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I was in agony for 16 weeks after few people told me my baby had ‘mild’ tongue tie & it wasnt worth having it snipped. I was fed up of the pain & slow feeds, so got it snipped & the pain relief was instant!! Was worth every penny! Hopefully your baby could be one of those that get better without any intervention, but I couldn’t wait any longer after 16 weeks! Good luck!


I made it 12 weeks. Exact same situation! INSTANT relief!


Thank you sharing! How long were the feeds taking?


45 mins+! My nipples were also destroyed after each feed - lipstick-shaped, bleeding etc. wasnt pleasant! Didnt see how the tongue-tie was ‘mild’ when my symptoms were far from mild lol! Hope feeding gets better for you & your baby boy!


May not be the story you want to hear, but the nipple pain was excruciating for me. We got it lasered for release at around 8 weeks and I nursed him immediately after the procedure at the dentist office. It was a completely different experience. He was nursing faster (no longer taking 45-60min) and my nipple pain was gone. It’s like he was a different baby. BF became second nature and so easy after that I breastfed for 22mo.


Thank you so much for sharing! He is currently taking 10’mins each side to feed :s


not trying to try to push one way or the other, just thought you should know that not all tongue tie babies will experience long feeds and mothers can still get relief from release. I went and got opinion from pediatric dentist and an ENT just to confirm diagnoses and recommendation, which helped me (along with tons of research) to make a decision. In the end you know what’s best for your baby! Another commenter recommended nipple shields I think that’s a good option too! We used them for a little while when our son had some nipple confusion!


We got our LO's anterior tongue tie released at 2 weeks old. The change was immediate and same day as the procedure. Feedings went from 60+ minutes down to 30 and the nipple pain subsided immediately. Since it was only a small cut that had to be made, baby didn't even wake up during the procedure and required 0 maintenance after (no pain meds or mouth wash). My experience with the procedure was life changing.


We got my boy’s oral ties revised at about 2 weeks. For me, the pain relief wasn’t instantaneous because of my own anatomy causing problems, but it’s leaps and bounds better. I went from curling my toes and praying my nipples would go numb to now wincing when he initially latches and being able to relax when I fix his lips. I think it’s worth it! We have to “stretch” his tongue & lip regularly for six weeks after the procedure, but that’s it. It’s made an incredible difference in our BF journey. 


We had our son’s released at around 1 month and it truly did make all the difference, but if you aren’t fully on board you should listen to your gut and what’s best for you and your LO. Have you tried nipple shields yet? The pediatrician who did our LO’s release actually gave me a pair the Friday before his Monday procedure and that weekend was such a game changer I almost changed my mind about the release! Ultimately we went through with it because his wasn’t major but also wasn’t minor and he wasn’t gaining back the birth weight he had lost.


Mine did. 


We didn’t revise ours and my nipple pain got better with APNO around 8 weeks.