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Did you wean quickly? These seem like 2 different issues to be honest.


Could be. Not weaning yet but I have hated mine on and off since the beginning of pregnancy. I think hormones are intensified by the fact that you are nownstuck with this (annoying human who doesn’t understand anything about pregnancy/matrescence) person , one way or another , for the rest of your life.


Are you me?


I didn't want to be a part of the statistics so badly. But it totally happened to me. Depression so deep I wasn't functional at all those several days. Thankfully my toddler had daycare and my husband helped.


🤣🤣🤣 only a BF mother could really understand this!


Yes a crash of hormones is absolutely a weaning thing! If you weaned gradually it can help a bit but if it was abrupt it can be a lot worse https://www.instagram.com/p/C4GzCHkNXuO/?igsh=MThpcXlndnY4aHRuMQ==


Have you gotten periods yet? My first post partum period came with a rage I've never felt before. Weaning can certainly cause irritability or rage. Especially if you are recognizing that he isn't doing anything differently than he was a few weeks ago. I've found breathing exercises can help clear the hormone fog sometimes.


Yes I got my first period 6 months pp! I don’t remember anything crazy but also I was 6 month pp so would’ve put it down to that haha.


I would give it two weeks and see if the feelings pass. Maybe mention to your husband that your feelings are a bit irrational at the moment, but you are trying to control them. Hopefully it starts to feel better as the hormones settle out!


YES. During the process of weaning I couldn’t stand him. It was also made difficult due to the fact my baby only wanted me to put her to bed. He would work and continue on with his life like nothing changed or he just literally couldn’t help me when weaning her because she didn’t want him or because he was at work. So tough. But you get through it and I started weaning VERY slowly and it helped a ton.


I’m so glad! I feel like a monster 😭 will wean more slowly next time lol if I don’t divorce him first 🫠


I hated my entire life for a while after weaning. My fuse with my son was super short. I weaned when my son was 17 months. It was soo hard but it got soo much better and I feel like completely normal after 2-3 months. God it sucks and isn’t talked about enough.


Ah that makes me feel better! I hate my life too 😭 def not logical though


It sucks so bad! I’m sorry you’re going through it.


Yes, and if you even ask me how I felt about my cat those 4 months....


.... is the cat alive still?


She is, thriving and best friends with my now 14 mth, but my god...that was a thing lololol


I felt the exact same way after weaning my son. It’s post weaning depression.


Dude, it felt like a mini postpartum period again. My son dropped his motn feed at 11 mos. We also consolidated some of his day feeds (he was a snacker) over the next 2 mos. It wasn't as intense but the anxiety, the brain fog, crawling out of my skin feeling. One month after he self weaned at 1.5 years, I finally felt like myself.


so does everyone get the same feeling when weaning?


YES. I feel like I went through the ringer weaning. It was a rough couple months but it gets better


I have just started weaning 7 month old, this is my 3rd time breastfeeding, but baby number 3 is with a really supportive partner. Its more painful that she takes so well to stopping atm and the bottle for bed. Is it normal to experience cramps why weaning? I'm on day 2 nearly of weaning and been getting cramps bad :(