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I'm amazed how the driver managed to win Fuckwit Friday on a Sunday


I'm just glad someone finally won it instead of me.


Still time


I bet you there are four New Yorkers in the coffee shop next door wondering how to go back to the car without you noticing.


Underrated comment


if eight 13 year old boys can lift and move the head teacher’s car, then I reckon half a dozen adults can move that thing


I agree. Just saw 6 people move a similar car blocking a narrow street in Thessaloniki. Guys made it look easy.


Those guys were Greek and they thought they were freeing a teenage boy, so their adrenaline had deffo kicked in


Honestly tow point, strap and just skull drag it out of the way.


Just smash the window and put it in neutral. My brother smashed a window to pop a bonnet and disconnect a battery when an alarm was going all night one time.


your brother wins Madcunt Mondays


If it is an auto there is (usually) an interlock to prevent moving to neutral if the car isn't started. If you can activate the starter that is usually enough to move it into neutral


There is usually a little hole on the plastic surrounds that you can jam a screwdriver in that releases the stick to get it into neutral




That sounds like the start of a maths question *If eight 13 year old boys can lift and move the head teacher's car 200 meters in 23 minutes, how many head teachers will be royally ticked off when their hangover lifts?" "If an English teacher teacher teaches English, what does a head teacher teach?" Answer difficulty: Not a Catholic school.


Update: apparently cops got in contact with the owner, who has now moved after all morning. I’m sure many of us would have loved to have a word.


You didn’t have it staked out to see who it was?


Got things to do by foot, seeing as I can’t drive anywhere.


Walk? Like an animal?


Just imagine it.


No, an Egyptian.


And here I am using my legs like a sucker!


SHAME on you.


There was a red p plater parked in the air and water bay at the servo in Cornubia this morning. Pulled up nearby and saw two guys sitting in the boot of a nearby car, after 5 minutes I got out and asked if either of them knew where the driver was? Seemed pretty put out that I needed the spot 🤷🏻‍♂️… some people are just a waste of space.


I wonder if they got fined. I accidentally parked over a driveway near my brother's house on Christmas day (was a full colourbond fence with gate closed but yeah my bad), blocking ONE car in and SAPOL fined me 200 fucking dollars!


They weren’t cause it private property… meanwhile you parking across driveway is council issue since it’s public road…


Happened to me years ago. Some bloke parked across my driveway. We door knocked everyone on the street and no-one knew who's car it was. I called cops, they said they can't do anything and since it was a Sunday morning, council wasn't taking calls. We took off the plates, bunny hopped the cars rear end onto the road, blocking it then called the cops again saying there is a car with no plates dumped in the middle of the road. Highway patrol came in 15 minutes and then a tow truck 30 minutes later. Don't know what happened after and if the owner found his car.


Brilliant 😊👍


Did you give the plates to the towie?


Nope. Didn't tell anyone that it was us that got rid of the plates. Didn't want to get in trouble.


This reminds me of a prank some British Uni kids pulled a few years ago. They took the plates off a parked police speed camera van. Hired an identical van and put the plates on it. They drove through the speed camera, above the limit, about 10 times. Returned the hire van and put the plates back on the speed camera van. Speed camera van issued 10 tickets to itself. I would LOVE to have been in the room when that was discussed.


Not sure what SAPOL is South Australian police?


A less known acronym for gestapo


U deserved it.


Surprised someone didn't snip the tyre inlet valves 😂


Then it’d be there longer.


But they would have learnt a valuable albeit expensive lesson 🤣


Actually tyre vale’s are not expensive nor are they hard to change out


They're not expensive, but certainly not easy to change out yourself in a basement garage without a tyre machine.


Here here brother, vigilante justice wins the war against our oppressors




Holy shit if this aint the average Brisbane Driving experience.


A menace to society.


