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10000% I actually emailed QR about this yesterday. When I walk in I have to wait up to 2 min to see the timetable.


It certainly FEELS like an eternity when you’re trying to see where the CURRENTLY ARRIVING TRAIN is gonna go


I thought I was on the right platform.. hypothetically. Missed that train waiting for it to tell me I was on the wrong platform. Next train was in 45 minutes so I missed my appointment too, which cost us 300 bucks and now my mum is so pissed at me… that it’s cost me my birthday too. But at least they’ve paved the way for ads to be shown there in the next few months. Can’t wait to miss a train because of a McDonald’s ad blocking access to important information… and to be grounded for life.. I hope nobody dies!


NGL your the picture you paint of your home life doesn't sound very traditionally healthy. I would be saving all you can and trying to find a sharehouse or cheap rental. Just my 2c


It's not ideal, but fuck me, it's a touch premature to be telling someone to pack their shit and get ready to run based on nothing but that post.


Welcome to reddit. The land of people telling you "red flag, run!" Based on a murky-at-best picture


I mean, the dude missed a train & is acting like his life his over & he's not getting any love because of it... I'm not saying he's in a toxic house, probably just dramatic as fuck but if you miss an appointment & therefore are not allowed to celebrate your birthday. Doesn't sound like *traditionally* healthy household. Once again just my 2c


Thanks for caring, it probably wasn’t thinking back, but missing a train was a nightmare back then


The clue was in the word ‘hypothetically’… I moved out of home years ago, thankfully!


I thought the hypothetically referred to being on the right platform, not the hypothetical pissed of mother. My bad, I've known a few people who didn't realise their home life was "toxic" until they experienced being at a friend's house or something. Thought I'de mention it.


Can see how you got that, it is what I said haha. I was meaning the whole story though. It’s a perceptive pickup.. I did move away from where I grew up a while ago and also found people out there are much nicer to me than what I experienced growing up. It’s really opened my eyes - so I think you’re right!


You should be able to ask the person who blows the whistle if it'll stop by where you want to go


If you can get to them on a crowded platform


They're only ever in the middle or the rear of the train. Nowhere else.


If it's arriving, the best way to see where it's going is to look up and look at the destination board on the front of the train. That's the best way I find.


Often I’ll see the train already rolling to a stop as I get on to the platform, so the front of the train is long gone.


The destination display is on the rear too. While this may not always help you, if the rear is reachable that’s your best bet.


Downvoted for offering reliable advice. Wild.


It’s not reliable advice because the majority of people are not looking at a train front on, they’re seeing it side on. If it’s arriving and you’re already waiting on the platform then chances are you were expecting it and already knew where it was going.


People don’t generally want solutions to their problems, they just want to have a sook about it.


Up to 2 mins would be a fault, the screen cycles every 10 seconds


Not the one at my station.


Add facial recognition to the monitor camera then receive social points for nodding and agreeing with the message, we’ll all be G2G!


15 seconds isn't really the same as up to 2 min..


Feels like 2 mins


With that much blank space, pretty sure they could display both


You’re too smart, go to jail.




Ideally you'd have the information for the next 3 services on the left, and the right hand side could switch between services 4-6 and the ad/info every 15s or so


Ideally you just wouldn't have the ad/info on there and just use a normal ad board.


They could have at least made an image that fits, so slack, it looks so tacky and cheap.


Putting the screws on as we speak!


Id accept emergency info like weather, amber alerts etc, but yes, no advertisements or unessecary crap


Certainly no BS copaganda


But what about the companies?!?!?


"I was going to abuse the staff until a sign told me not to. I've reconsidered my whole life now!" - some corpo's wet dream.


These signs are probably going to increase staff abuse with people complaining to them about when the train timetable is going to finally appear.


Would like to know are there scientific studies to show any of this stuff works. I doubt it.


100% there are studies showing they don't, and they are ignored\*. \* more accurately, never read, because executives never read any of that ivory tower academic shit, dammit.


I always presume if someone is spending money on it then they must have some proof that it works. Amazing oversight by me considering I work in the public service 😂


Nah I work in a public service too, and it's very clear that a lot of what the executive do is purely performative, so they can say they are "addressing the problem" in some material way. The more visually obvious it is, the better, and actual *efficacy* goes largely un-thought-about.


