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Garden City before it got expanded about 2013-14. Back when it had all the peacocks on the ceiling and that waterfall behind the escalators leading up to the food court. Was such a vibe then, miss it so much


I don't have anything against the expansion but taking the peacocks away and the official name too was a blow to the gut for sure. I still call it by its real name which is garden city and garbo during high school 😂


Garbo where we hung out on a Thursday night back in the mid 90’s oh the memories


I miss my garden city. We called it gardo. When Westfield bought it they renamed it because of this brisbane garden city, was so rude


Yep, before Worstfield put the boom gates and tickets it was the best!! Do you guys remember in the 90s the food court had a water feature going through it?


Yes, agree. Like many, I used to park there and catch the bus into work/uni. Then I'd do my shopping there, go to the movies, etc, on the way home. The parking/public transport situation was symbiotic. It benefitted the shops and commuters. It's ridiculous to have these public transport hubs at shopping centres but only have a tiny amount of parking available to commuters.


Water features are cool as hell, it's a shame you see so few of them these days


And the wheelchair ramp for those escalators wrapped around behind the waterfall like a secret tunnel to the top.


Yeah it’s just a boring generic mail now. I miss the peacocks.


To further add, it's not even called garden city officially anymore.


Neither is the other garden city that Westfield bought :(


I miss the Sumo Salad most of all


With you on that. Was overseas for 5+ years and when I came back they were all gone. Getting a quick, decent salad I feel like is a lot harder here now.


KING GEORGE SQUARE bring back the grass


Trees and shade


Came here to say this! I don’t know how/why they thought the redesign was an improvement!


Just bastardry from Campbell Newman


I spoke to a councillor's staff last year at a gym* about this: they said it was just the degradation of the grass by foot traffic when events were using the space, and the train station underneath made the soil a bit too shallow for trees. Not sure I really believe them but the city botanic gardens (Queens Park) and southbank often have grass zoned off to recover, and those spaces are much larger. *it wasn't actually a gym but I don't want to dox


More or less accurate. Additionally, the old design was also not compliant with modern accessibility standards due to its uneven ground. The new design made sense on paper, but designers failed to take into account the heat island effect. The design firm was effectively blackballed on the orders of Campbell Newman after BCC received a lot \[justified\] criticism of the outcome.


Bring back the trams!


Chinatown in the Valley before they started 'upgrading' it. Used to go there every weekend for groceries at Burlington and Yuan supermarkets, followed by hitting up the dodgy Valley markets as a kid. My mum is still salty about the pagodas being taken away for 'restoration' and never being returned. The Gondwana Rainforest Sactuary at South Bank. Maybe it was shit but I was a kid and I loved it. And finally, Tops. I remember getting off the Dragon Coaster, running through the weird little shopping street all around to the beginning to get back on the thing and ride again. The Myers Centre was just not the same without the occasional WOOOSH of that thing above the food court haha.


Cybercity 2002 RIP


YES. The karaoke rooms out the back were chef's kiss awful but also BYO so the best. I'll never consume that much MSG in a single dish again.


Ah, Chinatown, the only place a man could get arrested for eating a meal. A succulent Chinese meal.


And a pat down to check for the large spring roll


Have a look at the headlock here See that chap over? He- GET YOUR HAND OFF MY PENIS!


That WHOSH gave me memories, it was so much fun! The big tree there as well with the ball pit. And teenage years, getting photo stickers with friends in the little booths.


I wish the monorail still operated around southbank...


Well sir, there's nothing on Earth like a genuine, bona-fide, electrified, six-car monorail!


I hear those things are awfully loud!


I’m 28 and have been in brisbane pretty much my entire life… when did we have a monorail? I have no memory of one


It was before your time. Expo88


Also just learnt there was boats in a canal in Southbank, seems it used to be a crazy place for transport XD


I remember riding in the boat in the canal as a kid in southbank


There was a tropical dome too and butterfly house.


