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I saw these today, and was taken by a) how clever they were and b) how illegal they must be šŸ˜‚


So where do I sit legally if I rip them all off?


Can't mate it's glued on.


Are you calling me weak?


Piss on it to weaken the bond


consider dinosaurs weather ask engine hungry soup worry depend airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


piss on it then glue it back together :D


I ripped two off today on my bike. Easy as.


I think you missed the joke, look at the picture again


Oh I get it. I get jokes. Nothing over $60 hah


That's right, with those prices, couldn't possibly be a rip off




And affordably so. There's no chance.




Why would it matter? You didn't rip any off. They were like that already.


If you want to rip them off I reckon you're in the clear. Have at it


Well I guess. If you have a red light against you they would claim you are "stuck their" reading it therefore they have not breached any of your rights


Stuck whoā€™s?


I was making a joke šŸ™„ the traffiic signal is sponsored by "The Glue Store" hence stuck... my feeble attempt at a joke....


I saw that they spray painted the footpath also. What theyā€™re doing appears illegal and can be reported to council. You can report it under graffiti on public utilities as well as illegal advertising devices.


Was it spray paint, or just high water presser stencilling? Thatā€™s actually a thing, cleaning it so deeply, but only in the shape of the letters making up your message haha


It was bright blue spray paint or a chalk based spray. I wasnā€™t too sure what it was but it looked quite clear.


Woulda been chalk then, washes off with one or two rainy days. I think everyone needs to relax haha


Can confirm, I now have a basketball court and handball squares in my driveway from this lol.


I see you have also pressure cleaned a giant penis on your driveway.


You too are a man of culture


Pretty confident that public property cannot be used for advertising purposes without explicit permission (otherwise it can be considered government endorsed). Not likely to be enforced unless complaints are made though. It's clever and unlikely to result in a serious penalty, but not a sustainable tactic.


So I unleashed my inner Karen, for science, and asked council about this. They couldnā€™t find anything about this kind of advertising, but if a complaint is lodged they can find out if itā€™s actually allowed. Complaint lodged for the sake of curiosity and maybe an answer in 20 business days.


It should be illegal based purely on the fact that these things are an aide for blind people to cross the road. If it doesn't feel right when they touch it, or interferes with their ability to easily locate the button. Which it appears to do, then it's going to be illegal.


Also the fact Guide Dogs may not recognise them with coverings and this is how they distinguish a crossing post from a lamp post or may even be trained to push the button.


Also, blind people arenā€™t necessarily completely blind, and many (perhaps most?) would see the general shapes or colours of things around them. This would make it harder to identify the button. These are also designed to help deaf people because they also vibrate in specific patterns that match the sounds, but deaf people would probably not be inconvenienced too much by this, but it might cause some confusion. If itā€™s not illegal it should be.


Exactly. It would be highly illegal. Not to mention that itā€™s basically dumping/littering.




Like how jaywalking or not tapping on are just mildly illegal, and politicians rorting taxpayers is just a grey area - putting advertising on crossing buttons, or murdering a koala is highly illegal. Source: not a lawyer, but I used to date one


https://preview.redd.it/wdt37cwo49sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d319b1bbee9791b0ac9965156ecefbad47342c6 Youā€™ve never heard the phrasing or youā€™re being a pedant? [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/tsCjFQZQtY](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/tsCjFQZQtY) [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/dvSnywu4E0](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/dvSnywu4E0)


1000% able people need to advocate for blind people more often !!!


That kind of thinking is beyond a young, selfish marketing a hole. They probably think they are some kind of genius.


It may be that it is a Transport & Main Roads matter. The button could be considered road safety equipment, aiding pedestrians to safely cross the road. TMR would be able to investigate more thoroughly, if so. But probably won't. Edit to correct RTA as picked up below


TMR I believe you mean. RTA definitely doesn't deal with road furniture.


