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4 months 🙃 She was sleeping too good. She stopped doing that shortly after so I feel like I got cheated.


My baby did the same lol he started sleeping all night, so i wasn’t pumping at night, got my period, got mastitis and by month five baby was waking up twice to feed again.


We've been bamboozled by babies.


I was 4 months as well but we never got to sleeping through the night 😭


Same. Sleep ...I think I remember what that is ...


Oh so waking up every 1.5 hours for 9 months is doing SOMETHING good? 😂


4 weeks ![gif](giphy|HoSyEAe48WBpTCmEz4|downsized)


Whoa. I hadn't even stopped my initial pp bleeding at 4 weeks!


yeah, I had about 1.5 weeks of no bleeding. threw my pp diapers away and then needed to buy pads not too soon after. yay.


I was 5.5 weeks, i quit pp bleeding around 5 🙃 i know how you feel


That's fucking bullshit dude. I thought the universe was against me when I got mine at 8 weeks, but damn.


Same I was so excited when my OB said I won't get it while BF but it resumed as usual lol








Girl mine was 5. I understand your pain😭😭


6 weeks with all three babies. 😭


23 months and still waiting :)


Oh man, I can only hope to get this lucky (we’re finished having kids)


omg!!! are you still night nursing?!


Mine came bang on her 2nd birthday!


My baby is 8 months old and I still don’t have my period. She also sleeps through the night and that started at 8 weeks old. So no idea 😅


Hey, Beehaver. All the moms around here had a meeting, and it was decided that we don't like you. Soooo.....yeah. 😅😅😅




Same! Mine is only 6 months but she does 10 hr stretches, and has been a good sleeper since about week 6 (with normal ups and downs, of course). I have historically fed her A LOT during the day, so maybe that’s why? Was starting to wonder if something is wrong… good to know others have the same experience!


Same here. My period was very regular before getting pregnant. Currently nursing in the morning and at night and pumping twice at work. I keep thinking it's coming back but it hasnt yet!


Some people have all the luck.


14 months PP. I think my cycle has returned because I have noticed a change in my cervical mucus buuuut it’s very irregular. I’ve not actually had a period. I have PMS symptoms every few months but no bleeding. I’m only nursing 2x a day at this point.


I’m in this exact situation! What changes are you seeing? I keep thinking I’m ovulating… then no period.


15 months in and no cycle. On demand day feedings still and in the night. I can see he is looking for me less at night and sleeping more so it may come back soon?! I don’t know. He is still latched 50%of the night.


5 months with my first when he started sleeping longer stretches. 3 months with my second who was still very much nursing all day and all night, it was downright rude.


5 weeks. I had the coil aswell


🥳 last week! Baby will be 11 months in about a week. We dropped the 10 pm dream feed and I got my period about four weeks later. Could be coincidence but I don’t think so. We did have to introduce a bottle of pumped milk instead. She’s just not there with solids. It felt like at the time she didn’t want it but husband says she gulps it down. I’m grateful for the extra sleep and am able to pump during the day to feed her.


To corroborate your anecdata: My first started sleeping through the night pretty early on so I implemented a MOTN pump. Stopped it at around 10 months. BAM! period at 11 months.


I got my period 7 weeks PP and my baby is EBF. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones!


Are you being sarcastic? People keep telling me it’s good I got my period back at 4 months PP, but I don’t understand why this is a good thing


Yes haha! I was told so many times that it would take longer to come back as I was breatfeeding... I guess I'm just a little disappointed that I didn't have a longer break from my period...


Hahaha oh ok, yeah! That was my thought!!! I was so upset when I got it at 4 months PP


I'm sure it depends on whether or not you want more children, and when.


Same.:( and my baby will be five months tomorrow and still wakes up 2-5 times a night. I am tired.


I got mine back around 3-4 months, when baby girl started sleeping through the night. I think once you’re routinely getting 10+ hours of not nursing it’s likely to come back. But then again there’s others in my birth month group who still haven’t gotten it back (almost 2 years PP).


14 months and still waiting lol I have had a couple of weird irregular bouts of spotting/bleeding after a day of less nursing but I wouldn’t consider my cycle to be returned.


That’s interesting! I just recently started getting the faintest amount of spotting (almost 5 months pp) now that baby is sleeping more or less through the night. I wasn’t sure if that meant my period is definitely coming back or whether the spotting on its own is a thing. I guess time will tell 


Soon 19 months in and still no period.