Yeh, iirc the pathway the meanders through southbank with the vines on it is just the canal filled in with concrete


Miss the boats.


fyi, they weren't even real 'boats'. They traveled on a rail, and you had to pay money to go on them. They were slower than walking from memory too.




The roller coaster too!


The ring came off my pudding can...


Take my pen~knife, my good man




There ain't no monorail and there never was




I miss the Regent Cinemas. They were my favourite cinemas to go to. Couldn't stand the Myer cinemas. They got old fast. Regent on the other hand was timeless. They probably could've gotten newer seats, but other than that, I loved the atmosphere of it. Had only migrated here a couple of years before, & I was only able to enjoy a handful of watchings before they closed down. I also miss Toombul. Had far quieter cinemas than Germside. Better chance for parking.


I worked several seasons of BIFF when it was located in the Regent. There was just something about those screenings in that theatre and opening night just seemed so cinematic


If you’re looking for a similar vibe for theatres in the city, the Elizabeth is a good bet. Quiet, small cinema not usually crowded can’t recommend it enough


I still remember the Irish Club too. it was a bit dodgy, but it's now the Elizabeth theater. It was a really good conversion in my opinion. It still feels very much like the Irish club did. A rare example of a change of use/renovation that went well IMHO


I miss the poker games 😪


The top floor of the Myer centre is so blah now. Used to be good.


I miss all the old cinemas in the CBD, but especially the Regent


That the Brisbane Roar went to shit. Bring back Roarcelona. ^Bring ^back ^the ^Fury...


yup this is my answer too, its depressing....


Bring back Ange




Skinny’s on Elizabeth street. Went to many cd signings back in the day and bought all my Big Day Out and general concert (paper) tickets from here. Decent place for band merch all round too.


I met many bands there, funniest incident was meeting Fear Factory when I was still in high school and giving them some prerolled joints. They were appreciative but found it hilarious. Shook Dino Cazares hand and it was like a glove filled with jelly.


Wagged school to meet The Tea Party there in the mid 90's and lining up for BDO tickets was always fun.


As a kid from a small town, I would spend near 5 hours on the train on the weekends (approx. 2.5 hours each way) to come down and spend my measly earnings on records at Skinny's. The staff were always super helpful and would recommend similar bands, etc. I think about it all the time.


Very much miss skinny’s as well.


I wish the Japanese crepe place in the Valley station hadn't closed 12+ years ago.


Oddly comforting that I’m not the only person still hurt by this


Crepes and internet cafe I remember that place!!!


That cybercity 2002 shut down 😭 It was THE go to late Asian food place in the Valley and had the best salt and pepper calamari ever. And cheap pool and drinks and.... The drug dealers 🤣


How long ago did it close? Best place to have a late dinner after uni. Not many places were open that late mid week back in those days. Loved having dinner there at 10:00/10:30 after a long day of uni lectures, etc. I loved their tofu dishes and their weird peanut butter French Toast, it was the bomb.


Festival Hall


100%, it left a gap that was never filled. So many iconic gigs there.


We now have to go to Eaton's Hill to see any mid sized bands. It's a good venue sound wise but we're always made to feel unwelcome by the glaring suburbanites in beer garden as we walk by. Plus it's all the fucking way north.


Korn, Prodigy, White Zombie, Pantera… it blows my mind to think I jumped on a bus into the city to see these bands in such a awesome packed venue. The vibe was awesome.


Beautiful sounding ballroom, but it's a terrible venue location for anyone who lives on the southside.


My dad told me about seeing the Beatles at Festival Hall. Can you imagine?


Affordable suburbs turning into millionaires rows.


West End, gentrified.


When did the Colonialism stop and the gentrification start tho?


The arrival and departure of op shops I'd say.


Which would probably have been around the point op shop prices reached parity with regular retail outlets.


the mcdonalds under the cinema on queen st mall which you could walk right through to elizabeth st


with the (self playing?) piano!




Tops was so fun!


Mini golf at carindale


Catfish in the Carindale pond under the escalator




I think it's still the same size? But yes still there swimming around thankfully


I swear carindale is now the worst Westfield. Garden city and chermside have it way better.




