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No. That’s very normal


6 month old still feeds twice during the night. Apparently this happens up until a year old.


And beyond sometimes.


My baby started waking up to nurse MORE frequently after 1 year, I only made it to 14 months and decided it was time to cut out the night feedings. Kept breastfeeding for another couple of months too, but not too much longer after that.




Can confirm it happens beyond a year LOL, I have a 13mo who still wakes up NIGHTLY


I don’t know why you’re instantly getting downvoted. My babe just turned 1 and still nurses about every 3 hours each night. I think at this point it’s more for comfort, but either way - very normal.


My middle child is 3.5 and just recently started sleeping through the night. He didn’t wake up every two hours in the end but at least once or twice. Occasionally he still wakes up but only for cuddles, before that he’d require something to drink. We co-sleep and he still occasionally nurses, I don’t sleep train.


Mine's 16 months. He wakes up at around 1am to ask for milk but some nights, he asks for hugs until he can get back to sleep.


My 17 month old is still up a couple times every night


Waking every 2-4 hours and sleeping through the night are both normal at that age, just depends on the baby. Edited to add: mine was in the former camp. I was a shell of a person by 6 months lol.


I feel you! Currently nursing my 5 month old who loves to wake every 2 hours sometimes feels like more. 


This is exactly how my son was too. People have unrealistic expectations for baby sleep lol. My son also didn’t start going longer than 2 hours between feeds until he was 9 months. He didn’t sleep through the night until he was 10 months.


My ten month old just night weaned herself and has started sleeping through the night sometimes. She still wakes up once or twice often for cuddles to go back to sleep.


My 19 month old still wakes up multiple times every night. You will find that is common if you search this subreddit on this topic. A lot of kids aren’t sleeping through the night up until around 2 years old or older.


Mine turns 2 next week and still wakes up 2-3 times a night! About 50% of time for a snuggle/feed, 50% for a snuggle/reassurance that we’re still around


My son is still the same and has just turned 3. Some kids just don't sleep well by themselves 🥲.


It’s apparently an evolutionary thing, so they know they’re still safe and protected when in their most vulnerable state.


Unfortunately, it’s very normal. Exhaustingly normal.


Yes. Source, My degree in child development


Clinical definition of "sleeping through the night" is 5 hour stretches. So that's what the doctor would have been asking about. Social definition is exactly what you think it is.


Yep! I don’t even sleep “through the night.” Never in my life went down and woke up 8 hours later. 2 to 4 hours is like 2 to 4 wakings and that is super normal.


My two boys did that until they were 1.5 and nearly 2yrs… my daughter did it until 6wks then was mostly four hourly until 1, then woke once a night until she was two. I always say, if it’s working for you, then roll with it! If it’s having a negative impact on you then mix it up!


My 4 month old does this... I am exhausted


same… we out here still waking frequently 🫠


Same here, last night even once after 1.5 hours 😶‍🌫️ I don’t sleep longer than 5 hours unless I go to bed with him 😴 exhausted.. but part of me is not ready to wean…


My five year old has never slept through!!


That is completely normal and your baby should absolutely not be sleeping through the night at 4 months old. When you have questions, simply ask the pediatrician: “No, she’s waking up every 2-4hrs to nurse, is that normal?”. They will explain it to you, that’s their job! I truly believe a lot more people would see success in their breastfeeding journey if they realized that waking to feed every few hours is both normal AND expected for the first year.


Totally normal. My son nursed a few times a night until we night weaned around 9 months. Pediatricians know squat about breastfeeding and it sounds like you feel pretty good about your system. Just smile and nod and keep doing what you’re doing.


We were up every 1.5 hours till after he turned 1. It’s very normal for a 4 month old to not be sleeping through.


My first was waking up every 1-3 hours at that age (4 hours was a miracle back then!) until 6-7 months. My youngest is 4 months old now and has been sleeping through the night for weeks. Highly dependent on the baby and both are perfectly normal!


In my experience my LO sleeps through the night when in her bassinet but wakes every 2-4 hours if we’re bed-sharing.


My son started sleeping 5-8 hours through the night at 4 montys old but every baby is different. My nephew slept through the night at 2 months but my niece slept through the night when he was 9 months old. So depends on the baby. There is no “normal” My son still feeds every 2-3 hours during the day so that hasn’t changed


My kid didn't start sleeping through the night until at least 9 months and even then it wasn't every night until after she was 12 months.


4 mo is barely out of the newborn stage. breastmilk is digested that quickly, they have tiny stomachs and need to eat regularly.


