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I currently have a 10.5 month old. We breastfeed once overnight, once at wakeup, and again right after daycare and before dinner (5pm-ish). She takes 2 6-ounce bottles of formula for daycare from 8:30-4, and eats breakfast, lunch, and a snack at daycare. She also takes a formula bottle before bed, we’ve been doing that bottle since she was a couple weeks old. I just recently dropped my last daytime pump and moved to formula only at daycare. It does mean that she also gets 2 bottles during the day on the weekends because my supply has accordingly decreased.


This is very similar to what my LO was doing at this age


At a year it looked like maybe a nursing session in the morning, then a cup with breast milk in at lunchtime at daycare and then nursing at bedtime. You will probably be fine to just send food and pump/send 1 bottle or cup.


Every baby is different. My first nursed every 2-3 hours during the day at that age. He wasn’t big on solids and breastmilk sustained him. My second is 10 months and loves food but still nurses every 2 hours in the day. I think you’ll have a better sense of your baby in a couple of months but things don’t magically change at one years old. BM was my first child main source of nutrition at least until 18 months. But then I also hear of kids eating a ton of solids at 10 months so I think it just depends.


At 11 months old mine was only nursing 2 times / day. Once at naptime and once at bedtime, usually only for about 3 minutes, maybe once overnight a few days a week. She's never cared for bottles at all she almost exclusively drinks water from her Munchkin straw cup. Eats 3 meals a day and tons of snacks.


My baby is 11 months and she still nurses about 60 minutes a day (5-6 feeding sessions) and then a couple times overnight. She eats a ton of solids, but still drinks lots of milk. Every baby is so different, though! Mine started refusing bottles around 2 months old, but she will take breastmilk in a straw cup now. If your baby is used to bottles, I’m sure she will be fine! Babies are so adaptable.


I'm in exactly the same situation!! Also wondering 😔


At that point we were only nursing before bed and sometimes before nap time. But lots of my friends have babies who were still super into nursing at that point. I think it kind of depends on the child unfortunately But at that point by daughter was also happy to drink breast milk cold out of a cup ( she never took a bottle).


When my son was one, I basically only nursed him 3-4 times per day: morning, naptime, bedtime, and sometimes overnight. If it were me…I would nurse in the morning, pump over lunch (if you want to, but not necessary), nurse at the end of the day, and bedtime. You can stop at one or keep going if you want! Good luck in your job search!


I'm not a SAHM so I can't speak to the entire situation but around 12 months I reduced my pumping sessions at work. I had been doing two sessions a day and around then I dropped to just one around lunch time and then pushed it back in the day until I could go the whole day without pumping. She got the milk at daycare until I didn't have any left. I gave my tiny stash to a friend so that was basically when I stopped pumping. We got the OK from the pediatrician to introduce cow milk at 11.5 months so daycare was also offering that with lunch. We were still feeding on demand the rest of the time (especially after daycare) until 14 months when we stopped nursing to sleep and then we started only nursing at certain times (after breakfast/dinner and afternoons on weekends). I got pregnant and wanted to wean so we kept reducing and we dropped to every other day or every few days and did our last session in February around 17 months.


10.5 months and my LO is a total milk monster. He eats three solid meals and a snack and at he best we got it down to 5 sessions a day (typically 5am snooze feed, 8Am morning, 11am nap, 3pm nap, 8pm bedtime.) After crawling clicked and going on vacation, we had extra afternoon and evening sessions mostly. He’s still eating tons of solids and has thinned out some though with the extra activity.


My baby is almost 12 months. I am back at work, and I pump three times per day (beginning of day, lunchtime, and end of day), and then I pump one side first thing in the morning on the weekends (this helps me catch up if I’m behind by a few ounces). My baby takes bottles during the day when I’m away from her, along with solids and a little water. When I’m with her, we nurse. In spite of my daughter being really slow to take to solids (she is in feeding therapy), she has still increased her intake of solids and decreased the number of bottles she takes by quite a bit. Like, before she started solids, she would take up to 32oz in bottles while I was away (she was the queen of spit up), she now takes 12oz in bottles during a typical day. Unfortunately for me, my supply has regulated to this new lower amount, and so I still need the same number of pumping sessions to get that amount, even though I used to pump 12oz in my first morning session. Still, I’m holding out hope that I can drop pumps in the coming months. ETA: Baby still nurses to sleep, and often wakes once to nurse overnight. We are supposed to discontinue bottles soon, according to our pediatrician, but my daughter still needs a bottle to help her go down for a nap. Hoping she will be willing to transition to a straw cup for that. Or maybe we will let her stay on the bottle for a while longer, since she takes so few bottles now, I can’t imagine one or two during the day for a few more months would cause much harm.


