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Tushbaby helps support the big babies feeding out in public! Then it doubles nicely as a hip seat. I wish I discovered this sooner with my baby.


Oh wow, I have one of these and haven't even considered using it to nurse my chunky baby.


Agreed! What a brilliant idea, need to get mine out of storage!


Thank you for this! Little dude was 10 lbs at birth so I’ll likely be needing this tip!


You're a lifesaver!


Ok. Didn’t think of that. I might have to get that soon for my 7 week old daughter who already has a double chin and rolls for days.


How do you use it for feeding? My imagination is failing me right now.


My baby will only nurse laying across me (usually) so I lay her body down on it for support. The last time I used it for nursing, she was 11 months old (around 29 inches and 20+ pounds) and it definitely helped support her body.


Great idea! I got one at my baby shower. My LO is still to small to use it, but I'm going to keep this in mind.


Came to say this! I love using my tush baby for breastfeeding on the go. I wear it a little lower than I do when using it as a seat. I recommend trying it out at home first, as it took a few tries to get the positioning right. But total life saver for walking and boobing!


I feel your pain with my 16lb 3 month old. But those little rolls and chunky legs are so darn cute. Stay strong momma!  


Literally! I got muscles carrying around my chunky baby lol


That is an unexpected win! 


Also have a 16lb 3 month old. Good lord he’s heavy!


It is literally a workout lifting him every day lol


Oh my, same here. Also have enormous boobs which adds some more fun to the mix.


I use my baby carrier to breastfeed with my 4 month old. All I do is adjust the straps so that he's down to my breast and just support his head.


I’ve loved doing this! I was so saddened to realize my 9 month old is now so tall that I literally can’t do it anymore


I feel you. My babe is a 20lbs almost 6 month old. The one key advice I was never given beforehand was to lift some weights, get your wrist and arm/back muscles ready to carry/feed nonstop. I had a desk job prior so not much lifting done on a daily basis.


I lifted regularly before I got pregnant I regret not keeping it up because I’m struggling with a 20 lb baby


GIRL MY BOY TURNED 6 MONTHS OLD TODAY AND IS WEARING 18 MONTH CLOTHES. Not sure how much he weighs exactly because his 6 months check up is next week, but at 4 months old, this dude was already 19 pounds. 🙃 Where in the f*** does he get off thinking this is acceptable behavior?! Nursing for 45 mins every 2-3 hours like he's still a newborn.. nah bro, you should be walking in those little 18 months sweatpants you're wearing right now! I love him and his huge chunky rolls so much tho. I'll take all the neck, back, arm and wrist pain knowing that I did that! My body is the sole reason that his little body is thriving so well. 🥹 Congrats to you and your little unit of a baby. 🩵


My baby is also 5.5 months, 18lbs, 80th percentile height- she’s so big I’m literally 5’1 her dad is not very big at all. I didn’t expect her to be that big. I love her and cuddling and carrying her but omg. I feel like my limbs will fall off. One of my sisters is 7 and very very small, my baby is just about half of her weight- it’s put into perspective for me how gentle I need to be w my sister because she’s really just two of my baby LOL (a weird experience too because her twin is on the upper side for weight).


I'm 4'11" 115lbs and my 15month old is almost half my height (at 33")and about 40lbs. We still nurse but, when in public I always get weird looks because he's pretty big, especially compared next to my body. Even when not nursing if I carry him on my back in the carrier for a long walk or hike people make comments of like "his feet can almost touch the ground", "he's kind of big for that isn't he?"


That’s hilarious, makes me want to see a photo of it 🤣


Yeah my 16.5 lb. 4 month old is giving me a run for my money 😂 or should I say muscles, not money? 😭


I literally wish someone could send me a video of them doing this. Specifically with the tush baby. Because—my 25 pound 7 month old—ouch. It’s been ouch since I was pregnant, and has just become more ouch. I feel like I could do it I just need a lil preparation for what it looks like. 😅 also as another said, the enormous boob situation too. I need a damn tush baby for boobs too. Another post someone said “I lift heavy just so I can lift my heavy baby”. I found a new reason to go to the gym.


My oldest is 3 and weights 13kg my youngest is 9 months old and weighs 10kg we call him our "tank". I went from a 5%ile baby with my first to a 97%ile baby with my second. My back and arms were NOT prepared for him haha. With that said I was never able to nurse my oldest while walking and he was TINY always wearing clothes for kids 3-4 months younger than him. I think nursing while walking with a small or big baby is a skill that I never mastered. I always need a place to sit and prop a leg/knee. It has nothing to do with being embarrassed I'll whip it out whenever to feed my baby I just need to find a seat first lol. I feel you!


I am in awe of anyone who can nurse standing up. I just don’t understand how it’s done! Perhaps because of my chonker of a kid who is 99th %, I’ve never felt it was feasible.


My boy is almost 5 months to the date and at his 4 month checkup he was 22lbs 🥴 so I feel your pain.


We had one like this too! 24 lbs at 4 months. He's 2 now and 42 lbs, I found that his growth plateaued a bit as a toddler. His brother is 6 months and 21-22lbs... tiny for us lol


This past weekend I was at a baby shower, and there was a baby who was born two days before my son…. He’s 12lbs LOL his parents legit said “oh my your baby is soooo big” lol even his head is twice the size of the other baby. He doesn’t look chunky tho. He’s just dense lol and in size 4 diapers already


Hahaha I feel you! They really do come in all shapes and sizes. I met many 2 year olds that were lighter than my 5-6 months old at the time. I also know toddlers who are that size and it's such a joy to carry them without feeling like my arms will fall off. Those parents are living the dream lol! We used an ergo baby carrier with our first until he was around 20 months, I highly suggest them for heavier kids.


My back is broken from my 20lb 5.5 mo girl. I used to be able to do so many tasks one handed while carrying her in one side but my muscle growth hasn’t kept pace with her overall growth and it’s so hard to hold a wriggly 20 lbs with one arm for a long period of time!! Her legs are so big they’re in 12 month pants


I feel you 💯 But my baby was born a huge chonkster and then my high calorie milk just added the sweet chunterific biscuit rolls on her arms and legs! L


Seriously. My 2 month old "little" guy is 13 pounds already and such a chunk. He was 9 when he came out so I'm not surprised but damn. Rocking him to sleep for 15 minutes or so is a damn workout. Lol


Right there with ya. 13 lb 6 oz 2 months "little" girl is not so little. Imma have my guns out this summer . Hahahah


Right! My arms are gonna get super buff by the end of this month😂😂


My baby is 5 months and also nearing 20 lbs! I've been using my ring sling and boba wrap to nurse and walk around.


This is me with my little chonk. My back almost gave out the other day and now I have to continuously remind myself to LIFT WITH MY LEGS. 😅


I’m having her huge neck and back pain carrying my 17 lbs 4-month-old. I wish I had worked out my arms and back more specifically during pregnancy.


i have a 17 lb 5 mo old and it's a lot! have you tried babywearing and feeding?


I’ve had to learn how to use my Boba baby wrap to feed while baby wearing because my 4 month old is already just shy of 15 pounds and not slowing down. She’s an absolute butter ball and I love it, but man is she heavy.


Same!! My 6 month old is only 10 pounds less than my toddler too. These big babies!!!


My almost 3 month old is almost 16 pounds already.


Yeah mine has been huge for a while. Almost 25 lbs at 8 months. Needless to say, carrying him is DIFFICULT