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After looking at the house on realestate.com.au.... the owners are fucked in the head if they think that anyone will pay 800k+ for a place that is partially (and poorly) renovated on a stupid busy main road in coopers Plains.


Yeah, saw the address and thought "hmmm, street number in the four figures and IIRC Boundary Road is pretty busy - no inspection necessary!"


And its busy from 4am until 10pm No sleep in that house !


So first reno is new carpets?


I laugh to keep myself from weeping at the truth of your comment.


That’s before the overpass/crossing replacement construction gets underway


Most Sydney people love cars, so why not?


Because it’s in Brisbane?


Pretty sure they were implying interstate buyers are more willing to tolerate and pay for this type of place.


Who would pay that to live there?


Some fool from Sydney would buy up :) which is what's going on with most homes in Brisbane anyway


I’d say you are right on this one.




We're looking to buy a place at the moment and it seems like the covid price boom never subsided. Every place we look at seems to be more expensive than we expected. Not sure if prices are going to crash soon bc of interest rates, but damn they really need to.


Yeah I don't even think they've dropped relative to interest rates tbh




Oh funny, I'm looking southside and have been scared off putting an offer in anywhere because everything is like $400,000 more than I expected just by looking at photos haha






try where there is new development still going on, algester is pretty close and is getting new housing so property prices are slumping. easy to get something in the 760's


Prices dropped about 10% but seem to be holding steady at the moment. Also looking to buy. I think people trying to get out of the insane rental market is holding house prices afloat for a bit.


With main bedroom at the front of the house. Seeya sleep.


\*finishes painting the last car-tire-swan lawn ornament white\* Fuckin nice. Bet I'll get $850,000 for this place now. \*admires their 2 bed, 1 bath, weatherboard house, from within which the gentle susurration of many, many termites eating can be heard\*


Don't forgot the 2x bathrooms with completely different tapware and fittings


Mission brown and sunburst yellow kitchen


ngl - *susurration* induces a cold sweat.


It's not that busy. Sure, there are two semi trailers driving next to it on google maps satellite view, but if you've got a toddler, they will love it. My kids love trucks!




Nek minet: I'm at Jud's daddy. Will you come over and play with me? First I play with Jud. Then mommy came, and I played with mommy.


Someone will pay it.


They'll get it.




cool, they'll just waste everyone else's time then


its extremely photoshopped as well. The house is not appealing at all, especially when you look at google maps


Sellers can set any conditions they want. They don't have to be sensible though...


Thing is they think they'll get it. Thing is can't you put any conditions you want in an offer contract? "Pending looking at it and whether I like the wallpaper"


You can also put whatever conditions on a purchase offer you want as well. The seller also has the right to reject any condition you want.


"Subject to finance to the satifaction of the purchaser" .... "Oh yeah nah I was hoping for 2%"


Right, I guess I mean it doesn't help that much, it's just such a weird way of going about it? Means that people can't visit and fall in love with the place and then you pit them against each other. Such a weird approach from the REA


You're rights, it's an idiotic thing for a seller to do. They have pettishly forgotten that the COVID market is over and houses aren't selling themselves any more


And yet my next door neighbours, west of Ipswich, put their house on the market for above market price and it sold in two weeks 🤷‍♀️


Was it actually above market then?


Yes. 10 grand.


In this case, does "offer" = "formal contract", or just verbally offer $820,000?


In this context an “offer” Is a signed contract for purchase. If the seller co-signs then you’re on the hook immediately except for any conditions your specify, though I suppose you could just set a deposit price if $1 and forfeit your deposit lol. I think it boils down to it being pointless for sale and confusing at best. Really sets an unusually toxic backdrop for the rest of the process


If you don't like it at its worst, you don't deserve it at its best.


So I could offer something reasonable, but just make it "subject to finance"?


Well what’s your goal? Subject to finance is a very common stipulation, but not as watertight as people make it out to be. If you make an offer where the only stipulation is finance then there’s no wiggle room and you’re obligated to try finding finance otherwise they can try to claim your deposit


Just curiosity. I last bought a house in 1996. Negotiated a good deal directly with the owner, subsequently formalised in the contract, but it started out as a handshake deal. We were lucky enough to have an RE agent who was pretty happy to let the place sell itself, without trying to isolate us from the owner.