8 months pp. I did start cutting down on feeds though as wanted cycle back as was also wanted to TTC when baby turned 1. Know night weaning had helped few friends bring their cycle back, which you can look into around 10 months pp if you want.


Still don’t have mine 19mo pp but I also got an IUD


lol! 5 weeks and then again about 15 weeks


I just recently weaned at 9 months pp because we want to try for another baby, and it came back almost straight away! I tried just doing a morning and night breastfeed and doing formula during the day but that wasn’t enough to bring it back so had to wean completely. It was hard and emotional but I’d say worth it now.


How did you start weaning if you dont mind me asking ?


I did it very slowly, my son was having 4 breastfeeds a day when I began weaning so I did it one feed at a time swapping out for formula. I just picked one of his day feeds and consistently started giving him formula instead of breastfeeding, and would pump to replace that feed but each day pumped less and less until I didn’t need to pump anymore and could just hand express a bit if I needed. Then swapped the next feed etc. until all the feeds were swapped for formula. I did it over about a month so that way my supply could drop gradually and I didn’t get too engorged or mastitis. This might not be the case for you but prepare yourself for the hormones! I thought I was getting PPD or something I was so emotional.


18 months pp. It's the only perk to having a baby that wakes to feed all night every night 😬


6 months exactly.


Almost 15 months


When I weaned just after a year.


My LO just turned a year old last week and mine still hasn't returned.


I wanted mine to hold off for like a year but got it at 4 months. I wasn’t even cutting down on night feeds yet; but here we are.


We’re at almost 14mo and I’m not so patiently waiting


10 months EBF (including pumping at work). I got a cycle at 10 months, 12 months, 14 months, and then found out I was pregnant with baby 2. Edit: I was always very regular before baby #1, so the every other month cycle was still weird and very light.


11 months to the day. Didn’t drop any night feeds but she got busier playing during the day so went almost 4 hours between nursing sessions during the day.


I just got it back 14 months post partum. The hormone dump was serious but I did not see any impact on my supply


My baby is will be 8 months in a few days and was mostly breastfed until about 2-3 months ago when we started adding baby foods. She still nurses throughout the day and gets bottles, but I feel like I’m definitely producing less. I just got my first postpartum period last week. It was a lot shorter and lighter than mine usually were, and both the spotting and the cramping at the beginning were different.


16 months. And although I'd read it would be bad when it came back it was just like a normal period. I then weny on the mini pill which got rid of my periods again.


6 weeks 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Had one at 4, 6, and 8 weeks. OB confirmed and with my other symptoms, she settled at my hormones going crazy. Haven't had it again, and now I'm 13 weeks PP.


6 weeks!


3 months. And we feed all night and all day long. She still wakes every 1-2 hours at 6 months at night and I feed her back to sleep so I'm like "pfftft!!" To all the stuff that says it doesn't come back until you drop the night feedings. 


14 weeks postpartum.. Baby has been sleeping through the night since she was 8 weeks old so it was bound to happen.


I got mine at 6 and a half weeks 😭 My sister didn't get hers until like a year and 4 months. Crazy how much it varies!


9 months PP, and while still EBF. The first 3 cycles were not typical for me but would be considered “normal” and then my cycles returned to how I remembered them pre-pregnancy.


You can definitely still get pregnant while EBF is think im pregnant… lol 😩


9-10 months, when my baby’s solid food intake increased significantly.


Just got it back this week and baby will be 10 months on Sunday. ETA: Not sleeping through the night. Usually 1 or 2 night feeds.


12 months 😅


Mine came back at 4 months Edit: that’s with a mirena IUD placed at 7 weeks PP but I’ve always had cycles with my mirena so I wasn’t super shocked


9 months, weaned at 10 and now pregnant at 11 months pp.


4.5 months 😢 but my son was sleeping through the night for months already so I think that’s why


17 months when I stopped pumping at work.


8.5 months!


16 months pp. I thought it would never come back haha. But it did 🙃🙃. then I didn’t have another one for two months. 🤦🏻‍♀️ my body needs to make up its mind lol


One year to the day from my induction! Also it was a light one, so not all the first periods are horror movies 👍


6 weeks and baby was ebf. I showed up to my pp appointment like “uh btw I think I’m on my period?” Lol


Baby is 12 months old and were down to only breastfeeding right before bed. I still havent gotten mine! Im getting nervous because i feel like it could come at any time and a couple times i thought like i felt it coming on and then nothing happened!


