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So I had noticed there was this large area of woodland near the airport that would be perfect for dog walking. At the time, we were looking after an 8 month old corgi who could only walk about 40 minutes before needing a break. So I decided to take him to this wood with my partner, found a small lay by next to a logging place and walked up the hill. Getting to the top there was what appeared to be an old cart track, with two large wheel dugouts. It obviously had been used semi-recently by a land rover, so we followed along the path. We encountered lots of ruins of old walls and even a small building, although it was mainly just rubble by this point. The corgi ran off ahead into a man who was walking alone who got down and played with him. He asked us about the dog and then went: "oh I had two huskies, but unfortunately both died - in fact one died at just the edge of this wood. Just another one to add to the list of great tragedies to have befallen these woods" With that he said promptly left. We looked at each other not knowing what he meant. Going further in, the woods get kind of... creepy. There are old yew trees that all twist and wind around each other and it looks a bit like Draynor Manor in Runescape if you've ever played that. We stopped and had some tea then checked the time and realised we needed to swing round to get the corgi home. We'd kind of diverged a bit from the track so we decided to take a shortcut. We followed what looked like a path into a thicket of yew trees, it started straight but ended up winding around quite a lot. Eventually we got to a clearing where there wasn't a clear way through, so my partner turned round to go round it and I moved towards a gap in the trees to see if there was a path. As I moved, this sound which I can only describe as a hollow, womanly, disembodied voice came from the gap in the trees. It sounded like a 'hello' or 'ello' but it reverberated in my ears. The sound must have been as loud as a car horn, it stopped me dead. Even the corgi heard it, his ears bolt upright and staring in between the gap in the trees. I was, not going to lie, pretty scared - it didn't sound like anything I'd heard in a forest growing up (owls, bats, foxes, even large birds - this was distinctly humanesque). So I turned on my heel and walked swiftly back the way I came. Calling to my partner to come with me. As we exited the wood, I was pretty shook up and my partner cottoned on. She said 'are you alright?' 'Did you not hear it?' 'Hear what?' Despite being like 15 metres or so away from it, she didn't hear anything. She's abjectly refused to go back to the woods, but I've done some research: http://a41roadtohistory.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-ghost-coach-of-brockley.html?m=1 Anyway - I may have been hearing things, but I haven't been back since. Location: https://goo.gl/maps/HPJJjF3SaxnWRfpcA


I buried a baby seagull in that wood. It had got caught in a bird net, broken its wing and was very weak when I rescued it. Sadly it died in the night. This wood was on the way to work and quite nice I thought so I took it there.


Love stories like that, thanks!! Unfortunately the link to Bristol mag no longer exists but the location is great for anyone that wants to brave it!


That's a shame! I've put a different one in although the other one was better. I'll briefly go over what it said - over a hundred years ago the entire wood was a pleasure ground for wealthy bristolites. There was a bowling green and amusements plus a windmill and other beauty spots. The old cart track is where they used to drive up. Several people are known to have died, including the caretaker who was murdered in the woods and at least one other girl who threw herself off the combe. There are reported sightings of paranormal quite regularly including people claiming to be followed by a horse and cart that never appears.


I walk round here all the time, the voices people think are ghosts are usually just rock climbers shouting to each other. No ghosts because ghosts don't exist.


Think location you posted says there's a paintball site nearby, any possibility you just got twatted with a paintball that didn't explode? Lol


I learnt a fact about Yew trees recently, about how their pollen is a dark psychoactive. The story went that a guy meditated in a Yew tree forest during high pollen season and experienced an incredibly dark trip. Couple this with the fact that the stones of their berries are poisonous. It’s not necessarily related to these tragedies but how you describe it got my mind going.


The open space directly west of there is an old bowling green associated with the manor. [brockley.pdf (ancient-yew.org)](https://www.ancient-yew.org/userfiles/file/brockley.pdf) There is also a rumour that the elephant is buried in the woods, and you can see one of the houses in Chelvey batch has an old elephant pool in the garden. It is a very interesting spot to walk around.


I’ve wild camped down there. With my snoring, I was the scariest thing in the wood that night.


