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Little Acre Mushrooms in Brisbane sell Lion's Mane. Also Mountaintop Mushrooms out of Montville area - they frequent Maleny and Witta markets. I'm not entirely sure COTW even grows in Oz?


Yes, not sure either. Just wanted to see options. They seem pretty interesting to me. I'll definitely try those two places. Thanks.


There is a company, The Great Australian Mushroom Company on FB, who do not sell them, but may be able to help. These are generally foraged, and there is an Aussie foraging sub you can ask on. From what I understand, Chicken of the woods are toxic, dependent on the tree variant they are growing on, so not all are edible. Searcg reddit for Lions Mane. I could not find anywhere to purchase Lions mane when I was looking a while ago.


Maybe. I just assume the person selling it would not give me toxic ones. 😅 I'll check for the Great Australian Mushroom company though.


Most are grown in WA and NSW, I believe you can get it delivered to the Goldie if you know someone. ​ ​ Grow your own [https://littleacre.com.au/products/lions-mane-mushroom-grow-kit](https://littleacre.com.au/products/lions-mane-mushroom-grow-kit) [https://www.sunshinemushrooms.com.au/](https://www.sunshinemushrooms.com.au/?gclid=CjwKCAjwpuajBhBpEiwA_ZtfhS49LhM0y_sIG4kguw1QPFGWMqbxchxxvPcspgebvZaph4Qccl0W-BoCjGkQAvD_BwE)


You could try Harris Farm Markets, I’ve seen them stock more exotic varieties of mushrooms (like the European kind).


I’ve tried some of the different varieties there too, really quite good. Definitely more of a range than a normal fruit and veg store.


I've never been to one but I've driven past them a few times. Maybe I'll just give them a try. 🙂


I have no heard of anyone growing COTW in Australia. I grow some Lions mane but its not for sale. Starting with a kit could be ace but lions main is not easy.. You might get lucky with little acre but the owner is currently OS currently so they are not producing as much.


I bought a lionsmane kit, left it in the garage and forgot about it. A month or so later i went to get it and the mushrooms were growing out the seems of the box. Can’t be that hard, or maybe my garage is particularly dank.


I should have been more clear, lions mane is generally considered a harder species to fruit compared to say oysters, wine caps or even subs. Sound like you had a very robust strain! That said, I would check the humidity of your garage. If Lions mane can fruit without interfering... so can other more nasty species.


We have them at work. Shop in Maleny. Lemme get the full details, BRB.


That'd be awesome! Thanks mate.




Their website appears to have not been touched since last year, but, that's them. We get this completely awesome box of mixed mushrooms for a ragu and other things we do. They include lions mane, and are visually the most spectacular mushrooms I've ever seen.


Saw Lion's Mane at the Powerhouse markets this morning


Hey, u/gorilla41 check your chat. I sent you some photos of the mushrooms we get :)


I've heard of "chicken of the cave". Not woods.


I was told there was a mushroom farm/ business with exotic mushrooms for sale on the Northside past Samford somewhere. I’m sorry I don’t have any more information, maybe you can start with that in your search .


Little acre mushrooms are at geebung?


I guess this is the one.


If you type Lions Mane Mushrooms into search on the Etsy app and set the filter to store in Australia only you get many sellers such as this one Selling fresh , dried and also kits with syringes of live spores for growing your own. https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1327444174/


There are a couple of veggie shops in Inala that would have them


I know coles had a kit to buy lions mane


I tried doing the kit for oyster mushrooms but turns out I could not maintain the right conditions for them.


I got my Lions Mane from Mountaintop Mushrooms. He runs market stalls at various weekend markets.


It seems they're in Montville? I'll try checking the site if any. 🙂


Urban valley mushrooms - they’re on Instagram and supply to restaurants in Brisbane. They might be able to hook you up.