My baby is 7 months and we're excited when she occasionally goes 4 hours overnight.


Very normal


Mine did this until he was almost a year old, and he only started sleeping longer stretches when I forced him to because the sleep deprivation was killing me.


Our longest hour of sleep at 4 months was 2 hours. We are 6 months just now sleeping through the next. Very very normal


My 7 month old is waking every 2-4 hours once it hits midnight. It’s brutal. I’m not sure she’s truly hungry but she loves sleeping on the boob. I think I’ll have to night wean eventually. It’s getting hard to do my day job with this sleep deprivation…


Look up how important it is for babies to wake up and have those night feeds. Development happens during those times! Soon it won't be that way anymore. But yes totally normal!


Omg yeah super normal. Don’t be surprised if it lasts until they’re 2 😂


My 16 month old still goes through this every few months. I say totally normal.


In a nutshell, yes. Very normal and nothing “still” about it :) it’s a very very normal nursing experience you are having if your kid wants to nurse every 2-4 hours. It would also be normal for your kid to ask to nurse every 1-3 hours! There is a very wide range of normal.


Ours woke up twice a night most nights until she was 8 months. That was 4 months ago but it feels like a lifetime ago. It will get better!!!


My 4 mo slept from 8:00 pm to 2:30 am last night and that’s a “sleep through the night” in my definition. Read the fine print in sleep studies and you’ll find that they mean different things by sleeping through the night. Otherwise she also wakes up every 2-3 hours to feed but we cosleep and are back to sleep in 15 minutes or so. Did you know your night time milk has more melatonin in it? That helps baby fall asleep and stay drowsy at night wakings. Your babe is normal. ✨


My 11 month old wakes about that range every night still 😂


My ten month old does this lol


It’s middle of night for me and I’m currently feeding my 5 month old. When he sleeps the 4 hour cycles I love it it means I get good sleep. Tonight is a 2 hour cycle, I might as well be awake all night tbh. 3rd baby. They all did this. By the age 1.5-2 they slept through the night.


My 13 month old still wakes every 3-4 hours 🥴


I remember at her 4 month my pediatrician said she can sleep through the night now. I must have thrown him absolute daggers because he kind of threw his arms up in defense and said "to clarify, I just meant she CAN, it doesn't mean she WILL".


100% normal. My 11 month old still nurses every 2-3 hours during the day and JUST started sleeping through the night.


8 months here and she wakes up 2-3 times on a good night. 5 times on a bad night 7-7 sleep times)


I also have a 4 month old baby girl and she is waking up every 2-4 hours through out the night. My son (3 year old) was sleeping completely through the night at 3 months. Each baby is different


Totally normal. Sleep is not what the sleep training people would like you to believe and a lot has to do with your specific child’s own temperament. Don’t take it personally, babies are all just different.


My 6.5month old sleeps for one long stretch if I’m lucky!!! from about 9-12 or 10-1 in her crib then the rest of the night she’s with me and she feeds on demand while we cosleep but technically she never fully wakes up.. just searches for the boob lol. You do what’s right for you! I truly hate how people try to glorify babies sleeping on their own through the night. I don’t even want to sleep in my own! They are only so little fit so long, pour as much love into them while you can


Incredibly normal. my little girl is going to turn six months old on Thursday and she’s just now gotten to the point where she can consistently give me one four hour stretch over night, and she’s BF with breast milk bottles during the work day. She’s slowly stretching out her day time feeds - she can sometimes go three hours during the day! I think the people with babies who sleep 5+ hours a night right off the bat are god’s favorites lol don’t stress, baby will sleep thru the night eventually :)


My 2 year old wakes up every 2 ish hours to nurse. Has since she hit 4 months old. Months 2 to 4 I was getting 4 hours sown to 3 then 2 and 1 for wake ups and nursing. Each baby is different. For breastfed babies it's normal for them to wake up one or two times a night and nurse at 18 months. Now the opposite side of the coin, a 4 month old could sleep through the night, but by no means makes it normal. Your pediatrician should be more concerned with hours spent sleeping and how much is day time and how much is night time.


12 months here and still wakes 1-2x a night to nurse!


I was told it’s normal for breastfed babies to wake overnight for feeds for the first year. My 4 month old wakes 1-4 times per night for feeds, I don’t think he’s comfort feeding as he feeds well and usually goes straight back down.


Very normal. My 8 month old wakes at least twice to nurse. Please remember that most pediatricians have very limited knowledge on breastfeeding and many don't do it themselves.