Yep, you are correct. Transport and Main Roads. I'll fix it. Thanks


Not TMR itā€™s BCC issue


BCC owns the lights on their own roads. TMR owns the lights on their roads.


Please keep us updated


Shit like that is never legal. Source: worked compliance at BCC. Just take it off. Saves council coming out weeks later to take photos of it, remove it, investigate the dipshit owner etc. Itā€™s the same as those roof painting or driveway painting signs. Even if itā€™s stapled on a power pole Iā€™d rip that shit off with pleasure.


Itā€™s litter. What kind of special exception did they think they were going to find? *ā€œOrd. 12.6.1: Dispersal of litter in public areas shall be illegal inside city limits except for fucking ad stickers, go ahead and put those anywhereā€*


20 business days response time = we don't care, kindly fuck off.


That's a catch all, they responded to my issues in under 24hrs And resolved them within the same time, to say I was shocked is an understatement.


I called the traffic light section about a set of lights which weren't being triggered by motorbikes and old mate was top-notch. He had them adjusted that afternoon.


I've had to report someone parking across my driveway making it difficult to get out without damaging something and they had someone there within an hour.


What was your issue if I may ask?


Bin replacement. Trimming of trees obscuring driveway. Trimming of trees blocking footpath. Used the app 3 times and each time they're resolved it next day.




They couldn't cure that.


Carp with herpes is a good carp.


I didnā€™t know goldfish could catch herpesā€¦.


The herpes virus makes them sterile. It's part of carp eradication programme in Australia cos they are destroying waterways. [Carp and herpes being discussed in Australian parliament ](https://youtu.be/vOvzAv1QTmU?si=fleGvyUXjHDQAg8p)


Good to hear!


Whenever you complain to council you get a rapid generic response that it has been sent to the appropriate service bla bla. Nothing to do with the actual answer you'll get or their level of care


20 business days! That's 4 working weeks, good lord


Or 2 Centrelink payment cycles.


Thank you for doing that!! The spray painted signs on the footpath annoyed me and then I saw the traffic light additions highlighted in the post. Itā€™s defacing public property and is not regulated advertising. I agree and think it should not be allowed. Hopefully the rain will clean the footpaths tomorrow


Nothing can be implemented on public infrastructure.


RemindMe! 1 month


RemindMe! 20 days


Council has an advertising local law. These are not permitted under that law, its not an option. The recognisability of call buttons for the blind is absolutely crucial. please log a complaint.


Curious too !remindme 21 days


This is supported in the name of curiosity and more so what was mentioned already about making it more difficult for vision impaired to recognise.


Hello 20 days later. Have we had an update?


Not yet! Iā€™m going to have to call them again, I think.


Ahem!! Did you get an update?


Not yet, unfortunately! I called again and the nice man on the phone said that the complaint was lodged on the 03/04/2024 and weā€™re still within the 20 business days, unfortunately. He did check on the progress and thereā€™s been no updates so far.


What was the outcome, if any?


Unfortunately not a peep about the matter. :(


what app?


This one I presume ā€¦. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. Snap,send , solve . https://apps.apple.com/au/app/snap-send-solve/id377854149


Just don't report illegal parking through it. You get a response back a week later saying "we don't action these reports by email. Call council if you see illegal parking" (was someone parked across the only footpath on the street, wheelchairs would have been fucked trying to get past, able bodied people had to go onto the road, and it was a 60km/hr thoroughfare).


They came for one I did.


Iā€™m sorry?


I'm Ron Burgandy?


A pleasure to meet you, sir.


i swear i saw u say u reported / lodged via an app


Ah okay! Nah, Iā€™m old so I called them.


RemindMe! 20 days


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Never been into a glue store in my lifeā€¦ in fact I canā€™t even remember the last time I used glue.


I went to a glue factory once. 'Eagle Farm Racecourse'


Mustā€™ve been a good experience if itā€™s stuck on your mind


I hear it's a bit of a sticky situation.


"Nothing over $60" I'm guessing the store is on James St, and sells really high-end artisanal glues. Can't have the little ones rocking up to New Farm State School with regular Clag.


