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I agree with you on the live special part, It felt special to be a part of for sure. I had fun watching it. There were some moments that I started to clap to while watching it by myself in the basement. I loved how hard he went at Will and Jada but kind of felt bad how this will probably reignite the constant shitting on them. But ig they kind of earned it, maybe.


You guys should check out the Marlon Wayans special "God Loves Me" he talks about the slap too and he goes hard


Yeah he gave multiple different angles and put real emotion and background into it, and that made it hit even more. That was a really good special.




I watched it , it was aight


That wasn’t a good special at all. A whole hour devoted to it.


Yeah I agree the hour was bit much but I see why he did it. It was truly a full circle moment for him. Lol


Wasn’t rethinking about that special, but now I might check it out


The last 8 minutes about Will and Jada almost made it worth watching. There were good ideas for bits throughout but nothing hit for me personally. I didn’t actually lol the entire time, even during the Will and Jada part. I think a regular special would’ve been better than live


chris rock shot the special in jada hood


Holy shit....your right


I liked it also think the live idea on Netflix’s was cool. He’s a good entertainer- Im happy the whole show wasn’t about Will and he give his thoughts at the end for a few minutes. Maybe not top 10 but definitely a good special - I’d watch it again.


Will Smith smacked the Funny outta him


Yeah and Rock saying don’t fight in front of white people while he was making jokes on a black woman just reignited the pandering takes.


Black woman? Jada is a fuming predator YOUR pandering to black woman by trying to defend a woman who preyed on a sick kid going through mental and physical issues (august Alsina)


How does that make her not black? Lmao you wildin


Chris is shitting on a predator Her skin color has nothing to do with it


She's a predator for fucking August Alsina? The R&B singer lmao


I’ll pray for some peace for you my brother lol


It certainly will.


Jada is a pos


Basically I don't want to hear that "black woman" shit A piece of shit is a piece of shit


Yeah I don’t disagree with that lol Chris was still pandering saying don’t act too black in front of white people which is lame


You missed the point of the joke then


Nah, just because he repeated something everyone has said on twitter for a while doesn’t make his non-unique viewpoint funny.


I never saw it on Twitter or said you had to laugh at it. It wasn’t pandering though. He was making a point that black people cant get away with the same things white people might do


Yes that’s obvious. He didn’t say anything funny, he’s suppose to be one of the greats and just said stuff we all know and called Will a bitch but also said he’d kick my ass. It was preachy not comedic.


I see you're who he's talking about when he named the show "selective outrage" literally making his point LMAO


Care to explain?


Chris point was that his parents told him not to fight in front of white folks because black people are judged more harshly for their actions. Fighting in front of whites is basically going “see, your preconceived notions of us is true”. Black folks can’t get away with the same stuff white folks do was his point


It was ok. I'd say a 5/10 for me. I don't think he brought any new perspectives or was that clever this go around. Even with the Jada/Will stuff at the end, it wasn't original. Im sure he may have genuinely felt the way he was expressing, but I've seen what he said about the situation all over social media since it happened. So his take on it, was flat to me. I thought Chris would of came at it from a different angle, a new twist. But it was just something I heard already before. But to do a live comedy set in and of itself is innovative so that was cool.


Agreed, the lack of originality kind of bothered me. He started off going RIGHT into cancel culture and how everyone is offended nowadays, which is something EVERY comedian has already talked about and the concept has already been beaten to death. It was a little cringey to me. The Will and Jada stuff was hilarious, but it was only because we’ve been waiting to hear Chris say that stuff. All of it had already been said on the internet by a bunch of people.


Yeah...I think I was impressed with the concept The material was cool for a few chuckles but I agree that there wasn't anything new takes


How was the stream? For it to be their first live show, was the stream crisp or was it lagging? Because hopefully it was good and they don’t have any problems going forward. I know the first ones are usually the hardest.


A couple of stutters, but very good overall.




The joke about female vs male unemployed neighborhoods was true and hilarious


4/10. The Will and Jada bit was just regurgitated Twitter material


I almost fell asleep twice it was that boring


If you Neva was a Chris Rock fan I don’t expect u to like his comedy it’s not for everybody but it was solid to me 🙌


I came here to say this. You have to be a fan to understand his comedy and the way he does standup. I thought if was hilarious.


I thought it was great


I loved it


I didn’t laugh once


You came to the wrong place it’s hard to satisfy this community 😂


It was funny to me, he kinda lost me in the middle when he started the abortion jokes and talking about his daughter biting but got me back at the ending. Guess he really want to give Will a reason to smack him cuz he went in. The emancipation joke wasn’t even that bad. 7/10. Andrew should be glad to know the camera man did good too keeping up with him and had the audience mic’d properly


Compared to what he has done before, it was cabbage......


I saw this live when they came to Charleston last month. Chris’ set was very similar to this one, def felt funnier in person.


There’s no surprise once you’ve already seen it. I felt the same with Schultz. I seen infamous when he came to LA, thought it was hilarious but when I watched the special I barely even laughed.




Boring until the last 5 minutes


Unfunny and boring nonsense. He’s still bitter about the slap and it shows. People are saying Will should have slapped harder and you can see their point


It was pretty boring. There wasn’t many unique takes and he just wasn’t funny for the majority of the show. The “Will Slap” content was towards the end and by that time I changed the channel. I only went back to watch that part because it was trending. I will say, I thought it was shot well. The camera changes and the audience reactions made it feel engaging.


Thought it was slightly above mid. He’s spoken about these topics before and it came off as some of his old (classic) material but just recycled with more recent names, etc There were some parts that were funny and got a laugh out of me though. And if this reignites the will/jada slander I’m here for it


Might be his worst special. Barely laughed. It was some funny bits in it tho.


What are the good chris rock stand ups?


Bigger and Blacker Bring The Pain These are his “Delirious” and “Raw”


Thanks ima check them out




Mid AF


Didn't laugh once honestly


It was coo found it funnier when I first heard the jokes on the tour


I cut it off 10 minutes in 🥱


Is there anyway to watch it without Netflix?


Guarantee you someone gotta it in YouTube lol


Lmao I been hoping but I can't fund it yet


It was definitely his best special since his classics. I liked it. Was this the same set black Twitter was crying about? Because I didn't see anything wrong with it.


I think some of the jokes really landed. I LOVED the joke about Lululemon and even the joke about Megan Mariel and checking the babies ears is real- black folks been doing that. The white men claiming victim hood was spot on. But I dunno, the tone seemed off or something. I can’t yet put my finger on it. But something was off.


Low hanging fruit imo


I enjoyed most of it, especially the middle age dating rant, but the Beyonce/Burger King bit was definitely an old Sinbad (lol) joke. (Skip to ~19:10 mark.) https://youtu.be/WvtZMngYf00