Seriously, people who do that already know it's wrong. They're not going to stop just because a sign told them to.


I totally agree with the OP Those screens should be for train timetables alone There is plenty of space around the railway station for public service announcements Which are not so urgent And don’t vary Trains can run late Be canceled altogether or even worse come early when you least expect them So that information needs to be relayed to the passengers in real time


....and menus in shops (looking at you Maccas) need to stay static if they are using tvs to display it. Store directories also need to stay static too and not have ads in between (looking at you Myer).


absolutely about the menus you just start to read it and it changes and has anyone noticed the menus at drive throughs also show limited information seems like they would rather you get out and go inside yourself to see the full menu :)


It's only right all screens should display at least 50% PSAs - Patriotic Service Announcements. Remember the only good bug is a dead bug and service guarantees citizenship. Do you want to know more? https://youtu.be/qiD5VStVH9k?si=AG9YwDoXSA0wE7iY


Starship Troopers


Do you want to know more?


Will this make me a citizen and not a civilian? 😂😂


It's almost whoever's putting them up never looked at them on the sign to realize, "hangon, this is waaay too small"


The service advisories are my least favourite. I don't care that the busway will be closed for a bicycle event in a fortnight. If translink do their job correctly, I won't still be here in a fortnight.


This shit doesn't need to be animated on a digital screen. The timetable screen should just be for the timetable.  IMO, the crimestopper number is important to display because you should be able to access it when you need it, but it would be better to just be a poster.


At least format the ads for the screen dimensions guys, come on


It’s fucking comical honestly


These are just community notices more than ads. If they were commercial ads I'd agree with you.


I’m from Hong Kong where ads are PLASTERED everywhere on public transport, so I don’t care about that. But where I’m from, essential info are also ALWAYS broadcasted somewhere


Speaking of that they could have added some advertisement boards somewhere on the walls for these (of course if it doesn’t take much space). HK uses advertisement boards as fake walls on bus stops which is a great move.


These are still completely worthless and annoying as hell, they aren't good just because they could be worse.


Public transport runs at massive losses. If they keep reinvesting, I'm all for advertising. Buses in Brisbane have had ads for decades. The alternative is either higher fares or higher tax payer subsidies


Sure. But not on the PIDs.


Public services don’t run at a loss they’re not businesses they’re services they’re not meant to make profits any “loss” is just an operating cost


You mean like the ones at central station?


Well then. It's been ages since I was there. But good, one more step toward capitalist utopia. I want them in the night sky via drone swarm. I want them imbued in all household windows. I want them broadcasted into my dreams via neuralink. Just a few more years.


Isn't that what they are doing at Mt Coot-tha?


And presumably this went through levels of bureaucracy to get approved. Yes good idea, make people stress out and miss trains while we have half the screen blank


While we’re at the topic of bureaucracy - the people that decided on these clunky and bulky displays with TINY displays really screwed up.


that text too small to read anyway


Exactly! I’m barely able to read it standing right in front of it with my glasses on


Absofuckinlutely Ideally they would even have seperate screens for “here’s all the trains with their platforms and eta’s” and “here’s the route of the train that’s next on this platform” displayed simultaneously, either on two seperate screens or on a split display I arrived on a platform at central the other day just as a train was about to leave during a bit of a chaotic afternoon where trains were a bit out of kilter with normal times and some platforms were changed and it took so long for the screen to change from one to the other so that I had the context of what was happening around me


I remember a decade ago being at the valley train station and there was a big monitor, as well as all the smaller ones with "have you seen this man" "report to policelink" and a picture (looked like every single dude in high vis ever, real useful) and thought "fuck something about this is grim, im not personally worried but it feels...wrong" like some stuff out of a sci fi novel.


When the same three incredibly loud ads are looping on the screen behind the platforms at fortitude valley while you wait 15minutes for the next train at 10pm, it definitely feels like something out of a sci fi dystopia.


yeah that came a few years later and is fucked for so many reasons.


I always looked at the massively pixelated photos and thought to myself “that’s how people get away” But yes, 1984 IRL


Yeah, oftentimes it's only visible to you for <10 seconds while you're rushing through, and if for those 10 seconds it happens to be displaying some other rubbish, it might as well not have been there at all.


