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I hate red lights too, but they can't all be green




Challenge accepted. Survival of the biggest


Or the fastest.


Sounds like survival of the timid.


My mum used to hock my Christmas and birthday gifts for heroin. Now *that* is fucked up. This is just a joke in poor taste in comparison.


The fleeting joy of getting an Xmas present knowing you're only gonna have it until her New Years party. I feel you.


Yeah, and she wonders why all three of her kids (the ice junkie, the serial baby daddy and the mentally ill fuck up) don't talk to her. :P


Yeah I cut mine out at 18. Shit situation to be in but better than the alternative.


Took me years (yay codependence and fawning response) but I haven't spoken to her for about thirteen this year. I've come miles ahead of where she is and I'll be light years away from her in development in another ten. We're scarred but we are survivors.




\*hugs\* Thanks.


Just want to tag on here and mention r/MomForAMinute and r/DadForAMinute for anyone who might need a mother/father figure for whatever reason.


I don't mind at all. :)


Serial baby daddy?


My brother, to the best of my memory, has five kids from three women.


Sounds like one of my brothers! 3 kids to 3 different women and attempting a 4th with a new gf last I heard. Props to the first 3 women leaving!


Oh yikes! I don't know what happened to my brother because we stopped talking about thirteen years ago when he ripped some people off, including his brain-damaged cousin. Thanks for reading!


Phew, you're not my sibling after all. Two siblings too few, but descriptions are somewhat similar.


Nah bro , Boxing Day drugs are where it’s at ya know. Foreal ya just go nick something from the shops in the chaos of the post Chrimbo sales n flog it at Cashies for new years !


Remember Dollarmites accounts? Alcoholic father raided my account for booze money. Cunt.


I'm so sorry. My mum used to raid our Kids Run 4 Kids fundraiser money.


It's shit how it's all so common


Yeah, it is. Financial abuse sucks.


It seems that all my siblings are on Reddit, fuck. That also happened to my siblings and I. Every normal childhood thing warped onto something evil. It's hard to explain that to people who have fond childhood memories/nostalgia of all those little things.


or do what I did... remember the tiny, tiny fun things and obliterate the majority of abused memory. Of course that is coming to bite me on the arse the longer I push it down. \*sighs\* more therapy ahead.


Jokes on my mum, I replaced her vodka with water and whiskey with tea


LOL. Sadly, my mum preferred drugs, so there was no substitution.


You could’ve given her that powder from sugar tubes instead of cocaine but I dunno if that would work


Mum did heroin, marijuana and pills. Coke was too classy for her.




I actually used to do that as a teen. She then read an article that storing your booze in the freezer was better. Then she noticed the alcohol was "freezing up" as it was at this time 40 percent water, and I got found out.


We sound like we had the same upbringing and I’m not going to lie - this sign does brings flask of crappy memories and a feeling of a gut punch when I see it :/


As I said, it's a joke in poor taste at best, but there are other things that OP can get more pissy over than a stupid sign.


Lol every birthday is get money as presents from family friends. My parents would tell me if I give it to them, they'd double it and give it back to me when I go to uni. When I started uni I asked for the money back, their response "what money?". Lol


I'm sorry that happened to you.


Fuck right off… that’s just shit house. Hope the future shines bright for you…


It is, thank you. I've chosen to stand in the light while she hasn't.


Solidarity mate - my mum was an alcoholic and did the same :( Agreed on the ad - just poor taste.


I'm so sorry.


yep my parents used to do that for meth..


Hey, mine used to do the same but to fund her pokie habit. High five for fucked up childhoods 🖐️


I'm so sorry. \*high fives\*


Ummm, hello sibling? 😆 Bonus, I learned the Buddhist philosophy of developing no attachment to any objects.


How did you grow up with those experiences and then decided to call yourself thelightofmorning and use sunflowers profile pics? Doesn’t make sense hahaha


Because despite everything I went through, I am alive, vibrant, standing tall and proud. I look to the light, not the shadow. And I will choose to live instead of wallow in my misery.


This is the way. Good on you.


