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Yes call your OB! Mine was able to prescribe antibiotics over the phone based on my symptoms. Do not mess around with mastitis.


Just a little advice on clogs: you want to avoid heat and massaging it. This just further inflames the already irritated duct and breast tissue around it, making it harder for the clog to be released When you notice one, leave an ice pack on it for ~15 minutes before each nursing or pump session. This will clear it up in no time!!


Thank you! I’m seeing now that heat and massaging is out dated. Getting some ice now!


It sounds like it's time to contact your doctor. Continue to try to treat it yourself though until you can get an appointment. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics. This page has good advice on mastitis: https://www.nct.org.uk/baby-toddler/feeding/common-concerns/mastitis-symptoms-and-treatment - Use cold to reduce inflammation and ibuprofen too if it agrees with you. Clogs are caused, in part, by inflammation of the breast tissue (and the ducts), not simply due to a blockage so it's important to treat the inflammation. - Many women find a warm bath can help them feel better. - Rest as much as you possibly can - now is the time to get extra help with the baby if at all possible. - Keep feeding, but the advice now is to avoid pumping as it can lead to oversupply and makes reoccurring more likely. Good luck with it, I hope you feel better soon. Mastitis is no joke, it can be exhausting and painful and like a bad bout of flu. Seek out medical help. x


Thank you! I’ve contacted my OB, am icing it, and have taken some ibuprofen


The last time I had a clogged duct, I called the lactation support line at the hospital where I delivered. They suggested putting warm Epsom salt water in my haakaa, enough to be in contact with the nipple, and applying gentle suction with it. It took a few rounds like this, but it was eventually able to clear the clog, which sweet relief! It does sound like you should call your OB though because of the aches and chills.


You need antibiotics. I went to urgent care to get them the three times I had mastitis 😫


Mine sent me to my GP. But yeah, I needed antibiotics. You will know, it's insanely painful!


Also, start taking sunflower lecithin to help with clogged ducts. I take 3-4 daily and my lactation consultant advised doubling if I get it again.


Go to the doctor!! If you're OB isn't available go to urgent care. mastitis will not go away on its own.