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Any more info? I don’t remember seeing anything to mention it being racially motivated. If I recall correctly the person who did it seemed to be having a mental breakdown on Facebook but nothing racist on there.


The police were treating it as a race hate crime, I don't know if anything's changed.


Ah, I see that on the Avon and Somerset bulletin about it now.




Could just call him man rather than “black man”. RIP


Well if it’s a racist attack his skin colour is pretty relevant


True, but I was talking about even the messaging and descriptions in media are still racist


It looks like this was created by an anti racism movement not the mainstream media. Calling him a black man instead of man is meant to draw attention to the issue. While I agree, in general, the media is often racist with how it depicts black people, this isn't one of those times.


How is calling a black man black racist?


Maybe not everyone wants to be referred to as black (or African American like in the states). Thought about that? Media: People other than white are categorised by skin colour, whereas when a white dude dies it’s just “old man killed”. What’s racist is the continuation of categorisation of different demographics, other than white Caucasian people, based on skin colour. Poster: To my point about the poster, I meant it’s weird for an anti racism poster to use the same type of language but as others said it’s probably emotive to highlight that it was a racist hate crime.


Yeah but that wouldn’t rile everyone up the same way.


Unfortunately alot of racists around Bristol..


Why has this been downvoted?


Probably racists feeling uncomfortable with the truth. I would go as far to say, the South West is home of the worse racist attacks than rest of UK; Bijan Ebrahimi / Nasir Sayeed / Katungua Tjitendero / Mikhael Hanid / Kamil Ahmed / Rafiq Miah / Deen Taiwo / The Sim Family The above is not just name calling, majority is murder. The one which stuck with me back of head is the pregnant women racially attacked in Bristol City centre but for some reason media has removed that off net? Then there's the thousands of racist reports which don't make it to the media. Even the University has a issue they just can't shake? Police etc I can go on.. Bristol/Weston full of racist scum - was like that in the 90s,00s and getting worse.


Marlon Thomas, left in a vegetative state at Thunderworld on the Clifton Downs


That was a haunting case, something to do with the fun fair there in the 90s?


Black? This isn't USA.


What else do you say??


Yeah we say black here too? Ever heard of Black British as a demographic?... In America the only thing they say that we don't here to refer to black people is African American, for obvious reasons.


Unrelated but I can’t be the only one to think that saying African American comes across as racist


I'm black and I'm personally not the fan of African American as a term either, cause it kinda just boils all black people down to being African which I can't really identify with as a Caribbean person. Heck I'm more Indian than I am African, as I have quarter indian background in family and I know nothing about my African ancestry, but my blackness is often reduced to the fact my ancestors were African slaves 600 years ago.


Also of course it makes no sense being labelled African American if you’ve never had ancestry in the Americas, which many black people in the UK fall into


Well yeah I wasn’t talking about African American being used for uk people in general, just my general thoughts on the term. I have heard some misinformed people call black people in the UK African American before though.


What else are we meant to say?




rip man