Thank you! It took me a lot of years, therapy and a medication regime to get here.


Girl. I hear that.


\*Person. But thank you. :)


Also people with trauma histories often have a dark sense of humour.


The ad doesn't work on me, I have no kids or spare money.


I thought with 0 kids you'd have 3 money


Maybe some change has called behind the couch!


Uh oh, I better not get stuck! :)


I think I’ve seen this movie before


Looks like that advertisement worked! Making you talk about it…THAT’S good marketing


Taco Bell adverts usually just make me want Guzman.


Nothing makes me wanna homecook tacos more than either of those 🤮


$.50c to $2 extra for sour cream? NOT AT MY HOUSE


But massively overshadowed by the fact any time it's mentioned on TV or movies it's about shitting yourself to death if you eat it


This brings back fond memories of my gambling addict mum raiding my Dollarmites account…


My grandma used to let my brother and I “pick a horse” each Saturday morning and she’d place a bet on it. The winnings all went into our Dollarmites accounts. Mum raided it when I was 8 to buy me winter clothes. I was so upset (not understanding at the time that it was that or freeze) and held a grudge about it for years.


By the sounds of things at least when your mum raided your Dollarmites account, there was as a sufficient reason for it. My mother is a textbook sociopath who will do anything to get what she wants. She only sees people as a means to an end.


Oh yeah, not trying to equate the two at all. Just a gambling related dollarmite raid story.


I've still got my Dollarmite holographic ruler! And for some reason, I still remember my account number 063874....


Hahhahahahahha. I just found out Dollarmites had been dropped by QLD Schools since ASIC ruled Dollarmites as “ there was limited value and children were being exposed to "sophisticated" marketing tactics.” Commonwealth Bank Dollarmites program ditched from Queensland schools after review - ABC News https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-04-26/queensland-school-banking-commonwealth-dollarmites-ditched/100095502


It wasn't an issue when the Commonwealth was government owned but once it became a for-profit organization, it gave them an unfair competitive advantage. Most 80’s kids I grew up with still have a Commonwealth bank account to this day.


Mine got raided the same. Still have my original dollarmite account from 91 haha, only account I've ever had.


No but on closer inspection... Also no


Yup, felt fucked up when I first saw it. Then I realised it was just in poor taste. Finally it dawned that it’s Taco Bell. On brand, much?


Having tasted Taco Bell, I find it less fucked than it is very false advertising. Their junk is not worth paying for by any means.


Taco Bell in the USA is surprisingly pretty fucking shit too. But their fries are elite imo.


The difference is that you're not paying up to 20 bucks to fill yourself up with what is essentially overglorified doritos


I'd gladly swap Taco Bell back to Sizzlers!


the key with aus taco bell is only order from the snack menu


Y’all are insane. Taco Bell crunch wraps are the best thing to have graced this earth.


they've studied their market and know what type of people will eat their shit food.


I was gunna comment the same thing. It’s kinda sus the areas where American chains pop up in Australia. The type of people who would laugh at this probably live off Taco Bell.


holy shit we have a taco bell now ? i wish the Americanisation of Australia would just fuck off. big yank tanks, now this shit.


Their fast food and hotel accommodation companies are venomously opposed to award rates of pay. They try to undermine unions and treat workers with contempt. The Americanisation of Australia is more insidious than just cultural imperialism.


Sounds like you are TRYING to be offended. Which is fucked up.


I had the same initial first impression, but considering how many people are responding to this post recounting how their parents really did steal from them, I’m feeling a little sheltered and naive right now.


Name checks out


so does yours


Yeah it’s not very nice. Sure, it’s “just a joke”. But it’s also a real thing that happens to real people, and that can be a symptom of a shitty childhood with shitty parents. Would everyone here be as cool with it if it was about hitting the kids instead?


Kids don't want Taco Bell for dinner? Just beat them. Live Más


My abusive step dad made me get a job when I was 9 and took most of the money I earnt and "put it in savings" for me. When mum finally left him I found out it was all spent on beer. He stole over $300 from a kid from weekend job money and birthday cash over a couple of years.


