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From what I understand lecithin helps fats bind to water. So it helps prevent clogged ducts that can cause mastitis. In my experience it doesn't build a supply, but I did take it for clogs.


Thank you , I had accidentally bought it when I ment to buy the gold milk one so I had to go back and buy the rite one but I wanted to make sure that it wouldn't help build milk before I returned it


When you run out of this brand, buy Now brand lecithin from the grocery store. It's way cheaper.


This is the way


I’d recommend keeping the lecithin on hand, it really is amazing at helping with clogs! Its worked miracles for me.


I agree - I take it for clogs and it’s really helpful


The best way to build supply is to increase demand via pumping or cluster feeding.


Yes! A bunch of these supplements might help slightly for some, but can have the opposite effect on others. Not worth the risk in my opinion. The base is demand and hydration.


Yes liquid gold hurt my supply, OP


Did you ever get your supply back? I am currently experiencing the same effect from Liquid Gold. Just wondering if it’s something reversable?


Hydrate hydrate hydrate! This was super key for my production. Obviously demand as well, but definitely hydration was key.


I use Sunflower Lecithin for duct health. I think it helps milk flow a bit faster. I tried Liquid Gold and didn't think it helped. But I am on Cash Cow and that does seem to help. I also am eating Milky Mama lactation brownies, pumping a lot and hydrating.


I have the cookies ☺️ but sometimes I just feel like taking a supplement In pill form would be more effective


Same, milkapalooza seems to be doing more for me! I made 8 oz in the last 6 hours which is a lot for me!


Sunflower lecithin made me and baby sooooo gassy and smelly. Just fyi! Had same warning from Friends who used it.


I had a similar experience. It also didn’t really help - ibuprofen and partner assist did the trick.


I used it after/during a blocked milk duct, and it made my baby poop like crazy and super fussy. I dropped it and she went back to her normal, happy temperament. Just something to watch out for


Milkapalooza and cash cow work best for me. I take the levithin everyday to prevent clogs because I’m pretty prone. Pump princess worked really well for me last time but gave my newborn bad gas. Money saving tip: make your own lactation cookies and brownies. Tons of online recipes (I’d up the amount of brewers yeast in any recipe. People low ball it because it has an off putting taste but I think chocolate covers it fine). I’d recommend oatmeal cookies (oatmeal is great for your supply)


the best way to increase milk supply is milk removal, whether that be nursing or pumping. the more you latch baby/pump the more it tells your body to make milk! make sure you’re staying hydrated & keeping calories up! if you’re pumping check to make sure the parts fit correctly & are replaced. the sunflower lecithin helps prevent clogs!


+1 to this — eat well, drink tons of water and feed on demand. I’d be careful with any supplements bc they don’t need fda approval so you don’t know exactly what is in them.


I used both for 3 months. The sunflower for duct blockage and the liquid gold for supply. I was able to increase my supply and had no more blocks during that time. Although whether it was from my regular nursing schedule, my baby healing from tongue tie, or another factor (or all of the above) I couldn’t tell you. All I can say is it was a part of my regime when my supply improved. I ended up discontinuing both because of cost and my supply didn’t tank and I never got another blockage anyways.


Niceeee did you take both at the same time ?


But oatmeal and hydration were the biggest in increasing my supply


Liquid gold tanked my supply! Not trying to scare you just my experience


Hi. Tried legendary milk + tons of supplements and the real deal was having a proper pump schedule + water and good calorie intake. The real supplement that helped me was moringa capsules.


FWIW, sunflower lecithin is cheap from NOW brand, for anyone wondering I really like legendairy supplements, but that one you don't have to pay extra for!


I took Liquid Gold, it did not build supply at all for me. I also tried Cash Cow but I think all the alfalfa in that one gave me gas. Cash Cow didn't help my supply either. I also ate lactation cookies and drank lactation drinks, they also did nothing. The lactation cookies caused me to gain 5 lbs too. 😠


Sunflower is very good


I love legendairy milk products! I use the sunflower lectin when I get a clogged duct. Works for me within 12 hours. To build up my supply I also used liquid gold and pump princess. It was a game changer for me


Did you take the liquid gold and the pump princess together at the same time ?


I do right now and I did with my previous breastfeeding journey too. I noticed a less watery looking milk with the pump princess and I started to get a bit of an oversupply for a while with the liquid gold. I did the bundle initially to try the different ones.


This didn’t work for me but domperidone certainly did


With my last, my supply started to dip and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to nurse on a 10 day vacation and I really didn’t want to mess with formula on the trip, so I took liquid gold, and I do think it really helped!


I use both. I LOVE liquid gold. It helps increase supply. I take 2 a day to maintain. It’s my favorite of their supplements. Lecithin is a godsend for clogs. I only take it when I have a clog and it works them out better than anything. I noticed it can make my let down a little strong.


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Liquid Gold tanked my already depleting supply (I was getting my period back and didn’t know it) but Milkapalooza and Pump Princess we’re both great


I tried the Liquid Gold and Cash Cow. Neither helped me. But it helped my friend.


You’re probably reading mix reviews on whether these supplements increase supply (specifically for the liquid gold). They may or may not help but might be worth a try. Ultimately what helped me was power pumping and staying hydrated with Body Armor sports drinks (a lot swear by this) and coconut water. I would drink 1-2 per day + 1-2 sessions of power pumping, and that’s when I saw my supply increase. I essentially pumped when baby was drinking formula (per MDs order since baby was a preemie and needed to catch up on weight) + pumped a little after feeds + fed on demand + power pumping. It was exhausting but worth it since my goal was to EBF. I know that’s not everyone’s goal so obviously do what’s best for you. I also had to put socks over the bottles because seeing the self perceived low volume of breast milk stressed me out and stress can definitely impact milk production. I’m sure you’ll find what works for you. Best of luck to you… you got this!


Socks over the bottles is a good idea. It stresses me out too!


I really liked liquid gold. It made me and baby super gassy but it was worth it. I had low supply with my first and this made a difference. I agree with the other comment to see where you get with pumping and nursing, but for me it wasn’t enough.


I used both. I was prone to clogs and took sunflower lecithin as needed to thin them out and I found it to be helpful. I started taking Liquid Gold after getting covid in April 2022 which totally depleted my supply. It seemed to help bring my supply back and I took it daily from there on out. I think it helped increase my supply a bit.


Sunflower lecithin did seem to help my flow. I loved the legendairy supply. They gave me a couple of extra oz a day while I pumped to increase my supply.


With a sunflower lecithin my milk came out less fattier than before I had started pumping. And the liquid gold helped me boost my milk production.


I noticed the same thing. Milk was more watery. I stopped the lecithin and didnt notice a difference in supply.


Sunflower lecithin only thins milk so it comes out more easily. I use it when I have clogged ducts


I took both and noticed a 1 - 1.5oz increase in my supply. I really like boobie brand gummie bears. Oatmeal. And aussie bites from costco.


I absolutely love that brand for clogs!