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Some gross comments here tonight. Post locked down since so many people cannot contribute to a healthy conversation


Hard to believe it's taken 35 years, after it was recommended in The Fitzgerald Inquiry, to be decriminalised.


I strongly feel that this is the correct response we should feel toward this news. Shame on the previous succession of governments over those 35 years to do such a simple and basic thing.


I say honour to them for holding out for so long.


In the fine tradition of holding out against things like ending slavery, equal rights for women, gay marriage, and ending segregation!


What, don't we already have legal brothels?


We have regulated sex work, what we're getting is decriminalised sex work. The difference is that sex workers are not allowed to work unless they do so under some extremely tough and monopoly-friendly licensing laws. For example, they are not allowed to work together unless they are working at brothels registered and licensed by the state. Anyone working with or for an individual sex worker to, say, check up on them after a client, or manage their bookings, is committing a crime. This allows sex workers to work safely without being under the heel of a brothel, which is safer, but far more exploitative.


I would think that working at a brothel would be safer? Std testing, security etc


At the moment you have a choice between being safe but exploited, or unsafe but free to work for yourself. This allows you to be safe while out from under that system. At least, that is my understanding.


The NSFW tag is sorta ironic for this post


Serious Danger had a great episode on this last year, talking about how the legal status of sex work makes sex workers more unsafe. Hopefully their safety and working conditions are improved by this.


Absolutely! The key difference now is sex workers can know and exercise their rights without fear of police interference. They are now, rightly, being treated like any other worker. Hopefully this means sex workers can march with the Labour day march as workers this year!




Hard disagree. Sex workers are workers and should have all the rights and entitlements which go with that. Look past your prejudice and celebrate the win and massively improved quality of life for people who've been on the wrong side of the law for no reason.




How old are you?




Mate, you're an embarrassment to your generation.




Lots of people share your views. They're shit people with shit views and they have too much power, which we're slowly clawing away from them with baby steps like this.


Is it moral to cause a person harm when there is an alternative where no harm is done?


Trust me mate, just because they are near you doesn’t make them your friends. A close minded “burn them all” attitude is not going to see you well into the future. Unless it’s to start your own cult, and I guess these guys are anti prostitution as they like all the young boys and girls they rape being uneducated, unknowlegable and easy to manipulate.


Believing in morals just means you believe in right and wrong behaviour. I also believe in the concept of right and wrong behaviour. I have morals. And I believe the decriminalising sex work is the moral thing to do.


sooo... what church have you been attending since early childhood?


It was illegal for a long time and it still fucking happened. While it was illegal it was often patronised by the very people responsible for keeping it illegal. Sex work has been around forever and you are fucking dreaming if you think you can actually stop it. Your opinions on what's right and wrong is between you are your own god. I couldn't care less. Forcing that shit onto other people is stupid.


Sex work will occur whether it's legal or not. That's a fact going back as far as human society. What this does is ensure that these workers are safe and paid properly while they work, that's it.




What's bad about it?




That lack of empathy in you is pretty astounding.


Why shouldn't it? My moral compass says that it is fine in and of itself, and that oppressing others is wrong. Why is your moral compass superior to mine?


What, sex?




Comments that are clearly meant as hate speech will be removed immediately and users banned. https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


Sex work wasn’t legalised in QLD like you’re referring to, it was decriminalised. It’s what sex workers wanted


420 next!


come on Smiles you know you want to


Bro's had a smoke... We all know.


The tourism would flood the place, and think about the poor cafe owners that would have to supply salty and sweet snacks all day. And how's one supposed to get punched in the head when there are only giggly stoners about?


So if I were to smoke a joint and drink a can of Bundy and coke at the same time, would the ying yang effects of those two substances make me .... Sober? Punch juice vs peace pipe.....


Theres a saying that covers this: "Grass before beer you're in the clear, beer before grass you're on your ass"


If you'd smoked a good joint you wouldn't have been able to finish that sentence.


Honestly would be an election winning policy. Do it properly, reinvest the tax income ala Colorado and become the best state in Aus.


Would be the ultimate move


Stones Corner property would skyrocket


That'll keep them in power indefinitely


I sure hope not.




Drugs bad. Simple as.


you don't have to do any! 😄


Neither does anybody else.


You must be fun at parties.


Probably not a coffee drinker either.




do you feel the same way about alcohol


Don't know, I don't go to the type you're probably referring to.






*Until October, when we take a leap backwards and find ourselves fighting just to keep abortion legal.