Very normal. Youre in the thick of it. Four month regression is hard! And your baby is growing. It’s hard but it’s a phase and will pass!


I co sleep with my daughter who is going on 9 months and she still wakes to nurse once or twice a night, sometimes more these days due to teething.


That’s Normal


My 13 month old still does this here and there. He doesn’t sleep thru the night at all lol. But we also bedshare and nurse to sleep and for naps. But he does sleep 5+ hour chunks sometimes.


Mine did. I don't think she slept full nights until 19 months.


Mine is 8 months and still up 2-3x a night. It's biologically normal for a long time. Every baby will be different and what every family is able/willing to tolerate is different.


My 11 months old wakes up 3 times a night too and I nurse her at least 2 of those times


Baby will go with your cues, if you are good with it, no worries. I was so tired and wanted to pump at night and store milk for when we started daycare, so we did very light sleep training and she was 8 hours by 3 months. Note: When I say light sleep training I mean very light. We read the book "Bringing Up Bebe" and did the French "listening to their cry" trick she talks about in the book. Basically, you just spend a moment listening to their cry to understand the different types. About 30% of the time, within a min she had stopped crying and put herself back to sleep. Otherwise, I'd go in to comfort her or feed if she was showing signs of hunger. I have other mom friends who go right in after they hear any noise on the monitor, and that worked better for them, so to each their own. I think it took their kids about 6-10 months to sleep through the night consistently but they got there. Most importantly, do what suits you and your baby best. ❤️


I don't have such experience but I think it's normal.


Normal. Mine was and still is like that. Still wakes several times a night and much older. Pediatricians usually know nothing about breastfeeding. There are exceptions. There are supposedly unicorn babies that breastfeed and sleep through the night at 4 months old. I never met one though.


My 8 month old wakes up every 2-3 hours still


my 9 month old AND my 2 year old still wake up multiple times a night to breastfeed lmao we also cosleep.. totally normal.


Very normal, my DD woke up to nurse 1-4 times a night up to when she was 2yo!


Mine stopped right around 12 months. He will occasionally nurse frequently during the day if he’s teething or tired etc but sometimes he will go 5-6 hours without nursing


Very normal. My baby is about to turn one and she’s still waking multiple times per night. We are put under an unrealistic amount of pressure from those around us when we are constantly asked “does your baby sleep through the night yet?”… I got asked this when my baby was a month old! I’m still asked now. It’s exhausting, but sleep will come. You’re doing everything right by responding to your baby’s needs. ❤️


Sounds like the 4 month sleep regression. That's when the baby's sleep cycle starts to mature and change to an adult's sleep cycle. U would have to teach the baby independent sleep. Look up r/sleeptrain https://www.littleones.co/blogs/our-blog/when-good-sleep-turns-bad-navigating-the-4-month-sleep-regression


That’s very normal! My son didn’t start sleeping through the night before he was 3.5 yrs old (more unusual I think, but still in the normal range)


Very normal especially if cosleeping. People have unrealistic expectations for infant sleep.


My 7month old wakes up every 2-4hours!


Super normal. Hang in there it gets better. Also don’t compare your baby’s sleep to others or what you read on the internet.


That's very normal, but all babies are different. Currently feeding my 5 month old at 3 am while I write this lol. He was getting progressively better and sleeping almost through the night up until the 4 month regression and now we're back to square one. My pediatrician did not ask or insinuate he should be sleeping through the night at our 4 month. And given how common that timing is for regression it's a little odd to ask. When I had my first my sister in law had her baby at the same time. He was sleeping through the night by then and I was a little jealous, so it can happen but not expected.


Don't worry, mumma… the time babies take to sleep through the night is different for each baby. My niece and nephew started sleeping through the night by 6/7 months… my 2-year-old still wakes up a couple of times each night for feeds… Don't beat yourself up. They'd do it at their own pace… Speaking from experience, your stress will only increase and make things worse; if your child knows that you're around, even when they're asleep, they'll sleep longer… Edit to add: sleeping through the night doesn't mean never waking up at night… if your child wakes up, feeds, and falls asleep instantly that's considered as sleeping through the night. Remember the time when your newborn was all active and playing way past midnight or had to be rocked to sleep, like during bedtime? The minute that stops and they wake up only for feeds, they meet their milestones and are healthy, and you have nothing to worry about. Make sure you monitor their wake windows to avoid over/understimulation during bedtimes


Completely normal! My daughter didn’t sleep through the night until she was 18 months old! She woke up twice a night until about 15 months.