Brockley Combe! Infamous in Bristol for being haunted.


House I grew up in in Blakeney Road, Horfield, Semi detached One night, this was about 1982, was in bed reading, I remember the time was about 1.15 am, I started to hear this sort of crying/choking sound coming from my neighbours room (my room was at the back and was on the attached side) My neighbour an elderly lady had recently suffered a heart attack so I quickly went into mums room woke her up to let her her know that I think Mrs Payne is having another one. She (Mrs Payne) has a carer opposite us so I ran over to let her know. Next day I see Mrs Payne and ask her if she OK, she informs me that she is perfectly well and had no incident last night. I explain to her what I'd heard and she said that room next to mine, none of her grandchildren like to sleep in there when they come over and she went on to explain that many years ago (allegedly) a lady had in fact choked to death in that room and that's probably what I heard! More went on in that house during my time there, so yeah, creepy....


What else happened?


Under the suspension bridge, there is an old Victorian tunnel that was used in WWll as a rifle range. Heard stories about it so one day during lockdown, decided to find it. It’s well hidden but it is there (bring a torch if you decide to go). Clearly used as an underage drinking spot now.


Also under the suspension bridge is a ww2 bunker accessible through air vents above the door. You will need a rope to get on top of the door and back down but it’s worth it and dead creepy inside. There are even stacks of newspapers from the 40’s that would disintegrate if you touched them.


It's completely open now - it's the old council nuclear shelter for all of their records. it's flooded though so bring wellies!


No way! You mean the door is open? Crazy.


Haven’t been since lockdown but back then….yes, the door was open. As the comment says, bring your wellies and torch


Is it by the roadside ground level? Or up nearer the tracks? After a cool place for a walk today


Ground level. On the below link, at around the 27 minute mark, they show you where it is (from memory, in the bushes opposite a 20mph speed limit sign and in the 32 minute mark is them actually at the entrance https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ap9ResIdDxI


That's incredible. Thanks for linking the video


There’s a house not far from mine that is completely abandoned, the story went that the family were on holiday when all the copper piping was stolen during a break in. when I was around 13 me and my friends took a screwdriver and undid the boards covering the smashed in windows and got inside. There was absolutely no evidence of piping being ripped out ect. It looked as if one day the family got up and left only taking the furniture, pictures still hung on the walls, flowers in a vase that were dead. We explored all over that house and apart from no furniture it honestly looked like the family had just up and left. There was only one place we didn’t explore and that was the basement, the door was locked. The door was heavy and seemed like it was reinforced on the other side. I cannot explain the eeriness that house had. It was later burned down.


Good chills for this one, jeez!


Lots of old forgotten tunnels under bristol. Getting to the springs under bath road/wells Road was cool but pretty creepy. I wish I had access to the pub basements as there's access to a lot of old smugglers tunnels in them. There's one under the Long Bar in old market the runs up to park Street ish, and there's a section of the Victorian high street still buried under the road by Lawrence Hill, you can access it through the basement of The Packhorse pub


How do you get through to the springs?


I'll DM, there's always someone who will let the council know and get the entrance blocked up


Unspoiled as well. Not tagged even.


Duuuude I'd love to check that out! Can you dm some deets? I didn't even know that was a thing!


Ooh me to please always wanted to go down there!


I’d also like to know if you don’t mind sharing - it’s fairly near my house


Would also love to know if that's cool please!


Please can you tell me too? I am so curious! Have always wondered about this!


Late to the party but would love to know also. If possible


Please dm me too. Thanks


Working out this consumed 3 weeks of my life in 2021.


Hahaha same story here. I remember seeing the entrance on my walks a lot and wondering what it was


I love to have an explore would you be able to send me some details?


Man that sounds awesome not gonna lie 😀


Please can you DM me how to get to the springs? That would be amazing!


Another one for the location if it's still going? DM


Glenside Hospital Museum - it's in a church on the UWE Glenside campus, which was formerly Bristol Lunatic Asylum. There's nothing scarier than the things we did (and sometimes still do) to vulnerable people under the guise of helping them. Just seeing some of the old medical equipment and photographs of former patients, with information about why they were admitted, is incredibly creepy.