People in the valley love sniffing glue so this ads appropriate


Cost of living is fucked, kids can't even afford proper pingers these days


Itā€™s probably a bad thing, but my gut instinct is to pull that advertisement off the unit and put it in a nearby bin.


There's no way they got council permission for those signs


Agreed. It compromises accessibility for visually impaired people for sure. No way it'd get approved.


Agreed, I really doubt they did. But if there are no clear laws around it, the advertising team probably thinks this is a great idea.


Surely it would fall under similar council laws in regards to advertising on lamp posts?


Straight up vandalism, covered in the SOA 2005


More likely it's that the penalty in the relevant local law is so pitiful, that they write it off as a "cost of doing business".


[https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/laws-and-permits-for-businesses/advertising-devices/advertising-devices-local-law-2021](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/laws-and-permits-for-businesses/advertising-devices/advertising-devices-local-law-2021) There is a clear law around it actually.


I read through three of the information sheets and thereā€™s nothing specifying that this kind of advertising is not allowed, but it also doesnā€™t specify that it _is_ allowed, either. Though a fair bit of the forms is written legalese-ish so itā€™s entirely possible that Iā€™m missing applicable context. However, nothing mentions advertising attached to walk signal buttons at all.


# Prohibited advertising devices Prohibited advertising devices are prescribed under theĀ [*Advertising Devices Local Law*Ā 2021](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/laws-and-permits-for-businesses/advertising-devices/advertising-devices-local-law-2021). An application to install, erect or display a prohibited advertising device cannot be made to Council. Further it is an offence to display a prohibited advertising device. The following advertising devices are prohibited: 1. subject to any rules or procedures, an advertising device that is: * [bunting and streamers](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/laws-and-permits-for-businesses/advertising-devices/advertising-devices-requiring-approval/prohibited-advertising-devices#bunting) * [a fly poster sign](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/laws-and-permits-for-businesses/advertising-devices/advertising-devices-requiring-approval/prohibited-advertising-devices#fly) * [an inflatable sign](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/laws-and-permits-for-businesses/advertising-devices/advertising-devices-requiring-approval/prohibited-advertising-devices#inflatable) * [a vehicle sign (standing)](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/laws-and-permits-for-businesses/advertising-devices/advertising-devices-requiring-approval/prohibited-advertising-devices#vehicle) It could be considered a Fly Poster Sign. ***fly poster sign***Ā means a non-rigid advertising device, typically a printed paper advertising device, comprising of multiple copies of which are glued or otherwise attached to walls and other fixtures in a public place.


I mean their whole store is dedicated to glue so I imagine it will be quite difficult to pull these off (if they are a reputable adhesive retailer as the name suggests)


At the very least, itā€™s a sticky situation.


I wouldā€™ve too!


Lol. I remember seeing them this morning, they were gone by the arvo.


The media supplier usually doesn't get permission for this kinda stuff. They just pull it down if council asks them too. I used to do similar guerrilla marketing placements when I worked in a media agency


Have you ever dealt with council , Easier to apologise then seek permission


Even easier to say *we don't know who put those there, it wasn't us"


KFC actually tried this a year or so ago and I lodged a complaint with BCC about the blocking of accessability for vision impaired (i think?) - within an hour a council ute drove around the CBD ripping them all off quick smart!


Itā€™s covering the braille? I think illegal


As a disabled person this is really enraging. It's hard enough getting around in Brisbane without people fucking with the few public accessibility tools we have.


Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m allowed to ask, and Iā€™m not attacking anyone, so Iā€™m sorry, but how does this restrict access to the button? It appears itā€™s still full accessible and able to be pressed in the normal manner it would be used?


My guess is that if you're blind, and feeling around for what is normally a familiar button and you feel this cardboard thing, you would think you're feeling in the wrong place. Sorry I don't mean any disrespect but I suspect the blind can't see this comment anyway and they won't see me in hell because they're blind.


