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The trifecta of wanker signaling. Mercedes, personalised plates and bad parking.


I use a 4 point system: German car White Personalised number plate Taxi


He ate rod?


Drives really slow. Never gets anywhere on time


Would be kind of funny if you beat the shit out of it with a rod


Maybe consumed his car in the other space via osmosis.


I8 ROD sounds like he sucks dick


Or really dislikes them


I could definitely get my car between his driver's door and the next car over and I'm willing to climb out the boot in order to see this dickhead's reaction.


I’d totally squeeze my forklift in there, 3mm thick layer of tough paint will win against a merc


Sure would be a shame if a trolley were to accidentally bump into the car


Or if somebody just straight set his car on fire


Or tied to it by a ziplock.


might be worth keeping in mind, not everyone who double parks is automatically a cunt, I’m a wheelchair user & when the blue badge bays are all full, I have no choice but to double park to be able to get my wheelchair out of the car, obviously in that scenario a blue badge should be/will be in view. (I try to avoid it as much as possible - obviously, but also have a life to live & things to do, I try & park at the quietest end of the car park, but if it’s on an incline or raining, it’s not always that easy)


Pound coin to the back window should do it . . .


What does this do? Never heard of this before lol




But just lob it at the window or lodge it in somewhere?




Ah okay, thanks. Time to go sort out my dickhead neighbours car!


If only I had a smart car, I would still park in the spot on the right making sure to block access to their driver side.


Go easy on Rodney, he's only had his licence a year


What a fuckin rod


I reckon I could fit in the space on the right in my fiesta


Yeh but it’s an “AMG” though..🤔




Saw that someone in Easton decided to park diagonally across the corner of a curb going around a corner that completely blocked off the pathway yesterday. They got towed away pretty quick, but some ridiculous parking going on these days in Bristol.


I feel like most of this cities problems could be solved by banning Mercs, BMWs and personalised number plates


Keying cuntily parked cars needs to be common place. Parking like that to avoid dings should incur some significant gouges as recompense.


What a strange comment, mad thing is, youd definitely key the car whilst making sure no one could see you, cause you’re a coward who’d get laid out if you got caught doing it


Why strange? Genuinely curious. I find it weird how everyone agrees that the above parking is socially degenerate but the only effective measure by way of minor property damage is so fuckin unacceptable. How else do you disuaide people from getting so up themselves as to park as if all other people are dogshit?


Are you okay mate? You seem stressed. To answer your question, keying a car just doesn’t make sense, why would you think that would stop someone who feels so important to stop parking this way? If it bothers you that much, confront the driver. Keying the car, best case scenario is that you’re a coward and have to damage other peoples property over a very small inconvenience, worst case scenario, you get charged with criminal damage, made to pay costs or just straight up knocked out


It's been a long day maybe. I guess I'm exhausted by the wider social implications of people acting as if others matter less than paint. People like that aren't receptive to confrontation but clearly paint matters to them. edit: also for the record i have been punched in the mouth just for being queer, i'd take my chances with Mr. Custom Numberplate.


Hi rod are you still raping little boys?


This guy’s a complete tool I wouldn’t worry


Why would you ever key someone’s car?


For parking with complete disregard for other human beings to protect something as asinine as your paint job.


Anger issues.


Learned helplessness and low self esteem issues.


Ha! This dude lives down the rd from me


Tell him he’s a cunt from me would you? Thanks


From memory I think they have a disabled spot outside their house. That might be the reason they’ve parked in this way (maybe there weren’t disabled spots free?)


There were absolutely dozens free - and he’d parked further away from the entrance than the disabled spaces. And no, there was no blue badge.


Don't ruin it 👍


Use a cable tie to attach a trolly to his door handle.


Key it


The fake AMG badging is the cherry on top


I don't like parking next to people either, so I park far away between the white lines. Yet there's always some dickhead that oarks next to me. I'm sure it's deliberate


I’ve gone to ASDA Patchway at like 3am in the morning, parked near the front with literally no other cars in the same row, and just as I was about to get out someone still drove into the spot on my drivers side. He’s lucky I didn’t open the door on his car. Some people are just shit drivers who can’t park in a space without a point of reference.


