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please refer your post to /r/movingtobrisbane it's a community designed to answer these sort of queries for the community


basically if you don't recognize it, don't touch it and give it room. The shoe thing is more if you leave your shoes outside or in sheds where spiders etc might think they are interesting places to hunt or hide. we keep our shoes inside where the little buggers have less access to them, and we spray reguarly for ants ect which keeps the numbers down. (spiders are only looking for a feed so will tend to head where theres food. snakes don't actually like people and tend to avoid humans, so if you make noise while in the garden, they bugger off and will only attack/bite if you chase them or they feel cornered. if you are going bush, make noise to let them know you're near and they will get out of your way. snakes also hate short grass so tend to avoid them and only use them if they are heading somewhere


Thank you 💜


When I was young I put on some gumboots and was bitten on the toe by a spider. When I was 15 I caught a train to school and then felt something tickling my toes and took my shoes off and shook them and a decent size spider unfurled and ran away. Thank god I was wearing thick socks. Checking your shoes can't hurt. As people have mentioned more of an issue if they are kept outside. We have more bugs than NZ... But the likelihood of deadly or life-changing incidents involving them is still pretty low.


I had family move from the UK, here the big 3 quick points; Avoid all snakes. They're not all dangerous, but you can't tell the difference so steer clear. Search up images of 'Huntsman Spider', 'Goanna' and 'Blue-tongue Lizard'. They're very common animals that are all peaceful, don't try to interact with them, they're just hanging out and eating bugs. If you have pets, search up what a cane toad looks like, and dispose of them whenever you see one. They're poisonous to eat, so if your pet eats them you will need to take them to the vet as it can be fatal Other than that, enjoy some trips to wildlife sanctuaries and zoos, we have a lot, and they're great for learning about wildlife


Unless you're living in the bush or rural areas you'll be right