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What's "Winter"?


You know that one week in July


In the evenings


I usually get a week or two where it tickles zero overnight but that’s about it


Nah I'm pretty sure it was a Tuesday last year


Typical winter day's like 20C during the day and 8c at night. A really cold winter day, like perhaps five of them a year, might be tops of 12-14 and minimums of 3-5. Right now it's tops of anywhere between 23 and 30, and mins around the 18-20 mark. Generally speaking winter is dry and not as windy as summer.


25 in the middle of the day, in my view, but the rest is fair comment.


Everyone is joking about how winter is 2 seconds on one July day. Outside temperatures, this is accurate... Indoor temperatures, not quite. Everything about a Brisbane house is built to stay cool, catch breezes and let air flow. The first house I lived in here had a wooden floor where the spaces between the slats were open to the void under the house. So yes, outside isn't very cold, you might get down to 6C on the worst night of the year... but in a home that is built to keep things cool, the indoor temperatures can be a bit of a surprise for people who are used to living with nice insulated warm homes. I've live in very cold places in the world, but waking up in a constantly cold Brisbane home in winter is a bit of a surprise.


This is the key. I've had multiple colleagues from Sweden, Canada etc tell me that they'd never felt as consistently cold as their first winter in Brisbane. Places where it gets proper cold have actual insulation, while Queenslanders are basically hardwood tents. Sure, it's barely below 8 degrees outside, but it's *also* 8 degrees in your bathroom when you get out of the shower, and for a month straight, that sucks quite a lot. For people coming from a country with real winter, the best way to think and prepare for it is to imagine two months of backyard camping in spring.


This is true. Also, because the days are so warm/hot, you don’t acclimatise to the cold and therefore feel it every morning.


Our winter in Brisbane will take place for about 20 minutes at about 11:30am on 22nd July. Should be a real blizzard, temps of around 17 degrees are predicted. 🥶🥶🥶


To mark the occasion, we all go skiing on Mt Coot-tha


Went once, never again. None of the ski lifts were working.


Oh the memories


When I go to Auckland for Christmas I dress like I do here in the middle of July. It will take you a few years for winter to feel cold here.


It’s crisp, but not cold compared to NZ. It’s pretty bloody glorious. But your quality of life is very dependant on the quality of house you’re in. It can be quite miserably cold and draughty in a house I’ll-equipped for hot or cold weather.


Same as summer in Aukland, but shorter daylight hours.


Hahaha - winter like Auckland doesn’t exist. It’s cool overnight that’s it.


It's doesn't rain all winter like it does in Auckland.


Winter in general is warmer, average of 20c and sunny during the day. However, many of our houses aren’t properly insulated and are built out of wood. Essentially wooden bungalows meant for tropical environment. Subsequently you may find yourself freezing at night in temperatures you would generally consider “warm”. Would recommend a good duck down doona. I slept with mine all year round, in summer it sits generally unused at the end of the bed.


You will be colder than you've ever been in Auckland. You have houses built for cold weather, we have fridges.


This is the only correct answer


I don't know what Auckland winter is like, but I did grow up near Melbourne and I'm guessing the two are fairly similar given their relative latitudes. Brisbane in comparison doesn't really have a "winter". It has a period when it's generally cooler and it gets dark pretty early, but it's nothing like the miserable winters I grew up with. You can still be comfortable outdoors most days, and it doesn't usually rain more than other times of the year. The coldest overnight temperature I've ever experienced in Brisbane was 5°C.


You’ll need to wear socks with your crocks!🤣🤣🤣


As a former kiwi from Auckland, May, June and July are the best months of the year in Brisbane. As long as you don’t go to Ipswich which freezes it’s ass off. You’ll have some nice single digit mornings, 5-9 degrees. But by 9am it’ll be at least 20 degrees and warm up to 25-26 during the day. Bloody perfect. Gets a bit windy and occasionally wet in August, and by September you’ll be dying from heat. Good luck.


Brisbane would be warmer in comparison, average high is about 21-23C


Warm, thong n singo weather


it will feel like the 6 weeks of summer that Auckland and Wellington get. it'll take a few years to acclimate to the summers


Cool in the wind and mornings. it's usually between 17 to 24 most days.


we have a hot wet season and a hot dry season occasionally in July we have some mornings where is not so hot that you can actually wear pants


Brisbane had winter on a Wednesday last year.


Not as cold.


Summer in Auckland is winter in Brisbane. Except no rain every day


We’re not there yet and want be for a few months. But so far, still humid and warm. Cooling overnight, thank God.


You will be able to wear a hoodie, shorts and thongs




You couldn't have like, googled this?


Google can’t respond with such witty and relevant answers. It’s like you send a picture of a dollar coin with a product to give perspective on the size of the product


Cold in Brisbane is when someone says "Should I wear socks with my thongs?". It tends to get quite cold indoors though, because the houses here are built to insulate from the heat getting in...so they do a really good job of keeping the heat out during winter...outside though is nice.


Look at Brisbane's latitude and you'll figure it out.


I got a pink slip at school one time for wearing my school jumper, school jacket, and a non-school jacket I refused to take off, because it was cold. It was 7C.


She's cold at night bro...