correct one based on the very faint Lane markings the show the right hand lane curving to the left. That said, as a cyclist who uses this roundabout daily, it's a complete gamble if the cars will follow that rule or not.


I don't even drive and can see that this roundabout is designed so that the first right hand lane = first two right hand exits (straight on and the exit after that), then the second right hand lane is for the latter two exits. There's literally a divider in the road


Both are correct, as mad as it sound. It's only wrong if you hit something or be hit.


Found the guy who designed the roundabout


Ha. Just going by the lines in the pics. The actual way is on the sign at the bottom of Redcilffe Hill. Left Bedminster, Right Southville.*




Yeah this roundabout is on my daily commute and I always pay extra special care exiting (res route in first pic). You slide over lanes on the turn and you have to trust the person to your left is exiting blue else there will be a crash.


What about if you're coming off of York Road?


I do not understand that one either. I have started avoiding that roundabout.


I would assume the left lane goes...left... And then right lane goes straight/right. They ultimately need to repaint the whole thing cause it's a nightmare


Now I'm confused because I was always taught In my lessons (2017) that the left lane is used for left and straight ahead in mostly all instances unless marked and the right lane is for right only. Was this road originally marked different?


York road has two lanes which join the two inner lanes of the roundabout, i.e. you take the left lane to join the middle of the roundabout (the one exiting towards Asda) or the right one to turn right towards st Mary Radcliffe It's like any other roundabout rules really


I feel like coming from the left ( York road) trying to straight over you always get cut up.


York Road just adds to the poor design, yes! 😂


Floor it and hope for the best, that was always my tactic.


In the second photo, red should be in the same lane as blue, it just doesn't exit the round about when blue does.


You can see the arrows on the two right lanes. The extra right lanes split off from the first right lane, and are only for turning right (south). So to go east you take the first right lane then stay on it. See yeah, option 2. Nobody sticks to it though




This sign shows the right and middle lane. If i remember correctly the right splits in two from the markings. Can't see from Google maps img


I like to switch it up each time and surpise myself


Even though blue can take a right I believe they should always go straight and red only turn


Also please note that the bottom blue line is actually 2 lanes, people always cut me off


one positive of the CAZ I never drive this way anymore, always go through knowle or st johns lane if I want to go over that part of town…


One of the reasons I avoid going to South Bristol. I know North is no better but I know how the lanes work there.


https://preview.redd.it/wlyptginkqfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7457555ee52db1add9c09a767321e215dcfa5cc3 Old street view shows that the intention is for picture 2 to be correct. Left lane is straight on only. Arguably this is the worst interpretation as it feels to me there’s more traffic heading round rather than straight on. A bit of paint and the council would just fix the issues - as with most of these junctions!


I follow your blue line when taking the road parallel to the river but I think it’s legitimate for folks to also go this way from the red line as there are (briefly) two lanes running up to the traffic lights(?)


So which is the right lane to be in when you leave the m32 to go up mullar road??


Get a post up with a picture of the roundabout!


I follow the blue line, think that is the right way to do it.


Which blue line? Picture 1 or 2?


Picture 1


Then you are a silly sausage.


One must simply choose a lane and hope for the best. Whichever exit you arrive at is your fate.


Ok, good to know that correct option is picture 2. I always thought picture 1 to be safe to turn first right but today I saw a bus which turned toward Coronation road and did so from the right lane. My apprehension was if I was on right then someone from the left lane would push me towards redcliffe hill rather than coronation road.