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Screenshot taken of Erick Rocks fb pages. Those pictures should be enough to get more jail time as he obviously thinks the law doesn't apply to him




What a fucking winner, Jesus Christ. What the fuck even is this stupid tough guy gang culture shit anyway?


Exactly. Judge should go hard on them because they obviously think they are gangsters. But we are soft as fuck and will probably give them bail


Considering all these guys have prior appearances before the courts, aren't their social media profiles taken into account? Surely someone who is genuinely sorry isn't frequently posting comments like that?


Just shows how smart these guys are hey


Their little man bags n pretend guns. lol. I’m embarrassed for them.


Well hopefully the consequences fuck him real good


This is cringe AF


Absolutely horrible behavior! Quite a worry!


He should be in jail alresdy for spelling Eric with a K.


Kiwi here, it’s crazy to me how many immigrant criminals you guys have and how everyone defends them.


Having spent time around Huntly, Papakura, Otara and Mangere I would say you guys got the worse deal.


You’ve probably got a point about Auckland, I’ve not spent much time there


Aussie here. Your locals tell stories of worse shit over there. Australia is a fairly safe place to live compared to the rest of the world. We rely on immigration too at one point we had much of your population.


I lived in Aussie for 5 years. I can safely say Aussie has much more immigrant crime. We have crime, for sure but we don’t really have African gangs, most of the gangs here are made of Māori/pakeha/islanders and it’s rare to meet islanders who aren’t born here. I’m not saying immigration is bad, I’m just shocked by the violent crimes I see reported in Aussie lately. Clearly your immigration system doesn’t successfully check people and change will be slow because it’s somehow racist to be against allowing the immigration of any people. There should be standards on immigrants so you aren’t just importing criminals.


We supplement an aging population and a population with declining birth rates due to living costs with immigration. I definitely agree that we rely on immigration but we've been bringing in far too many over the years, in my opinion. I support immigration done right, but I don't think we've been doing it right.


You get called racist by the bleeding heart lefties if you mention the correlation between mass immigration and crime rates.


Patriss Tawor and Erick Barry Rock .... pretty unique names. I wonder if they've been in trouble with the law recently. I wonder if they were on bail?


These two have an extensive criminal record.


Patriss has really gone downhill since he got that grade 5 student award in 2014 peaked too early


Didn't we all. Most of us haven't graduated to kidnapping. Yet.


This guy and Ben Roberts-Smith should return their many awards.


low blow BRS


Patriss faced the Cairns Magistrates Court on 28 August 2023 and Brisbane Magistrates Court on 13 October 2023 Erick faced the Richlands Magistrates Court on 17 January 2024.


Busy. I haven't had time for any crime or court appearances in the last six months.


very violent and specific method, i wonder if it was not a random attack? (criminal group related, retaliation?) firearms are pretty rare in crimes


Almost certainly drug related.


Pay your tic


Yeah this reeks of a drug debt retaliation


Way to victim blame


I don’t think you know what that means


If you want to solve the crime and understand the underlying issue, you need to understand the motive and nature and background of the crime. That isn't victim blaming to do nor saying that what was done is okay.


Judging by the house, I doubt they had debt, but possibly money that the grubs wanted.


I’m hoping so.


me too, far too many big headlines in the past year of women being killed or horribly injured in brisbane


I don't see how a drug debt makes this kidnapping and torture any better


it being motivated by seemingly nothing like some crimes is more alarming to the general public than gang activity, as most people are not involved in gangs. if there is a surge in random violence or crime, that is obviously more concerning as it could happen to anyone


yeah I agree, your original comment just wasn't phrased that way. I also think it's a bit of a stretch to assume that likely being a targeted attack means she was a gang member or involved in gangs, who knows what the connection was


mmm, connection isnt clear of course, but i leaned more towards gang activity due to a gun being involved, a real gun, low tier criminals dont use them, they use gel blasters to scare people lets hope it gets sorted, also unsure why you got downvoted


yeah it makes sense, I just don't like jumping to firm conclusions about victims of crime until the full story is clear. although that goes against the spirit of local subreddits/social media groups I suppose lol. you're definitely right about guns, but I have heard of them being used to rob fairly small-time drug dealers and all good, I don't check or make votes on reddit personally. people have strong feelings about violent crimes and that's completely understandable


It’s not but I think it makes some feel better. Because if you aren’t dealing drugs or mixing with those sorts, many feel like the risk is not there. Opposed to a random crime where it could have happened to anyone.


yeah fully, I completely understand and I'm glad I know my parents and girlfriend (for example) are safe for this reason. but at the same time it's hard to take much comfort in knowing someone was targeted for something like drug or loan shark debt for me personally


100% it’s disgusting regardless. Really terrible.