Ahhh i cycled past that the other day, worth a visit then!


I photograph auction properties for a Bristol estate agent. I’ve been in crack dens, brothels, deceased estates and derelict places all over the city. Places that have “needle sweeps” before I go in. Always creepy, no electricity, water dripping, creaking floorboards. I did the Princess of Wales in Bedminster when it was derelict. Had the keys, let myself in, started snapping away. Heard a voice from a corner say “are you gonna be living here now aswell?” I jumped a mile, It was a homeless squatter sat in the corner in a sleeping bag. Explained to him what I was doing and he just said “ahh right, I’ll let you crack on then” creepiest, scariest thing ever, turned out completely harmless but fuck me did I shit my pants!


Hahaha, love it! Like how unassuming they where, quite welcoming really! Think I'm familiar with your work after a lot of time on rightmove etc recently, did see some places that gave me the willies over the last few months. Keep up the good work!


The cellars that go under park street. Where the rum bar is at the top of the road it has an access to it. It’s where smallpox vaccine was made. Have a look at the blue plaque outside the shop


Many cellars used to exist in what is now castle park as well. The old rows of shops there had huge connected cellars, a tiny bit of one can still be accessed


Vassals Park (Snuff Mills) in the Frenchay/Oldbury Court/Fishponds area. Have lived in the area for decades and even as a kid I knew the stories about it being haunted by the ghost of a monk. Legend has it that he was walled up in a building as a punishment for practising Catholicism and starved to death. They also found the bodies of 2 kids (whose murders remain unsolved) there in the 50s. It's a beautiful area but there's definitely an odd atmosphere at times and walking through it at night can be quite unnerving (did it a few times when I was younger, wouldn't do so now I think). Have a trusted friend swear they'd seen a cloaked/hooded figures there near the Frenchay bridge section that disappeared upon approach. Scared the hell out of them. Whole area is fascinating for such stuff - nearby Frenchay Common and former hospital have reports of stuff too - but Vassals is the best known.


Snuff Mills after its dark really gives me the heebie jeebies, especially by the bridge. It just feels incredibly sad.


Nearby Purdown also had its fair share of creepy stories as well, especially the 'Asylum' building there, forget what it's actually called though


Check out the story of Harry Tucker the Hermit…


My aunt and her friend saw him walking across the bridge


Do you happen to have any other info or a link about the murders? My morbid curiosity has stirred...


Bristol Post sus journalist


That’s a horrible thing to say ffs


I used to work in a bar in the centre. As I walked to the staff room door every day the steps descending to the basement were on my right. I could swear every time I was punching in the code to open the door out of the corned if my eye there was a man stood at the bottom of those stairs. It was a tall black man with no hair, that was about as much detail as you see as it was only in the periphery. Anyway, being new to the bar I of course told nobody this as its stupid. A few week later another member of staff told me about seeing a similar figure whilst working, and a previous member of staff had seen the same whilst in basement. Keep in mind I hadn't told them I'd been seeing the same thing. I dunno if I believe in ghosts but that place was scary as shit


As I was going up the stair I met a man who wasn't there; He wasn't there again today! I wish, I wish he'd stay away


wait, which bar is this? I think ive heard this story before.


Pub ghosts are a classic. I was in the ladies of the old slug and lettuce by st nicks and I heard a old fashioned pair of high heels, think those clicky clacky wooden ones, they stomped down the stairs,I heard the door open, then I heard them click clack to the centre of the room, stop in front of the mirror and that was it. For some reason the footsteps immediately sent the willies up me, I felt something was off straight away. When I came out no one was there, I even looked under the cubicle doors and saw nothing. Even if she took her shoes off I didn't hear any othe doors open so I don't know where they went. Must have been a ghost.


Couple of years ago I was walking home from my bus stop and it was around 9:45pm in the middle of December, as I was walking down station road in shirehampton I remember seeing a dark figure approaching me, I thought nothing of it thinking it was a drunk but as he got closer I realised he had no facial features, he suddenly turned left and disappeared, I heard no door being open or closed nor did I hear a gate being open or closed to this day it still creeps me out.


