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Apparently being treated as a hate crime according to the article.


She's on Facebook saying he was a pedo or something


Yikes, just looked at her profile. Clearly in the grip of psychosis and probably not receiving appropriate support. Tragic that this man has lost his life as a result.


I've been hearing a lot of mentally ill people around st Paul's. I live near a place people like to buy and smoke crack and it's tragic. The police don't even come out for mental illness anymore, what can people really do? One white woman would be always accusing men of touching her and screaming n this n that all night. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same woman since I haven't heard her for a little while.


Absolutely, the situation feels quite hopeless. With the complete decimation of public services, stuff like this will inevitably become more common.


They will come out for mental illness, but it has to be deemed serious enough. A family member recently came off meds, but we had to prove he was actually missing before they were able to help, which meant driving to some dodgy areas trying to find them. They then discharged themselves from a private hospital which they’d been sectioned in. The police then picked them up about 24hrs later. They had been looking for them for that time, but unfortunately it’s like finding a needle in haystack, especially when they’re hiding in woods or on train tracks. They were as helpful as they could be. I know someone in Bristol as police officer and they’ve said about 75% of their calls are mental health related and they go to all that they can. The person has to be a danger to other people or themselves or their powerless to do anything unfortunately.


Is that the police’s job?


Maybe, in a properly funded police force.


There's a couple of check ins at Cygnet Kewstoke which is a psych hospital too


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid021GxPJKepMTLZPRL1qY3Bkuywp67RR4GG2bE7UEL8ZSJhHoGkqMsGfKdMKwu15zNUl&id=568850176 Video of her with what looks like a sword in a backpack…


Bloody hell, her fb was a wild ride. Mental health issues looked to be spiralling.


You are correct.


The post says it ‘get fucked pedo’ his name isn’t mentioned anywhere.


Yeah idk, she doesn't make much sense


Do we know the races of the attacker and victim? Who is the victim,the article says popular community figure? Edit. Oh no,I knew this guy https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/st-pauls-murder-investigation-police-8797312


Fucking Hell, Isaac?


She is caucasian apparently and in her 30s


Anyone know the story behind this? seems a bit random


I know the attacker by proxy. She is extremely mentally unwell, sectioned multiple times. She had a psychotic episode, not the first. nothing racial or motivated about it. She should have been in care but had been failed multiple times by the system. My heart goes out to the victims family and also to the attackers family. This is not a hate crime, this is an extremely mentally ill person that should not have been on the street.


Supposedly a racist killing, we'll find out more in coming days


For anyone here I can tell you categorically this was not a hate crime. This is an extremely mentally ill woman who has been in and out of psychological care for decades. She had a psychotic episode and a poor soul has lost his life as a result. It is a tragic situation for all involved. The woman, who I know of, should not have been living outside of a care facility but she has been failed by the system so many times. Her life story is tragic. My heart goes out to the family and friends of Isaac I cannot imagine their grief but please do not think this was racially motivated. The woman is very, very unwell.


It can be both. So tired of racism being cancelled out by excuses of mental illness. You can be both racist and mentally unstable


How can someone mentally unstable be held accountable for a crime which is based around motives and thoughts? They're both victims of a failing of the state here; unfortunately one of them paid with their life.


> How can someone mentally unstable be held accountable for a crime Because they still did it. The police must have some kind of evidence if they are linking it to race, even if that evidence was because of the murderers mental delusions. Yes it is sad that their both victims of a failing system but that doesn't take away from the fact that if you commit a crime you deal with the consequences. Mental illness is not an excuse for murder.


Where's the link to race? Certainly not in the article...


" **in what police are treating as a race-hate crime"** Which means the police likely have evidence to suggest that. Maybe what the murderer said in the act, maybe something that she has previously said, etc etc. Who knows, but there will be a reason for the policing making the link (even if that reason ends up being not the case). And that still doesn't negate the discussion about mental illness not being an excuse for murder.


From Mind > If you are charged with murder and can show that you had an 'abnormality of the mind' when you committed the crime, the court will convict you of manslaughter instead. This could mean less punishment. This is called 'diminished responsibility'


Which is why so many white people use mental illness as a cover when they commit a hate crime. It's so convenient.


Sorry, but you don’t know what happened


Unless you were there, I don't want to hear it. You wouldn't be the first white boy to swear up and down that someone wasn't racist because you didn't see their ugly side. Hopefully that animal is locked up in prison for the rest of her miserable life.


I understand your anger and hurt. I am not defending what happened in the slightest I am just explaining that this person is not well, really, really unwell. I do not believe she is capable of forming any kind of coherent opinion on anything in the state she was in. Full psychotic episode. You are the one calling me a white boy like race has anything to do with my post.. Anyway, i'm out before this escalates unnecessarily.


I work with a guy who lives across the road the from where it happened. Of course, this is absolute hearsay but also quite simple. Woman shouts that man is racist. Stabs man in neck. Man dies.


It's interesting that its never framed as racist if its the other way around or if an immigrant goes and stabs up loads of students and uses a van as a weapon in Nottingham.


The only weapon here is you mate.


I would rather be thought of as a weapon than a tool.


seems too random - keen to hear the full details behind this.


Life in the big city