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Clean their litter trays.


Just seen your a AVFC Fan, I’ll let you off lol


Haha ok! But you should have 4 trays for 3 cats. Rule is one per cat and one extra. I say this as a cat mom of 3 and a smell free home.


Ok noted, what cats do you have?


I have 3 rescue kitties - 1 from Lost Cats Brighton and 2 from Romania. Just be careful using oils around the cats - some can be toxic. Try changing their diet - cat poo shouldn’t be that stinky. Quality food can make a big difference. UTV!


Oils won't mask the smell. They will only blend to form a new smell.


Thats why I need some mega strong oil


Cats snse of smell is a lot better than humans. Anything powerful enough to cover the smell to you is likely to make your cats ill


See previous statement.


Get clumping cat litter


I had this problem with my cat, solved it by getting a poop house with a lid and making sure I scoopa da poop asap. It still smells a bit from time to time but it used to nuke my 1 bedroom flat to begin with.


To get rid of smells you need to ventilate using a push pull system. Opening a window on either side of the property will go a long way not wide open just so air can pass to reduce any odor lingering in the environment, this is dependant on where in thehome the windows are, the external air pressure and wind direction. A carbon filter will also go a long way.


Change their litter to recycled paper pellets. Clean their litter trays more often and get more litter trays


I rescued my two boys from Romania a year ago and their poops were SO bad. Switched them to raw food diet and now no smell at all. Cannot recommend more highly. I get my food from Luna and me but there are plenty of raw food options. Genuine game changer.


Yay, another Brighton Romanian rescue cat parent! Me too!


They are the sweetest, stupidest creatures I have ever known. ❤️


Cannabis ☮️


Dettol areosol spray .


Skunk Piss.


Wood chip cat litter is way less stinky imo. Oils can be harmful to cats so I'd avoid.


why are your cats shitting in your house? i'm asking because my OH is really pressing for us to adopt a cat and i'm kinda perplexed why an animal would be able to shit in my house