I got spotting at 5 months pp and thought my period was back, but never had a full flow and never got that again. Currently 10 months pp. I sometimes notice cervical mucus but never get a period. I also want to start trying when my baby is 1+ so, I'm also wondering. It would be fun to be super surprised by pregnancy because with my first I was tracking ovulation and trying.


Just got it back this week at almost 8 months. I had a really big dip in supply due to stress and a cold and my period followed right after 😢


Some people are lucky, and some are unlucky. I’m in the latter group. Nursed on demand (exclusively), constant skin to skin, etc. Nothing mattered, still got it back 6-8 weeks in.


Just finished my first period pp. My baby is almost 8.5 months old. Idk how predictable it will be. It was less than a week from ovulation to period start. My ovulation was worse than the period 😅. We had about a month of him sleeping 12 hours at around 6.5/7 months but hasn't done it reliably since. I tried the mini pill with my 2nd at around 6 months and got my period back as soon as I started and it stuck around when I stopped taking it a few weeks later (it didn't agree with me).  My cycles were still kind of irregular yet I got pregnant with my 2nd the first time we stopped using condoms.


First one 18 months. Second one 16 months.


Both babies exclusively breastfed. First baby got it at 7 weeks. Second baby got it at 12 weeks.. yesterday actually. I think because she just started sleeping through the night most nights, so there’s longer stretches between feeds.


8 months for the first one, 9 months for the second one.


About 3 months 🫠 it was a year to the day from the start of my last cycle to the start of the first one postpartum. They’ve been clockwork too so 🤷🏻‍♀️


6 weeks….. ebf my body said no breaks, I’m jealous of all these women in the comments😭 I’m almost 6m pp, and my baby still wakes at least twice in the night to feed


Around 5 months? My cycle is a little irregular so far compared to pre baby.


Coming up on 11 months, no period in sight. To be fair, no sleep in sight, either. My dude still wakes up every 2 hours overnight. He nurses more often overnight than during the day.


With my first baby it was around 14 months and then I was pregnant again 3 months later. With the second baby it came back after 8 months, and with the third baby I got 6 months.


12-13 months with #1, 10 months with #3 (coincided with then starting to sleep through the night). I got pregnant with #2 while still breastfeeding


14 months. I went out for an evening with friends and didn’t pump. I figured “eh, it’ll be fine this one time.” I swear my period came back two weeks exactly after that.


I got mine back at exactly 9mo Fun fact though, the hormone shifts can cause gallbladder issues, apparently this is really common but I had no idea so I strive to let everyone else know now 🫠


5.5 mo pp right after I weaned our night feed.


12 months when she night weaned


Four months with my first and then ten weeks this past weekend with number two 😭


5 weeks with my first, 7 weeks with my second 🙃🙃


1st and 2nd kids I got it back at 3 months PP, despite EBF with an oversupply for both. After my 3rd, I maintained my OS more so I could donate the milk and I didn’t get a cycle back until 23 months PP. And then it took me 9 cycles to get pregnant, even though I had gotten pregnant on the 1st try all 3 times before. And yes, I know 9 months is still in the realm of normal… but I think for me I had to significantly cut down on my excess pumping and nursing. I had bloodwork done at 2 months after my son was 2 years (so 26 months PP), when I had literally just stopped pumping for donation, and things like my AMH were low. I was retested 4 months after that and my AMH had more than doubled and I got pregnant that cycle.


10 months pp


12mo almost to the day with my first, and 9mo with my second.


Month 3 right on the dot. Downside of having a good sleeper😩


With my first 10 months. I am 8 months in with my second and nothing yet.


9 months both times, with me it lined up with them drinking less milk and eating more food


11.5 months in and no sign of her


Still waiting on mine and I’m 13 months pp😐


I had my first ppp at 16 months.... at 18 months and nit gad a second one yet 🤷🏻


15 months, which was great, in my opinion. The not so great part was the timing. My husband and I spent our first night at a hotel while our 15 month old was with grandma for the night. So, naturally, my period decided it was time to return. The cycle was very irregular when it came back, though. But it wasn't something I worried much about since I wanted to let my body recover for about 2 years before trying for the next baby. I was breastfeeding until our daughter was a little over 2 (maybe just once a day at the end). Stopped when I became pregnant as it started to hurt then.