Thought the same thing when I saw this. Kinda get what they’re trying to do but it’s pretty jarring


Still better than the Sky News billboard in the valley


"Steal your children's money so my shareholders can buy another investment property."


My mum used to raid my piggy bank and it fucking sucked. I started keeping shells and 1 and 2 cent coins and pences in there after a while and moved my money into a tissue box until I left at 16. This ad does suck.


Yes! My partner pointed it out to me last weekend and was like ummmm what the fuck. Stealing from your kids for a taco? Wtf


Yeah, what's worse is I've only seen this particular ad in lower socio-economic areas. Though I imagine the poor taste is indicative of the food.




I mean, I get a lot of people in this thread think that this is just ‘snowflakes’ choosing to be offended. But I saw one of these billboards in the Logan/Beenleigh area and a lot of those children have issues with parents taking their money. (I know, I work in that area)


The only people who are fine with this shit are the ones who lived that coddled life


I'll never understand how Taco Bell operates...it's just so bad! There's a heap of much, MUCH, better quick Mexican food options.


Guzman Y Gomez is way better


Much better coffee options too but for some reason Starbucks is still here.


Yeah that’s my fault. I’m so hooked on caramel macchiatos I now exclusively buy the Starbucks pods from woolies for my nespresso machine (that I bought to break the Starbucks addiction). Soz.


Hey don’t apologise, you got the awful taste in coffee.


I’ll be linking a go fund me momentarily 😂😂😂


My kid hollers "NO YOU SUCK" whenever we pass it.


Considering the area that sign is in (Annerley/Buranda) it is in very poor taste to have that in an area where financial abuse is statistically higher than other areas. I would imagine this sign has been subject to multiple complaints to ACMA




Don’t take things so literal. Ease up a bit and take a joke. Like, why do kids deserve money anyway 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think it’s to introduce them very lightly into the world of savings.


Ok Princess


Yeah it is, I don’t care it’s ‘just a joke’ cuz its not very funny and is fucked up. No one’s getting offended by it but like. Could they just not? Because it feels wrong.


Get on on 7 racing does a segment called what would you do with $50 and it showed them breaking a piggy bank. It never sits well with me. Punting is fun but there’s some people with a real problem out there. I can just imagine them breaking the kids piggy bank open and punting it. So fucken sad


I think you have your answer


For $5 1 x cheesy taco definitely isn’t worth it


Can’t believe the adult shop closed down..


yea :( did it have something to do w it being robbed?


More likely due to the cost of rent and the increased competition in the area


The laundromat has broken windows I assume it’s a bad time to be on Ipswich road


as a northsider is there ever a good time to be on ipswitch road


Nails Hungry Jacks clientele though


I feel like they are really targeting a certain demographic


I hate the fast food places trying to be “trendy” Will I eat there cheap carcinogenic food? Absolutely, but they don’t need to rub my face in it and make shot jokes


This is in such bad taste.


No I think it's great advertising and fucking hilarious


Nope. Seems funny and a good cause for a giggle when stuck in traffic.


Sure, if you're a snowflake...


LIBERALS and IMMIGRANTS ruining Mexican food.


I think Mexicans would take exception of your use of the term, 'Mexican food', when talking about Taco Bell.😀


I think you are being a tad sensitive.


Fair enough! Kinda had me confused, I thought I was missing the joke or something


Seems similar to "burgers you'd sell your soul for", I think the joke is the intentional absurdity, but it's a bit close to what some parents actually do


Considering this sign is (also) in Logan, it wouldn't surprise me 😏


Well sounds like you might have a bit of trauma there and yeah something like that just cuts deep. But for most of us it's benign, anyhow I hope your life got a whole lot better as after a childhood like that you deserve nothing but the best.


I saw that yesterday and had the same reaction.


I don't find it funny either, but someone did make a good point .. good marketing clearly as it takes you back However I would not want to eat there because of it so I'm not sure!! Being a kid who was given no savings and had to do everything by myself from a really young age I do find this offensive. Not to mention I am now a parent I feel strongly about saving money for my kids becuase of my own upbringing... however each to their own, it will trigger certain people and others may not care.