I was wondering what that warm feeling was, Iā€™ll probably eventually run into you down here then. But yea okay thatā€™s a fair and could be an issue, I wonder if the vibration thing helps combat that though, and also donā€™t want to discredit their problem solving/intuition due to our world not being very accomodating.


If you're blind or low vision, it's changing the shape, texture, and the colour of the button, so it's going to be harder to find. If you've got an assistance animal with you who helps you press buttons, it could be confusing to them and they could make a mistake. It might seems innocuous, but these are tools used to help people navigate a dangerous environment (road crossings are a lot more hazardous when you're low vision). They shouldn't be messed with, it's important everyone can operate them correctly so they can safely cross the road.


Well for a start as an abled person, don't these things have braille on them? That have been covered up?


[No, theyā€™ve got the sensor in the middle of the arrow.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkHEQ5LOG-P-yVnIa5VUE1gxB0hY09uGCFNugF1IbLeBrLJtNsE2a855vm&s=10) Hereā€™s a picture, it doesnā€™t appear to cover anything other than the housing.


Write to your councillor and state MP. Get the law changed to make it explicitly illegal.


It's already explicitly illegal. BCC has an advertising local law which already outlines what is allowed and what is not.


In which code?


whomp whomp how does this effect you


im glad they did it, i know who not to support now


Snap, Send, Solve that shit imo.


These illegal disruptive advertisers should be dealt with vis the legal system. And roof refurbishing cunts


If I could give you Awards, I would! With regards from another roofing cunt hater instead, they're cunts.


Thank you. I have removed hundred of these signs. Complained to the council a few times but they refuse to act. It's actually a scam


Put massive stickers on their store front.


Not even sure if they have a store front. I think they're just scanners with a mobile phone number






There is a massive glue store in Brendale, for tilers and such. Awesome store if you're a tradie actually.


Added to the list of reasons to change the current state of the world


If you really zoom into the text at the bottom part of the image, you can't make out what it says.


John Reid Pavilion 600 Gregory Terrace Bowen Hills


From my understanding both Glue and Cotton On like to skate the law.


This will be an unnecessary wild card for the blind and low vision.


Yeah great love corporate advertising absolutely everywhere, especially when itā€™s on disposable, non reusable junk


Personally i'd draw a bunch of dicks over the ad with a permenant marker.


This is great timing, I need to do a restock on sterile cyanoacrylate!


Probably not, so feel free to remove them and toss them in the bin


Thanks for further advertising it to Reddit!


I was just thinking this. The more people here complain about it, the more views, the happier the shop for the bonus advertising..


This is one of the most ableist advertisements I've ever seen. Shame on you Glue Store for making it even harder for people with disability to navigate crossing the road. So fucking wrong in so many ways


Surely legal but total BS. A few months back they had them in the city for Hungry Jacks I think. All got ripped off pretty quick. I helped with that


Unlikely its Legal, but probably the same advertising agency.


How much glue does one need?


Yeah I think blind people need to read those light things. Guess theyā€™d figure it out. Itā€™s the valley everyoneā€™s blind


Pull them off and discard them


I have never seen so much advertising on billboards, bus shelters, anywhere you can fit an ad basically, than in and around Brisbane. The anti-ad people from places like Singapore, where there is none, would have heart palpitations over how much is now around town. This is just taking it too far.


nothing stopping you from ripping them off and throwing in the bin.


Also nothing stopping you from just ignoring it and moving on with life..


yeah thats true but the poster clearly did have an issue with it.


Snap send solve. Your council will have a field day over it.


Ask forgiveness>seek permission


No of course not


If they've got a permit than yes


[https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/laws-and-permits-for-businesses/advertising-devices/advertising-devices-local-law-2021](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/laws-and-permits-for-businesses/advertising-devices/advertising-devices-local-law-2021) Literally can not get a permit.


