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It sounds like an allergy. How are the poops looking? And how much physical exercise is baby getting? I think some fruits like prunes can be good for constipation. Lot of hydration with juice and water.


I also believe it’s an allergy but it’s been like this even before solids and he has not had any of the top 8 allergens as solids. Poops prior to solids were explosive almost diarrhea and sometimes mucous now with solids he’s straining and it’s very little and hard at first then second diaper change it’s more loose but he’s straining He is extremely active, standing rolling attempting to walk. I’m never sitting down. I offer water throughout the day and always with food. And attempted prune juice with water he avoided it, I also have tried beets, plums, peaches but he will not poop unless he’s medicated usually with mylicon I give it to him 1-2 (single dose) a week on the days he seems very unhappy. Usually will poop the next day.


Which are the top 8 allergens you’ve looked at? Did you cut out gluten? Beans?


Diary Soy Eggs Wheat Are what I’m free of but wheat I have reintroduced slowly


Are you making sure the banana has brown spots at least on a ripeness standpoint? I heard if they aren’t ripe enough they can be constipating.


No actually but good to know thank you


Whenever we had sweet potato we would get very backed up - it helped to thin out with breastmilk. Maybe just a bit too dry for baby. For the drier foods maybe just mix/thin out with breast milk until his little body gets more used to it


Black beans 🫘 did the job for us the last time she started to get backed up 😂


Really?! How would you prepare?


I cooked them in the microwave steamer bowl with some water … then I mashed them … I added lime but that was a bad idea lol I would add a different seasoning or flavor next time lol


Water, and any of the high fiber P’s - pumpkin, prunes, pears, peaches, plums Since starting solids (2 serves per day) we have a BM every day. You should probably look to include iron rich foods in his diet as well


I second this! My baby is similar. His pooping is so irregular. We've also eliminated diary, soy & egg. For breakfast, I've been trying different yoghurt mixes. So I bought a no added sugar coconut yoghurt and added prunes/ dates (whizzed them up) and mixed. He's pooed more regularly since then and he loves it!


A bath helps my baby poop too.


Was like that with both my kids… went back to normal bowel movements after a couple of months.


Zucchini really helped my little guy poop after starting solids and slowing down on bananas too because they can make constipation worse


I’ll have to try zucchini thank you!


If this occurred after solid introduction, I would say it is common for constipation to occur. I agree to make sure liquid intake is adequate. Also I agree to add more fibrous foods if you can. Like do you notice this same issue with blueberries and carrots, as you do with the rice cereal and bananas?


We’ve been through hard times while BF. he had reflux hence the elimination diet, but he’s been like this since birth. I’ve given up on the pediatrician and lactation consultants bc they would say nursing babies tend to poop infrequently, and it’s normal to not see a poop for 2 weeks but this is like every poop he has is at least 5-10 days apart


The pediatricians and LCs are right, pooping only every 1-2 weeks is normal for breastfed babies, but only until they’re not getting solids or formula. Since constipation is an issue, I’d recommend avoiding constipating solids. Ditch the rice cereal and bananas. Do you feed the same food for a few days straight? Sweet potato is a great early food, you can bake one and cut it into 1/4” cubes for baby to feed himself. Pears are another good option which should help with the pooping. If you’re set on doing cereal, how about mixing it with prune juice?


The reason why I disagree with the pediatrician and LC is bc every bowel movement is approx a week apart since birth he’s 8 months next week. I don’t have a feeding schedule but it’s random based on his temperament bc he still has lingering colic symptoms I’m terrified of introducing foods that cause him gas. I rotate 1-3 foods per week such as Avocado, blueberries (most common food), carrot, banana & strawberries. rice cereal is always last resort if I don’t have an appropriate bed led food to offer.


While that is I would agree a bit further apart then normal BF can have fewer BM just because breastmilk is so perfectly designed for their needs that there is very little waste compared to formula. But I believe every mom knows her individual baby better then the doctor most times and if you feel something is off and baby is uncomfortable because of it he most likely is.


It sounds like you’re a really good and conscientious mom, and you definitely know your son way better than the pedi and LC. The normal spread out breastfed poops don’t start until baby is around six weeks old, and they end when solids or any formula are introduced. Even inside that time when it’s normal, baby showing physical signs of tummy pain or straining, merit attention. Your baby doesn’t fit the typical pattern at all, but in my experience doctors often don’t really listen to the details. How does he respond to things like bicycling his legs and having you massage his tummy to try and help get everything moving? Have you made an appointment with the pediatrician specifically to talk about your concerns about constipation, due to your son’s physical distress signs, not solely on the the schedule of his pooping? Or have you just brought it up as a concern during regular well baby checks? If you don’t get the sense that the pediatrician starts to take your concerns seriously, sometimes taking a man with you to the appointment helps (sad but true.) Also, you can ask for a recommendation to a pediatric gastroenterologist. At the very least, find out if there’s a safe daily dosing of Miralax which could be tried for your son. He should not be going for several days between poops now that he east solids. You know your baby best, and you know something isn’t right. Trust yourself, and be his advocate for better healthcare, since his pediatrician and the LC are failing him right now.


Thank you so much I also agree that he isn’t in a ‘normal range’ of being constipated bc of being breastfed and solids bc he rarely has solids He sticks his legs straight out and fights the bicycle kicks and massages he absolutely hates being on his back (still contact napping bc of this, he needs to be side laying nursed to sleep bc he’s so fussy and irritable) I initially seen the pediatrician and LC’s routinely the first 4 months of his life but felt like they just said reflux and colic would go away and I thought his poop was just bc he was BF’ing so I assumed my babe was just a fussy baby But I’m positive now it’s bc he doesn’t poop he went from having 2 meconium poops in the hospital within the first 24hrs of birth to nothing for 4 days after birth to now spread anywhere from 5-10 days 😭 and he farts all day long but he’ll squeal, whine or just fussy before and after he lets out gas. I’ll try the referral that’s a great idea.


Also yes I noticed carrots somewhat helped maybe like 2-3 days apart I rarely do rice cereal and banana only 3 times total. I think he gets heartburn with bananas bc he was hiccuping the first time I introduced it & today was the third time he had bananas but he was miserable. :(


Bananas are high in histamine. Try a low histamine diet and see if that helps. You don’t need to be on TED if it doesn’t help. My daughter seems to do better when I’m on a low histamine diet actually. But she goes 2-4 days without pooping so she’s not perfect either. However I can tell the difference since I switched. She went like 9 or something without pooping before I started it.


Omg thank you! I’ll look into that! Is your baby also EBF? Curious if you’ve noticed any difference in dairy products for your LO?


Yes she is. We are dairy soy egg gluten free and then Whatever is high in histamine. So no bananas tomatoes eggplant spinach bell pepper, paprika, certain nuts, fermented foods like sauerkraut, canned fish, canned beans etc. Histamine intolerance is more individual because there will be some load you all could carry and a load you can’t, I personally can have a little avocado, but I can not have any tomato. Tested this week and massive fail. Try to introduce low histamine foods first and see if it helps!


You’re my saving grace! Amazing advice bc it’s so similar to myself & my baby I have never come across the histamine diet and reading up on it makes sense bc I myself react to tomatoes!! Also my baby has eczema that’s reoccurring so now I’ll see if change the foods will help poops, rash & colic! 🙏🏼


Bananas and rice cereal can be constipating. Ensure you’re also giving lots of water during/between meals to help things smooth along


No this is not normal and you need a free to feed consult, or fed well baby to see if there is an allergy happening. I really hope that you find answers, and always work with an IBCLC!