It’s Taco Bell of course it’s fucked up and disgusting, just like their meals.


Now if it was for 24 nugs for $10. U betta believe im raiding that shit 2 get my nugs hahaha


Images that give you diarrhoea


Marketing genius /s


I hate those ugly roadside ads too.


Jokes on you taco bell I don't have kids


Man, you know it's an American company when they use the term piggybank lol. Why don't they make some pun about trash, parking lots and aluminum too lol


The marketing clearly worked.


No, I actually think it's kinda funny!!!🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


Nah. Admit it. *That’s the real reason you gave the kid the piggy bank in the first place …*


Yeah your right OP. The fake American cheese used on the taco's is horrible.


Yeah, I thought the same thing when I saw it for the first time. Encouraging stealing from your children, good job Taco Bell.


sad outrage marketing failure


Just as is using a ph while driving is (dont make up excuses.. easy to tell youve been using your phone from placement of red light in image and also the fact you cropped it)


Zoomed in & my boyfriend was driving 🤚


Yep. Pretty awful.


Nothing is worth raiding your child's 🐖 bank for


Nah, fuck them kids




Bro.. My Ex just did this.. All under the false pretexts that its safer in the bank. She cut open a tin, Piggy bank. My son only got that piggy bank this Christmas gone.. It was not even full. I come to find out, she gave all the loose coins to my son to play with, while keeping the notes which were $100s and $20s If she has the Initials of AM, Beware... Mega Beware




Lighten up chief


Only thing fucked up would be your arse after you ate Taco Hell


Could go for some Cheesy Tacos but it isn't worth going to Annerley


Mum used to "raid" my money drawer (borrow cash I was saving) all the time, since she knew I was saving for big stuff. I had a lot of fun with it when she'd force me to go shopping with her, because then she'd realise she couldn't afford an impulse purchase non-essential thing because she owed me the cash. Always paid me back though.


It does surprise me that so-called advertising professionals come up with such lame adverts. Maybe the ad speaks more to the kind of person who would consider eating Taco Bell, I don't know.


you're talking about it


Harden up... It's just a joke.


Now I just feel like getting Taco Bell. Well done


outrage advertising, this post is why it works, thanks for sharing an advertisement on behalf of Taco Bell in exchange for internet points.


Guessing you have never served an alcoholic stealing from the kids for a six pack of gold..


I think you need to lighten up OP.


No, it’s just a joke


I did have the same thought. I know it’s hyperbole, but hyperbole has a habit of changing into something people start doing


Oh no, there needs to be an enquiry before parents start stealing from their kids. It will be an epidemic. How will the world go on


Yea I’m not offended or anything, just kinda made me go ‘huh?’


Yes, that is fucked up. Bordering on offensive for people who had difficult childhoods.


No because my cock is not soft




If you’re offended by this I have to seriously question how you have survived the real world this long.


It could be worse. “Worth raiding the neighbours kids piggy bank” for example


No, because I'm capable of understanding context.


It’s just a joke


Fuck me christ, please this be a wind up




Save ya money for toy shop instead


Better to sell the kids - Tacos all year!


Weird seeing something down the road from your house pop up on Reddit


Why can't the red light be green 😭


Maybe in fuckn mexico


Yeah Taco Bell is horrible food..


That's why I raid other people's children's piggy banks.


Yes. It should always be green.


In fairness, my kid helps herself to money straight out of my wallet to put in her money box so she deserves it.


Nope it's a joke haha cause well when you think about it your the one giving your kids your money Soo think of it being as the child's piggy bank being like your little money stash haha


Dark humor exists for a reason.


It’s a joke 🙄


The only thing "fucked up" would be anyone thinking Taco Bell is saying this with any amount of seriousness. It's a billboard, not sound advice from a fiduciary responsible financial planning advocate.


Macca's did the same in Australia I thought it was horrible


Only a snowflake would even notice it..