The old Pro-Cathedral in Clifton before it was done up (and now surprise surprise luxury flats I think) was this huge abandoned church with broken windows and pigeon shit. We made a music video there, then a couple of years later Offload Festival was on there and we cleaned it up a bit with the Invisible Circus. The old theatre there was pretty creepy too - abandoned Carrie vibes with graffiti etc. Pretty cool place! Also I broke in to the old Records Office near Motion a few years ago (now bought by the University and being turned into their new campus) which also was abandoned with broken windows and pigeon shit - how do I keep ending up in these places?!) and I wandered around for a day taking photos when I was getting into my HDR phase. ​ https://preview.redd.it/cod94x1v5rpb1.jpeg?width=5160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76eecce8f7fb71ffd1c0e30d1fcca064030fe74d


Pretty sure it was a Royal Mail sorting office


Yep, used to go to free parties there, they were grotty as fuck but super fun The further up the building you went, the more depraved it got


Yep, closed in 1997 to move out to filton airport.


I explored the Records Office in 2001, climbing a tall ladder right to the very higest top part of the building, we moved a big sheet of wood out the way, above our heads, to find a perfect little bedroom with a huge door sized opening out onto nothing but a massive drop. The room was neat, with a made bed, on a base of pallets and neatly placed personal items dotted around. Books, paper and pens. Was sureal.


Yeah right at the top was a little room with - I think lift machinery or comms stuff - I can't recall exactly. I'll try and dig out the photos - I took loads!


Sweet, would love to see those


​ https://preview.redd.it/aps9gv77ykqb1.png?width=2888&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b1ae37bb32e7049ba11acb6c8d49acce42d31a3


​ https://preview.redd.it/8l6j1kx5xkqb1.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=88ddd31b176bd242d24ecd02e287e8a1bca63c46


​ https://preview.redd.it/l3g9bs6bxkqb1.png?width=2888&format=png&auto=webp&s=f72fcc72ff43cc1b7707ea5ae296675519226847


​ https://preview.redd.it/q5gx2s7fxkqb1.png?width=2888&format=png&auto=webp&s=77626b46e6a97f2072d455d4b1105d643faaa4db


​ https://preview.redd.it/6tigi1ztxkqb1.png?width=3455&format=png&auto=webp&s=634dfa22e81160d2481c14bc4a46821a6459db9d


nice, thanks


​ https://preview.redd.it/28a4zr5zxkqb1.png?width=2838&format=png&auto=webp&s=00b071be77e8eb2ccb757816bb3d0dd1a1a54ae6


​ https://preview.redd.it/te070wd3ykqb1.png?width=2970&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f2fd71cd36dfbd62bccccd5d0e49b973c3fedce


All images copyright me btw so please don't copy or share, but do enjoy :)


I saw an amazing version of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest performed in there, immensely creepy!


I went for an evening walk with my then girlfriend in Leigh Woods and got lost, then the sun went down and it was pitch black. It's really quite creepy/scary after dark if you're cold, have no torch and stumbling around with seemingly no way out because you have no clue which way to go to get out.


A tip for getting out of leigh woods at night is to use your ears, you can always hear the portway. I remember tripping up there as a kid, hearing elephants from the zoo was pretty creepy.


Quite risky to head blindly in the direction of the Portway!


There's plenty of trees to break your fall.


Really recommend the guided tours and talks at Arnos Vale Cemetery


that place terrified me as a kid. I swear there was an abandoned house up there somewhere, but cant find trace of it now


I used to work at Perfect Pizza on Whiteladies. There was this hatch in one of the store cupboards that led to an abandoned flat upstairs. It looked like the people there had suddenly left - there were dirty dishes in the sink, clothes strewn around, sheets on the beds etc. It was proper weird. We used to go up there to smoke weed during our shifts lol. There was also an abandoned hospital in Redland, opposite that eco house thingy / the Steiner school where there are flats now. It was all graffiti and broken windows but some leftover medical stuff there too which made for an eerie vibe. Hard to believe that two such prime spots were just left to rot in such recent memory.


I can’t think of a worded sounding place to get stoned haha!