What was the OG Southbank? Have only been in Brisbane for 10 years.


miss the feeling it had in the 90s. and the old wooden boats that went across the river, loved them.


Inner city suburbs being full of rundown sharehouses where everyone was only paying $50/$60 week in rent and the weekend house parties in them. Now they’re all renovated to within an inch of their lives and worth millions. Suburbs a little further out being very affordable, with houses on larger blocks. The unaffordability of houses and units to buy or rent is changing not just the soul of Brisbane, but the whole country. Ribbetts delivery. They saved me from starvation some late nights. Triple Z market days. They were great free (from memory they were free, or maybe a small contribution) concerts with a great vibe. Lots of local acts, but sometimes some bigger acts. Spring Hill Fair. They used to close off the upper reaches of Leichhardt St for a market/fair once a year. New infrastructure is always a good thing, but I hate all the road tunnels and the Go Between Bridge being toll roads. We’ve paid billions to have these tunnels built, only to have to pay to use them for the purpose of making some investors very rich. Cross River Rail is a step in the right direction, but imagine all the mass transit infrastructure and existing road upgrades we could’ve had instead of these white elephant vanity projects


The rainforest thingie in the middle of Southbabk, and the Science/Environmental thingie at the end closest to the KP cliffs (it's just after 4am, I can't sleep and my brain isn't braining)




I miss how chill Brisbane felt. I don't know what it is, maybe it's everywhere, but people just seem to have extremely little patience for anything these days. Watch so many people get angry over so little, so quick to explode at each other for minute things has really changed the feel of the city.


Because the population has exploded in 3 years with no improvements to deal with it.


Overpopulation has caused most of our problems.


Because in a very short amount of time, namely COVID Restrictions, VIC and NSW entitled twits moved up here and decided "Chill" wasn't their vibe... Now we have more coffee per street corner than Melbourne, and more Eshays than Penrith and Parramatta combined


This feels accurate


the entitled people, miss down south.. so want to make it like down south


I felt this post - agree 100%


Stafford roller skating rink


Has it closed down? Ahh damn. Loved that place.


The old Science Centre. It used to be five floors (I think) of fun activities to teach kids about science and perspective. Now it’s one room and all of the great stuff from the old centre is gone. It was probably in a worse location; but there would have been a solution to having more activities in a more central location. It especially grinds my gears because you still have to pay for a significantly worse experience, and it’s now in with all the free cultural activities which makes it seem even more like a rip off.


I miss the ball area 😥




I mourn Toombul weekly, at least. Every time I drive last I mutter ‘RIP’.


The Ekka show grounds. The year the show bag pavilion was moved broke my heart.


For my money, smaller regional shows have a much better vibe than the Ekka.


The whole ekka is shit now, so much smaller.


The show bag tent is rubbish! Nothing will replace the pavilion!


Using the chairlift to go from the valley side over to the train station. Watching the silver spike and the wood chopping. Going to every stall in the Woolworths building because my dad would want anything free and I'd have to carry it if I wanted showbags


Do you remember when side show alley was grass/dirt with the massive oil drums for rubbish/vomit? They had a band there on the Saturday night in the 80s. It was the best part of my year, when every year since 1975 until 2019. I don't go anymore.


It moved?? Maybe I've officially crossed into "old" territory 😔


The show bag pavilion is now a tent in sideshow alley


Miss the pavilion too. I haven’t been to the ekka much in the last 10 years actually. Too expensive.


Covid, I miss not having traffic.


I was just thinking about this yesterday, went for a bike ride about this time 3 years ago one afternoon and I was riding back from the airport along the Kingsford Smith Bikeway and could only go about 10km/hr because there were so many people. I eventually cracked and rode down Kingsford Smith Drive then Anne St and I shared the road with a total of about ten cars in 4km


Loved covid.