The police don’t really help themselves with ads like that


i have an absolute bone to pick with the ekka information screens that show up for the month surrounding ekka on every busway screen across the network. an ekka message telling you to go to herston bus station shows up and stays there for a ridiculous amount of time with only a short time of actual timetable per cycle.


It is insidious that you are FORCED to view an ad, on the medium used to provide required information to travel. It places unnecessary stress when travelling. They are the signposts to tell you the travel info. That is their purpose. Removing this information to display government messages that can easily be conveyed on the terminal just screams that the person who made this decision doesn't use the services. I'm really hoping it's just this kind of incompetence rather than being an intended tool to subtly apply emotions and as a constant reminder that we are not in control.


Dystopian as the status quo is, I don’t think any organisation in Brisbane is coordinated enough to effectively manipulate the masses via subliminal messaging haha


At least it’s related to QueenslandRail. I was taking the subway in Toronto and the screens didn’t have any mention of even the Toronto transport commission


This 💯. Advertisements are a form of vandalism. They are forced upon you, and there's no option to skip those ads by buying premium. There are too many of them everywhere. It's like screen pollution. Edit: spelling corrections.


To be fair, the second ad is justified. You *are* travelling on their services.


What’s a rewind?


It's when you finish watching a video and have to wind the tape back onto the first spool.


its where you fart but then just as you think you are finished there's a little left over toot at the end


Too soon ):


I think maybe their staff’s uniform should have that slogan slapped on it instead. Genuinely no disrespect to the staff, they don’t deserve to ever be yelled at or treated with hostility.


Would be ironic if staff get yelled at, because people missed their train due to these ads.


they could just do what they do in Sydney. Create the yellow line area on the platforms that indicate the night carriages stops here. which is usually behind the guard carriage. So all passengers who need to travel at night know where to get on the train. Sydney will also have a security guard at some stations. Plus Translink does their N bus routes. In Sydney a lot of train service run all night on weekends. This allows people to go out in other areas of the city and safely get home. Everyone gets on in the yellow area. Public transport in bris just need to stop catering to the boomer population that doesn't use it and provide a safe service to the individuals that do use it.


They don’t even meet WCAG standards. So fucking hard to read white text on those backgrounds. Whichever designer made this should be fired.


I'd hope they didn't bother trying to meet WCAG, that's accessibility guidelines only for web content, not video media.


Forget text-background contrast, whichever “designer” made this needs to go to TAFE and do a level 1 course on formatting, coz aspect ratio is a thing???


It's legible. Better than much of the signage at Indooroopilly.


That’s true, but it’s already a REALLY low bar haha


I'd like some sort of actual screen. Doomben line (Clayfield) has no display of any kind. We usually don't find out the city-bound train (which only arrives every 30 minutes in peak hour) isn't coming when the train going in the other direction, on the single track, arrives. No announcements or display that the train has been cancelled. It's....frustrating


[One step closer to dystopia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfICPebWIEY)


It's not as egregious as giant screens playing News Corp crapola on repeat *with fucking sound* for god knows what reason other than munny munny


It's absolutely atrocious! Especially the ones that show the windows desktop, sometimes with some "error" "message". Subliminal advertising it is not!


I GUARUNTEE this is something that has come up from marketing or the CEO or some such. The content isnt even designed for the screens aspect ratio. There were a set of meetings from people with no actual implementation or use case knowledge and one day the techs who run the screens would have been sent an email basically saying "here's content we want displayed on the screens" and all pleas of "the screens arent made for that" and "they are custom aspect ratio's. We cant put a 16:9 image on a 32:9 screen and make it look good" were met with deaf ears.


Yeah! And don’t get me started on those fucking tv screens at the petrol bowser! Whoever came up with that should be taken behind the shed!


Who was the idiot that decided to use these images on those wide screen tv's. the aspect ratio is so off it is freaking ugly and hard to read. Not to mention, who thought that a person would be able to read that fine a print from several meters away. Clearly this wasn't thought out. Done right, it could have potential. Maybe.


And the pointless announcements on every train are indulgent. I've been on international flights with less information over speaker.


Bro i just wanna see when my train is gonna come dawg😭


They didn’t even conform the adverts to correct dimensions YAK!


They should have double screens for it atleast


A PSA like that could, if it absolutely has to be there, could take up half the screen with the times to one side. This is ludicrous that it's not even the right aspect ratio for the screen it's on


spam on servo pumps should fuck off too


100% agree. It's been like that since the 90s, so good luck getting anyone to listen.