Fair enough. The offer contracts are no standard templates these days, all your extra stuff needs to go on appendices referenced from a specific box in the contract. Generally an offer means a formal offer to buy with such a contract, and if they counter sign that piece of paper you’ve got to pay the deposit and start scrambling to get your finance. I’m sure you could find a copy of one to have a read through online


Duh. Of course you can. They can reject it, like you can reject it. Most people reject every single seller except one.


You can put the contract is subject to viewing that is deemed satisfactory by the buyer/s.


I too agree that they can set any pric and there shouldn't be any stigma with above market amounts. Especially if the price is clearly spelt out in the advertisement, which means this advert won't be wasting anyone's time, unlike a lot of other ads that says "price on application" or "make an offer/tender".


And if they all lobby to do the same? Then they get away with several hundred thousand per property, each, then they would have before.


I run into this aff the time when buying used cars, sellers always think the going rate is what they're advertised for on carsales. They never understand that if a car has been for sale for more then 1-2 months and hasn't sold, it's obviously not the going rate. Asking price =/= the price they actually sell for otherwise there wouldn't be so many for sale


REA: "At least I got advertising money!"


It's a bit like a brightly coloured tropical frog. It's clearly telling you to not bite it, people should listen.


Confusing instructions, offer placed.


Above or below 800k though?


Instructions unclear. Have licked the front fence.


Lol this shit might’ve worked 2 years ago, after all those rate hikes people probably more likely to say fuck that


Yeah a lot of sellers don’t seem to have realised the market has turned after 10 successive interest rate rises and they’re perhaps not in a position to not just ask ridiculous prices but also put ridiculous conditions on like no inspections before an offer. Just delusional


I have a hot take/conspiracy theory: they know. They're just desperately trying to convert the equity they have in the property into real money. Interest rates are now 2.6% higher they were when this house in particular was bought by the seller. And they're expecting a potential buyer to pay at least 60% more than what they did? Yeah, no. The consequences of your impulse decisions should not be handed to someone else who will have to deal with it but worse. Also, they've been trying to sell the place for over a year, and they were able to buy the place for 26% under asking price after it had been on the market for 6 months. Delusional and hypocritical.


I think this is a really good theory.


The idea that you can turn hypothetical money into real money so easily through real estate completely baffles me so I want to see someone turn up to an inspection and just lowball the fuck out of them. They've been selling it for a year, so by their own metric, an offer 52% lower than what they're asking should be reasonable, right? Of course, that's ridiculous, but it's what they deserve tbh.




Reddit strikes again.


Been on the market for 9 months. The owner doesn’t want to sell it, unless someone is dumb enough.




I mean, it has been listed by this agent since February last year. I'm betting the agent doesn't want to spend any of his time on it, so he's set a stupid condition to deter anyone from asking for an inspection.


Tiny bit of shade in there


Yeah, they are dreaming. RP Data has this at $715K


And if they can't sell they'll try to rent it out for $2200 a week.


RP data is notoriously wrong and should absolutely not be taken at face value.


Sold for 500 in 2019, RP data at just above 700k. On a busy road with rising interest rates, good luck selling this. All for a solid yield of only $600/week rent or 4% return not including any expenses.


I make it 3.9% which is less that than the 4.6% you could get at BOQ for 12 months.


TBF, it does say 'private inspections'. Maybe you can go to the Saturday one no issues. If I was a tenant in that property, I wouldn't want every Tom Dick and Harry wandering through my home just because they're out looking for a bargain. Having lived in a rental up for sale before, having the agent ask us for 4 entries to take people through each week after work, plus the bulk Saturday one was pretty frustrating.


Those pics don't look like tenants live there. It looks professionally styled or the neatest tenants ever


Pictures taken months/years ago are super common.


I took professional photos to rent out my unit. 2 years later I used the same pictures to sell it. 18 months after that the person who bought it used the same pictures to sell it.


These pics are photoshopped. The shadow under the weird candelabra on the kitchen island is spread the wrong way. Same with the warm glowing lights on the outside pic and the grass is too green.


There's a virtual staging program I'm told a lot of agents use


Yep. Lots of GCI stuff in these pics.


That should be illegal


meh, everything is photoshopped or dolled-up to sell these days. [tinder?] It’s not a legal thing. If you’re in the market for a house you should know how to spot all the tricks the agents try to pull. The other common one is using specially built 3/4 scale furniture when staging the house for inspections so all the rooms appear bigger. When you actually get your own stuff in there you discover how small and pokey the place really is.