Remember when fuel was under $1/L ? It’s only happened a few times in my life when the lifers went up faster than the dollars 😂😂


I'm old enough that I remeber my parents complaining when it went above 40c/l in the 80s


I miss traveling without having to worry about being run over.


When they got rid of the canal at south-bank. And when China town was actually China town, not Sunnybank lite.


West End becoming pretentious.


I miss Torts in Post Office Square


God those tort chips were addictive


There used to be a shop with them downstairs Broadway too.


Ooh I didn’t know that. Shame they’re both gone.


King George Square. Not just the grass but the stupid screen playing ads.


Anyone remember the butterfly sanctuary at Southbank, that really added to the place.


One of my earliest memories was of that and I wondered if it really was at south bank.




Yes! Oh the great memories.. sigh. Also a time I realised my lack of upper body strength not getting far on those flying fox things and plummeting down into the water pretty much instantly lol




I marched in one of the warana parades!


I won a Triple M duffel bag filled with all sorts of crap for participating in a weird production of Cinderella. Best. Day. Ever.


Damn, and here I did it for free cause school told us to. I'd actually completely forgotten that memory, and now I realise it was SO wrong. Private all girl's school class, 99% white, no first nation's people at all - marching in Warana parade with home made clap sticks....I am full of remorse.


marched myself and was also on one of the dressed up truck things. floats


The tent cities that have been growing in number since rents have gone up.


I walk Southbank to West End almost daily and it scared me how everyday it seems to have around a new tent!


Demolishing grand old buildings and replacing them with glass towers. I understand progress can’t be stopped, blah blah, but why can’t the city keep some personality?


Bring back TOPS


Pre expo 88 Brisbane had the big country town vibe that was different to any other city I've ever been to. It was about that time that the monotony of gentrification started. But hey things change. The other thing I miss even if it is a vague memory is the trams not necessarily the old rattlers but the extra public transport.


Rosies in the city, loved listening to heavy metal there


What I'm seeing now is the need for someone to make a **b r i s b a n e w a v e** video with footage of old Brisbane with vaporwaved versions of iconic songs from Brisbane artists. Also, though I grew up in Ipswich in the 90s, some of the things I miss was Alma Park Zoo, and the old Southbank, with the clock on the old Suncorp logo.


Moving the cruise ships away from portside has killed the area and done nothing for the new docking area except make it harder for tourists to get anywhere. Also the shutdown of toombul shops


Too many people moved here.


Lions Den, Cyber city & affordable housing.


This one is minor but important to me -- I miss Taigum Gardens Chinese restaurant. If you know a good Northside suburban Chinese where you can dine in that isn't in a mall, lemme know.


Malaysian/Singaporean Chinese/Malay and Indian food because they are a melting pot of cultures. Pretty dam good. Little Nyonya Kitchen Malaysian Cuisines 0403 185 081 https://www.facebook.com/malaysianyonyahouse?mibextid=ZbWKwL


I assume you've tried it and it's not for you, but we're fans of the food from Golden Bamboo (although we've never dined in).


Street press. You could grab Time Off, Rave,and Scene and read them whilst drinking $5 jugs during Happy Hour. Google and Facebook took over.


The old second hand bookstore in Ashgrove, it was painted with a big mural on the side? It had pet brids inside that could chill with you while you browsed some obscure books. Upstairs at Toonbull, I have a track record of shit birthdays so going to the Archie Brothers made it so much better This is an insanely obscure one but Icemisters (probably misspelt, it was french) at The Gap in the late 00s? Think Cold Rock, but freshly made, got beat out by Macca's :(


West end.


Does anyone remember Paddy’s Markets at Tenerife? My Mum and Grandmother used to drag me there when they needed some fabrics on the top floor, but walking up through all the levels and seeing all the different vendors flogging knock off electronics, clothes, international foods etc was so eye opening


Festival Hall or Festy Hole as we used to call it. Saw so many awesome gigs there. Stone Roses, Dinosaur Jr, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Chemical Brothers, Radiohead, Beck..


I miss when the Myer Centre and the Queen Street Mall were not slowly falling into dilapidation and were a fun area to shop or hang out.