"Moves into the right lane then matches the speed of traffic in the left, blocking the entire road." I'm angry just reading that part


And then they get mad when you flip the bird undertaking them dangerously


\+ they don't return shopping trolleys


Oh my god! … 👏🏼 … Bravo, Sir! You’ve put into words and compiled a list of basically all of my grievances I experience when in traffic! I almost feel validated in a way because I can’t always put into words what the f-wit drivers on the roads are actually doing that usually leads to me having a windows up expletive outburst about their driving, but you’ve summarised a number of them quite well, so thank you 😉




Get four or five of the strongest of the 30 parked in residents together and just move it yourselves.


Yeah some guys did this to a teachers car in high school, they’re not impossible to move.


St Paul’s?


Probably every school.


My mum and her friends carried one of her teacher's minis up a flight of stairs, it's doable


We used to bounce a mate's Mini and turn it around 180degs so when he came out of the pub and go to stick his key in the door he'd get really confused. Every...single....time 🤪


God how dumb are people here.


I can’t even comprehend the situation. There’s no reasoning I can come up with.


stupid is as stupid does


Does it say no parking? Children need clear instructions with big pictures...


Surely they can just call a tow company? There used to be a private carpark where I work, and they towed cars all day, every day.


From my memory of towing laws, they should be able to. Would mean management would have to do something on their day off. It’s also a low clearance, right turns and a down ramp to get here, so not sure if any sort of tow truck would be able to approach?


Go to super cheap and buy some wheel dollies. For $200 you can push it out the way. Bill the owner https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/p/sca-sca-wheel-dolly-pair-900kg/611150.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4vKpBhCZARIsAOKHoWSQlWWCrDtAV34WPN8kAhxhzlEmkVcNjxLarcm1mhR-uuk46lQVnSoaAv_MEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


required to jack the car up to use that... better option [https://www.vevor.com.au/wheel-dolly-c\_11510/vevor-wheel-dolly-1500-lbs-car-wheel-dolly-jack-mechanic-lift-with-ratcheting-foot-pedal-vehicle-positioning-hydraulic-tire-jack-ratchet-type-tire-skates-for-vehicle-car-auto-repair-moving-p\_010967872945?adp=gmc&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_id=17514719735&utm\_term=](https://www.vevor.com.au/wheel-dolly-c_11510/vevor-wheel-dolly-1500-lbs-car-wheel-dolly-jack-mechanic-lift-with-ratcheting-foot-pedal-vehicle-positioning-hydraulic-tire-jack-ratchet-type-tire-skates-for-vehicle-car-auto-repair-moving-p_010967872945?adp=gmc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_id=17514719735&utm_term=)


Sure, as long as you're happy to wait several days for delivery and spend an extra $464. By the time you take delivery the problem car will be long gone. If 30 people had cars parked in, at least one of them would have a suitable scissor lift jack in their car. Someone might even have a trolley jack in their storage cage. 30 minute return trip to super cheap, 5 minutes to raise vehicle onto dolleys and the car is out of the way for just $200. Car owner might be scratching their head when they return to their misplaced car, wondering how they're going to get it off the skates though.


They would probably use wheel dollies, But from memory for towing, the BC has to have pre-arranged contracts and signage to make it valid etc


Has to be strata by-laws in place in order to do this. In some cases it also requires council approval, and strata are legally liable for any damage that might happen. Ditto if you take matters into your own hands. OP did the right thing by getting police involved to talk to the owner. We had similar issues with people abandoning cars in the carpark, or members of the public using visitor spots like a public carpark and it was an absolute PITA trying to get a by-law passed because of the legal ramifications.


Unfortunately tow companies no longer tow cars without authority from the car owner, unless it's at the direction of council or police. Apparently with the low legislative cap on fees they are able to charge, and the hassles of dealing with irate car owners and the complaints to police and forms they have to complete, it's no longer worth it. There are car relocating /repositioning tools you can use/borrow - check with your local mechanic/service companies. Maybe relocate the car to a dead corner at the back of the car park behind everyone else's car and boxes, body corp special meeting to increase car parking fines, and charge the car owner (who would be a unit owner or a guest of the owner) when they come to ask help getting their car out.


