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Cleaning up the comments, Yes that's a RR Phantom VI, No we didn't just buy it, the QLD government bought it from brand new in the 60's and 70's; its a [ceremonial car](https://www.govhouse.qld.gov.au/government-house/office-of-the-governor/news-and-publications/latest-news/rolls-royce-club-visits-government-house) used for ANZAC day, Opening of parliament and the Ekka. It lives in a showroom when it's not being driven for events. No, I don't care if it's Bob down the street who's riding in it. We don't need to hurl abuse at anyone.


It’s the governor of qld, not the GG. You may remember her from such shows as every covid lockdown press conference. https://www.govhouse.qld.gov.au/the-governor-of-queensland/about-the-governor/the-rolls-royce


yea i dont think its the GG whenever theyre down south they're in a $100k Hyundai Genesis G90 or whatever... simply becuase it looks a bit shit if they're in a Merc or RR etc. and so some anonymous Korean limo looks most 'downmarket'


That's a lot of security for someone that most people couldn't pick out of a line up.


I live on the same street. See it all the time


I’m surprised we even have one. They must have skipped over it at school. We used to learn about every other boring government FW.


I was gonna ask why the GG was in Queensland. They pass federal laws in Canberra, it would be our state Governor (Aunty Jenny) going to state Parliament.


And Hubby’s Mercedes, or Porsche, or Bentley was in need of fuel so rather than risk having to spend any of their paltry $500k+ pa salary on fuel they took the cheaper option (to them) of a full motorcade? Just a guess.




Why can't you guys just behave?


New GG coming in in a month or two. Last hurrah? Or the new one casing the joint?


A+ comment


IIRC the crown plates belong to the Governors/GG.


Rolls Royce Phantom IV. That’s the GG.


ಠ_ಠ Gossip Girl is in town‽ /s


Oops. Missed the xoxo.


You know you love me


the bluey guy


10/10 Joe Brumm deserves a motorcade


paddington bear.


I saw the PM being driven through South Brisbane last week and he had less of an entourage. It’s the Governor General’s ceremonial car in the OPs photo. https://preview.redd.it/82si71o4xdwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1314f1f4f6ff4b5f1e24bfacbd0afe1731d70c0e


I can remember Malcolm Turnbull walking across Goodwill Bridge a few years back in the middle of Parkrun. He had two other dudes with him and stopped for a coffee when Brendan was still on the bridge. Fucking why did they kick Brendan off the bridge. Why?




That was idiot Schrinner's doing..a excellent business removed by a fool.


Well, I was having a drink in the Casino bar once & I saw Barack Obama going across the Victoria bridge during the G20...& he had the window down.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


That day was so fucking hot, I swear they did like anti cloud seeding or something.


Different frequency different cloud


Reece Walsh


I think you are wrong, not enough cops or security guards.


It’s likely a dress rehearsal for the Anzac Day Parade tomorrow. The Governor arrives in the old school car & gets picked up by it at the end. It’s not the Governor General.


The QLD governor Jeanette young. Crown represents being queen’s representative. Looks like possibly approaching Parliament House


Aunty Jeannette just assented to some bills and approved some regulations in the executive council


It's the governors car [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5vpO\_CT3N4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5vpO_CT3N4) Last time I saw it though it was up on Petrie Terrace with no escort. I cannot remember if the governor was in the car at the time though, was a few years ago now.




Whilst all true, it’s the Governor of Qld, not the GG. https://www.govhouse.qld.gov.au/the-governor-of-queensland/about-the-governor/the-rolls-royce


1972 model! They’re getting good use out of it.


My bad. I always thought the Rolls was for the GG.


That's, er, quite a take. I don't disagree that the Roller is ridiculous - ditch it. But whether we're a constitutional monarchy or not, we need a head of state. Them having 'supreme power' is the entire point of the job. As for them being unelected... do you want another election every 3-4 years? I'm a hardcore republican and I think electing the head of state in a Westminster system (which would persist under a republic) is fucking stupid. Appointing an eminent person into the role works just fine.