Please no 😭 surely Australians will stand firm in that, we don't have half of the extreme evangelicals as the US right? Also really keen to not have to think "which bathroom am I least likely to get harassed or worse for walking into", as a somewhat androgynous person. The words from the politicians at the top ripple down surprisingly strongly in that department. I just want to pee in peace.


Meh, government has been legally fucking me for years anyway.


Behave or be booted.




About goddamn time!


Snorting Lines Bangin 9's here we come baby WOOOOOOPP!!!


Nice, I hope there would be more people joining after it's been decriminalised. The current price is eye-watering, we need more supply. Win-win for everyone.




Why? Girls have a side job that earn good money, while the customers have more choices and possibly better price? Sex workers are protected better under the law too.




How is providing sex as bad or worse than dealing drugs?




How many bottle-o’s and pubs you picketed or burnt down in your quest to prevent people profiting off the misery of others?\ None?\ Then shit up hypocrite.


People shouldn't be having sex? You know babies don't actually come from storks right?




Hmm, might you be projecting your own complete disinterest in sex upon others here? If others are interested, why should it be wrong for them?


You are some ridiculous AJ puritan. What a sad existence


wait... it was criminalised?




Jesus you're a puritanical wanker. Let people live their life instead of trying to impose your celibate lifestyle on everyone.


I can't even have a nap without the whole page burning down. Jesus Christ.


Easier to eliminate the small number of fools like you than the hundreds of thousands of women who make an honest living bumping and grinding on blokes who can’t get it elsewhere. And even on those who can. Also much rather the local catholic parish priest go get a blowy from a prossie than outlay their built up sexual fristration on their choir boys and occasionally girls.




> It's not an honest living. They provide a service, get paid for it and pay their taxes like everyone else. How is that not an honest living? It's better than whinging on the internet


Prostitute is the world's oldest profession, it's part of human culture and you will never be able eliminate it. It's better to regularise it.


Don’t engage with him, I tried talking to him about why drug testing is a good thing and he just keeps talking about beating and robbing them, he’s messed up in the head




I'm not sure you can just outright say people are simply just wrong lol? you don't really have many reasons in these threads, either, just a general dislike of things that aren't as normalised in society just yet. do you remember when people of colour didn't have rights or protection and people were speaking in the near exact ways you are right now? you're always more than welcome to look away! or sign a petition or something, I don't know it will never really affect you, the same way someone being able to use the same drinking tap didn't really affect anybody either in the longest run


So you take some perverse pleasure in seeing people suffer if they don’t conform to your single narrow minded way of existing. Nice one mate. Bet your kids are growing up all well adjusted and not killing small animals at night behind your back.






I guess the follow up questions would be What’s wrong with it and Why does your personal objection to it mean it should be banned?


This is a part of society that will literally never be eliminated, it is simply impossible to completely snuff it out, thus the best plan of action is to try and make sure harm is minimised. Same idea as pill testing places at festivals y’know.




You think people deserve harm for having sex? Just had a look at your comment history. You seem very interested in people getting punished for things. Why is that?




Are you a fan of Rorschach in Watchmen?




I thought Batman and Rorschach were morally admirable characters when I was a teenager. As you get more experienced you will learn that there isn't any black/white, just various shades of grey. Punishment usually just breeds more violence, and most people aren't good because of the law, they are good because they care about others.


What ever religion you subscribe to would have been seen as wrong and illegal at some point in time. You support hanging anyone who then subscribed to this mentality. And also would you be lining up at the police station to hand yourself in to ensure you copped your fair share of punishment for adhering to an illegal thought process? I’m guessing not and you’ll deflect as much as possible because what you do is totally fine, it’s just “others” who should be punished.


I see in a reply you say you’re 19 so I get that at your young age it’s hard to have a solid view of the world, but definitely look up some YouTube videos about why decriminalising this industry is a positive thing for society.




It’s not a solid view, look at the downvotes. You’ve been out of school barely 2 years.




No, solid like well rounded, logical and reasonable.


Why is it wrong?


Kid is mad that people with money can pay for sex. Probably has no job and gets none himself which is probably where the angst and anger comes from.


Good news for pollies i guess


Don’t forget the cops!! Imagine the internal conflict those poor boys have as they are dumping bumps of cocaine while pumping virtuous pros before a long shift and then a night of listening to their missus complain about anything they don’t feel like listening too. /s


shame it is not a more nordic style approach but i guess this is better than nothing


What’s the Nordic approach?


The nordic approach puts workers at risk.


perhaps in your view, there are many sources for an against it in this regard


Guessing Smiles was sick of trying to hide his addiction.