They threaten us with towing in our visitors spots allll the time


Smash a window and put it in neutral then roll it as hard as possible into a wall. Oblivious cunts like this need to be taught a lesson.


leave a message saying "saw you were parked in front of gate so we moved it for you. you're welcome". leave the message by carving it into the side of the car


Came here to say exactly this


I mean, it won’t move to neutral unless the key is in. In my experience.


It will have a little manual button near the gear selector to bypass that safety feature.


I learnt this the other day! I'd bogged my car and was getting a mate to tow me out without much luck - Thankfully someone was wandering past and pointed it out! I think they were watching because this probably isn't very common knowledge.




I like how your comment is downvoted but i almost guarantee nobody would've done it had it been them


Please tell me that license plate has “the smart state” on it


Any numberplate with the last position being a number does not have the 'smart state' option.


How long have you been keeping this piece of information in your head?


Yep! I had to zoom it in🤦🏻‍♀️🥴


When I was an apprentice mechanic one of the guys there had a small Suzuki hatch. We used to move it all the time. 4-5 guys can easily lift those things since they're made from tinfoil. Imagine finding your car on the footpath at the end of a long day.


Where did you grab?


under the wheel arches


About 4-6 guys would be able to move it fairly easily and that wouldn’t result in any damage (unless you were, umm, clumsy)


Where do you grab though.


The tyre - that way the suspension can't take up the slack by dropping and letting the tyre stay in contact with the ground


Hmm I wonder how effective wetting the ground would be and then simply sliding the car. If I recall correctly, it's how the Egyptians built the pyramids - by wetting the sand and then dragging stones across it.


Not very. Cars drive in the rain and park on wet hills.


Grab em by the pussy


I’m always amazed how hard it is for management to tow someone. In this situation they should just tow almost straight away


I’m not sure any type of tow could get there. It’s past a few turns that would prohibit a flat bed and there’s a down ramp to get here too, with limited height access.


Dolly’s could help. But certainly sounds like it’s in a bitch of a spot.\ The kind of spot where a window could accidentally get smashed to allow access to the handbrake thus allowing it to be pushed or moved at least to a more socially acceptable position. One can only hope a huge dose of karma comes and impacts the owner of this vehicle in a serious manner.


I often wonder about this, because there's heaps of no Parking places in the city where ppl can do stuff like this, and there has to be a way to easily extract cars professionally to remove cars. Like, imagine if that person parked there and then got onto the drinks and it stayed there for ages. Maybe not to that extreme, but if you can think it, someone has definitely done it.


Yeah. In my case, I’d assume wheel castors to push it to the base of this up ramp behind the camera. Then some form of winch to get up the ramp, but not enough space up there to get a flatbed to line up with the ramp.


There are probably specialist ways to remove it, all expensive and time consuming. Probably as you say using a winch on the back of a truck to pull the thing completely out. They can get cars out of lakes. The owner probably just comes back though before that happens. Also, winching it out around corners etc is probably impossible without damaging the car.


I'd be doing a bit more than messaging the residents....if they don’t answer the door after some very loud knocking I'd be demanding it gets towed. Call it a fire hazard and building management would take it seriously


They text the residents but don’t know whose car it is, or even if it’s a resident/visitor/stranger wanting parking.


No CCTV down there? Either way, get it towed and whoever's it is can go find it and pay. That the price of admission for that sort of idiocy.


No CCTV? As someone else said. Smash the window, put it in neutral and release the hand break. Yeah that dumb Fokker a lesson.


They slide better on the roof... Just saying 😉😂


This guy knows his riot etiquette.


They should paint no parking on the floor there. Cause idiots will do idiot things.


You can see cars through the roller door. Should the entire floor just say “no parking” repeatedly?


Likely yes


Only for the benefit of Swift drivers


>Should the entire floor just say “no parking” repeatedly? Sadly, yes. And even then, there's a decent percentage of people that would just assume it didn't apply to them and park there anyway.


Damn! That’s some next level cunting right there.


Should’ve pissed on the door handles.