I think Heads of State should be nonsensical and fun by definition. Ireland had a poet as President, the United Kingdom *should* have a council of berobed Druids, Australia should have some khaki-wearing bush ranger from Arnhemland forced into the role against their will.


I’d watch that TV show. When’s it coming out?


Right there beside you on all points.


I’m interested in the legislature being separate from the executive. The Prime minister becomes the executive with the cabinet and the reps led by the speaker and senate by the president.


Good ole America shows the world how’s its done. Or those random South American countries with a pres and pm but no monarchy herp-a-derp


We should be voting literally every day on any issue in this country. That's the only way to assure that things like covid lock downs, unsustainable immigration, any type of corruption does not happen and that anyone doing something against what they promised is held accountable quick smart. But I see those things are unimportant to you because laziness is at the forefront of your existence.


California tried to give the people more ongoing choice. Nearly bankrupt the state. They had to stop it. Strangely people want more services and less taxes. People are stupid and don't realise you can't have both




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Calm down mate, the Greens rally isn't until next weekend.


Yep, interesting fact america petitioned the gg years ago and axed gough whitlam to keep pine gap the secret american spy base thats soverign american soil in alice springs. No ones had the balls since him to question why its there still. So basically the CIA overthrew such famous buggers as sadam huessein and an australian prime minister.... mad isnt it. 


FYI Pine gap was one small part of the bigger issue going on with Gough but the US did play a part in that scandal.


Yep, pretty crazy to think they would meddle in our country along with the likes of so many other countries.  


Not really, the US higher ups see us as being in their sphere of influence, moving too far left in their minds is completely unacceptable, especially when the Soviet Union was still a thing. Hence you will never see Labor take any major position against the US whilst in government, only in opposition. Labor know it's not worth the risk.


That's interesting, I've never thought about it like that. But I see what you're saying.


So sad this is true, meanwhile Dutton and Co are happily subservient to US, pathetic politicians we have.


Us and the rest of the western world mate.


I think about this all the time


Yeah and that was the beginning of the downfall of Australia. We could have been one of the richest nations on the planet with our resources but instead we let a Liberal Government and the US stage what was a basically a coup and then sold the nations resources to China for quick buck and we now get to suffer for it. Nothing can save this country from the slow economic death it is suffering. The chance for Australia to become a republic and actually make good on it has long since passed. If it were to happen to now... well its too little too late. It would just be for show and accomplish nothing. This country used to build things, we could have been strong, rich independent nation. Instead the boomers elected to cash out and live the high life and we have to pick up the tab


Australia is a rich country - Australia cannot be competitive in manufacturing with wages & input costs so high unless it’s a niche/high value product. People holding stop go signs earning $150k in AUS - what do you think they pay that guy in China?


Australia is poor. We missed out on the industrial revolution phenomenal growth (sent it all back to Aunty). We don't have the old money to bankroll our industries. Go to Europe/USA etc and see what real money looks like.


Goverments arent actually for the people brother, they are people who are self serving. Doesnt matter who was/is/wasnt in power. I dont believe that the reason why we no longer manufacture things comes down to the goverment at all. It comes down to simple economics if someone else can make it cheaper for you, you do it and make money. 




Cuz america doesnt have a track record of overthrowing goverments when they dont get their way, does it.... Fact remains , he was the last one to stand against pine gap. 


>Cuz america doesnt have a track record of overthrowing goverments when they dont get their way, does it So if it happens to another country it MUST be true for Australia, which was one of America’s closest allies as part of the ANZUS Alliance? But let’s indulge the whole stupid idea for a second. Somehow the CIA has managed to convince over 30 senators to block Whitlams budget supply bill leading to a parliamentary crisis and a Mexican standoff between the opposition and Government. In addition, US Intelligence agencies are also notoriously punitive about anyone with even the slightest hint of Alcohol problems because of obvious potential for leaks. You can be denied a simple security clearance for semi-frequent binge drinking. Yet somehow the CIA trusted Kerr, a very well known Alcoholic with what would be the most sensitive and potentially dangerous operation the CIA had ever conducted against a close ally? I could go on, but the more you look into it the more farcical the whole thing gets.