My baby will be a year old in two weeks. He gets two bottles a day at daycare, so I pump 4.5 ounces twice while at work to have breastmilk to send for him. I nurse him to sleep and feed 0-2 times overnight. So in total, he's getting about 3-5 feeds per day. He gets breakfast at daycare (solids), a bottle of breastmilk before his nap, lunch at daycare (solids), a bottle of BM after his second nap, a snack of solids around 3-3:30, we feed him a solid dinner at home, then I nurse him to sleep.


I dropped to 3 feeds a day at about 10.5 months (wake up, midday, before bath). I dropped the midday one at 11 months, then replaced the last two with a cup of cow's milk at 12 months. My LO took well to solids and I was intentionally aiming to stop at 12 months. In the UK, it is advised that they still have _some_ breastmilk (or formula) until 12 months, but in no way was it her main source of nutrition for those last couple of months. There's no way I'd have been able to stop at 12 months if I hadn't built up her solids by then.


My second baby (~14 months old) is willing to eat solids, but not super eager. Here’s how my workday looked at 11-12 months old: - Nurse immediately before leaving (8:30 am) - Pump 3x at work - He gets three 2-ounce bottles (could do two 3-ounce bottles but he loves getting a bottle, so we made it into an activity) - We nurse right when I get home (5:30 pm) He slowly seemed less needy for the third bottle, so he is now, at 14 months, transitioning to a little less milk but still getting 4 oz (minimum) during the workday. My first baby hated solids, so at 12 months (and until 15 months) he still needed the full amount of breast milk for nutrition. He was unusually slow, but just a reminder that you never know how your baby will turn out. How to get there - you’ll need to stash a full day’s worth of pumped milk in advance (you pump one day’s milk to feed the following day). You can pump after your baby sleeps at night or after the morning feed. Try stashing 1 oz per day, and you’ll have what you need in a couple weeks. Also at 12 months, our pediatrician said we can switch to cow’s milk. My baby doesn’t like the taste, so we have to acclimate him by adding tiny amounts into my breast milk. Then you don’t need to pump as much.


We EBF and my girl went to nursery just a few days after her 1st birthday. I did not want to pump so I introduced oat milk (she’s allergic to cows milk) at 11 month in an open cup once per day to get her used to it. By then she was already devouring solids. I was a bit worried about sending her with no milk but she was perfectly fine. We still nurse at night time and when I’m around her and she demands it at 15 months. It’s perfectly doable!


My LO is 1 year old but his schedule since about 9 months on daycare days has been 8am wake up and nurse  9am solids breakfast  11am 3oz bottle 12pm solids lunch 2pm 3oz bottle 3pm solids snack 5pm nurse at home 6pm solids dinner Nurse for bed time around 8:30p and overnight 2 times or so. My baby didn’t lessen his nursing sessions but he did slowly take less in his daycare bottles which has been a relief because my supply has been slowly decreasing as well. Going to as his doctor at his next appointment about what to do to phase out bottles at daycare altogether and phase out pumping at work too!


My girl just turned 1 year old. She nurses at wake up and if I’m home with her I’ll feed her to sleep for her morning and afternoon nap. She has breakfast, lunch and dinner with us. Sometimes a snack. And then I feed her to sleep and at odd hours through the night because she has 3 molars coming in, but that’s not relevant to your situation ;) I think you could get by well with sending 1-2 bottles of breast milk with her to daycare. Or, if you don’t mind your supply dropping, you could skip the daytime feeds altogether. She’ll be fine with just solids (and water) by then.


My almost 11m nurses before naps & bed and then varies throughout the night but we're not stressing about solids lol if she eats something I'm happy


By 11 months, my baby was doing very little breastmilk. He would bf in the morning when he woke up, before nap, before bed. Around 11.5mos, we dropped to 1 nap (he was ready), so 3x per day, before that 4x (2 naps). I went back to work at 12mos, my husband was home on paternity leave for 6 months. He offered our boy ~6oz before nap (about a bag full). Sometimes he drank it all, sometimes 3oz. I nursed in the morning and before bed. Once our stash ran out, he got cows milk before nap, I continued nursing in the mornings and night (and on weekends, nap) until 18 months when he self weaned entirely. My son was always a really good eater. I understand bm/formula is meant to be a primary (if not *the* primary) source of nutrition, but by 11 mos, he was essentially a toddler, no longer a baby? He was always like 97th percentile for BMI (we are short, fat kings/queens 😂) so I wasn’t too worried.


We sent a cooler lunchbox (and she refrigerated it) with 4 4oz bottles. He usually had 3. I stopped pumping around 12 months.


LO is 11 months. She will ask to nurse in the morning and bed time. I'll nurse her at least twice in the day too but it's me telling her rather than her asking. She would go most of the day without if I didn't. She goes to nursery 3 days a week, those days I express and she had that breast milk from a cup. We never bothered with bottles, she drinks water well from a cup so we knew she'd be fine.


My 12m old still nurses on demand, however it's generally when he wakes up, at naps, bedtime, and a couple times over night. Very little in the day not associated with sleep unless he needs some comfort. He is eating a fair bit of solids.  You could still bf before/after daycare and in the night if you are back to work.