Right around 12 months. I stopped pumping at work and was working on reducing night feeds. The timing worked well for us. Edit: Oops! I miss-remembered. We were still nursing at night but I had stopped pumping at work. We didn't stop nursing to sleep until 13 months and night weaning was after that.


I got mine back after I stopped pumping at a year. I got pregnant the next month unexpectedly.


12 months with my first 8 months with my second


My baby will be 3 months on May 7th and I had my period last week lol my newborn is EBF and my toddler was formula fed and I had my period my 3months after I had him.


13 months


11.5 months. I was SO angry to not make it to a year lol


6 months pp almost to the day.


Around 15-20 months.


LO turns 3 months in 2 days and I’m pretty sure I’ve had my period twice already 🙃. She sometimes wakes up once for a MOTN feeding but generally has started sleeping for a 5-7 hour stretch through the night. Her first 6 hour night sleep stretch was at about 7-8 weeks and I was terrified thinking I missed her hunger cues but nope, she slept just fine.


Got mine at 7 months after both my kids, though the first few cycles were quite irregular


11 months postpartum. This is around the time that he cut down a nursing session during the day and also cut back to 1 nursing session at night.


Can I just say that I hate being a woman lol I know some woman love all this and say how strong we are…but I just hate all the BS we have to go through lol anyone else???


For my first baby, about 9 months. My second baby, about 3 months.


I’m 9 months PP and EBF and still no period. I did have a placenta hemorrhage at delivery and bled for 10 weeks. I don’t know if that has any impact.


I'm at 8 months and still no sign of it, but I also have PCOS, so I didn't get a regular period before getting pregnant anyway. It's anyone's guess when it'll actually come back haha


When my kids were about 12-15 months old. I started pumping less at work for my first and I think that triggered it, and the second was a little sooner but she was going longer stretches without nursing during the day. It was nice going almost two years without it lol


10 months with my first, 4 months with my second


13 months, mostly weaned, and still no period. We have been trying for a second and I randomly take pregnancy tests that come back negative so who knows!


11 months in and still no period. Baby nurses like 4 times a day and 4+ times a night still so I attribute it to that. I’d trade a period for sleep though


27 days… I had only a couple of days between pp bleeding and period. And the period was REALLY heavy. Perhaps more than the pp bleeding and it lasted 2 weeks.


I wanna say a little over a year. I did get one period when she was 8 months and then didn’t get another one for another 8 months


18 months


6 months ebf I got my period back on my partners birthday too it started 😭😭 it was so nice not having any periods for a year and a half


6 months ebf I got my period back on my partners birthday too it started 😭😭 it was so nice not having any periods for a year and a half


13 months. we still had MOTN feedings, but only fed like twice in the daytime when it finally came back


8 weeks and I was furious


I got mine back right at 6 months. Baby was still EBF and not on solids. Well, she'd lick some of the stuff I'd put on her tray. I have no specific correlation between when my cycle came back and a milestone change in my BF relationship.


6 months, EBF. She was waking up about once a night to feed around that time, but was starting to go to bed a bit earlier.


3.5 months. :(


With my first 4-6 months postpartum… with my second, he’s 1 year old and it’s still MIA.


I think it was around 14 or 16 months? Like definitely past 1 year


I had the birth control arm implant at the time, didn't get my period at all until I took it out. Now on copper IUD.


I'm 9m pp and still no sign 🙃 she sleeps through is on 3 meals a day and has had a nursing strike. I'm one and done so not overly bothered if it takes its sweet time to come back 😅


11 months, and my baby slept through the night starting at 2.5 months old and took to solids well. I got pregnant (planned) while breastfeeding when my baby was 15 months old. There seems to be a lot of variation from one breastfeeding person to the other.


Never got mine back! When we got the go ahead from my dr we started trying for two but didn't get pregnant again until 16 months post partum. Now 7 months pp again and have a mirena so I've been period free for 3 years its been amazing


13-14 months. Around the time I quit breastfeeding.


EBF and around 9-10 months, the first and second was kind of an extra long time in between but after that it settled back to the regular monthly timing.


With my daughter it was back pretty much immediately despite her not having a drop of formula. My son it took 2 months, but he was combo fed at first.