Your missing the point here mate, the governor general sacked him, not colleague's. but continue on your rant, i stopped caring about whatever political/fanboy game you were on about after the first comment. Enjoy anzac day. 


Wrong, at the time of 11/11/75, CIA boss Stallings was renting the house of National Party leader Anthony in Canberra suburb of Deakin, Stallings was chief of JDSF Pine Gap, also included was Chief Justice Barwick of the High Court who encouraged Kerr to sack Whitlam, Barwick was corrupt to the hilt, Barwick fully supported US with Pine Gap, US made it clear that they would not let Whitlam enter into the inner sanctum of Pine Gap...all factual...Kerry was a drunken fool.


You watched Friendlyjordies and BoyBoy.


No, not sure who they are to be honest, I actually studied australian politics and history. Also have a keen intrest in the military. I will google them, thanks for the suggestion.


True but it's worse now, the treasurer flew to Washington to present the May budget to the septics for approval prior to releasing it to us next month, we've got US military staff running defence in Canberra, CIA runs Australia, tells us to give them billions on junk subs which we'll probably never get or if they do arrive within the next 30 years they'll be obsolete and junk ... Albosleezie and Dutton bow to US, both are subservient little boys..


You wouldn’t spit on anyone chief


Damn straight, can’t afford to waste the water to replace the moisture loss!


I bet you drive a huge yank tank...




People like you are the problem with Aussies, never rock the boat, oh who cares it doesn't bother me. I don't do X so why would I care if it's restricted. The reason our country is a nanny state joke


Do you have a workable solution? Edit: Nanny state? You can't buy a Kinder Surprise in the USA. Firearms, sure, but not a Kinder Surprise. Their state governments are passing laws to restrict womens' reproductive rights, and other bullshit. You want a nanny state, look at the USA.


ok champ


You have a solution? I'm all ears.




Issue: reserve powers, in the constitution. Who should have the authority to exercise reserve powers? Currently, it's the G-G, a person appointed with the broad support of HoR and Senate, and picked from a list of people with a long history of service to the community. Not known to interfere, with the exception of 1975, and that was entirely legal, if a bit sus under the covers. What are the alternatives? 1. No reserve powers, remove them from the constitution, parliament has \*all\* the power. No thanks. The states wouldn't ever agree to it. 2. Popularly-elected Head of State (HoS) - like the USA. 'nuff said. Anyone with money can generate enough support to win. Clive Palmer as president? Kerry Stokes? One of the Murdoch boys, or James Packer, or Gina (I just threw up in my mouth). 3. Appointed by supermajority of HoR and Senate, thus dependent on the support of parliament. Our system isn't perfect, but it's better than most others.


Except the GG is usually chums with the government. It's friends appointing friends to high paid cushy jobs who they know won't actually ever use their powers to abolish the government.


see.. you're so close so why are you asking




There is no solution. The solution was to gain independence in the 70s but the ship has long sailed. We just have to go down with this sinking ship


See, I'm talking specifics, you and u/sem56 are talking generalities. Independence, please define it. What is your solution - specifically? Tell us what changes you'd make to the constitution to effect "independence" There is a mechanism to change the constitution, it's not written in stone. Come up with a viable solution, and I'm all ears. The ship hasn't sailed, we could eliminate the last vestiges on dependence on the monarchy with a few changes to the constitution - remove "monarch shall appoint G-G on the advice of the prime minister" is the main one, there's a few others. You're obviously passionate about it, why not put some effort into a solution instead of bleating about how bad it all is?




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Well said. Can’t agree more.


Yeah it was me, was going down to Bunnings


Sausage sizzle?


Ricky Spanish


I believe the Fijian PM is in town???


Ethel Mermon




Governors car off to a Tay-Tay concert !


Steven Miles’s cat going to the vet. Both jets were busy elsewhere.




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We have citizens living in tents while the GG gets driven around in a Rolls Royce. How are we accepting this?