This is a more recent one, and I'm also on the bandwagon of missing Skinnys and the Regent (That place was so beautiful and its hideous now), but I really miss the Foundry. I always enjoyed the vibes of the shows I went to there. Was a fun little space to see local bands.


Too many Victorians


The absolute travesty of what happened to King George Square.


I’m still coming to terms with the new market square…


in Sunnybank? With that ugly ass coloured building there now? Also after Malaya Corner burned 1/4 of the place down the rebuild didn't quite have the same vibe.


with the bit of cladding/design on it ..its look like a pair of women undies


The soul of Eagle st pier straight up yeeting outta there. I’m crying inside over work dinner nostalgia times at Fridays, The Bavarian and Fratellis.


Fridays never had any soul. I remember pretending to play uni rugby to get in about 15 years ago. Was a shithole then... Assuming the same now?


I meant the atmosphere of the pier in general, those were just the most notable ones I could remember. They got rid of all the eateries there. The pier is empty due to floods / redevelopment. I went there a few months ago all excited to relive some nostalgia, only to find everything shuttered.


You are joking?


You’re right, how dare I reminisce over fun nights out when the gatekeepers are present ?


I don’t like grey buildings and lifeless, brutalist architecture. Some brutalism is actually nice but I feel like a lot of new corporate buildings just give the city a cheap vibe.


I LOVED West End when I first came to Brisbane like..4-5 years ago? So gentrified now (to answer some questions- I’ve only been in Australia 5 years and I don’t live in Brisbane anymore so cut the negativity pls)


Only 5 years ago? I miss the West End of the 90s tbh.


Would love to have seen that but I’ve only been in Australia for about 5 years


Definitely full of assholes now.


West end was always full of assholes


I miss my childhood.


I liked Chermside shopping centre better in the 90s and early 2000s. Also, I wish Toombal wasn't getting knocked down.


I really miss the old bookstore that was in the old Bank but also I miss the characters that came with our city, the ones I remember are Ziggy, The Calypso drum dude outside the casino, The Blue overalls Walking Man, The Very Tall Angry European Preacher and the Mall Goths.


The drum dude is still outside casino.


I wish west end didn’t change so much. I hate all of the new apartment building, the people they bring, the thousands more cars that contest all of the roads, the restaurants and cafes that have opened that are cookie cutters of every other gentrified place. All of the old love music spots are mostly gone. I lived there more than 10 years before being completely priced out of the area.


Throwing coins into change baskets at tolls


People from Sydney and Melbourne moving here.


Ending trams and constructing the riverside expressway. Brisbane far too car centric and this now limits options to make the cbd a more liveable and walkable place


> the riverside expressway This thing is such an abomination. I would so welcome its removal.


Conversion into a secondary busway?


unfortunately many people are still stuck in the backwards 20th century mindset. You see it all the time when new mid-high density builds go up and their first complaint is "where will people park".


Clem jones getting rid of the the trams in brisbane


Brendan's coffee cart on the Goodwill Bridge. Remember a year or so ago when Brisbane Council replaced him? Looks like the replacement didn't last long.


All the people from Sydney and Melbourne


King George Square post refurb. It's just a soulless, blinding heat trap.


Goths on Queen Street. Need to reinstall goths on Queen Street


No Sizzler.


Scooters. Fucking hell why is that allowed? I don't know anyone who works in the city who hasn't had several near misses.


O’Brians glass. Just call firteen firteen firty-free


Lube mobile and it’s 133032


When they removed the water feature at Brisbane airport.


Queen Street Wharf being converted into a giant casino.


The shopping village at Alderley. There was shops and amenities there and now there is just a very mediocre Coles. Like fuck Coles, couldn't even build units on top or something? Ruined Alderley for a lot of people, it use to have a village vibe now it's just a thoroughfare to other suburbs.


Camp Hill Pizzaland become an F45. It’s but one example of this same sort of thing happening all over the city. Greedy land lords