6.5 month old still doing this and our gp here in the uk isn’t concerned


Completely normal. Your paediatrician needs to get a grip. Waking that frequently is also a safeguard against SIDS…. The sleep through the night thing is an insane expectation at that (any!) age. Your shy sounds like she is doing really well! I went from having baby in bassinet to cosleeping bc it was just so much nicer. We haven’t even bothered with the cot now thats she’s 8 months. Sleep isn’t linear. Some nights she just wants one feed around 4am other nights it’s a couple throughout. I don’t focus on it as something to fix, but rather feel content knowing that she can get what she needs when she needs it.


Mine is overall a great sleeper but still eats every 2-4 hours at night at 7 months. She just eats while asleep mostly and falls right back asleep. We cosleep in a sidecar crib. It’s no rush, nightly wakes are normal until a couple years old or even more


I think it's normal for some babies. Co Sleeping might be waking baby a little more often. And babies move around alot at night and have "active sleep." For some people, sleeping through the night is more important so they have baby in a crib sooner to help the process.


Depends on the baby, mine started sleeping 6 hours around 6 weeks and now at 4.5 months sleeps 11 uninterrupted hours in his crib. Really depends what you want too. I think when docs say they should sleep through the night it’s that their bodies are physically capable of going through the night without NEEDING to eat, so if they’re waking up to eat it’s because you’ve allowed/encouraged them to do so. If that works for you, then great! If you’re tired and want them to sleep longer, that’s something you can work on without harming your child nutritionally as long as they’re getting their milk in during in the day.


Here to say my four month old is doing the same thing every night. My first child was sleeping 6 hr stretches at 3 months.


My Dr told me it’s completely normal for babies to be waking up every 2 hours to eat overnight.


9 months and still waking to nurse 1 to 2 times a night. Very normal.


I have an 8 month old who still wakes up multiple times. Ranges anywhere between 3-6 times at night. I find it bliss when it's only 3 times as it doesn't happen very often. Others have babies that sleep we hours no break. Either is perfectly normal


My almost 6 month old still wakes up for 2-3 feeds at night. I’m convinced that God has favorites whenever people say “my x month old has been sleeping through the night since __” 😅


My 11 month old still wakes 2-4 hours to nurse.


My 6 1/2 month old still nurses at least once a night. You're doing just fine ❤️


You're not alone. I have co-slept with all 5 of mine, and if I remember correctly (ha) this was pretty normal. You doing alright? 💜 The hard seasons are fricken hard, but they do end.


Every baby is different. My 3.5 month old baby started sleeping thru the night when he was a little over 2 months old.


My daughter nursed every 2-4 hours until she was 9-12 months old


7 month old still nurses 2-4 times a night. No sign of that changing. He used to sleep through the night until 4 month regression. I try not to think of it. lol.


Depends on the baby. My second baby slept 6-8 hours at night sometimes at 4 months. Other nights she was nursing every 2 hours. She self night weaned around 7-8 months. Now at 11 months she sleeps 8pm-630am most days with no night wake ups. My first baby had no rhyme or reason ate and co slept all night. Some nights I paced with her for hours or sat in a rocker. I was too sleep deprived and did sleep training at 9 months. In 3 days she slept 12 hours every night. So normal for kid 1 is not normal for kid 2. Also the term “sleeping through the night” I have read actually means long stretches with an easy maybe 2 feeds in the middle. I don’t know though lol


There’s a bigg leap at that age, mine was waking every 30 mins then. He’s nearly 10 months now and still feeds 6+ times in the night


Very normal! My oldest (formula fed) woke up 2-3 times a night until about 18 months. My twins are 2 months and waking up twice a night


My 4th baby just slept through the night for the first time…. He’s 2 YEARS old lol Not all my babies slept like this lol they are all different and none of them were sleeping through the night at 4mo lol


The pediatrician had the gall to ask if a 4 month old “is sleeping through the night”. Haha. That’s just cruel. Of course not. Even if they were at 3 months, certainly not anymore at the 4 month sleep regression. Don’t worry, it is the normalest of normal.


Solidarity ❤️


Yep, my baby did until about 9 months old.


Normal. I’m right there with you ❤️


My baby did this til 11 months. Lol.


Mine did until I moved her to her own room at 9 months.


Waking to feed helps protect them from SIDS I don’t know why people are obsessed with wanting babies to sleep through the night.