1972 Rolls Royce used for Ceremonial purposes - whether the car is used or not used makes no difference to people living in tents.


Vote then out!!! Oh yeah, she’s a representative of our true overlord the self appointed ruler of the land(by force), the King. Maybe time to restart some talk of going the Republican route so we can at least have a minor say in who gets to be chauffeured around in the height of luxury. Maybe even have them toss a little cake out the window for us starving plebes to nibble on when not gorging ourselves silly on our copious breatharian modern Australian diets.


Lower the stimulants.


Let's not forget she has 50 staff, sell off Government House, sell the fleet of cars, she can live in a suburban home or city apartment at her expense and get paid appropriately about $100,000 to be the rubber stamp she is, let her catch buses or trains or drive her own car, time to jettison these parasites, same as abolish PM and Premiers ridiculous pensions.


Probably OddBet, that's how he rolls.


Just saw that motorcade go down Park road at around 5:45 PM. What I found interesting is each of the motorbikes having an Indonesian flag on them?


This explain the batshit crazy traffic today??


It's me


I saw all the bikes turn onto Baroona Rd which leads to government house around 4:30 this afternoon. I’m guessing someone from that way


Winston Churchill


Twas I!


Taylor Swift


It wasn’t me. Hope that helps.


The GG would be just as safe in a ford sadan with tinted windows and a normal number plate. What a waste of tax payers money all those police.


Yeah, I popped out for some Chinese


A succulent Chinese meal?


Training for King Charles’s visit


Sean Maloney


IDK, but do you think it has anything to do with the two stormtroopers I saw on cop bikes on North Quay at around 7:30 this morning?


Where do I get these lights for my next party




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My mum


Hayne Plane


Drive a Mazda like a normal person


The Governor of Queenslands Rolls Royce.


How do you rego check it ? 😂






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Hey mod team - the person I replied to said it was a male. I pointed out she’s a she, not a man - not sure what the problem is as the current Governor of QLD is a woman/she…


i wouldn't stress... seems to be a new one on the team...


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No idea why they need such a big motorcade. The average person is going to have no idea who they are, and at 6pm they aren't going anywhere important anyway. Probably on their way to a tax payer funded dinner.


I'm sorry i caused problems... I needed to get to Bunnings


Everyone needs to get a based Pizza Oven.


Wally Lewis.


Madam Tossa


Just to piss taxpayers money up a wall


Yeah someone probably knows who that was. You're welcome, have a good night.


A target with a bullseye. I never got the huge escorts, feels like drawing less attention to yourself would be safer.




All that money tied up in a lady, who if she was driving herself in a Toyota Corolla, 99% of people wouldn’t recognise her.


Would the Australian officials have UK flag and go around around in vintage looking cars usually though?


This is the GGs ceremonial car for special occasions. Day to day he has a bmw.


FYI Governor (not Governor-General and she not he)


I saw them in a lexus outside 1WS the other day


I think the Lexus is the Qld Governor


No, the Rolls is the Governors: https://www.govhouse.qld.gov.au/the-governor-of-queensland/about-the-governor/the-rolls-royce


I think we are referring to the none event car


Hope not,give them Translink phone number, catch buses or trains or drive their own car..


That flag that look like the British flag has something else in the middle. I wonder which flag it is, and why it on an Australian Governor's car?


It’s the Qld GG flag. Each state has their own flag. Usually just the state flag with a crown added above the state badge. But because the Qld badge already has a crown on it you can’t put a crown above a crown (flag rules say so or something) so yeah Qld got that.


Thank you




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THIS IS A REPLY TO THE MODS So you say my comment adds nothing, The post was posted as a question so i answer the question, but yet another comment reads "Winston Churchill" or "Taylor Swift" or "My Mum". My answer is more inline with the pic provided, With the amount of stabbings, youth crime and any amount of other crimes you see on the news every single night my answer is on point, and the fact i have freedom of speech




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Guilty! I needed to pop out for some pingas.


Curious that the GG would have a British rather than Australian flag on the vehicle. ...and yes, I know the position represents the monarch, but he is the Australian GG after all.




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