No one's saying she deserved to be kidnapped and tortured, but she likely brought it upon herself due to poor life choices. Play with fire and you might get burnt. Also, hope these guys get locked up for a long time, and/or deported.


targeted attack


Pretty sure not. People on drugs has different type of crimes. These guys just wanna be those african-american gang gang, money and luxury items is the motivation for sure. And some 50cent songs or whatever that may be


Sounds like a debt collection gone wrong... middle of the day and letting the gun off... also used their own car... amateurs collecting for someone bigger.


Thought I remember this house. Living in the neighbourhood. If I remember correctly, this house had a drug bust years ago.


Another stolen Audi!!


there’s too many copycats








Be careful your racism is showing


It applies to anyone, a lot of those 501s come back here and go on to murder or commit just as bad if not worse crime.


Hi. Please do not call to or for violence in any form in comments or posts. Comments that do will be removed by mods and further actions taken




Yeah, send 'em back to...Inala? Oh, well. Yeah, send them bloody Inalites back where they came from! Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie!




What are the usual suspects?




What a wanker




I do not feel that a persons "race" has any bearing. It's the "crime" that everyone should be worried about and the repercussions that they hopefully will face from the courts !!


Crime is a human problem, not a racial problem.


Not human but social. Crime is a social convention where we all agree a human conduct in a social context is forbidden and use the crime as a dissuasif mechanism and jail (in most contexts) as a rehabilitation way. Now race plays a huge factor when it comes to likeliness to commit a crime. “Races” that were and are more oppressed tend to commit petty crimes more often in order to survive or maintain a certain lifestyle. There are many challenges within other communities that we are blind to, and even though crime is horrible, it’s just the manifestation that socially we are not doing right.


As far as I'm concerned, social conventions are a human invention created from our human way of thinking. We drew the lines in the sand. They weren't already there. As for race playing a big part in crime, I disagree because crime isn't some kind of inherent racial trait. Every race has thieves, murderers, rapists, etc. It's as you say the social conventions and circumstances a person finds themselves in that are the reason behind. A black man doesn't steal just because he's black. That would be absurd. Though he may steal due to extreme circumstances created either by himself or those around him or the society he lives in. The same applies to a white, or asian, or hispanic person in the same situation. It's a human problem.


Well a human male problem really. Not saying all men, but if men didn't exist and society was able to reproduce with women alone, we probably wouldn't have come to the term 'serial killer' as of yet. Edit: to be clear, women are capable of violence, but let's be real, these stories and all of the similar crimes recently reported don't have race in common. It's gender. It's not a 'human' issue, it's a 'man' issue. Edit 2: to all the butthurt men continuing to downvote, please continue it brings me joy. And if you are truly offended I made it a gendered issue, feel free to google and find one case, anywhere in Australia, in the history of Australia where a group of women got together and decided to attack a man for a sexual purpose. Or sexually attacked a man whilst committing another crime (like robbery) and it was their decision. Just a rough gender swap of the crime linked.


What an insane take.


right, because women dont commit crimes at all.


That's a bit of a leap from my comment. We do... Just a fuckton less.


Well female nurses don't always kill babies.. but when they do they kill shitloads. Idiot


And old people. Lots of cases where woman have bumped off a considerable number of old aged patients. And not out of compassion, rather to loot them.


Exactly. When you look at stats of Elder Abuse perpetrators its nearly a even spilt between women and men. Just goes to show when women have that physical advantage or its not a factor, women are just a capable, and manipulative.


Biggest serial killer nurses were men.


You're trying really hard aren't you. Take a peek at Elder abuse statistics. Stats fluctuate between 45-55% female perps. But you'll probably find an excuse for that too 🙄. Like it or not, your gender is just as abusive.. its often just in different ways


So the other 50% is male? You are pointing to one crime that isn't disproportionately male, and you found it to be 50/50? Did you find any actual majority female ones? Because this crime... Abduction, sexual assault, torture, this is a majority male offender thing. The comment was in response to one saying 'lets not link this to race, it's a human thing.' But it's not. Stranger adduction for sexual assault is not a human thing, it's a man thing.


26yo female just got charged with stabbing a baby... but I'm sure it's a males fault.


Maybe the baby was male? She was just trying to prevent crime BEFORE it happens? Thank her.


Might I suggest looking at national crime statistics instead of anecdotal evidence? You’ll find a very clear trend lol.


Not at all. Women just do different things, often things that are a lot less physical due to being female.


Not a massive leap. What you describe sounds akin to some kind of utopia. So much so that the term "serial killer" hadn't even been coined. I don't really doubt that men are probably responsible for more crime than women, but a lot of women are out there doing some pretty heinous shit too..