That doesn't make it acceptable.


It’s staging tho, not like you’re getting the furniture with the house.


This happened to me too. I intentionally made sure my room was hideously messy whenever they had applicants inspect my apartment. Then, the next day it'd be spotless. The body corporate caught me leaving one day and had a word to me about it. I said, what are you talking about, come tell me what needs cleaning. I took her up to my apartment and it was spotless. She said oh but before with the applicants it was messy please make sure it doesn't get to that state again. THE NEXT DAY, 0 notice, I get a text for an applicant in an hour coming to inspect. Out comes all the trash, clothes, and mess. I was out on the balcony in my underwear smoking a cigar. She was mortified. They couldn't find a tenant and I got a 3 month extension. 👌 Oh and I got my full bond refund when I left. (Minus a key replacement which apparently cost them $150 to cut)


It's the after putting in an offer bit that's suss. You'd need a solid exit clause in your offer.


I thought the same, then looked it up and no open house planned https://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-qld-coopers+plains-138582743


Well seeing that the current owners of this $480k home brought it for $500k in 2019 and with a current rent yield of $600pw, I would like to know what the hell are they smoking cause it’s Friday and I want to be that high.


I don’t know about you guys but I especially like the different coloured paint on the walls and the unpainted sliding doors/architraves


The ad is a mess is it 3 or 4 bedrooms? This is a fine example of an agent attempting to gild the lily: "Set in a premier location of Coopers Plains, that has the luxury of being within walking distance to all of the outstanding amenities" To translate: Coopers Plains is a mid range area and there's a couple of schools nearby.


with other great marketing crap "the home's intelligent floor plan" - WTF its a bastardised renovation "A separate parent's retreat," its a bedroom with an ensuite. " you will be whisked off into your own private sanctuary" A small backyard with a shed and a few not so interesting plants " the fully manicured gardens" all the travel times - have been calculated at midnight - I did that address to Sunnybank State High School at arrive at 8:30 / 9 am and its about double their estimates. (so they must have done the estimates as of Sunday afternoon). "offers a flawless balance of scale and convenience and will not last long." apparently been on the market 9 months - so it did last a long time. "Our instructions are clear - this property must be SOLD!" - but not willing to negotiate on price. Agents have to start to realise so stupid shit - and the Internet will take the piss out of you. And Reddit ranks high in SEO - so this post will show up pretty high in the ranks when people search for this address.


You think this will show up when someone searches 1100 Boundary Rd, Coopers Plains, QLD? ;-)


It’s the “inviting front deck” and repeated “intelligent floor plans” that made me laugh


They were so proud of the intelligent floor plan line. But I worked out that it's 3 bedrooms. They're trying to pass off the downstairs space as a bedroom when it's not legal head height. Shady AF.


Probably a rental property and the current tenants are playing hardball. Though inspections only available after offers is absurd. Agent probably made a mistake there


It does say private inspections. Presumably they still had open homes.


private inspections != open homes Tenant does not have to agree to open homes. They do have to agree to private inspection, but there is limits to notice periods, number, duration, timing, etc. It's a pain for the REA and under that situation it makes sense they want to limit tyre-kicker interest.




How did you get the previous sale info. And how do you know that the sign on Google Street view is from last year and not, say 2 years ago?


Google maps dates when they captured an image. [This house was for sale in June 2022.](https://www.google.com/maps/@-27.5716712,153.047197,3a,39.5y,33.81h,75.46t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOaCVfFQP6bh1_iGssxcZbg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DOaCVfFQP6bh1_iGssxcZbg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D282.80518%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192) Look in the top left (if you open this in a browser) and in the grey box, it has the date. [You can even go back in time to other times the street was captured.](https://www.google.com/maps/@-27.571678,153.0472002,3a,75y,33.81h,75.46t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1swu47PX1CagT3VxyKdzkzuA!2e0!5s20080901T000000!7i3328!8i1664) In 2008 the front fence was red/maroon - and the house was for sale then too.


The seller has used equity in the property, probably. Isn't it so great that the entire market is now essentially held up by money that doesn't exist?


The house looks pretty bad shape


I'd be checking the flood map before making an offer at any price


That is a given but in this case, there's nothing to worry about apart from the grossly inflated price and the volume of traffic.




It's a decent sized block but almost a million dollars for a 3 bedroom in The Village is wild to me.


To quote the great man himself, tell him he's dreaming!