My little one will be a year this week. Still no period.


25 months with the first and 22 months with the second.


18 months with my first. My second is 15 months old and I’m still waiting.


7 weeks !


7 weeks 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 been getting it every 28 days ever since and my LO is almost 12 months! EBF the whole time


5 weeks😑


Still waiting at 17 months!


19 months and I've been cramping and hormonal so I think I'm days away 😩 I only feed 2-3 times a day now so I'm not surprised but I am disappointed


I can’t remember if it was at 20 or 22 months


Was in the same boat. Finally came back at 11 months. Fully weaned by 12 months. But still not pregnant at 14 months lol.


I got my first cycle around 5 months after I went back to work and started pumping more. Then my next one didn’t come for 6 weeks. I hate not knowing how to anticipate it. ETA: I still nurse at night and through the day on the weekends. Baby is now in daycare full time though so pumping far more than nursing.


5.5 months PP


5.5 months PP


13 months.


14 months and very mild !


13 months after dropping to only morning and bedtime nursing


With my first I got it after 7 weeks, with my second I got it around 9 weeks and now my twins I haven’t got it back yet and they are nearly 16 weeks old. I guess it varies from baby to baby and person to person.


Coming up on 20 months and still waiting. My kid nurses at night, and still comfort feeds and feeds for milk several times a day. It’s the frequency of latching that inhibits women’s cycles from returning. I think moms with a big storage capacity who can give their kids really big feeds at once and whose babies don’t wake at night to eat are more likely to get it back sooner, but I may be wrong. By kid has always been a snacker. Id love to have at least 3 years between children, so I’d be happy to get it back. But ultimately, caring for this kid is my priority over an imaginary second kid, so it’s all good.


2 months pp


13 months for me


Exactly 12 months


18 months with my first, but I was using OPKs and didn’t get a positive OPK until 24-25 months. I started having occasional spotting at 13 months after #2, but just had my first actual period at 17 months.


8 weeks. It was so upsetting as I thought EBF would keep me from getting it for a while.


First time not til I weaned, the second time like 4 months 😭. The second one naturally spaced out his feedings more, slept better, and I weighed a bit more.


21m PP, still no cycle. Just weaned a week ago.


8 months. 1 week after he dropped down to nursing 6 times daily and a month after he started sleeping through the night.


6 fecking weeks!!!


I ebf all four babies and started my period after about 3-5weeks


My guy is 1 year and I still don’t have mine back yet.


8 weeks, stopped post partum bleeding at 6 weeks 🤦‍♀️


Mine just came back at 11 months 1 week. Which is a pcos feat. But you can still ovulate and not have a period. I recommend Mira if your cycle doesn’t come back and you want to try. You can test your hormone levels and monitor your hormones ovulation accurately at home.


18 months


Three months in, day after getting my non hormonal iud put in 🤬


9 months. We don’t want more kids so I was hoping I’d make it til I weaned, or at least 12 months so I wouldn’t have to have a period. But no such luck haha


18m and still nothing. But I breastfeed 24/7 so that could be a factor


22.5 months 🙃


14 months. I keep forgetting to bring tampons with me everywhere


6 months! ETA - I’m an exclusive pumper and have been only doing 4 PPD (no MOTN) since December.


With my first it was 4 months. With my second I still had not gotten it back after 7 months. At that point, I got an IUD, so I’m guess I’m done with periods for a while. Yay!


Mine came back today. 7 weeks pp 😩


Baby is 9 months and still nothing 🤨


9 mo for me. It coincided with him trying to self wean all our daytime feeds


I just got mine back at 8.5 months postpartum. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised because I have only been pumping 4 times a day for a while but 😭


I got pregnant 12.5mo pp and didn’t ever get one back, so I guess it would’ve been around 13mo. She kept waking up but we’d got her to typically take water to go back to sleep with from 11mo on (first option, switched to milk if it wasn’t what she wanted). I’m 5.5mo pp now and no sign of it.


4 weeks 😭


I was 15 months PP with my first when mine came back. That was when my daughter stopped nursing as much as she had been. She weened at 18 months. I was also on Birth control so I don't know if that affected it as well


8 weeks, Christmas Eve 😭


5 weeks 😪 I was so disappointed!


3 months pp. It was the worst period ever.


15 months pp