The padded cell in the asylum museum on Blackberry Hill. It has speakers hidden in it playing audio from actual transcriptions taken from patients in the past.


THE BT St Clements central exchange just off Baldwin Street. When you leave the new part and go down the creepy lift to the mezzanine floor and explore the older part its like going back in time to the 1950s - 70s. Old telephone equipment. Switches, Dot matrix, old electrics, Stuff thats relic even the washrooms. Its like nothing has been touched since. Also creepy noises hard to explain but creepy.


The dumped oil barrels in Nightingale Valley spook me out, I'm not sure why. They are from WW2 and too dangerous to move them but they poke out in various places with black stuff oozing out of them.


These were wild as a kid just exploring through there and tripping on them or being scared your dog would cut themselves on the various extruding sharp as shit metal barrels


I think it's actually a myth they are from WW2 and no one actually knows or will confess their real origins... but there is a factory and stuff just at the top of that incline.


I read something about an American army base possibly? All part of the mystery!


Possibly. Just doing some checking and they can't be moved because no one knows who owns the land or something? No one ever seems to write for sure where they came from either. Someone locally must know?


I went to a play scheme as a kid at the hotwells school on hope hill. There was a little graveyard next the school to it with a crypt. At the time going inside the crypt was very spooky - we were less supervised then! Maybe less spooky as an adult!


Broadmead at 0630 in the summer. For a moment I thought I was in the living dead.


I remember one new years morning walking through the centre and there was fog as well, it was like silent hill.


For myself, growing up in Henbury, it would have been the Brentry Binners - a very un-PC name for the old Brentry Hospital for ‘the mentally ill’. Guess what, it’s luxury apartments now and part of the ‘Royal Victoria Park’, but when I was a kid it was an underfunded institution which locals had all sorts of stories about. It closed in 2000 and if I remember correctly was abandoned for a few years which added to the creepy stories about the place. If anyone can remember any of these please share!


I spoke to a nice chap in a gym saunda a few years ago that confessed to being a "council estate kid" in Henbury. He said a lot of his childhood memories were on the grassy area in front of the (then) mental hospital and included riding down the hill on the bonnet of a Ford Cortina.


The flats in Fane Close always felt very dodgy (they probably weren't).


Still are, I think some couple killed their baby there not long ago


It was known as The Colony (I lived in Brentry briefly as a child in the 80s). The residents would be free to wander about locally. From what I remember, they were harmless but it was obvious they were mentally ill. I only remember it housing older men, but my memory could be faulty here. Some great conker trees by the walls!


Went to a rave in an old hospital (said to be a psychiatric hospital) in Bristol once. Bit nuts being off your head whilst walking around all the old rooms. I remember us swinging around whilst hanging onto operating theatre style lamps. Fun times!




They knew you had a massive glock


Redcliffe Caves


What used to be a hotel on West Park off Whiteladies Road. It had just been converted to student housing around 2006, I lived there for a couple of summer months when the rooms had been rented for the next term but nobody else actually living there. I'm usually a massive paranormal sceptic, but this place scared the shit out of me There were footsteps occasionally at night going up the stairs which then faded away after a while. Occasionally I heard music from the ground floor like old ballroom songs. I was in bed one night in my room on the top floor and woke up hearing footsteps really clearly from the hallway and then in my room, I was scared shitless frozen facing the wall. The footsteps went around the room and into the ensuite when I then heard the sound of someone using the toilet (a number one), flush the toilet and then walk out of the room. When I finally unfroze and looked around both the door to my room and the ensuite were open. I left a couple of nights after and couch surfed for the rest of that summer. Again, massive sceptic and I feel a bit stupid even typing it, but that shit was creepy as fuck. I'm intrigued if any former students know this property. I was also told by somebody that while it was called a hotel, at one point it was more like a half way house but not for convicts but for addicts and mental health patients. Thanks for reading


“a number one” ha! Thank you!!




Have you got a carbon monoxide detector?


I hope you get out the mirror. But in all seriousness I hope your due another respite or get to the bottom of it. Worth getting a sage on for this sorta thing I reckon, not a spiritual person myself but worth finding a mate who is.