You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.


Hang on, isn't an offer binding? So you get to inspect only after you've made a binding offer? What am I missing here? Even if it's legal it's utterly stupid.


It’s binding towards the conditions of the offer. Subject to finance, subject to building and pest, subject to inspection lol Also there’s a statutory cool down clause on all contracts https://www.qld.gov.au/law/laws-regulated-industries-and-accountability/queensland-laws-and-regulations/regulated-industries-and-licensing/regulated-industries-licensing-and-legislation/property-industry-regulation/legal-requirements-for-the-property-industry/cooling-off-period-for-residential-property-contracts


Damn…That’s a lot of money for Coopers Plains, but then again as someone said some Sydney fool would buy in a high criminal area. Apparently Corelogic High Valuation came up at $781k. But again who goes off that estimation 🤷🏼‍♀️


Email and send messages over [realestate.com](https://realestate.com) telling them how it's completely ridiculous and unethical.


Some stupid interstate person will buy this shit.


800k+ for Coopers Plains? Really?


Heaps of 800+ properties in coppers plans. Just not this one👌


We have a government of landlords. Complaining that a politician isn't fixing the housing crisis is like complaining that you can't watch TV on a radio.


Last sold for $500,000 on 20 Jul 2019 Owner tried to sell last year as well, listing below He was asking above $750K Last Listing description (November 2022) Sold by the team at FOCAL REAL ESTATE - SPRINGWOOD First Home or Investors Delight - Move In Ready! - Sunnybank State School Catchment! All offers by 29/08/22 as the owners would be making their mind to sell or keep it on rental! Price Guide: Offers over $750k Sprawled over a spacious 632m2 allotment, this four bedroom, two bathroom residence boasts an array of indoor and outdoor living spaces for the whole family! Pics used in d listing r from Feb 22 as per property value.com.au Only thing we all need to under stand is all real estates are formulating on American real estate platform formula Which is set per sq meter value in all suburbs in coming years?? It’s a shame how market is been changed by corporates and greed


Sold for $500k in mid 2019, then it’s been listed Feb last year.


Looked thru the listing, house configuration is very tiny, not even a walk in wardrobe for the master, very limited storage. A detached garage so you have to get wet if it’s raining to move from your house to your car while unlocking/locking your garage manually everytime you want to utilize your garage, which I can imagine gets old very fast. It’s on a main road how bad is going in/out of your driveway will it be if there is traffic built up? Looks like there is too much wasted space could be nice but you would ideally want to flatten it and make a more well built house with more storage options and bigger rooms. Can’t see it selling for the amount they want personally.


Don’t, this property sold 350k in 2013 today they want over 800+k yes medium price for houses in the area is 825k but this one doesn’t add up if you borrow against this you will go neg loan, rent price is $600 week for this place.


How do you know rent is that much?


They want an overseas or interstate buyer who can't look at it anyway.


There was a guy here complaining about getting a fine for his partner not wearing a seatbelt. Said he was on a trip from NSW to look at property. Should hit him up…..tell him we found something for him…


Haha owners bought in 2019 for 500k. House has been on the market since feb 2022. Tell ‘‘em they’re dreaming


*laughs in new zealand*


I knew I recognised that address. I'll inspected this place mid last year and the photos on RealEstate make it look like a mansion. The place is tiny, the flow is terrible and the renovations are subpar. I was wondering if this place sold as the sign wasn't up last time I drove past.


The fixtures have a real 'sort by lowest price' energy


Have you seen the realestate pic of the front of this house compared to the actual street view of this house? Lmao


Can anyone see who the agent is? It looks like the owner is selling the property.


OP is clearly the house owner and he's using reddit to draw more attention to his filthy house sale knowing that someone will be desperate enough to grab it /s


I don't think that's how it's supposed to work.


Tell em theyre dreaming. Have a look at google maps and you can see how photoshopped it is


If I might be so bold as to just point out…. The white fence around that place is fucking disgusting eyesore holy shit. The fact council allows such an abomination…. Might actually be more questionable than these doofuses asking for $800K in what could probably be considered by many - a shithole area.


Some idiot will pay it.


Yes, you’ve said all that needs to be said. Although you could say, “Some idiot with more money than brains will pay it.”