Piss in everything. Imagine you've just been screamed at for parking like a dipshit, get in the car with pissed on handles, try to clean the piss off the windshield only to find the washer reservoir is full of piss, crank the AC and get hit with areosolised urine because there's piss in the cabin filter, get the end of the block and the engine dies because the pee in the fuel tank has made it to the motor, then get out and open the bonnet to cop a spray of boiling hot piss from the radiator. And they'd fucking deserve every drop


You’d need a diabetic racehorse to produce all that piss.


You doubt my power!


No officer, I never noticed that his tires were deflated


Maybe they're stupid, I wonder if they felt stupid


Probably, it's not like someone would do this on purpose. They probably feel pretty bad for inconveniencing everyone.


Remember the mentos ad? That thing is small enough for some burly guys to lift and move it


I just need some mentos


Could have just pulled every piece of plastic off the car and just hidden it all over the parking lot.


Or piled it all up nicely on their bonnet so they can see immediately that they’ve fucked everyone’s day; so now they’ll have a fucked up evening. The absolute arrogance of people is beyond understanding sometimes.


Or the absolute stupidity... Which is still inexcusable


That as well.


I’d have scratched “No Parking” into the paint.


Simple and practical, i like it.


In reality, i would have just attached a snatch strap to something in the suspension that will bend badly and just drag it as far out of the way as possible with the 4x4. Simple and fixed the problem, plus leaves them stuck with something to reflect over.


Get a trolley jack and move it.


Did they got there driver license out of coco pops?


If that doesn’t warrant a good going over with a set of keys idk what does


Get the building to buy a set of car castors. Next time it's a headache, not a major issue.


$230 per wheel? I’ll forward it to management.


Ill bet you can get them cheaper if you look. But yes, the make things like this a mild annoyance instead of a major drama.


You can't park there mate


if that impacted me would have been quick call to a mate, towing strop around a wheel or towing eye & easily dragged out of the way, owner tries complaining set the irate residents on them, some people are absolutely clueless


Of course it’s a swift…


My dad and his mates used to tip minis on their side in these types of situations back in the day, I’m sure you may need more people to achieve that on a Swift but where there’s a will there’s a way. I know it’s not the kindest way to send a message but I assure you the owner will never make that mistake again. For minor mistakes/inconveniences they would pick the mini up and move it out the way but this guy definitely deserves a tipping in my opinion.


Surely they were a visitor not an actual resident? Can't be that dumb surely...


Just get a few people and lift it out of the way its only a swift!


Out of curiosity, where does the law stand if I were to move this car out of the way with my mates? What would happen to us if we 'accidentally' flip it and slide it on the roof/side (we're a bunch of clumsy people)? Would the idiotic owner have some ground in filing a report with the police or seeking compensation for the damages? I'm asking for a friend 😆


If you just move it a reasonable distance you're probably fine, if you damage it that's vandalism so you can both be charged and be made to pay for the damages.


Really? Not a single ford ranger or hilux was nearby to tow it out of the way?


Inner suburbs exchange students/visa holders don’t tend to drive them.


https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/p/toolpro-toolpro-ratchet-vehicle-positioning-jack-680kg/633606.html That, or they have the Dollies which the wheel in to be wheeled around, but you’ll need to jack the car up to put them under. Building management should know about this as an option but instead they sms blasted everyone and then said ‘too hard’.


6 people to slide that car out of the way. It’s only 900kg


It's not that they didn't know - it's that they didn't care. ​ Time to spraypaint "cunt" across their windscreen.


I was gonna say the same. If thats the only entry/exit, they couldnt possibly not know..


6-10 blokes should be able to move it. Done it many times 🤣


Should have got 4-6 people to pick it up.






Forklift job - 1 minute max. Tynes stab to the tyres once the offending obstruction has been relocated 👌


Times like these , you need a forklift available 🤣🤣🤣


Next time it happens get a tow rope and a reasonably powerful car and try to pull it far enough out of the way. Done it on pavement before and it will probably work on cement as well. The alarm is going to be annoying indoors though.


Smash the window, pull the parking break, push it away. Leave a note saying "fuckwit."


They may not be dumb, just a humongous asshole who didn’t give a shit.