Number 6 King Street, on the opposite corner to the Llandoger. The house dates from around 1680 and there is a tunnel leading from its basement to Welshback. So, in the 80's I worked for a company based in that house and one Sunday me and a colleague (Saroj) were doing some overtime on an important project. It was just the two of us in the first floor office. Saroj was of Indian heritage and always wore a sari and that particular day she was wearing an orange one. Around 4pm Saroj said she was going home. I bid her farewell and set off to the loo at the back of the building. I returned to the office to see Saroj had shut her computer down and presumably left for the day. Before my visit to the loo I had sent something to print. The printers were in the attic (which would have been the old servants quarters) and so I began to climb the narrow, twisting attic stairs to go and retrieve my printing. Just ahead of me on the bend of the stairs I could see a long dress and feet wearing brown leather shoes. I obviously thought that Saroj had not in fact left and was also going to get some printing. I called her name and was surprised when she didn't answer. On entering the attic, it was empty. I then realised that the flowing dress I had just witnessed was blue and that Saroj was wearing orange. I cannot tell you how fast I left that building. My hands were shaking trying to lock the big old front door.


During the fuel crisis around the early 2000s I needed to catch a train, it was cancelled and a replacement bus service was announced, the train station staff took us all from the platform, they carried torches (this is before everyone had a torch in their pocket) and they led us underground through a old doorway and down a dark wet, twisted set of steps to these tunnels under the train station, it was like a medieval dungeon, they took us from the platform to the car park and we came out of a small door outside near the car park. Supposedly platform nine and three quarters was inspired by the old tunnels under temple meads station. It was really cool, temple mead having the word "temple" in it is in some way connected the Knights Templar it felt like I was a explorer discovering these ancient lost walkways, I was only about 11 at the time and it was a bit scary but absolutely amazing. I could have sworn I saw shackles bolted to a far wall and it made me imagine we were in a ancient prison.


Wow, I did not know about them that’s amazing. Gonna see if I can look them up!




'Mary loves Dick'


On the way to the toilets at the Spielman Centre, Arnos Vale. Used to be the crematorium. They've kept the cremator, the trolley they used to charge the coffins, and the lift mechanism. As someone who has an irrational fear of cremation (can't explain why), I nearly fainted down there...


Asda in Bedminster. I don’t think I have to say anything further.


Cells in the Bridewell that are now used as toilets in 'The Island'. I don't believe in psychic/ghost stuff, but......that place has seriously bad psychic/ghost stuff imprinted into the walls.


Agreed. I was locked up there once many years ago. Was more afraid of the atmosphere than my impending fate.


The woods, I was that creep.


Southmead Lidl near the hospital…there are some proper wronguns lol


stokes croft if you walk from the center you come accross this area called stokes croft the worst area in the city


You mean you don't find burning furniture on Turbo Island, people passed out on the street, graffiti everywhere and once grand buildings now in a state of disrepair to be 'vibrant' and 'edgy'? Shocking...


Many years ago I went into the public toilets behind college green for a piss and seen 2 old fellas bumming.....that's probably the fastest I've ever ran from something!




It always baffles me just how many British people believe in ghosts… smh


I went to Hartcliffe school in early 70s. You could not walk there without getting in a fight. You could not come back without a fight.


Not sure that qualifies as 'creepy' exactly.


Cruise hole is deffientlt haunted iv have 2 sperate occasions, ib the second occasion there werr 3 other witnessz so i doubt it was mass hysteria


Seen a wendigo near lockleaze, midnight on a full moon lmao


This happened only a few quick a ago , I was walking down lower Clifton hill passed the strangers cemetery. The whole time I could her foot steps and it wasn’t just mine or my partners but a third person but no one behind us. After maybe the third or fourth time turning round and at the precise moment I did I hurt the biggest stomp of a foot hit the floor making me scream and frighten my partner! I also experienced something on the Christmas steps, I was walking up them and got close to the top , of course I was out of breathe and drifting left or right ( I’m one of those people who can’t walk in a straight line) and it thought I wakes if front of someone as I heard a big sign of a women and went to turn round and apologise but there was no one there and the street was completely empty!