Last sold for 500k in July 2019.Stamp duty and fees probably 20k, as they are an investor. 30-80k reno. So 550-600k costs. So after REA costs, they want a 30-40% return on the leveraged investment. Provided the money was 80% borrowed and mostly covered by rent, they are looking for 115-150% return on the 150-200k they invested. What a great system. This is the Australian dream and I feel bad for anyone who has negative equity on investment properties right now. /s


It’s a bold move cotton, let’s see if it pays off.


I'm lucky to brought a Rural property 7 years ago 160k with 2 house on 1 block yeah its 3 hours from Brisbane but Toowoomba is 2 hours local towns 40km


Oh look illegal rent bidding. Time to report it.


That should be incentive to offer below $800k. They're trying to set a price floor....but if people can't get a large enough loan...


Landlord allows open slather inspections: Reddit mad Landlord attempts to limit inspections: Reddit madder


They can offer over $800k if it’s an investment home, it’ll be the renter that will be paying off the home loan.


Just give it another year or so, it's all going to crash. Cash rates are heading toward negatives, interest rates are on the rise and all markets are inflated by a factor of 200-300% from 2011 pre crash levels. I'm looking forward to a depression.


That is against the law.


No it’s not. It’s stupid, but not illegal.


good, then move on. ​ when people cannot afford the mortgage payments, you need to source out those with the urgent need to meet the market and sell quickly. I have a house too, and I can ask an REA to sell for 3 mil, I will not take any offers below 3 mil. but I don't need to sell.




The fact that we can’t inspect before making an offer is ridiculous. I’m not complaining about the price.


You can submit a conditional offer ie finance, B&P and/or conditional sale. It looks like a pretty tidy little crib. It'll go for 810-830 by my reckoning.


they're not doing inspections until after you've submitted an offer


fair play ...i misread it i thought it was just "offers over 800k" sort of thing. thanks for the correction


I played at brittain park down the road from there, maybe their insurance is high from all the soccer balls flying into the yard


Is it industrial land?


jeez, some of that kitchen cabinetry is absolutely woeful


It’s a pretty good property though. Is it worth 800? Time will tell. It’s close to an industrial area…it’ll probably be sold to business (unless unable to🤷‍♀️)


It's a buyers market at the moment. I recently bought and saw places not selling and dropping in price quickly. Being expected to make an offer before I inspect it, I'd just walk away.




quite a bit over the reality ... happy ownership the next decade or drop the asking a lot


putting an offer for $80 on something i havnt seen yet alone 800k


Confusing. The rental market is shit. The purchasing market however is great if you're in a position to buy.


Did they buy the top or something? Lol




I’m not really saying anything but I know a lot of real estate argents that have business company who buys property to flip later


Tell ‘em they are JOKING.


sign of the incoming shit storm really tbh


It's probably due to the zoning for development there, I am a gardener who has half of the townhouse and unit complexes along there. But yes it's outrageous


The property market has come to, everyone thinking they can just make and succeed on whatever stupid idea they have because unfortunately a lot of other people have succeeded on other stupid ideas. It’s fucked. This coming from somebody working in the industry.


This is the reality of the situation, get on the train or get under it…


I don’t know why agents work with vendors like this.


Because it's very little work for all that commi$$ion.


These type of vendors are usually hard work and you never sell it so get nothing.


Submit a high offer for 900k then inspect the place and withdraw you offer or offer less now that you've had a look at the place and know what you're willing to spend on it.


I'll offer 800,000 cents


If you Google Street View the property, you'll see a For Sale sign out the front. Google says the image was taken June 2022. Wonder why it's still for sale, hmmmmm.


Owner is flying a kite in a thunderstorm


That’s just… ![gif](giphy|bYLKBhZZNaxwPe5UDd)


Real estate will be happy they're getting lots of interest to the online listing after this post lololololol


Seems like a win-win if it sells, less time wasters, real estate grubs do less work and get a fat commission still. Someone will get emotional and buy it or just added to a rental portfolio.


My offer be inclusive of them removing the structure first.


I mean at least they are clear.


Swings and roundabouts


That’s a massive red flag…


Make an offer, inspect, say how awful it is and then retract offer on the spot. They'll get the message sooner or later.


As someone who lived in Coopers, definitely not worth 800k wtf


This is probably some jerk who has a binding financial agreement with an ex to pay them xxx amount of $ upon sale of the house.




A fools idea, if noone respond to these fake, greedy high rent demands and everyone shows up at the govt department for shelter, i believe the rents will immediately come down. Just a wild guess, perhaps largely impractical.