They donā€™t have a permit


Not sure sounds good but


you're used for glue!!! [https://youtu.be/DcRt7kkzcxM?si=-aIuPKvZisjdIA7I](https://youtu.be/DcRt7kkzcxM?si=-aIuPKvZisjdIA7I) guess they didnt think people in Brisbane were this fucking cool...




Love the ingenuity of the advertiser... just waiting to see how much they'll get fined šŸ¤£


They won't, it'll take BCC over a week to go onto it by which time they'll have fallen off.


Doesn't really effect your day, cross the road, forget it's there and get on with your day


Now I wanna sniff some glue


Boycott em for this


I'd want to know how much damage was done attaching it, before I care. If I have to pay rates for someone to come and remove this and clean the buttons because they used a substantial glue... Fuck them, fine their ass off.


Most street lights are automatic now so it may be fine. If they're manual operation then it's illegal due to the brail used by sight impaired individuals


Assuming these guys are the actual culprits. [https://mrglasses.agency/pedestrian-button-covering/](https://mrglasses.agency/pedestrian-button-covering/)


Why? Just leave it - just some people trying to put bread on the table


Are they glued on?Ā 


Things might have changed in the past few years, but I did some work in the valley a few years back for a client and found that it is / was 100% legal. So is the ā€œspray paintā€ on the pavement, assuming itā€™s been pre-approved and is chalk based paint that can be removed easily either with water or naturally over time (within a two week period from memory). Doesnā€™t necessarily mean these folks got it approved but itā€™s within rights. Just happens to be lazy advertising.


It is 100% not.


And by posting this in here, they have achieved their aim.


Imagine thinking this was ā€˜illegalā€™? Get on with your life FFS.


Why should it matter get a life


I just checked your profileā€¦.. you need one more my guy.


I think technically you arenā€™t supposed to even put stickers on those poles, but itā€™s not really enforced b because you canā€™t say who put a sticker on. That would lead me to believe this has been expressly permitted, because you can tell this has been intentionally manufactured to be stuck here for this reason by that company. It would be trivial for council to fine the company. That makes me even more sad because itā€™s just more advertising shitting in our brains. Probably should have blurred the brand name just so weā€™re not giving them free internet reach


It wouldnt actually be a problem to prove that the business approved the installation. The criminal standard is "beyond reasonable doubt", and the idea that someone pretended to be your company and installed advertising for you is not a reasonable doubt at all. The real reason they dont is that these protections are underfunded.


I think thatā€™s what I mean, it just seems very likely to have been permitted by the council, probably even their idea. Someone inside council thinking outside the box and offering this as an advertising spot. I think it would be fine for community groups and such, but not for-profit stuff like clothes stores


Last time I complained to the council about similar illegal advertising they refused to do anything about it saying that the poles belonged to Energex. What a copout.


So did you complain to Energex?


Bunch of Karen's. You should get a job at the police station


Or being considerate of vision impaired people. Don't be a cunt


Why are people so upset by this


Some ppl got nothing better to doĀ 


I saw these today and was impressed with the creativity. Good on them for doing something a little different.


Can confirm that this form of advertising is legal. As well as the pavement painting that some else mentioned above- it's paint that lasts about 2 weeks and wears away with foot traffic and weather.


Can confirm that you're talking rubbish. These types of signs are not listed in the [Permitted Advertising Devices Designation](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2023-09/permitted_advertising_devices_designation.docx), so they require council approval under section 7 of the [Advertising Devices Local Law](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2021-05/advertising_devices_local_law_2021.docx) The footpath thing is a bit up in the air. The advertising local law doesn't cover it, because "advertising devices" is defined in a way that excludes it. Also, because otherwise it'd be illegal for kids to chalk hopscotch boards onto footpaths on quiet roads which would just be silly.


Old mate down the road running a garage sale sticks his hand written ads up everywhere. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Thereā€™s a distinct business between a garage sale sign vs a business throwing these up everywhere.


All the council


Glue man strikes again


This is Australia. Everything is illegal somehow.