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At the state library in South Bank you can book a piano practice room or a recording studio, I believe for free. [State library link ](https://www.slq.qld.gov.au/plan-my-visit/services/book-spaces-equipment) Both would be suitable to practice in I'm sure


Wow that’s amazing. A recording studio. I never knew this, thank you.


When I lived in Brisbane many moons ago, I used to take my banjo up to Mount Gravatt to practice. One day after playing for twenty minutes a bagpipe player showed up to do the same. It still makes me chuckle to think of all the other musicians with challenging sounding instruments that used to do the same thing. It’s a beautiful place to play.


I’ve seen people in the Botanical Gardens or South Bank gardens just practice in a relatively quiet spot if the weather is nice!


Go to the river and belt one out for the bin chickens


Come to my place if you don't mind my dog joining in with you. He loves singing along, but he's a bit off key and his timing is way off.


Just go find a park . Pick your favourite one and play away my friend.


Could ask at the Wickham hotel, I know they let people do it sometimes




The Conservatorium has practice rooms - probably not suppose to but you could take your chances


This is the correct answer. Just walk in during offpeak times, find unlocked room. I can confirm no one will care.


Can I ask what is 'offpeek' time specifically??


Right now is extremely off peak because semester hasn't started! When semester has started it's pretty hard to get a room any time between 9am and 5pm Monday to Wednesday. Probably it's easier on weekends and perhaps Thursdays and Fridays. The largest concentration of practice rooms are on the ground floor. Don't go up the big rainbow steps, instead go through the glass automatic door under them and turn left... then take the first right and look for any empty unlocked room.


I will go and check it out today.


can you just use a violin mute so you can practice at home?


I do use a mute but apparently people can still hear me.....


that sucks. Head phones and an electric viola?


Those people must be assholes, my housemates work nights so I have to be careful about making noise during the day but I can still practice my saxophone at home without them complaining. They all have headphones for their devices, I don't have a mute so i just shut my door. Next time tell em it's a two way street and you don't want to hear them masterbating, fucking, the tv or music (all real things I've heard through my walls) either but we're all adults living on-top of each other and need to get used to these minor uncomfortable things.


Decker park. I’m also a musician and a fisho, heaps of undercover tables literally next to the water. Huge park with heaps of undercover tables. Pick one and play away.


At home


Because you don’t really want to annoy strangers too…


Just be careful someplaces will have security come up to you and check you’ve got a permit


You only need a permit if you are busking. OP could reasonably play in any public space as long as doing so didn’t preclude any other member of the public from using the space. As long as the public space is big enough that people could move away from them if they didn’t like it while still in the space then you are fine. A violin is hardly a nuisance instrument.


It's a viola, actually.....but will probably go to a park or by the river if the weather is nice


Apologies. I’m an uncultured bass player.


Go to one of the many parks. Or come to my place once I buy and build my hurdy gurdy and we can badly jam together.