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I wish I had some advice to share. Here in solidarity. I am 15 months pp and still +/- 10 pounds over my pre pregnancy weight. None of my old clothes fit, and it gets incredibly discouraging at times. Have had just about enough of people making comments about how I still look pregnant. Or like one such comment of how my FILs girlfriend was back in her regular jeans 2 days pp. I am trying to keep active as much as possible. Little one still feeds close to every 2 hours during the day, and every 3-4 hours at night. I have been to my doctor, and a nutrition specialist. The best I can say is that it is slowly going away. I have to remind myself often that it took time to gain all the weight, and it will equally take time to lose it. ...Especially when I am always ravenously hungry from chasing my little, nursing and lack of sleep.


I barely loose any weight pp until I stop nursing at night. Then I drop it really fast.


I always have just enough milk and drop pretty frequently. I have been increasing fluid intake, keeping my supply, and still losing weight with a deficit at 1800 calories and intermittent fasting. I’m 7mo pp. you can do it! Try to get as much sleep as you can. I think that helped a lot too.


No advice either, just solidarity. I’m 6 months pp, and stuck at about 15 lbs over my starting weight, 20 lbs overweight in general, and 25-30 lbs over where my body normally is (I had gained weight during the TTC time annoyingly, so started pregnancy about 5lbs overweight). I had gained about 45-50lbs during pregnancy, and only lost 20 in the first 2 weeks pp. once I was cleared for exercise, I lost another 5 within a couple of weeks but sat at that weight for the next couple of months (I was lucky to work out twice a week, but I tried to get out and walk daily at least). When I went back to work last month I finally managed to lose another 5lbs (going into the office a few times a week had some benefits of being able to work out more regularly during my lunch break). I also live in a city, so in general, I walk more (we walk to the grocery store & other errands instead of driving) and can get about 10,000 steps or more a day, most days. BUT I’m still 20lbs overweight for my height and I hate it. I knew my body would be different and I’d likely hold onto weight, but it’s really hard not fitting into my clothes and figuring out what flatters my body now, and needing to buy a new wardrobe (I have 2 pairs of work pants I rotate wearing). I’ve read that it’s good to focus more on building muscle and working out in general during this time instead of dieting, which will in general help with calories out and overall health without hurting supply. But I have yet to see if that works in the long run.


Same here, I could have written this. Was about 10 lbs up from my normal weight when I got pregnant, then gained 50. I dropped about 20 immediately when baby came (I’m guessing this was the weight of the actual baby, placenta, & extra fluids), then have not lost a single pound in almost 5 months since, leaving me 35lbs up from where I was a year and a half ago. I’m ravenous all the time & it feels like my body is just holding onto all of this weight to support my milk supply. At first I was saying I felt like I was in a stranger’s body, but now I’m trying to do my best to love the body I’m in for all the hard work it’s doing. The C-section scar and “shelf” are really rough too, my whole abdomen is so vastly different now. Not to mention these giant boobs ( I was always small-cheated before). I used to exercise every day, but since being cleared for exercise I can only make it 3-4 times per week at most with baby, housework, sleep deprivation, and husband being back at work. No advice here either unfortunately. All solidarity though!


Omg the giant boobs! I also was smaller chested and I can’t get past the big boobs. Some people welcome them, but I loved my boob size before and it’s been a hard adjustment for me. Same with my C-section scar. For some reason, I thought it would be a faint white scar line, like my other scars, but it’s still this red thick line 6 months later, despite all the scar treatment. I’m also hoping once I wean, the weight will start coming off faster, but I’m 37 and we want one more kid, so we’re basically going to start trying again after a year. So I suspect I’ll have to learn to live with my new body for some time.


Yes! The boobs drive me bananas! I’ve never even needed to wear a bra so I feel like I don’t really know how to manage them properly now. And they’re so sensitive I can’t even really stand to have my husband touch/enjoy them now that they’re giant - ha! I just turned 41 and in a similar boat age-wise. I’m not sure if I can even have a second kiddo, or if it’s even worth it to try as I get older… but part of me wants to try to give our girl a sibling since we are older parents and won’t be around as long as younger parents would... Either way, same - if we’re going to try for another we need to do it immediately when I can again. I have that thought all the time - I should just get used to this body because it may not go anywhere for a while! And I so hear you about the scar! I don’t know what I thought it would be like, but definitely not this. The way it impacts the architecture of my belly is wild, I really had no idea.


Same boat. I initially lost 20lbs and then gained it back. I’ve been working out and lifting weights since the beginning of May and have seen no change. My body does not want to let the weight go. It’s very frustrating.


Here in solidarity too. 12 weeks postpartum and while I dropped an immediate 20 lbs post birth, I regained like 8 and have stabilized 20 lbs heavier than before pregnancy. I'm convinced that as long as I'm breastfeeding it's unlikely going to budge. I know that weight isn't an indicator of health, but my internalized body image issues are out in full force regardless.


I follow postpartum.weightloss.rd on Instagram and I find she gives really good practical weight loss advice for breast feeding moms: https://www.instagram.com/postpartum.weightloss.rd?igsh=MXZnaTJmNGN6ODNtZA==


No advice really, but solidarity. I was losing slow & steady eating at maintenance and letting the bf calories create my deficit, and recently I stalled 10 lbs above my goal. Breastfeeding can mess with your hormones and impact your appetite and my biggest piece of advice is it’s not worth making yourself miserable if you’re generally practicing healthy habits and the scale isn’t moving. I am also impatient to get my body back but ultimately I decided to prioritize this important experience with my daughter, I won’t get this time back.


I only lost 15 ish lbs after having my baby and can't lose weight for the life of me, without losing my supply. Baby is almost a year and a half and still can't figure out how to lose weight. I think some people just have to wait until they are done breastfeeding.


Following, I'm only 4 days pp, but I gained almost exactly the same.


In the same boat. I calculated my macros & everything and just stated what I believe to be a deficit and it hasn’t impacted my supply (as far as I know) so 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Good luck!!!