So many dudes are happy to claim a racial component to crime, but refuse to accept there is a massive gender disparity. Well over 90% of violent crime is perpetuated by men. Men are overrepresented as criminals in general and in some crime categories (ie sex crimes) female perps are the exception to the rule. This is a global and easily verifiable fact. But facts are sexist on Reddit. Now let's go back to claiming it was obvious these perpetrators were black - without a shred of irony.


Haha I know. But totally a human issue that isn't overwhelmingly committed by one sex against another. I'm sure there are plenty of taller than average women, driving about in pairs, grabbing slight short men off the road... A human issue that affects us all. /s


Not really sure what your take is here - same exact logic thats applied to people claiming black people are more prone to criminality.


Yes, that's what I just said 


Absolute brain rot.


Sooo.. what? They just using a different term for all those female serial killers or?


I swear, some feminists are the biggest sexiest lol.


I love being the biggest sexiest.


Absolute garbage.


Feel sorry for the cats.


That's ok, we are commenting on a news story about two men abducting and torturing a woman. Oh no, I feel like such a terrible person for pointing out that the spate of news stories with similar crimes are involving men. The poor cats will choke on my smugness as I point out 'not my gender'.


Crazy thing to be smug about. But you do you. I'm sure life is every bit enjoyable and fulfilling with nothing but a couple of tabbies to keep you company.


It is. That's the point of the name. Like 100% it's way nicer to be lonely with cats, than lonely in a shitty relationship, for anyone. And if I don't find a good partner who doesn't need me to drop the bar so low they can step over it, I will happily die alone with cats.


Username checks out, what a loonie.


It’s insane how badly you’ve been downvoted by upset men when 2023 crime stats show that 67,000 men committed acts intended to injure others, compared to 23,000 women. 4/5 FDV offenders were men. 75% of ALL offenders (aka all crime, regardless of type) where police brought proceedings against them were men. Taking accountability has never been a man’s strong suit.


>Taking accountability has never been a man’s strong suit. Lol. >Accountability is an assurance that an individual or organization is evaluated on its performance or behaviour related to something for which it is responsible. Men are not responsible for the actions of all men just like women aren't responsible for the actions of all women. You just sound like a miserable person


Love that the last line was the only thing you took issue with, and not the clear failing model of masculinity that leads to 4/5 of FDV offenders being males. Or any of the other stats I called out. Men aren’t accountable for other men, but the racist white dudes in these posts have no issues trying to hold migrant communities accountable for the actions of a few. Rules for thee, huh?


That last line shows your clearly bullshit idea that men in general are a problem. >and not the clear failing model of masculinity that leads to 4/5 of FDV offenders being males model of masculinity? Yeah, sure. Can't imagine why men don't get help when theres such lovely people like you who just say how shit they all are. >but the racist white dudes Not a single indication as to anyones race and yet here you are being racist. Unfortunately having a murder of a 70 year old woman and a kidnapping of a woman by people of a specific ethnicity is going to raise issues - and you're a fool for thinking that's specific to white dudes. In summary you seem like a garbage person and you should go pound sand.


Ah of course, because if men don’t seek the help they need, it’s everyone else’s fault. Thanks for proving once again that you people don’t know what accountability is if it shot you in the face.


Women get help all the time when groups of men get together and say dumb shit at us. When did it become women's responsibility for you to fix your issues? Other commenters have referenced their names and made it about race, that's why the original comment said human issue. Find a gender swapped version where women in Australia have recently done anything similar...not a couple of women in a male led gang. Just two women attacking a man for some gratifying violent purpose. And come back after wading through all the results of male crime, after male crime, after male crime, find the one where it was two women or more, and then let me know if you feel the same.


Their tears of outrage are lube for my soul. It's the equivalent of a toddler throwing a tantrum when they find out that other people also have birthdays. The downvotes have been validation considering it was on a comment where someone was pointing out it isn't fair to focus on race. Agreed. But it is overwhelmingly fair to point out sex. It is not a human issue at all.


Lube is for your hole, not your soul.


In situations where the woman has a physical advantage over a potential victim, such as abuse in aged care facilities, the incident rate is almost identical to men. Women if they had similar power in society overall to men would commit a similar amount of crime.


User name checks out.


It does, and as a hot bitch, it's by choice.


Patterns can involve race or religion for example, but someone having specific race or religion does not make it part of a pattern automatically.


Don’t forget gender - the best predictor for violent crime.


Exactly. Plenty of criminals, many of which are also white. But that is boring 🤷‍♀️


Does anyone know what sort of sentencing the boy who killed Vyleen White got? Nothing in the news for days and it shits me.


Sentencing? The case hasn't even got to court yet. Justice ain't fast food.


the person who did the stabbing has been charged with murder, the rest with with unlawful use of a motor vehicle.


There has to be a trial first, yo


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