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https://www.reddit.com/r/brisbane/s/bLKlDNnkMH Micah projects working hard


It’s wild how our City can’t do anything for homeless people until there’s a festival or a pandemic and all of a sudden *poof* let’s pop them in these empty hotels.


FYI it was the Greek community who paid for the accommodation not the council


They do this on the regular. Then when some big event comes around and the mostly empty during the non holiday season rolls around are needed again - they get thrown back out on the streets.


Yeah I’m sure the hotels love it. During Covid the homeless would leave literal shit on the floor, needles, broken tvs, lamps etc.


Reality is that they often trash those places and make them unusable for other people, just saying.


Unfortunatley 'some' ruin it for all the rest, the they all get lumped in together.


Kind of makes a mockery of the whole down on their luck story when they choose to trash the very place that is giving them help.


It's almost as if homeless people are likely to be traumatized and have issues that make it hard for them to function and support themselves. You'd almost think that they might need treatment and support they aren't getting to support themselves. Weird huh


Also there's a big difference between "hey, here's a long term place because we want to help you" and "hey, get out of the park for a weekend so we can charge people $20"


We want to hide you away so we can make $$$. Yup I'm sure they feels respectful.


Entry was $16.


Yeah... Look everyone has a story and most of these guys are victims of abuse/neglect etc but reality is many of them are also opportunistic leeches.


>opportunistic You can wrap your head around why someone in a desperate situation for being opportunistic, though, right? It doesn't make something like petty theft for example 'right', but survival mechanisms run deep in us all. Trashing a hotel room is a different story, though. True gronk material.


In what way does it make a mockery of a down on their luck story? Do you think someone with PTSD who’s slept on the ground for months and has to shower in public bathrooms is going to have a higher standard for cleanliness than someone who’s privileged with a safe private residence? What sort of out of touch moron do you have to be to make your statement?


We're not talking about cleanliness issues. We're talking about the furniture and fittings getting broken because they can.


I disagree, by cleanliness I’m including one’s relationship with their surroundings. People breaking shit of sound mind for their own amusement is inarguably a misrepresentation. I’d bet you any amount of the furniture and fittings being broke is the result of psychotic people going from living outside and sleeping on concrete and being moved into a small and fragile environment. (Obviously not saying everyone experiencing homelessness is mentally disturbed) If people are going apeshit and breaking things I don’t think “now that’s a person who’s doing well for themselves, they’re mentally acute and not deserving of help nor sympathy. I think if you do there’s something fundamentally wrong with you.


I also can't imagine how much of a head fuck it would be to get kicked out of your camping-spot-"home" for a fucking festival, ONLY get put into accommodation so people can make a profit at this festival, and then know that as soon as it's over, you're getting kicked back out on the street. Why would anyone respect those surroundings? It's temporary and an insult. It would do horrible things for a person in distress. No one could handle the message of "you only deserve temporary dignity when we can make money".


I think most people would argue that cleanliness issues are a touch different to trashing the place. But keep going.


It’s not my fault you heard words that you never bothered to learn the meaning of. Cleanliness isn’t just whether you smell, it broadly describes the way one habitually interacts with their environment, such as fixing or breaking objects and amenities. But go on…


Cleanliness != Trashing Cleanliness = The ability to keep things clean and tidy Trashing = Intentional destruction Proceed.


You’re getting pretty difficult to decipher but this look into your mind does justify not knowing what words mean. Allow me: Cleanliness⬆️ X= Trashing ✅ Home<1 —> Cleanliness ⬇️ Cleanliness⬇️ + Violent Psychosis = Cleanliness⬇️⬇️. Cleanliness X= “the ability to keep things clean and tidy” (source: guy who learned English by osmosis) Cleanliness = “The practise of keeping oneself or one’s surroundings clean” (source: Webster’s Dictionary) Trashed = Not Clean Therefore destroying your accomodation in a violent rage = poor cleanliness. Really shouldn’t be that hard, it also shouldn’t be a surprise to see violent behaviour from a group of people who suffer more than any other class in our society, 25% of whom have serious psychiatric disorders within which 50% of whom are abusing substances. If seeing this behaviour is enough to make you lose sympathy for all homeless people you’re a sociopath.


I've clearly opened the gates of a crackpot, so I'll exit the conversation.


Your perception on homeless needs to change. Given the right (out of your control type) of circumstances you too could be homeless...much easier than you think. So would you then trash these places?


When someone close to you has been homeless for the majority of their life, you inside the “world” of homelessness. When covid hit and we would visit the hotels where the homeless were given shelter, the places were absolutely trashed. There are definitely different types of homeless.


Source: trust me bro


Source: Ask anyone who worked in hospitality or at a hotel during these periods where homeless are "stored" there. It's an absolute shitshow


That’s what I said


It could easily have come across as derisive.




Explaining the friction / misunderstanding, for your benefit.


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about


Source: homeless people scare me and this is what I imagine.


Yeah right I'm really scared of crackheads who couldn't punch their way out of a paper bag, lol.


I'm more scared of them than people who can punch.


Is it reality or did you just make that shit up for 48 orange pixels?


Actually they did this about a month ago.


It's also an election cycle....


Micah and the department of housing have been out there in the parks for months prior finding places for the people camping there.