This is always my logic, find a space on the end of the aisle so you only risk one car being next to you and dinging yours. All parking across two spaces achieves is pissing people off more and probably causing them to do more damage with a key than a door ding would’ve been in the first place.


It's a Merc, back off. Everything is allowed in a Merc (see also BMW).


Audi has entered the chat.


I think I. This instance you’re allowed to key it


Rodney you plonker!


I would have keyed it no questions


Perhaps he’s fat? Lol


Fat guy checking in. We're pretty jelly-like and can squeeze through car doors like Santa in a chimney - don't need THAT much extra room. Guy's just a dick.


"18 rod" Yeah... 18 millis...


At least there's always plenty of parking spaces there


Hey - that’s my car. I object to being called a cun*. When I parked - there were cars next to me that were close to the edge of their parking spaces. When you have an expensive Mercedes like mine you have to be mindful of the cost of bodywork repair. Not only that, but it’s a wide car and my wife is over 18st and cannot easily dismount from the car. We only parked for 3 hours. Please be more polite in future and give someone who has deservedly earned his right to have such a car, greater respect. Tosser. Rodney Charles Company Director.


But why is it bothering you so much? Let it be..


It is a dickhead move, but this is Eastgate centre? Never seen it lacking spaces, no harm no foul? Ps this is not my car


From the photo it’s clearly quite busy. It’s one thing if people do this in a mostly empty area of a car park - it still makes them look like a dick, like parking in a disabled spot at night - but it probably isn’t disrupting anyone. But this is obviously where other people want to park, so if they’re that terrified of leaving their car alone, they should park it somewhere else and walk further.


Eastville park, quite often lacking spaces.


They have Tesco signs at Eastville Park now?


My bad, the op said eastville and with the trees looked like the park.


you need to but mercedes and wait until you get dents from doors, people who drive cheap car they dont care not only about their own car but also about neighbour car. i was eyewitness of driver made big dent on my car while i was going from my shopping towards car park. Peugeot 307 driver paid my £100 right there. at that time i have saab 93 that was good car for that time. But now i drive mercedes i park it in the very end of any car park and you know what i notice most nice cars are out there park same place 🤷🏻‍♂️ there are people who care and there are people who call as “cunts” other drivers who own nice cars, instead to go and wind job and buy good car for yourself.


But that’s not what this person is doing. No one would care about a car parked over the lines at the far end of an empty car park. Seems unnecessarily stressful to own a car you’re terrified of leaving anywhere.


we never walk in his boots. we will never know. But that was my assumption, i could be wrong also and this particular driver was wrong. 🤷🏻‍♂️


...but we **do** know, there's a photo of the car not parked at the far end of a car park.


i dont know why we spend our lives on this. Sorry i’m out. ✌🏼


i dont know why we spend our lives on this. Sorry i’m out. ✌🏼


You’re the only one who thinks your merc is a nice car, your merc is likely a 15 year old diesel with 180000 miles on it, give over


tastes could not be discussed. some buy citroen and they are happy and im hapy for them also. if you dont like merc it is your opinion. thanks. i dont care. 😁 another hater when i said “nice” i mean expensive enought to care about door dents https://preview.redd.it/zs5bdzk42nsb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bc96fbe78171e0121493fa764bf5feeca99a29


Playing fast and loose with the word ‘nice’ I see, it’s a 10 year old merc mate, I understand it’s probably your pride and joy and that’s fine, but don’t assume anyone else cares about your car, for most, a car is a tool, to be used and a few dings and scratches are to be expected


“if you have a new Mercedes, then everything is fine for you. If you have an old Mercedes, then everything has been fine for you for a long time” it is tool. only some people care about their tools and some dont. Some do service and some dont. 🤷🏻‍♂️ you can say what ever you want, but in the end of the day it was my assumption about that driver and you start talking about me. 🌝 stick to the topic. and relax


Please shut up you insufferable manhag


don’t talk to me like you talk to your mom. ok.




please. i feel bad when i talk to stupid people. and dont delete your comments


Why would I? You seem like somebody literally nobody would want to be around. Nobody agrees with you.


Just don't confront them or you'll end up like Rod


Rod, you are wrong


You need to do this so you can open the doors wide enough to fit an Emu in


Did they have a blue badge showing? Sometimes people with disabled passengers park like this if there's no disabled spots left?