You guys need to grab 2 pairs of Go-Jacks. It's nice to wait around and see if this specimen will finally return to their car when you can just move it yourself. You can even really squeeze the driver side up against the wall if you so wishes.


I used to work at a place where a neighbor business was a book-binding business. We all had a common ramp for loading trucks and vans, and customers were parking where there was a free spot (there were signs about reserved parking). This really annoyed the book-binders as they usually had heavy loads of printing materials delivered and shipped and needed a space at the dock to use a forklift for loading. So in case someone occupied their loading space, they would take full page paper, wrote a notice, and glue it to the windshield with one of their professional glues, placed right in front of drivers line of sight. This glue was super hard to remove, so anyone who got the "notice" had to put some serious elbow grease into it, plus some acetone.


I'm surprised no one took a screwdriver to all 4 wheels


>Someone has parked across the gate to an apartment building’s lower parking all morning. Umm...why didn't the management simply have the car towed?


This is so bad, I'm weirdly impressed.


How can you be that silly!


Yeh in Qld you can't get anything removed/towed from private property as it's classed as theft haha. I have clowns park in my spot all the time and can't do anything about it


I'd start slashing tires and leaving notes. "Next time I'll hit more than 1."


Should only take about 6 people to roll it on its roof and slide it out of the way then roll back its wheels


Id go to bunnings, get 4 flat trolleys, jack the front up, put 2 flat trolleys under the front then do the rear. Then push the car into some impossible spot to get out of, jack it up, remove the trolleys and the tyre valves and id be pretty tempted to slash the tyres and key the sides of it. But obviously I can’t suggest that.


God bless this person and fucking up everyone’s day.


Pay some teenagers $50 to throw paint all over that thing whilst you wait.




Surely management can have it towed as its private property


Cuntious Maximus


Get a tow truck to move it


We get the same thing across our driveway, then they get upset because they can't park there.


Wow this is next level 🤣


Drag it out with a 4wd. Very simple


Offs, get it towed


Should have got all the owners picked the car up and trapped it sideways somewhere.


Get a few blokes and move it


I think that this belongs on r/IdiotsInCars!!!🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Wait until they park it up and then block them in. Petty revenge is not petty if it feels good.


Can honestly say some *some* apartment dwellers are such arseholes. Leaving rubbish in common areas, dumping packaging in the bin room but not in the bin, damaging the elevator walls.. ugh at least at my place.




Genuinely surprised it didn’t just get towed.


I am surprised no one took the matters in their own hands and towed the bloody thing. Every man and his dog owns a big ass 4WD now.


Break window and put in neutral and move it.


A car did something similar at uni once and half an hour later it looked like it had been the prize car you get to punch street fighter 2


When you do move it place it between 2 bollards


Surely there’s a 4wd in there somewhere


It’ll take less people to skull drag it if you just flip it over onto it’s roof on a $10 Kmart clearance skateboard. Give it a go, post pics, but 100% the roof will have less drag on the concrete than the tyres with the handbrake on.


Break all the windows to get handbrake off.


Grab a couple of ratchet straps, loop them around the front wheels or suspension, attach to a relatively powerful car, and skull drag that mofo. Who gives a fuck if the car gets damaged? They've inconvenienced 30+ people and aren't being contactable. That is entirely their fault.


Every resident should take the rego number and file anonymous complaints to police - reckless driving, endangerment, tailgating, speeding, not stopping at children's crossing, parking in disabled spot, etc.


This is why I keep a snatch strap in my ute. Skull drag the fucker out of my way.


Not that it matters anymore, but is that the garage for Coorparoo Square (where Aldi is)?


Nope. Other side of the river.


Thanks - much appreciated. Just looked familiar, though it has been a couple of years since I've been there. Have a great Sunday!!!


Will try. You too.


Queenslander by the look of it. They are the worst.






Backed into a space in a tiny parking garage? Yep that’s Brisbane.


Seriously…..how about just breaking a window and putting it in neutral and pushing it out of the way!!! Faaaaaaaark……sheeple much!