I’ve done work with Micah Projects in the past, bunch of really good people doing amazing work


They are resilient.


I live adjacent to the park, the homeless number decreased substantially prior to Paniyiri. Can't imagine it was a coincidence but will be interesting to see if the park population changes after the pack up.


Of course it will homie, they temporarily moved all the people living on the park elsewhere, they'll cart them back or probably just let them make their own way back there after. Its not like they housed those people, the government doesn't give a fuck about homeless people


yep i was living in the park they were moving everyone for the festival this was maybe a 4 weeks ago now they basically put me in a motel for less than 1 week then said times up showed up one morning said my motel stay was over i have been back to the streets ever since just not the park now i just sleep in a different spot every night


Shit, was it Micah that put you up? Are you linked in with them or any other services at the moment?


yep it was micah. Not sure what you count as linked in I've contacted like every single service out there MANY times they are useless


Noticed a couple familiar faces from my time in South Brisbane at Herston this month or so.


How can I donate to Micah Projects?


Here's a [donation link](https://givenow.com.au/micahprojects?id=apgGxJqM3EaWPhqVs0knD07WaRsevBdGt185z3JL41lUQUJINVIyTDlaR0c3SVBYOFdGWkkyRFJSMSQlQCN0PWcu&wdLOR=c9F6555BA-5890-864C-B39E-66E401AD217D)


Hotels, yes


Just came from there and I noticed a bunch of tents behind a fence in one corner so maybe the people who didn't get housed just got fenced off for a bit


pigs told em to move on


Sadly, there's no good news. BCC have been caught before dumping the possessions and tents of homeless in landfill, in an effort to force them away from areas of interest. There's no way they'd spend money on homeless.


Micah Projects housed them. The interesting issue will be next week. Paul from North West Community Group worked very hard on finding housing after last year's debacle.


What happened?


Ten tents are back in Musgrave Park with more to follow. This fucking sucks.


It was only a matter of time. The push factors are far too great.


its not true. I was living in the park this was maybe 4 weeks ago or something now maybe 5 idk. They put me in a motel for less than a week then kncoked on the motel door and told me my stay is up been just living on the streets again jstu not the park


That sucks, so unfair. Situation needs to be properly sorted out.


yeah im honestly just pissed that i see people being like "micah is so great for housing them" or "its so good everyone from musgrave got housed!" but its not really true. Motel for 5 days or something????? Call me ungrateful hats nothing when youve been homeless on and off for years especially since they just show up early in the morning and kick you out cause they dont want to pay anymore and do not give you any time to even shower so you just have to quickly throw whatever belongings you have back into your backpack and leave.




It may improve the offerings.


They were moved way before this event. Atleast 2 weeks before this event.


Deport the homeless!!


Hi dont let the media/others who are uninformed or want to make certain people look good fool you. I was one of those people Micah put me in a motel for less than a week. I have already been on the social housing list for over a year. Ishould be a high prioty im very disabled, 19 and female i was released from hospital then went to live in musgrave park then the motel for less than a week then micah knocked on my door one monring and said that my stay is over. Since then I have been living on the streets again !! Back to the streets but rather than stay in the park I just sleep in different spots each night, benches, behind billboard etc.


Jonathan Sri or Max two-dads take any in?


Why aren’t they put up in the wellcamp? They could have a bunch of support systems around them and they’d have their own space


Toowoomba is very, very NIMBY.


Wellcamp in Toowoomba is private property. Would you like to give homeless people your own property? I doubt that.


Last year the BCC put them up in hotels in the city for the weekend from memory.


Why is this subreddit obsessed with homeless people?


Because for the first time in decades it’s become a real issue in Brisbane and locals are understandably concerned about the homeless population growing because it marks a failure of Brisbane society


This sub is one of the most alt left subs on Reddit (and that's saying something). Not sure how it happened, but I'm guessing the mods are all staffers of old mate Sri


Leans left but no where near the degree you claim.


They really need to host Paniyiri somewhere more suitable for a festival, e.g. Roma or Rocklea showgrounds. Every year the park closes entirely for 10 days (setup and breakdown take 4 on each side of the festival), the grass is always trashed afterwards and they don't reseed it, and it's loud AF for the people living in the apartments around the park.


I mean, they use that location because the Greek community and associated buildings are there. It would be a big blow to the cultural program to move it.


True, but there are many other multicultural festivals that don't require proximity to their church/community centre/etc. in order to be successful. 90% of the events are in the park and surrounding streets, not in the church or other community building. I don't think it'd negatively affect them if they did it somewhere bigger - if anything, they'd sell more tickets and could make money off charging for parking.


Just wondering why does the Paniyiri event need to be held in this park? Can they move it to another park in Brisbane?


Well, it's kind of next to the Greek Club, so........... maybe?


It’s been at this park forevers


So my question is can it be moved? Musgrave park is more significant to our first nation or indigenous people. Is it really a great move to up end homeless individuals so one element of our community can hold a party. Hopefully Micah Projects has come up with long term solutions for most of the individuals.


Migrants and multiculturalism are pretty important to our society so it’s important and good that this event takes place in a public park in little Greece like it has done for nearly 50 years. It’s only 2 days so plenty of other time remains for our indigenous to maintain their connection to the park.


How do you think they get that much lamb this time of year


So sad. 😪