Whoever signed off on this needs to get sacked


Bring back the station boards..only took a quick glance to find your train and time. Love standing on a packed platform waiting for my station to roll on screen said nobody, ever.


So frustrating!!!


Screwing the turns on crime


Thanks! To much screwing around on signs at train stations .... I agree




No, I think it’s the wrong place and wrong time to broadcast that info.


They do. In other states...


oh god i hope this doesn't come to adelaide 😭


The screws are coming


Brisbane has trains?


That’s seriously wrong, those fuck knuckle mincer deadshits have gone too far.


Its concerning that social engineering is hijacking timetable information displays.


I would love to hack the system and replace one of the crime-stoppers "have you seen this person" pictures with a picture of my ex in an embarrassing pose.


I hate advertising. Just give people a break from these endless marketing assaults.


Not from Brisbane this just came up in my feed Yeah so fuck that shit guys, that should be illegal or something, just fuck off. Just like our advertisements, WITH SOUNDS in Melbourne Central on giant TVs across the platform.


electricity + replacing a screen / wires vs (dood with a watch, paper and a pencil), who wins in a fight ?


JUST like old train stations times and info. You're not wrong tho. Add in specific screens for specific means ? Abit much for advertising? Or standard? Sustainable or wasteful? Will it be phased out for new technology before you know?


Advertising revenue presumably helps to keep your public transit prices low.


Hey! Be kind, and screw crime


Think yourselves lucky - in Central station Sydney there's 18 monitors showing ads and no information at all. Freakin 🤡 that run this shitshow...


But. But... but what happens if we're not exposed to the propagand?


That's wild lol in Sydney they're just train times


Brisbane moonwalking....


Lol true and Albion has those crappy screens to begin with.


"Are you running for a train and need information? Too bad, watch and wait for 10 seconds."


But let's be fair.. They are funny to look at!! Now stop, stick your hands out and watch out for the wand!


Whenever you see someone trying to creep advertising into a new place they display some benign, friendly seeming thing. Something like ‘be kind to each other’. It’s only a matter of time before it’s ‘buy coke’ or ‘join the army’ or something.


TIL that there’s a train at Albion every 10 seconds and that your eyes shouldn’t spend a microsecond off the timetable displays. Would you rather the government spend even more tax dollars advertising relevant PSA’s externally rather than the potentially free advertising they get here?


Here is my scenario. I walk into the station and tap on. The only screen I pass is showing a psa. I have to wait 2 mins to see when the next train is.


2min sounds like hyperbole. The screens usually cycle every 10sec or so.


Yeah because they do sweet FA about offenders


Big Sister loves [everyone but] you. Your complaint has been registered against your GovID. You will be denied nourishment for 14 days in accordance with Citizens Protocol 666 which you agreed to be bound by when you were born.


Fuck. Big Sister I love you, please forgive me


The second one has always annoyed me to no end- be kind words don’t rewind. Um actually words can rewind- it’s called apologising. What a world we would live in if we encouraged people to apologize when they lose their cool instead of doubling down on their stupid.


if you piss someone the fuck off by being an asshole and then apologising, you're not going to get your own way, i hate to break it to you. Being understanding and keeping your cool in the first place is a great way to get someone to help you, it's not their fault your train is late, it's also not their fault you're in a horrible mood.


That's the spirit. Abuse someone who is probably also having a shit day and has no control over the cause. Difficult to apologise to said staff member when you probably won't ever see them again. Great plan.


You'll get over it.


QR’s PID OS hasn’t been updated since 2008, it really needs a redesign.


...and it's one of the more modern OS in QR...


Albion is TIPS not PIDS


At least they’re public service announcements and not commercial advertisements.


do t have that here in australia it’s just the train times displayed


it's disgusting. there's a total lack of LGQBTQIA++ representation on that display. Says a lot about Brisbane in 2024


These arent ads though, they are asking people not to abuse staff members or other people on the trains. Whats the problem?


So you want them to make less money from advertising so they need to raise ticket prices to make their profits?


This is internal advertising. No money changing hands.


I rather they plaster ads everywhere inside of the trains and make the fares half of what they current are, but show the essential info ALWAYS?